(size:2)[**Stables of Cyn**]
(size:1.5)[**The Interactive Narrative**]
*A GlossandGlamour Game*
*Custom artwork by Angelslaver*
**Version:** 3.0h (color: red)[Full Release]
<img alt="titlecard" src="images/reg/titlecard.png"/>
Got questions, feedback, or bugs to report? The author is best found on the Torean Discord, by (link: "clicking here.")[(goto-url: 'https://discord.gg/Y9TPgZg')]
(colour: orange)[The tip-jar Patreon for all my games can be found by] (link: "clicking here.")[(goto-url: 'https://www.patreon.com/GlossandGlamour')]
Like the game? My database of games can be found by (link: "clicking here.")[(goto-url: 'https://iconoclast.neocities.org/')]
The characters of *Stables of Cyn* were originated with my longtime writing partner, Angelslaver. She is also an artist, and more of her work can be found (link: "by going here!")[(goto-url: 'https://www.deviantart.com/ladyangelslaver')]
[[Start Game->Settings]]
[[Load Game->LoadPage]]<video src="images/land/traininside.webm" type="video/webm" autoplay loop muted controls></video>
With a final *clunk* and an electric purr, the train pulls into the station.
The trip from the spaceport had not been long, but you had been keen to take a window seat anyway, for your first glimpse of *snow*. The small crystalized droplets of water fall even now upon the forested landscape that surrounds the train station, blanketing it in a quiet, fluffy layer. You have been planetside before, but only on the sorts of planetoids few others desired: rocky moons, a desert planet once. Hyetiana is something else entirely-- a garden world, if a cold one, which supported life in the millions. Most of the sentient sort, however, would be here, the capital of Port Lerama. Your new home for... however long it took.
Already the other passengers are standing to leave, most of them asari, but a few humans, turians, and other sorts are sprinkled in. You're the only quarian aboard, and the only one who remains seated, a three-fingered hand up against the frosted window. Aliens rarely understood just what it meant, to be on a planet of such... value.
(set: $Stam to 100)(set: $Arou to 100)(set: $Thou to 1)(set: $Enth to 1)(set: $Nurt to 1)(set: $Ambi to 1)(set: $TotalPer to 0)(set: $Strike to 0)(set: $LName to "nar Teslyar")(set: $Hello to false)(set: $lastPassage to "")(set: $FirstMeet to "Yellow")(set: $Red to "(colour: red)[Red]")(set: $Yellow to "(colour: yellow)[Yellow]")(set: $Silver to "(colour: grey)[Silver]")(set: $Blue to "(colour: blue)[Blue]")(set: $Cyn to "(colour: green)[Cyn]")(set: $Shunne to "(colour: red)[Shunne]")(set: $Sava to "(colour: blue)[Sava]")(set: $Cinni to "(colour: yellow)[Cinni]")(set: $Jino to "(colour: grey)[Jino]")(set: $Violet to "(colour: purple)[Violet]")(set: $Onyx to "(colour: red + white)[Onyx]")(set: $Jade to "(colour: green)[Jade]")(set: $Mistress to "(colour: green)[Mistress]")(set: $StamTotal to 100)(set: $OSLocked to false)(set: $Gagged to false)(set: $ArouTotal to 100)(set: $Pierce to 0)(set: $BodyProg to 0)(set: $Edge to 0)(set: $SpecialTime to 0)(set: $GPA to 0)(set: $FirstUIUpdate to false)(set: $Suited to false)(set: $Visor to 0)(set: $ShunneHelp to false)(set: $Slice to 0)(set: $FreeTimer to 0)(set: $RedTimer to 0)(set: $BlueTimer to 0)(set: $YellowTimer to 0)(set: $SilverTimer to 0)(set: $PrezTopic to 0)(set: $SavaGrader to 0)(set: $SavaTutor to "Do Not Use")(set: $ExtraCalc to 0)(set: $StudyTalk to 0)(set: $Farm to 0)(set: $SavaSecret to 0)(set: $ShunneSecret to 0)(set: $JinoSecret to 0)(set: $CynSecret to 0)(set: $OnyxSecret to 0)(set: $BodyProg to 0)(set: $Piercing to 0)(set: $LitOff to false)(set: $Risers to false)(set: $Breast to false)(set: $Feeder to false)(set: $Drift to 0)(set: $MovWinner to "BROKEN")(set: $MovReward to 0)(set: $InnyPiercing to 0)(set: $InnyBodyProg to 0)(set: $InnyLitOff to 0)(set: $InnyRisers to 0)(set: $InnyBreast to 0)(set: $InnyFeeder to 0)(set: $CynSub to 0)(set: $OnyxTimer to -1)(set: $WallArt to 0)(set: $PlantArt to 0)(set: $DeskArt to 0)(set: $DeskItem to 0)(set: $CornerMount to 0)(set: $RoomLight to 0)(set: $CynTimer to 0)(set: $RoomTotal to 0)(set: $Vorane to "(colour: cyan)[Vorane]")(set: $Ashletta to "(colour: cyan)[Ashletta]")(set: $Plug to 0)(set: $OnyxDom to 0)(set: $OnyxMood to 0)(set: $CynClub to 0)(set: $JinoState to 0)(set: $PlayerIntent to 0)
[[(Enthusiastic) Lean in closer, press your mask to the window!->WindowLean]]
[[(Thoughtful) Consider that further, this opportunity.->WindowThink]](append: ?SideBar)[\
[**Operating System:** (if: $OSLocked is true)[(colour: red)[ADMIN LOCK]](else-if: $Suited is true)[|violet>[ [[VIOLET OS SLAVE MODE->VioletOS]]]](else-if: $Upgraded is true)[[[Violet OS v9.3->VioletOS]]](else:)[(colour: grey)[Pilgrim OS v2.3]]
[(if: $Stamina is true)[(b4r:'solid')(meter: bind $Stam, $StamTotal, "X", "Exhaustion: $Stam/$StamTotal", (gradient: 90, 0, green, 1, red))]]
[(if: $Arousal is true)[(b4r:'solid')(meter: bind $Arou, $ArouTotal, "X", "Arousal: $Arou/$ArouTotal", (gradient: 90, 0, purple, 1, yellow))]]
(if: $Stam > $StamTotal)[(set: $Stam to $StamTotal)]
(if: $Arou > $ArouTotal)[(set: $Arou to $ArouTotal)]
(if: $Stam < 0)[(set: $Stam to 0)]
(if: $Arou < 0)[(set: $Arou to 0)]
[[Save Game->SavePage]]
(font: "Courier New")[(colour: purple)[**Violet OS v9.3**]
User: (if: $Suited is false)[$Name](else:)[(colour: purple)[Violet]]
Status: (if: $Suited is false)[Connected, Location Tracking Engaged](else:)[Connected, Slave Mode Activated]
[[Contact List->ContactList]]
[[Health Monitoring->Health]]
[[Behavior Monitoring->Personality]]
(if: $Suited is false)[(colour: red)[Advanced Functions Locked]](else:)[Ponyslave Advanced Functionality:
[[Training Programmes->TrainProg]]
[[Suit Status and Controls->SuitControl]]]
(if: $Suited is true)[(color: red)[[[Engage Safeword Protocol!->OSSAFE]]]]
(link-undo:"EXIT OPERATING SYSTEM")]<img alt="startersuit" src="images/violet/startersuit.png"/>
You lean in further, until the glass of your mask presses against the glass of window beyond. It must be quite a scene, to see you kneeling on the bench seat of the train car, so enamored with the world outside, but it also proves to be rather self-defeating-- by getting so close, your own reflection only looms larger, and you find yourself staring at *it*.
You are Quarian, born to the Migrant Fleet, like most of your people. Within its myriad freighters, tugs, cruisers, and liveships you were raised, without the opportunity to acquire the immune system most other terrestrial species took for granted. Too long exposed to anything but a sterile cleanroom could sicken you, and thus the fully encapsulating envirosuit you wear. It hugs your every curve, the various pieces of cloth providing something like clothing, the hood atop it all that covers your head a traditional garment for women. You've never thought of it much until now, but glancing over your shoulder once more, you see the other species walking about freely, without such necessary protection. The thought proves momentarily saddening, but the crisp sound of a voice over the intercom intercedes.
"Last stop, all must disembark!"
*Keelah,* you had nearly got lost in your thoughts there. Picking up your pack, a rather small grey one that slung over your arm, it nevertheless contained all you owned personally in this universe. It wasn't much, but it does coordinate with your suit, both being predominately grey.
(set: $Enth to it + 1)(if: $Tutorial is true)[(dialog: "Some choices are tagged (Thoughtful), (Enthusiastic), (Nurturing) and (Ambitious). These represent personality options, and while you may often get the chance to ask or express all of them, generally only the one you pick first will influence your character development. Don't just always pick the top one!", "Understood.")]
[[Its time to get off.->LeaveTrain]]<img alt="startersuit" src="images/violet/startersuit.png"/>
Pulling back from the window, you sit back on the bench seat, and see not the snowy trees outside by your own image reflected.
You are Quarian, born to the Migrant Fleet, like most of your people. Within its myriad freighters, tugs, cruisers, and liveships you were raised, without the opportunity to acquire the immune system most other terrestrial species took for granted. Too long exposed to anything but a sterile cleanroom could sicken you, and thus the fully encapsulating envirosuit you wear. It hugs your every curve, the various pieces of cloth providing something like clothing, the hood atop it all that covers your head a traditional garment for women. You've never thought of it much until now, but glancing over your shoulder once more, you see the other species walking about freely, without such necessary protection. The thought proves momentarily saddening, but the crisp sound of a voice over the intercom intercedes.
"Last stop, all must disembark!"
*Keelah,* you had nearly got lost in your thoughts there. Picking up your pack, a rather small grey one that slung over your arm, it nevertheless contained all you owned personally in this universe. It wasn't much, but it does coordinate with your suit, both being predominately grey.
(set: $Thou to it + 1)(if: $Tutorial is true)[(dialog: "Some choices are tagged (Thoughtful), (Enthusiastic), (Nurturing) and (Ambitious). These represent personality options, and while you may often get the chance to ask or express all of them, generally only the one you pick first will influence your character development. Don't just always pick the top one!", "Understood.")]
[[Its time to get off.->LeaveTrain]]<img alt="train" src="images/reg/train.png"/>
Your first step from the train is answered by a violet gust of wind, sending snowflakes flicking across your mask, and your pack nearly from your shoulder. Holding onto the later, even as your hood blows onto your shoulders, you endure the brief gale until it subsides into a playful eddy. What a greeting!
Glancing about, you find yourself on a mostly empty train platform, the other passengers already receding into the distance. Lingering at the window had clearly put you a bit behind. Even worse, you realize suddenly, you were supposed to be meeting someone on this very platform! A quick look around reveals no one nearby, a fact that threatens to send a cold shiver down your back. At least you're not *actually* cold, despite the thin nature of your suit wrappings, the envirosuit itself is quite warm.
Still, you need to find... what was her name? (color: red)[Shunne]. Right. (colour: red)[Shunne’Yara vas Xemzlanu].
[[Look around further, she wouldn't have left you.->LookAround]]
[[Pull your hood back up, and stay put. She will come to you.->StayPut]]Unwilling to stand about, you set off almost immediately. Just *where* you're going you aren't sure, but you make up your mind somewhere between your fifth and sixth stride, following in the wake of the other passengers. A large station building looms up ahead, and it there you aim, moving quickly along the frozen platform. You're just about to ascend the first stair when you hear a voice behind you, calling out something familiar.
(set: $Strike to it + 1)(set: $Enth to it + 1)(if: $Tutorial is true)[(dialog: "Not all choices are apparent before making them, though! You just made an (Enthusiastic) choice. Keep in mind your actions are often being observed!", "Understood.")]
[[Your name?->NamePick]]Turning slightly to put your pack to the wind, you pull your hood back up, and consider the situation. Running about without any way of contacting (colour: red)[Shunne] only doubled the chance that you would pass each other in this snowstorm. Best to remain here, where she said she would meet you. Right? Right.
It only takes a minute or two for your decision to pay dividends, as you hear a voice from the train, calling for something very familiar sounding.
(set: $Thou to it + 1)(if: $Tutorial is true)[(dialog: "Not all choices are apparent before making them, though! You just made a (Thoughtful) choice. Keep in mind your actions are often being observed!", "Understood.")]
[[Your name?->NamePick]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
(set: $Name to (prompt: "Enter your name, or choose the default, Minn'ala.", "Minn'ala", "Pick Default", "Confirm Entered"))
(if: $Strike is 0)[A figure all in (colour: red)[red] sticks her head out from between the nearest two train cars, the mouthpiece on her mask lighting up as she shouts again. "$Name $LName?! Where-- oh!"
She spots you immediately, stepping down to the platform with her hands together before her mouthpiece. "Miss $LName, my... dearest apologies. You did not emerge with the other passengers, so I thought maybe you were collecting your things, and came onboard to help. Thankfully you were right here."
To your surprise she almost immediately pulls you into a hug, her matronly form covered by a heavy snow-ready longcoat. By voice and body language you place her somewhere in her mid-thirties, with all the motherly mannerisms one would expect. She even adjusts your hood just a bit as she separates, her mouthpiece flickering with each word.](if: $Strike is 1)[Turning around, you see a figure all in red striding through the snow after you. "$Name $LName? Oh thank goodness I found you-- you were moving so quickly!"
To your surprise she almost immediately pulls you into a hug, her matronly form covered by a heavy snow-ready longcoat. By voice and body language you place her somewhere in her mid-thirties, with all the motherly mannerisms one would expect. That includes a slight startle when she notices your hood still down upon your shoulders, a situation she rectifies quickly by veiling you again, only then allowing you to separate.]
"Again, my apologies Miss $LName. First impressions are so very important... and I wanted yours to be perfect. *Ah.*" She shakes her head, then offers a hand. "Let me try again? Welcome to Hyetiana, to the University here, to your new home. I am Professor (color: red)[Shunne’Yara vas Xemzlanu], but please... just call me (color: red)[Shunne] outside the classroom. I'm sure you're eager to get somewhere warm? Come. Let us not dawdle further, and besides, I just *know* your host is eager to meet you."
[[With a hand on your back, she guides you towards the station building.->Station]]Ushering you quickly through the stations and customs, soon (colour: red)[Shunne] is directing you into an automated hovertaxi.
"Port Lerama isn't particularly large, by galactic standards, but to a young woman such as yourself straight from the Fleet? I'm certain you will enjoy it. The University-- in reality there are several, but locals here simply refer to them all with the one name-- it is very keen to cater to its students both in and outside of class. Without the University this would probably be just a tiny spaceport!"
Your fellow quarian certainly knows her stuff, and like any good Professor she is quick to fall into something like a lecture, loading you up with all manner of new information. She points out various points of interest in town, the beaches and bars being of particular notoriety. In between the landmarks she speaks of the University itself, of her role as assigned Advisor to you, and to the need to keep up with your studies despite *other interests* that are sure to intercede.
As the hovercar halts to allow a group of students to pass before it, (colour: red)[Shunne] turns in her seat. Like you, her mask semi-opaque, allowing only the glow of her eyes to emerge-- and they look worried. "I fear I have forgotten just what you are majoring in, Miss $LName. Usually I am on top of these things, but until just a few hours ago I was serving in the harn-- *uh,* **ahem.** Nevermind... I'm sure she will want to cover that herself..."
She seems legitimately worried about such a trivial thing. Best to assuage her.
[[(Ambitious) "I have a sport scholarship, actually. For track."->TrackMajor]]
[[(Nurturing) "I'm studying Xenobiology."->XenoMajor]]
[[(Thoughtful) "I am studying Medicine."->MedMajor]]
[[(Enthusiastic) "I don't have a major decided, yet."->NoMajor]](set: $Ambi to it + 1)"Oh, of *course.* How could I have forgotten? Such scholarships are very rarely given to anyone who is not Asari, much less to one of our people," she notes readily. "You must be very skilled, although I should not be surprised, if you caught (colour: green)[Cyn's] interest. A track star? Why you should be able to run, or pull all day."
(border-color: grey)+(border: "dashed")[(color: grey)[Due to your long experience in sprints and endurance running, your Exercise schedule will require one hour less. Look for this when you plan your schedule!]]
It takes a moment, but (colour: red)[Shunne] is keen to amend herself. "I must again apologize, I fear I misspoke. (colour: green)[Cyn] is your visa sponsor, and she is a *wonderful* woman. You will be staying with her, as I'm sure you're aware. Free of charge. She has been working with our people for several years now, and has all the necessary facilities, food, etcetera. Although I'm sure you're eager to discuss the... other thing we do with her."
She may be masked and covered completely in her suit, but your people had long ago learned to read body language better than most. There is embarrassment in the way she shifts her hips, as well as... something stubborn. (colour: red)[Shunne] continues after only a moment, even as she reaches to a pocket, and produces a small datachip. "I'm getting ahead of myself. (colour: green)[Cyn] will want to discuss such things with you personally. But here, she did instruct me to give you this chip. As you will come to learn, your host is exceptionally skilled at engineering, manufacturing, coding... I really wish she would teach at the University. But, anyway, that little chip will give you basic access to our shared network. Its a full suit OS, better than what you have now. Try it out."
(set: $Major to 1)
[[Plug it into your helmet.->EnterOS]](set: $Nurt to it + 1)"Oh, of *course!* How could I have forgotten? My primary area of expertise is Xenobiology, you will undoubtedly have numerous classes with me directly," she notes. "Some people of course suggest our vocation is less important than it once was, now that galactic politics are so well settled. But beyond just knowing the basic details of an alien species, we must seek to *understand* them. Empathize with them."
(border-color: red)+(border: "dashed")[(color: red)[Extensive experience studying ensures you are used to late nights hitting the books, and have developed a bit of a caffine addiction. As a result, you will require one less hour of sleep to be fully rested.]]
(colour: red)[Shunne] seems quite keen on the subject, but she heads herself off from overindulging. "I digress, and we approach your new home. I should stick to the pertinent topics. (colour: green)[Cyn] is your visa sponsor, and she is a *wonderful* woman. You will be staying with her, as I'm sure you're aware. Free of charge. She has been working with our people for several years now, and has all the necessary facilities, food, etcetera. Although I'm sure you're eager to discuss the... other thing we do with her."
She may be masked and covered completely in her suit, but your people had long ago learned to read body language better than most. There is embarrassment in the way she shifts her hips, as well as... something stubborn. (colour: red)[Shunne] continues after only a moment, even as she reaches to a pocket, and produces a small datachip. "I'm getting ahead of myself. (colour: green)[Cyn] will want to discuss such things with you personally. But here, she did instruct me to give you this chip. As you will come to learn, your host is exceptionally skilled at engineering, manufacturing, coding... I really wish she would teach at the University. But, anyway, that little chip will give you basic access to our shared network. Its a full suit OS, better than what you have now. Try it out."
(set: $Major to 4)
[[Plug it into your helmet.->EnterOS]](set: $Thou to it + 1)"Oh, of *course.* How could I have forgotten? Just like (colour: blue)[Sava]. I do hope you become study partners? I know the medicinal programs are as demanding as they are prestigious. She can be a bit... difficult at times, but one must simply break through her suit, so to speak of course."
(border-color: blue)+(border: "dashed")[(color: blue)[Sharing a major with a friend ensures you always have someone to study with, and that means you will require less studying to mantain your grades in the future.]]
(colour: red)[Shunne] seems quite keen on the subject, but she heads herself off from overindulging. "I digress, and we approach your new home. I should stick to the pertinent topics. (colour: green)[Cyn] is your visa sponsor, and she is a *wonderful* woman. You will be staying with her, as I'm sure you're aware. Free of charge. She has been working with our people for several years now, and has all the necessary facilities, food, etcetera. Although I'm sure you're eager to discuss the... other thing we do with her."
She may be masked and covered completely in her suit, but your people had long ago learned to read body language better than most. There is embarrassment in the way she shifts her hips, as well as... something stubborn. (colour: red)[Shunne] continues after only a moment, even as she reaches to a pocket, and produces a small datachip. "I'm getting ahead of myself. (colour: green)[Cyn] will want to discuss such things with you personally. But here, she did instruct me to give you this chip. As you will come to learn, your host is exceptionally skilled at engineering, manufacturing, coding... I really wish she would teach at the University. But, anyway, that little chip will give you basic access to our shared network. Its a full suit OS, better than what you have now. Try it out."
(set: $Major to 2)
[[Plug it into your helmet.->EnterOS]](set: $Enth to it + 1)"Oh... well, hopefully that I something I will able to assist with, as your academic advisor? Most first year or transfer students at least have an *idea* of what they would like to explore, but some do just charge headlong into things. That usually doesn't work very well in an academic... environ..."
(border-color: yellow)+(border: "dashed")[(color: yellow)[You may have jumped into this whole university thing feet first, without considering all the details, but that does leave you with slightly more free time. One less hour of your time will need to be dedicated to classes, going forward.]]
(colour: red)[Shunne] reaches over, putting a hand upon your knee. "Something we can explore later, certainly, and anyway we approach your new home. I should stick to the pertinent topics. (colour: green)[Cyn] is your visa sponsor, and she is a *wonderful* woman. You will be staying with her, as I'm sure you're aware. Free of charge. She has been working with our people for several years now, and has all the necessary facilities, food, etcetera. Although I'm sure you're eager to discuss the... other thing we do with her."
She may be masked and covered completely in her suit, but your people had long ago learned to read body language better than most. There is embarrassment in the way she shifts her hips, as well as... something stubborn. (colour: red)[Shunne] continues after only a moment, even as she reaches to a pocket, and produces a small datachip. "I'm getting ahead of myself. (colour: green)[Cyn] will want to discuss such things with you personally. But here, she did instruct me to give you this chip. As you will come to learn, your host is exceptionally skilled at engineering, manufacturing, coding... I really wish she would teach at the University. But, anyway, that little chip will give you basic access to our shared network. Its a full suit OS, better than what you have now. Try it out."
(set: $Major to 3)
[[Plug it into your helmet.->EnterOS]]*Sliding the datachip into the upload slot of your mask, wait for your suit's operating system to recognize the incoming data. After a few seconds of loading, fresh text appears across your mask's inner HUD.*
(font: "Courier New")[**Violet OS v9.3**
(text-style: "blink")[**INSTALLING NOW**]
Checking Prerequisites: (live: 1s)[Complete!]
Acquiring Network Connection: (live: 2s)[Complete!]
Downloading Install Pack: (live: 3s)[Complete!]
Installing: (live: 4s)[Complete!]
Logging In New User: (live: 5s)[Complete!]
(live: 6s)[[[Perform Full Install?->EnterOS2]]]
(colour: purple)[(font: "Courier New")[**Violet OS v9.3**
(text-style: "blink")[**INSTALL CONTINUINING**]
Acquiring Root Access: (live: 1s)[Complete!]
Connecting to CynNet: (live: 2s)[Complete!]
Recognizing New User: (live: 3s)[Complete!]
Locking Advanced Functions: (live: 4s)[Complete!]
Playing Welcome: (live: 5s)[Begin!]
(live: 6s)[***Welcome New User, $Name***
Your profile is being updated.]]]
(set: $Upgraded to true)(set: $Hello to 10)(if: $Tutorial is true)[(dialog: "At the top of your screen, next to your current Operating System, you will notice that its name has changed, along with its color. This is now clickable, and can be explored at any time throughout the game. To return to the game, simply return to the ROOT menu and choose the EXIT OPERATING SYSTEM option.")]
(live: 6s)[At your side, Shunne seems to be watching her mask's own HUD display. "Hey, I see you're connected to our little shared network. So do you see at the top of your HUD, on the top bar, that your OS name changed? You should be able to select it now, to access all the different functions. Try it out, there are all sorts of monitoring functions. Too much data if you asked me, but I'm not a software engineer. Then you can just back out of it whenever you want. Your HUD will even warn you when new things are added, so you don't need to check in on it all the time unless you're curious. (colour: green)[Cyn] might not be quarian, but she knows how to build gear for us."
You sense a smile behind her mask, as she leans back into the plush seat of the taxicar. "Any questions on it? Obviously it will take some time getting used to it, being a new OS and everything."
(set: $Strike to 0)
[[(Ambitious)"I'm seeing a bunch of locked features?"->LockedFeat]]
[[(Nurturing) "So we're monitored at all times?"->Monitored]]
[[(Enthusiastic) "So is this part of the suit she's making me?"->AskSuit]]
[[(Thoughtful) "Anything else I should know about this OS?"->AskOS]]]=><=
(font: "Courier New")[**CONTACT LIST**]
(font: "Courier New")[ <table style="width:100%">
<th>Cyn Sauveterre</th>
<th>Shunne’Yara vas Xemzlanu</th>
<td><img alt="cynid" src="images/cyn/cynid.png"/></td>
<td><img alt="redid" src="images/red/redid.png"/></td>
<td>**Background:** While the world at large knows Cyn as an independent businesswoman, engineer, and programmer, you're familiar with her *other* role-- that of Mistress and Dominatrix. Liable to sleep in far too late, and always being chided for indulging in sweets, she can often be found tinkering on a new invention, be it a product destined for her shop, or some new torment to be tested on her slaves.</td>
<td>**Background:** Professor of Xenobiology and tenured instructor with the Hyetiana University complex, Shunne combines a formidable intellect with a deep and unflinching kindness. Maternal by nature and always anxious for her students and stablemates alike, a helping hand from her is guaranteed if you ask, although she's a remarkable listener as well. Since meeting Cyn however, she is focusing more on herself, most readily her ticking biological clock...</td>
<td>**Status:** (if: $CynTimer is 0)[Prior to arrival you spoke with Cyn at length, and interact with her daily, but you get the sense she is still observing you-- (color: red)[much like newly written code, testing you out.]](if: $CynTimer is 1)[Cyn has moved beyond merely observing your transition, and is now actively looking to engage with you. Given her role in your life, as Mistress *and* patron, options are beginning to unfold, (color: yellow)[if you continue meeting with her.]](if: $CynTimer is 2)[Cyn has begun to open up to you, although getting to know your Mistress will clearly be a trying experience. Separating her adoration as a submissive is (color: yellow)[impossible at this time.]](if: $CynTimer is 3)[Cyn has fully accepted you as a partner in kink, and you're beginning to get a sense for what *else* may be possible with her. (if: $CynSub > 0)[(color: red)[She sees you as a submissive first and foremost, and intends to treat you as such.]](else:)[She sees something of an equal in you, beyond just submission. (color: red)[You intrigue her.]]](if: $CynTimer is 4)[(if: $PlayerIntent is 1)[After a long discussion with Cyn, you have indicated an intent to work towards a balanced life, splitting time between your studies and the harness. While this does not represent a final decision, Cyn is clearly working with that in mind. She sees you as a friend now, and something of a trust confidant-- as well as a glossy slave, to be whipped and teased. Looking into her eyes, it sometimes surprises you which of those intentions seems to be driving her at any given moment-- and that's quite exciting.](else-if: $PlayerIntent is 2)[After a long discussion with Cyn, you have indicated a desire to try dating her-- formally. It may be too early to think of her as your girlfriend, or anything like that, but you've certainly already passed the initial test of being a friend and close confidant. Maintaining her view of you as something more than just a pony to march around will be essential, however.](else:)[After a long discussion with Cyn, you have indicated a desire for true lifestyle enslavement. While this does not represent a final decision, Cyn is clearly working with that in mind. Some might interpret her as growing a bit more cold, but your recognize the dominatrix within her shining out more often, even in mundane situations, and her every touch leaves you with a wonderful shiver. Could she really be your owner, forever more, if things play out right?]]</td>
<td>**Status:** (if: $RedTimer is 0)[While you see her every day in class, you're (color: red)[still getting to know Shunne.]](if: $RedTimer is 1 or 2)[As you begin to make the effort to spend time with her, you've found she (color: yellow)[enjoys your company.]
](if: $RedTimer is 3)[Having spend considerable time with her thus far, its fair to consider Shunne your (color: green)[friend and confidant.]]</td></tr></table>
<table style="width:100%">
<th>Sava’Rulsa nar Tavolanus</th>
<th>Cinni’Sheena nar Khar’Shan</th>
<td><img alt="blueid" src="images/blue/blueid.png"/></td>
<td><img alt="yellowid" src="images/yellow/yellowid.png"/></td>
<td>**Background:** An academic savant currently enrolled in the medicinal doctorate program, none can contest that Sava is anything but brilliant-- and she is always willing to remind you of that fact. Perhaps that explains her reputation for being prickly and her apparent lack of friends at the University. Despite academic success, sometimes she seems to be just going through the motions in class, succeeding with ease but never truly happy...</td>
<td>**Background:** Cinni lives in the *now*, rarely speaking of her past, and never planning for the future. Serving as something like her legal guardian, Cyn provides her with housing and a job, and of course a release valve for Cinni's nearly limitless energy-- nothing burns it faster than laboring in a harness. While she considers everyone she meets a friend, you think Cinni might be looking for something more... </td>
<td>**Status:** (if: $BlueTimer is 0)[Sava is willing to tutor you at length, but (color: red)[will remain defensive until she gets to know you better.]](if: $BlueTimer is 1 or 2)[A burgeoning relationship is beginning to show itself between you and Sava, as (color: yellow)[she begins to let her guard down.]](if: $BlueTimer is 3)[Few paths are quicker to Sava's heart than academic partnership, and (color: green)[she might even consider you a friend.]](if: $BlueTimer is 100)[With Cyn's guidance, and your encouragement, Sava is considering abandoning the studies she only ever engaged in for her parents, and for the first time seek after what *she* really wants-- even if that means (color: red + white)[permanent enslavement as a lifestyle ponygirl.]]</td>
<td>**Status:** (if: $YellowTimer is 0)[By far the most outgoing of your new, eclectic crew, if you asked Cinni today she would probably already consider you her friend, although (color: red)[you're still getting to know her.]](if: $YellowTimer is 1 or 2)[Roommate and gaming partner, Cinni has never wavered in considering you a friend, and (color: yellow)[you think of her as a friend as well.]](if: $YellowTimer is 3)[A bond forged in a shared farmstead cannot be easily broken, and besides, you question if Cinni even has a "bad side" to ever get on. (color: green)[You're good friends.]](if: $YellowTimer is 100)[Long discussions and late nights with Cinni has seen a relationship blossom between you and her, and while she is always ready to call someone her friend, you're the first (color: purple)[that she calls **girlfriend.**]]</td>
<table style="width:100%">
<th>Jino'Laelin vas Kahje</th>
<th>(if: $OnyxTimer > -1)[Onyx](else:)[Contact Unavailable]</th>
<td><img alt="silverid" src="images/silver/silverid.png"/></td>
<td>(if: $OnyxTimer > -1)[<img alt="onyxid" src="images/onyx/onyxid.png"/>](else:)[<img alt="missid" src="images/reg/missid.png"/>]</td>
<td>**Background:** The first to meet Cyn, Jino has been her closest companion and submissive for years now. When not serving in the harness she is generally working at sea, where she spends weeks at a time posted to sea-based platforms and submarine facilities, serving as an underwater welder. To call Jino aloof would to do the word an understatement, but she bends her standoffishness when Cyn asks... and would do *anything* for the human if given the opportunity.</td>
<td>**Background:** (if: $OnyxTimer > -1)[Her name, her past, and even the shape of her eyes-- that most important of quarian traits-- are unknown to you. As a full time lifestyle slave, Onyx is never allowed outside of her suit, she is never without her bit gag in your presence, and she is otherwise treated like an animal 24/7. Her Mistress and Owner, Ashletta Vorane, has maintained such a relationship with her for over half a decade now, and by every indication Onyx never wants to be a *person* again.](else:)[CONTACT EMPTY-- please provide reference ID, extranet contact VRL, or Outer Systems Contact Key to add a new entry to this system.] </td>
<td>**Status:** (if: $SilverTimer is 0)[Nearly impossible to track down at any given time, and just barely rising above rudely dismissing you when spending any time with her, (color: red)[Jino is notoriously hard to get to know.]](if: $SilverTimer is 1 or 2)[You've made the effort, and slowly the first cracks in her wall of self-imposed distance are showing-- (color: yellow)[Jino sees you as something of a protege.]](if: $SilverTimer is 3)[You've come to be an accomplished scuba diver over the weeks you've spent with Jino, and she in turn has warmed up to you. (color: green)[She may never admit it, but she trust and confides in you..]]</td>
<td>**Status:** (if: $OnyxTimer is -1)[CONTACT EMPTY](else-if: $OnyxTimer is 0)[as $Name, Onyx treats you with the respect she gives any free person-- she may be near seven feet tall and extremely strong, but with your hands on her reins she's gentle and deeply submissive. As Violet, however, she seems enthused by your training, and eager for you to take the next step. (color: red)[Take enough of those, and the locks on your suit might just be permanently sealed like those adorning her.]](else:)[(if: $OnyxMood is 0)[as you have spent time with Onyx, you have alternated between treating her firmly and without mercy, and allowing her to indulge as she sees fit. This has left you on the needle's edge between being seen, regardless of your current dress, as a fellow mare in slavery and service, and a woman of power to be respected as a person. (color: red)[Either way, you have achieved a rare thing indeed: being one of few people in Onyx's heavily restricted life.]](else-if: $OnyxMood > 0)[as you have spent more time with Onyx, you have remained firm and commanding with her, reinforcing her role as slave and submissive. As such she respects you a person, elevating you beyond a mere fellow mare, and prompting considerable interest. Wherever that interest leads, (color: red)[you are nevertheless a rare thing indeed to her: one of the few people in Onyx's heavily restricted life.]](else:)[as you have spent more time with Onyx, you have allowed her to express herself, and she has in turn recognized you as a fellow mare-- regardless of what you're wearing at any particular moment. That means more interest than respect, but (color: red)[you have nevertheless achieved a rare enough feat: becoming one of the few people in Onyx's heavily restricted life.]]]</td>
(link-undo:"RETURN TO ROOT")
(font: "Courier New")[**Health Monitoring**]
(font: "Courier New")[
(if: $Suited is false)[Name: $Name $LName
Species: Quarian
Age: 21 Sol Standard
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 120
(colour: red)[ADVANCED MONITORING LOCKED]](else:)[Name: $Violet
Species: Quarian
Age: 21 Sol Standard
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 120
Role: Training Pony
Disposition: (if: $Thou > $Enth)[(if: $Nurt > $Ambi)[Clever Stablemare](else:)[Clever Stablebitch]](else:)[(if: $Thou < $Enth)[(if: $Nurt > $Ambi)[Eager Stablemare]](else:)[Eager Stablebitch]]
Fertility: High
Build: Average
Bust: (if: $BodyProg > 0)[Full (Improved)](else:)[Small]
Waist: (if: $BodyProg > 0)[Tight (Improved)](else:)[Acceptable]
Hips: (if: $BodyProg > 0)[Wide (Improved)](else:)[Accceptable]
Gap: (if: $BodyProg > 1)[Formed](else-if: $BodyProg > 0)[Semi-Formed](else:)[N/A]
Piercings: (if: $Piercing is 1)[Both Nipples, Tongue](else-if: $Piercing is 2)[Full Pony Set (Tongue, Nipples, Septum, Clit)](else:)[None]]
(link-undo:"RETURN TO ROOT")
(font: "Courier New")[**Behavior Monitoring**]
(font: "Courier New")[
**Personality Tracking**(set: $TotalTE to $Thou + $Enth)(set: $TotalNA to $Nurt + $Ambi)
(if: $TotalTE is 0 or $TotalTE is 1)[Thoughtful: Initializing...](else:)[Thoughtful: (b4r:'solid')(meter: bind $Thou, $TotalTE, "X==", blue)]
(if: $TotalTE is 0 or $TotalTE is 1)[Enthusiastic: Initializing...](else:)[Enthusiastic: (b4r:'solid')(meter: bind $Enth, $TotalTE, "X==", yellow)]
(if: $TotalNA is 0 or $TotalNA is 1)[Nurturing: Initializing...](else:)[Nurturing: (b4r:'solid')(meter: bind $Nurt, $TotalNA, "X==", red)]
(if: $TotalNA is 0 or $TotalNA is 1)[Ambitious: Initializing...](else:)[Ambitious: (b4r:'solid')(meter: bind $Ambi, $TotalNA, "X==", grey)]
(if: $Suited is false)[(colour: red)[ADVANCED BEHAVIOR LOCKED]]
(link-undo:"RETURN TO ROOT")]Double-click this passage to edit it.(if: $Strike is 0)[(set: $Ambi to it + 1)](set: $Strike to it + 1)"Ah, yes," your fellow quarian notes, a bit awkwardly. "Well as you know, beyond your studies and everything, there is the *other* reason you were invited here by (colour: green)[Cyn]. The full OS does... well... but until (colour: green)[Cyn] thinks you're ready for it, she keeps that part locked. Its one thing to talk about your interests from afar, or over vid-comm. Its another thing entirely to experience the full thing. It is... I can't even..."
She exhales slowly, her knees coming together as her hands find the tops of her thighs. Centered once more, that scholarly tone reappears. "If you're really going to be one of us, everything will be explained in time. I promise. Now-- was there anything else about it you wanted to discuss?"
[["So we're monitored at all times?"->Monitored]]
[["So is this part of the suit she's making me?"->AskSuit]]
[["Anything else I should know about this OS?"->AskOS]]
[["No, I think that's everything for now."->EndCarAsk]](if: $Strike is 0)[(set: $Nurt to it + 1)](set: $Strike to it + 1)"Yes," Shunne responds immediately. "You were born to the Teslyar, correct? It is much like a ship's shared operating environment. All our suits sync with each other constantly, and (colour: green)[Cyn] has a *thing* for collecting data anyway. But you don't need to fear, she really does understand what that sort of access means to our people. Sometimes she can be... very peculiar, but everything with (colour: green)[Cyn] is built on trust. Certainly you can ask her more, when we arrive. But was there anything else you wanted to ask before we do?"
[["I'm seeing a bunch of locked features?"->LockedFeat]]
[["So is this part of the suit she's making me?"->AskSuit]]
[["Anything else I should know about this OS?"->AskOS]]
[["No, I think that's everything for now."->EndCarAsk]](if: $Strike is 0)[(set: $Enth to it + 1)](set: $Strike to it + 1)(colour: red)[Shunne] nods. "You're asking the wrong person if you want to get into the specifics, that's why I teach xenobiology and not engineering, but the way I understand it-- yes. Although technically, if everything goes right, you get two suits. One will be like mine."
Raising an arm, she twists it back and forth, folding her three fingers up into her palm. Both the base suit and covering clothes are red, the suit itself just a bit shiny-- and clearly better fitted than yours ever could be. "That is one of (colour: green)[Cyn's] businesses, actually. Suit design and repair for quarians. The other is diving supplies, which are always in demand with University students. (if: $Major is 4)[We do several dives to study the biology of this planet, in the xenobiology curriculum you will doing.](else:)[If you take any of my classes directly, for general education requirements, we may do a dive or two to study the natural fauna of this planet. Living here, as quarians, we're technically surrounded by all manner of xenobiology."] Now... the *other* suit, (colour: green)[Cyn] will discuss that with you."
[["I'm seeing a bunch of locked features?"->LockedFeat]]
[["So we're monitored at all times?"->Monitored]]
[["Anything else I should know about this OS?"->AskOS]]
[["No, I think that's everything for now."->EndCarAsk]](if: $Strike is 0)[(set: $Thou to it + 1)](set: $Strike to it + 1)"Good question, I always encourage my students to inquire in exactly that manner. But in this case, no. We covered just about all of the basics, and now that you're in the network it is just a matter of keeping an eye out for new messages, or updates to your profile, that sort of thing. Everything else should be pretty similar to the... do they still run the Pilgrim OS on the Fleet? Its been a few years now... anyway, yes, mostly the same as that. My understanding is that the customized operating systems are all cloned off of it. I think (colour: grey)[Jino] originally provided that."
She lifts her shoulders slightly, as if it weren't much of a concern. "Anything else?"
[["I'm seeing a bunch of locked features?"->LockedFeat]]
[["So we're monitored at all times?"->Monitored]]
[["So is this part of the suit she's making me?"->AskSuit]]
[["No, I think that's everything for now."->EndCarAsk]]
<video src="images/land/storesnow.webm" type="video/webm" autoplay loop muted controls></video>
"Good, because we're just about... here."
As if on cue, the airtaxi settles down upon the snow-covered pavement. While the train station had been on the outskirts of the city, you now find yourself in its beating heart, although the continuing snow storm was probably dampening most without an envirosuit from venturing out. You and (colour: red)[Shunne] have no such issues, your fellow quarian uncrossing her legs as you slide first out onto the sideway. There you get the first glimpse of you new home for the foreseeable future: a glassed storefront, *Sauveterre Design and Dive* etched into the large front window. (colour: green)[Cyn] had mentioned she lived above her storefront, and looking up you do see the building give way to a faux brick facade further up-- only for its third and topmost floor to once again be coated in glass, this time an impermeable black that stood out rather sharply.
"Home sweet home," Shunne muses as she steps up beside you. Only now do you notice that while nominally she was about your same height, her footwear puts her several inches above you-- she is perched on her toes, a wedge-like heel design built into the feet of her suit. That wasn't common among quarians, but before you can inquire she's got a hand at the small of your back, pressing you forward. "I know the sign says closed, but like I said, you're part of the crew now that you joined our network. Everything is rigged for that to give you access too, just step closer, you will see."
[[Might as well take her word for it. Step forward.->StoreIntro]](dialog: "(colour: purple)[Proximity to SHOP DOOR EX FRONT detected.
Current Status: (colour: red)[Locked.]
Unlock?]", "Confirm")With an audible click, the door's indicator light goes from red to green, accompanied by a quiet chime that plays from your audio transducers. (colour: red)[Shunne] reaches forward, pulling it open, then standing aside.
"Go on."
[[Enter Sauveterre Dive and Design->StoreIntro2]]You enter into a warmly lit store, devoid of patrons but not merchandise. As the name suggested, most of it appears to be everything necessary for Scuba diving. Wetsuits, rebreathers, older style oxygen tanks, underwater lights and everything else. To *your* eye, though, the thing that stands out most is the seperate section in the back corner, all manner of gear built for your people on display. That was how you had first learned of this place, and of its owner. Hyetiana had a small station used part-time by the quarian Fleet, and often sent students to the University here. (colour: green)[Cyn] had built her livelihood on providing the necessities your people needed, a comfortable niche few others could occupy.
Thinking of (colour: green)[Cyn], you notice suddenly a pair of women behind the counter near the back. Both are circling it, one casually to the right, the other quite ecstatically to the left. Certainly one of them had to be your visa-sponsor, the very reason you had been able to come to this planet.
[[Look to the excited one, on the left.->CinniIntro]]
[[Look to the calm one, on the right.->CynIntro]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
Given the way the figure on the left bounces on her toes, hands clasped together as if unsure what else to do with them, its inevitable you look to her first. She certainly is not (color: green)[Cyn] you have spoken with previously, but she is keen indeed to introduce herself. In fact she threatens to wear your arm out, as she takes your forearm in hers, the formal greeting of your people made strange by her obvious delight.
"It is so good to finally MEET you, $Name! I'm (color: yellow)[Cinni’Sheena nar Khar’Shan], but that's *so much* so just call me (color: yellow)[Cinni], alright?" Her sunshine-like demeanor certainly matches her suit, its design reminiscent of (colour: red)[Shunne's], but colored a very bright yellow. The various wrappings around it are a bit more disheveled, but its easy to understand how such things came to be, the way (colour: yellow)[Cinni] constantly shifts on her feet, as if filled with boundless energy.
That energy shines through as she continues to speak, too. "Oh there is so much to talk about, $Name." She seems to have already arrived at first name basis with you. "We're going to be roomates, did you know that? I have a whole clean-room rated apartment upstairs, and sometimes I get a bit lost in the city but I've BEEN everywhere so I'll probably be showing you around too and--"
Somehow Cinni brightens even further. "And $Mistress says you're going to be joining the stab-"
She is cut off by the woman who had approached from the other side, her hand falling upon (color: yellow)[Cinni]'s shoulder, quieting her. "Just a moment, Cinni. First, watch your m-word. Second, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I should at least get to make my own introductions, yes?"
[[The woman smiles towards you.->CynIntro2]]<img alt="cynbody" src="images/cyn/cynbody.jpg"/>
Unlike your guide from stationto store, the woman that stands before you now is decidedly *alien.* Human, to be specific, her people's tendency for a dizzying variety of skin tones represented in her by an exotic light mocha. Without mask or suit covering her features, you get your first face-to-face look at your hostess unimpeded. She's of average high and slim build, her outfit at the moment a sharply tailored leather jacket and leggings, the latter (colour: green)[green] in coloration. It seems to be her color, matching her hair as she reaches up, pushing a few rogue strands from her face. She has what you have heard referred to as a sidecut, half of her head shaved short, the other side tumbling long, down to her shoulders. Vibrant (colour: green)[jade] eyes stand out amongst carefully applied makeup, a dark smoky design that leaves her looking sultry, even as her full lips pull into a warm smile.
"$Name $LName. Welcome to Hyetiana, to my home... and *much* more. Her words are smooth, your HUD identifying her slight accent as *French Caribbean*, whatever that meant. "I am (color: green)[Cyn Sauveterre], although given that we spoke via vid-comm quite a few times, I'm certain that is rather obvious. I hope the descent planetside wasn't made too terrible by the storm? We do get them with fair frequency here. But I'm sure you're more interested in where and how you will be staying with us?"
Before you can properly respond, however, the *other* woman intervenes with a grab of your forearm, embracing it enthusiastically in the manner of your people.
[[You turn to look at the interruption.->CinniIntro2]]<img alt="cynbody" src="images/cyn/cynbody.jpg"/>
Unlike the quarians you have met so far, the woman that stands before you now is decidedly *alien.* Human, to be specific, her people's tendency for a dizzying variety of skin tones represented in her by an exotic light mocha. Without mask or suit covering her features, you get your first face-to-face look at your hostess unimpeded. She's of average high and slim build, her outfit at the moment a sharply tailored leather jacket and leggings, the latter (colour: green)[green] in coloration. It seems to be her color, matching her hair as she reaches up, pushing a few rogue strands from her face. She has what you have heard referred to as a sidecut, half of her head shaved short, the other side tumbling long, down to her shoulders. Vibrant (colour: green)[jade] eyes stand out amongst carefully applied makeup, a dark smoky design that leaves her looking sultry, even as her full lips pull into a warm smile.
"$Name $LName. Welcome to Hyetiana, to my home... and *much* more. Her words are smooth, your HUD identifying her slight accent as *French Caribbean*, whatever that meant. "I am (color: green)[Cyn Sauveterre], although given that we spoke via vid-comm quite a few times, I'm certain that is rather obvious. I hope the descent planetside wasn't made too terrible by the storm? We do get them with fair frequency here. But I'm sure you're more interested in where and how you will be staying with us?"
As (colour: red)[Shunne] steps up beside you, joining the small party, (colour: green)[Cyn] gives you the proverbial microphone. "Your lodgings, your responsibilities, and your studies should probably be addressed. Where would you like to start?"
(set: $Strike to 0)
[[(Thoughtful) "I'll be taking classes at the University, right?"->Uni]]
[[(Enthusiastic) "Cinni mentioned I am... staying with her?"->Lodgings]]
[[(Nurturing) "What sort of responsibilities do you mean?"->Response]]
[[(Ambitious) "What about the *other* reason I'm here?"->EarlyAskPony]]"You will, yes," $Shunne replies. "As we discussed in the ride over, I will be your academic advisor. They usually assign me any new quarian students."
(colour: green)[Cyn] nods. "And it is important you do well, we *all* want that for you. Especially me. Balancing your studies and the *other* things we do here may prove difficult after awhile, so do not be afraid to ask for help. Between (colour: red)[Shunne] and (colour: blue)[Sava] we have quite the little academic in-house team here. I was... doing other things at your age, but I like to think I'm pretty good with anything engineering related. So I can help with that too."
(if: $Strike is 0)[(set: $Thou to it + 1)](set: $Strike to it + 1)
[["Cinni mentioned I am... staying with her?"->Lodgings]]
[["What sort of responsibilities do you mean?"->Response]]
[["What about the *other* reason I'm here?"->EarlyAskPony]]
(if: $Strike > 2)[[["That's all the questions I have.->EndQ]]]"Yes!" (colour: yellow)[Cinni] nearly shouts the word. "The others have their own places, but I live here with (colour: green)[Cyn], and so will you! Just upstairs. Its kind of built into two separate apartments, (colour: green)[Cyn's] is a bit bigger because of the workshop... but mine still has plenty of room! I work down here in the store during the day, but otherwise I'll be around all the time!"
"By the standards of this planet it is rather spacious, but compared to the Fleet... you will think whoever built it was intended to house an entire cruiser's crew complement." $Shunne shakes her head, even as she reaches over, dotingly adjusting (colour: yellow)[Cinni's] hood before it slipped down to her shoulders. The younger quarian doesn't seem to notice.
(if: $Strike is 0)[(set: $Enth to it + 1)](set: $Strike to it + 1)
[["I'll be taking classes at the University, right?"->Uni]]
[["What sort of responsibilities do you mean?"->Response]]
[["What about the *other* reason I'm here?"->EarlyAskPony]]
(if: $Strike > 2)[[["That's all the questions I have.->EndQ]]]The only human amongst you raises a couple fingers, and then begins ticking them off. "Your schoolwork, of course. Perhaps helping around here, in my store, if you would like to do that. Definitely helping any of the other girls here, we watch out for each other, that's important. A fitness program, to prepare you. And many other things. It really is a balancing act, (colour: blue)[Sava] volunteered to help you do that."
(colour: red)[Shunne] looks back to the front entrance of the store. "Where is (colour: blue)[Sava], by the way?"
"Stayed late to do some tutoring at the university," (colour: green)[Cyn] replies.
(if: $Strike is 0)[(set: $Nurt to it + 1)](set: $Strike to it + 1)
[["I'll be taking classes at the University, right?"->Uni]]
[["Cinni mentioned I am... staying with her?"->Lodgings]]
[["What about the *other* reason I'm here?"->EarlyAskPony]]
(if: $Strike > 2)[[["That's all the questions I have.->EndQ]]]"**YES!**" (colour: yellow)[Cinni] blurts out, even as (colour: red)[Shunne] sighs softly.
(if: $Strike is 0)[(set: $Ambi to it + 1)](set: $Strike to it + 1)
(colour: green)[Cyn] answers directly. "I was just about to get to that, (if: $Strike > 2)[if you didn't have any other questions?](else:)[But I want to make sure you understand everything *else* first.]"
[["I'll be taking classes at the University, right?"->Uni]]
[["Cinni mentioned I am... staying with her?"->Lodgings]]
[["What sort of responsibilities do you mean?"->Response]]
(if: $Strike > 2)[[["That's all the questions I have.->EndQ]]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
Given the way the figure on the left bounces on her toes, hands clasped around your forearm as if unsure what else to do with them, its inevitable you look to her. She certainly is not a human like (color: green)[Cyn], but she is keen indeed to introduce herself. In fact she seems quite ready to overrun whatever (colour: green)[Cyn] had intended.
"It is so good to finally MEET you, $Name! I'm Cinni’Sheena nar Khar’Shan, but that's *so much* so just call me Cinni, alright?" Her sunshine-like demeanor certainly matches her suit, its design reminiscent of (colour: red)[Shunne's], but colored a very bright yellow. The various wrappings around it are a bit more disheveled, but its easy to understand how such things came to be, the way (colour: yellow)[Cinni] constantly shifts on her feet, as if filled with boundless energy.
That energy shines through as she continues to speak, too. "Oh there is so much to talk about, $Name." She seems to have already arrived at first name basis with you. "We're going to be roomates, did you know that? I have a whole clean-room rated apartment upstairs, and sometimes I get a bit lost in the city but I've BEEN everywhere so I'll probably be showing you around too and--"
Somehow Cinni brightens even further. "And $Mistress says you're going to be joining the stab--"
She is cut off by (colour: red)[Shunne] stepping up beside you, a very motherly look of disapproval radiating from her eyes. (color: yellow)[Cinni] quiets immediately, although you catch the smile in her body language as (colour: green)[Cyn] speaks up again. "Your lodgings, your responsibilities, and your studies should probably be addressed before we talk about anything else. Where would you like to start?"
(set: $Strike to 0)
[[(Thoughtful) "I'll be taking classes at the University, right?"->Uni]]
[[(Enthusiastic) "Cinni mentioned I am... staying with her?"->Lodgings]]
[[(Nurturing) "What sort of responsibilities do you mean?"->Response]]
[[(Ambitious) "What about the *other* reason I'm here?"->EarlyAskPony]]
<img alt="cynhead" src="images/cyn/cynhead.jpg"/>
"Good." You see something in (colour: green)[Cyn's] eyes for the first time with that word, as the small talk and mundanities come to an end. She had been *serious* about wanting you to flourish on this planet, her sincerity had been obvious even without your people's skill in reading body language, but what you witness now is something else entirely. An... *eagerness* simmering beneath everything else, held in check by a considerable force of will.
This was what she had been looking forward to.
"There is of course... our shared little hobby, here. You are the first I have invited here without meeting face-to-face, $Name, but the discussions we had were not dissimilar to those I had with (colour: red)[Shunne], (colour: yellow)[Cinni], (colour: blue)[Sava], and (colour: grey)[Jino]. You share certain... fantasies with them, and you explored them as best you could on the Fleet. But now you're here, and we can go *much* further."
(colour: red)[Shunne] had turned her head to the side, her posture suggesting a deep blush, but (colour: yellow)[Cinni] is following the discussion with rapt attention. As (colour: green)[Cyn] continues she even leans in a bit. "Everything we do here is built on trust, and *that* is what makes us a family. A strange one by your people's standards, or mine, but that *is* what we are. It will take some time, undoubtedly, but I believe you will come to understand that exploring your desires, and pushing your limits, is the exact same thing all the others are here for."
(colour: green)[Cyn] looks to you, her jade eyes looming large in the wake of silence falling. "The first step, $Name, is to tell us all why you want to be a ***ponygirl slave***."
[["I... want it more than anything else."->AmbPony]]
[["I... I'm not sure... I just... like it..."->NuturPony]]
[["I... really like being in bondage."->EnthusPony]]
[["I... am really into the humiliation, and loss of identity."->ThoughtPony]]The admission is met with a nervous exhale from (colour: red)[Shunne], a sharp inhale from (colour: yellow)[Cinni], and a slight smirk from (colour: green)[Cyn].
"You didn't hesitate, even with the others here. That's good. And you sound a bit like my (colour: grey)[Silver]. That's... mhm."
She steps a bit closer to you, looking you over. "Its not an instantaneous process, joining my... little stable. Nor is it magic, you do still need to live your life outside of it. We all work together to schedule opportunities for... well, they call it being *in the harness.* Usually that means weekends, or for longer stretches when the University is closed-- most businesses shut down given so many students leave the planet, and mine does as well. That gives us plenty of time to indulge. At first I will work to accommodate your wishes, how long you wish to serve at a time and whatnot. But to be part of my stable is to be a ***slave***, and that means submitting whenever *I* feel like it. Requirements like that come in time. Quite a few of them, in fact. I can be a bit..."
"Rapacious." (colour: red)[Shunne] suggests.
"Amazing!" (colour: yellow)[Cinni] blurts out immediately.
"Challenging," (colour: green)[Cyn] smirks. "Building your suits, a *proper* one for everyday wear, and your **slave suit** will take time. A few weeks. But I want to give you a taste of what you're getting into now, $Name. I want to introduce you to a member of my stable. Which one though... that's up to you."
She looks to (colour: red)[Shunne] and (colour: yellow)[Cinni], then back to you. "(colour: red)[Red] or (colour: yellow)[Yellow]?"
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
[["I can't... I can't pick!"->NoPick]]The admission is met with a nervous exhale from (colour: red)[Shunne], a sharp inhale from (colour: yellow)[Cinni], and a slight smirk from (colour: green)[Cyn].
"You didn't hesitate, even with the others here. That's good. And you sound a bit like my (colour: red)[Red]. That's... very sweet."
She steps a bit closer to you, looking you over. "Its not an instantaneous process, joining my... little stable. Nor is it magic, you do still need to live your life outside of it. We all work together to schedule opportunities for... well, they call it being *in the harness.* Usually that means weekends, or for longer stretches when the University is closed-- most businesses shut down given so many students leave the planet, and mine does as well. That gives us plenty of time to indulge. At first I will work to accommodate your wishes, how long you wish to serve at a time and whatnot. But to be part of my stable is to be a ***slave***, and that means submitting whenever *I* feel like it. Requirements like that come in time. Quite a few of them, in fact. I can be a bit..."
"(colour: red)[Rapacious.]"
"(colour: yellow)[Amazing!]"
"Challenging," (colour: green)[Cyn] smirks. "Building your suits, a *proper* one for everyday wear, and your **slave suit** will take time. A few weeks. But I want to give you a taste of what you're getting into now, $Name. I want to introduce you to a member of my stable. Which one thought... that's up to you."
She looks to (colour: red)[Shunne] and (colour: yellow)[Cinni], then back to you. "(colour: red)[Red] or (colour: yellow)[Yellow]?"
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
[["I can't... I can't pick!"->NoPick]]The admission is met with a nervous exhale from (colour: red)[Shunne], a sharp inhale from (colour: yellow)[Cinni], and a slight smirk from (colour: green)[Cyn].
"You didn't hesitate, even with the others here. That's good. And you sound a bit like my (colour: yellow)[Yellow]. She is always eager."
She steps a bit closer to you, looking you over. "Its not an instantaneous process, joining my... little stable. Nor is it magic, you do still need to live your life outside of it. We all work together to schedule opportunities for... well, they call it being *in the harness.* Usually that means weekends, or for longer stretches when the University is closed-- most businesses shut down given so many students leave the planet, and mine does as well. That gives us plenty of time to indulge. At first I will work to accommodate your wishes, how long you wish to serve at a time and whatnot. But to be part of my stable is to be a ***slave***, and that means submitting whenever *I* feel like it. Requirements like that come in time. Quite a few of them, in fact. I can be a bit..."
"Rapacious." (colour: red)[Shunne] suggests.
"Amazing!" (colour: yellow)[Cinni] blurts out immediately.
"Challenging, (colour: green)[Cyn] smirks. "Building your suits, a *proper* one for everyday wear, and your **slave suit** will take time. A few weeks. But I want to give you a taste of what you're getting into now, $Name. I want to introduce you to a member of my stable. Which one thought... that's up to you."
She looks to (colour: red)[Shunne] and (colour: yellow)[Cinni], then back to you. "(colour: red)[Red] or (colour: yellow)[Yellow]?"
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
[["I can't... I can't pick!"->NoPick]]The admission is met with a nervous exhale from (colour: red)[Shunne], a sharp inhale from (colour: yellow)[Cinni], and a slight smirk from (colour: green)[Cyn].
"You didn't hesitate, even with the others here. That's good. And you sound a bit like my (colour: blue)[Blue]. Although she isn't as clever as she thinks."
She steps a bit closer to you, looking you over. "Its not an instantaneous process, joining my... little stable. Nor is it magic, you do still need to live your life outside of it. We all work together to schedule opportunities for... well, they call it being *in the harness.* Usually that means weekends, or for longer stretches when the University is closed-- most businesses shut down given so many students leave the planet, and mine does as well. That gives us plenty of time to indulge. At first I will work to accommodate your wishes, how long you wish to serve at a time and whatnot. But to be part of my stable is to be a ***slave***, and that means submitting whenever *I* feel like it. Requirements like that come in time. Quite a few of them, in fact. I can be a bit..."
"Rapacious." (colour: red)[Shunne] suggests.
"Amazing!" (colour: yellow)[Cinni] blurts out immediately.
"Challenging," (colour: green)[Cyn] smirks. "Building your suits, a *proper* one for everyday wear, and your **slave suit** will take time. A few weeks. But I want to give you a taste of what you're getting into now, $Name. I want to introduce you to a member of my stable. Which one thought... that's up to you."
She looks to (colour: red)[Shunne] and (colour: yellow)[Cinni], then back to you. "(colour: red)[Red] or (colour: yellow)[Yellow]?"
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
[["I can't... I can't pick!"->NoPick]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
(colour: red)[Shunne] physically startles. If her risers had not already forced her up onto her toes, you suspect she would ended up there. Instead of looking to you, however, she looks to (colour: green)[Cyn]. "I was just... for all weekend. And it is Sunday evening now, the new week is just about to start and--"
Pointedly, (colour: green)[Cyn] ignores her, keeping her eyes on you. "My (colour: red)[Red] is *always* a bit nervous about going back into the harness, but once her stallion is locked in she becomes much more amenable. And besides, tomorrow is a University holiday, before the new semester starts."
Were she not masked, you suspect (colour: red)[Shunne's] face would have been as bright red as her suit. (colour: yellow)[Cinni] however is quick to jump into the resulting silence. "You can pick Yellow instead, $Name!"
(colour: green)[Cyn] remains placid. "The point is that they don't get to decide, $Name. The members of my stable are just slaves, and they serve *when I tell them to.* So-- are you sure you want to meet (colour: red)[Red], or would you prefer (colour: yellow)[Yellow]?"
[["Yes... I want to meet Red."->PickRed2]]
[["Maybe Yellow instead?"->PickYellow]]
[["I can't... I can't pick!"->NoPick]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
"Yes! Great idea, $Name!" (colour: yellow)[Cinni's] outburst draws the attention, but you catch (colour: red)[Shunne] glancing at you for a moment with... *disappointment* in her eyes?
(colour: green)[Cyn] remains placid. "My (colour: yellow)[Yellow] is a slut for attention, but she *is* very friendly. Are you sure that is who you want to meet? You could still choose (colour: red)[Red]. The point is, either way, I will allow it. They don't get to choose when they serve anymore."
[["Yes... I want to meet Yellow."->PickYellow2]]
[["Maybe Red instead?"->PickRed]]
[["I can't... I can't pick!"->NoPick]]<img alt="cynglam" src="images/cyn/cynglam.jpg"/>
(colour: green)[Cyn] listens to your concern intently, but she is quick to respond too. "You can. If you're afraid someone might hold a grudge... we try not to do that. Things done in the stable *stay* in the stable, so to speak. And if you're not sure, or you don't think you're qualified to make that decision? You are. My girls are slaves, in the most *humiliating* way you can imagine. The things they beg for... compared to that, as you are $Name, you are their superior in every understanding of the word. Believe me-- you can do it."
*The fact that begging for untold tortures actually* arouses *you is a good reminder that you traveled across half the galaxy for the wonderful University system... and because (colour: green)[Cyn] offered other opportunities you could only dream about. You can manage making a choice like this.*
[["...Yellow?"->PickYellow]]Despite her reservations, actually hearing your decision reiterated seems to put some steel into your fellow quarian. (colour: red)[Shunne] straightens up, after a deep breath, and looks to (colour: green)[Cyn]. That's all she needs.
"Follow me." Spinning on her heel, the human leads the way, followed by (colour: red)[Shunne], then (colour: yellow)[Cinni], then you. Circumnavigating the sales counter, a press of (colour: green)[Cyn's] hand to the back wall sees it recede and slide sideways, revealing a hidden staircase leading up. It is in that direction you travel next, until together you all spill out into a hallway, one marked by three doors-- and what looks like a fourth in construction. Or perhaps deconstruction?
"Until about Christmas," that must be a human holiday, you imagine, as (colour: green)[Cyn] explains, "We had my automated clean room at that broken door, but I've moved it into my workshop again now that I'm making some modifications to it."
She lapses back into silence as she takes the door on the left, which opens up into a spacious apartment. (colour: green)[Cyn] doesn't stop however, and before you get a good look around she's making for a doorway in the back wall. Passing through *that* finally leads to a dead end, a workshop, and a silver-suited quarian.
(set: $FirstMeet to "Red")
[[She's taller than the others.->MeetJino]](colour: yellow)[Cinni] is positively giddy with your decision, but she quickly looks to (colour: green)[Cyn] expectantly. That's all she needs.
"Follow me." Spinning on her heel, the human leads the way, followed by (colour: red)[Shunne], then (colour: yellow)[Cinni], than you. Circumnavigating the sales counter, a press of (colour: green)[Cyn's] hand to the back wall sees it recede and slide sideways, revealing a hidden staircase leading up. It is in that direction you travel next, until together you all spill out into a hallway, one marked by three doors-- and what looks like a fourth in construction. Or perhaps deconstruction?
"Until about Christmas," that must be a human holiday, you imagine, as (colour: green)[Cyn] explains, "We had my automated clean room at that broken door, but I've moved it into my workshop again now that I'm making some modifications to it."
She lapses back into silence as she takes the door on the left, which opens up into a spacious apartment. (colour: green)[Cyn] doesn't stop however, and before you get a good look around she's making for a doorway in the back wall. Passing through *that* finally leads to a dead end, a workshop, and a silver-suited quarian.
(set: $FirstMeet to "Yellow")
[[She's taller than the others.->MeetJino]]<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
Leaning against a workbench of some sort, her arms crossed, the silver-suited woman stands back up to her full, impressive height at your party's approach. The guarded stance remains, a markedly strange look given how few body wrappings the woman wears. On the Fleet it would have been almost scandalous, but this one... wears it with a look of pride in her eyes.
"(colour: grey)[Jino]", (colour: green)[Cyn] greets, with a slight downturn of her lips. "I had hoped you would come down eventually, and greet our new member. $Name $LName? This is (colour:grey)[Jino'Laelin vas Kahje]."
(colour: grey)[Jino] is tall, somewhere just over six feet, with that distinctly toned form of an athlete, her long legs undoubtedly well suited for that. Her name, *vas Kahje*, might hint at what kind of sport: that planet was almost completely covered in water. Swimming then, or diving? Either way, she doesn't seem particularly keen to discuss it.
"(colour: grey)[Hey.]" The response is curt bordering on rude, but turning to (colour: green)[Cyn] she is much more animated. "You came up here to suit someone up, right? For a demonstration probably? I want it to be me."
(colour: green)[Cyn] keeps her easy going tone, but there is a firmness in her voice. "We agreed to starting your month tomorrow, first thing in the morning. Not tonight."
*She couldn't mean a month straight doing... what they do here, right?*
"I know," (colour: grey)[Jino] cedes readily. "But if you need someone now, why not me?"
[[With a sigh, Cyn indicates for you to step forward.->MeetJino2]]It feels a bit like stepping up into a lover's spat, but you do so anyway, all eyes turning upon you. Keeping up her commanding tone and demeanor, (colour: green)[Cyn] turns back to (colour: grey)[Jino.]
"I am allowing $Name to make the choice of who is being suited right this moment, and I don't intend to change that. But-- if you make an effort to say something more than *hey* to her, perhaps $Name will choose my (colour: grey)[Silver] instead."
(if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[(colour: yellow)[Cinni], in danger of losing her prize, grows suddenly tense.](else:)[(colour: red)[Shunne], in danger of being replaced, draws herself up for what she seems to suggest would be a disappointment.] (colour: grey)[Jino], however, approaches you directly.
"Sorry, about that. I'm not good... like this. It is good to meet you, and everything... But I could greet you much better as (colour: grey)[Silver]." She's the first to refer to her alter-ego directly, (colour: green)[Cyn's] naming scheme and their suit colors having made that quite apparent. Even so, you shake off such thoughts, focusing instead on the freshly reopened decision placed before you. (colour: grey)[Jino] seemed... earnest, even desperate... but she was apparently going to get what she wanted tomorrow morning anyway. Was that worth changing your mind?
(if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[[["I'm sticking with Yellow."->YellowSuitUp]]](else:)[[["I'm sticking with Red."->RedSuitUp]]]
[["I want to meet Silver instead."->SilverSuitUp]](colour: grey)[Jino] stomps her foot in a decidedly equine way, but crosses her arms again afterward. She lingers for a moment, then slips past the others, making for the door you had just entered through.
"(colour: grey)[Jino], come back it--" (colour: red)[Shunne's] plea is ended from a raised hand from (colour: green)[Cyn.]
"Let her go. She just needs some time alone. If I checked my readouts on her, I suspect I would see she is more anxious than anything. She always is, before an endurance run in the harness. Anyway--" Approaching a large machine nestled into the corner, its looming wide edifice reaching from ceiling to floor, its rounded exterior broken only by a pair of sliding doors, (colour: green)[Cyn] opens it with a touch of her hand.
"Get in, (colour: yellow)[Yellow]." She doesn't have to tell (colour: yellow)[Cinni] twice. Stepping readily into the open maw of the machine, the doors close behind her. (colour: green)[Cyn] begins entering in a set of commands, first from the command console, then from her omnitool. As she does so, you finally have a moment to look around.
(set: $Strike to 0)
[[Examine the room overall.->RoomExam]]
[[There is some writing on a holoboard over there. Read it.->Holoboard]]
[[Examine the... changing machine?->CleanRoom]](colour: grey)[Jino] stomps her foot in a decidedly equine way, but crosses her arms again afterward. She lingers for a moment, then slips past the others, making for the door you had just entered through.
"(colour: grey)[Jino], come back it--" (colour: red)[Shunne's] plea is ended from a raised hand from (colour: green)[Cyn.]
"Let her go. She just needs some time alone. If I checked my readouts on her, I suspect I would see she is more anxious than anything. She always is, before an endurance run in the harness. Anyway--" Approaching a large machine nestled into the corner, its looming wide edifice reaching from ceiling to floor, its rounded exterior broken only by a pair of sliding doors, (colour: green)[Cyn] opens it with a touch of her hand.
"Get in, (colour: red)[Red]."
The matronly quarian nods her head, after only a moment's hesitation. "Yes, $Mistress."
Stepping readily into the open maw of the machine, the doors close behind her. (colour: green)[Cyn] begins entering in a set of commands, first from the command console, then from her omnitool. As she does so, you finally have a moment to look around.
(set: $Strike to 0)
[[Examine the room overall.->RoomExam]]
[[There is some writing on a holoboard over there. Read it.->Holoboard]]
[[Examine the... changing machine?->CleanRoom]](colour: grey)[Jino] seems primed for rejection, so much so surprise actually registers on her face as she processes your agreement. "Really?"
She sounds suspicious, but quickly warms to the idea. Turning to (colour: green)[Cyn], (colour: grey)[Jino's] sudden enthusiasm momentarily overrides her standoffish behavior. "$Mistress?"
"Get in, (colour: grey)[Silver]."
The command does not need to be given twice. Stepping readily into the open maw of the machine, the doors close behind her. (colour: green)[Cyn] begins entering in a set of commands, first from the command console, then from her omnitool. As she does so, you finally have a moment to look around.
(set: $Strike to 0)(set: $FirstMeet to "Silver")
[[Examine the room overall.->RoomExam]]
[[There is some writing on a holoboard over there. Read it.->Holoboard]]
[[Examine the... changing machine?->CleanRoom]](if: $Strike < 2)[<img alt="cynlab" src="images/land/cynlab.jpg"/>
You're standing in a workshop, you realize. A rather cluttered one at that. All manner of projects appear to be in various states of assembly or disassembly around you, across the workbenches, shelves, and even in places around the floor. Most of them appear to be rather benign, the expected sort to originate from a dive shop. Over here a pair of tanks with their regulator valves removed, over there a whole line of underwater beacons under construction. But other things stick out too, the sort of projects that send a particular tingle down your back. A line of harnessed... somethings along the wall, gleaming steel bars surrounded by a web of heavy duty rubber. And on the nearest workbench, what is clearly a large phallus of some sort, its gleaming exterior a solid (colour: blue)[blue] in color.
(set: $Strike to it + 1)
[[There is some writing on a holoboard over there. Read it.->Holoboard]]
[[Examine the... changing machine?->CleanRoom]]](else:)[<img alt="cynhead" src="images/cyn/cynhead.jpg"/>
Your examination of (colour: green)[Cyn's] workshop is interrupted by the woman herself, who slides into your field of view with a smile on her face. Somewhere along the way, while you were occupied elsewhere, she must have finished programming the suiting device, which now hums quietly.
"Hey." She looks you over again, running a hand up through her long hair. You get the distinct sense her thoughts are anything but pure in that moment. "While we wait, I wanted to make sure you're good with that new operating system? It will be the same I will install in your new everyday suit, to replace the one you're wearing now. Fleet sourced suits are... very resourceful, but we can do better."
She is right, of course. You have grown used to your suit by now, having been first given it upon reaching adulthood, at age 16. Since then you've adapted to its constant presence, to maintaining its seals and filters, to living with a barrier between yourself and the world beyond. It was not an easy burden, but one you never had complained about. This was the reality of your people's situation, a struggle shared by most every quarian. But the limited resources available to your people meant suits were often patchwork creations, and yours is no different. Seals #23 and #48 in particular had been giving you issues lately, and the outer material was frayed a bit at joints. Compared to the smooth majesty of the suits the others were wearing, excepting (colour: green)[Cyn] of course, yours is sorry indeed.
[["I'm looking forward to the new one you promised."->LookFoward]]
[["I'm... a bit concerned about giving you root access, honestly."->RootAccess]]](if: $Strike < 2)[The board across the way is in a human dialect, but your suit translates it readily. It does struggle with the handwriting though, several small warnings popping up regarding illegibility. If that was (colour: green)[Cyn's], which you suspect, she seemed to have a rather unsightly means of writing. Atop that, it appears to be a flowchart of some sort, but how you're supposed to follow it isn't exactly clear. Arrows point every direction possible, some of them rubbed out, others marked with additional notations.
Altogether? Its a confusing mess. (colour: green)[Cyn] was supposed to be something of a prodigy when it came to engineering and coding, but organization and clarity were clearly not her strong points. Only one thing *is* clear, though-- the singular word at the center of the web, circled thrice.
(colour: purple)[**VIOLET**]
(set: $Strike to it + 1)
[[Examine the room overall.->RoomExam]]
[[Examine the... changing machine?->CleanRoom]]](else:)[<img alt="cynhead" src="images/cyn/cynhead.jpg"/>
Your examination of (colour: green)[Cyn's] workshop is interrupted by the woman herself, who slides into your field of view with a smile on her face. Somewhere along the way, while you were occupied elsewhere, she must have finished programming the suiting device, which now hums quietly.
"Hey." She looks you over again, running a hand up through her long hair. You get the distinct sense her thoughts are anything but pure in that moment. "While we wait, I wanted to make sure you're good with that new operating system? It will be the same I will install in your new everyday suit, to replace the one you're wearing now. Fleet sourced suits are... very resourceful, but we can do better."
She is right, of course. You have grown used to your suit by now, having been first given it upon reaching adulthood, at age 16. Since then you've adapted to its constant presence, to maintaining its seals and filters, to living with a barrier between yourself and the world beyond. It was not an easy burden, but one you never had complained about. This was the reality of your people's situation, a struggle shared by most every quarian. But the limited resources available to your people meant suits were often patchwork creations, and yours is no different. Seals #23 and #48 in particular had been giving you issues lately, and the outer material was frayed a bit at joints. Compared to the smooth majesty of the suits the others were wearing, excepting (colour: green)[Cyn] of course, yours is sorry indeed.
[["I'm looking forward to the new one you promised."->LookFoward]]
[["I'm... a bit concerned about giving you root access, honestly."->RootAccess]]](if: $Strike < 2)[Despite your curiosity towards the glossy white machine, there is precious little to observe from outside. It is cylindrical, rising from floor to ceiling, the only point of access being the front door currently closed. Besides the small touchscreen built to the side, and you had observed (colour: green)[Cyn] use her omnitool alongside it, there isn't much else to see.
Only after several moments, however, do you notice a small indicator in the control panel's top right corner. Shaped in the universal symbol of a lock, it glows a bright red. That made sense, locking a clean room door while it was in use, but when you had first approached you recall it had likewise been locked. (colour: green)[Cyn] must keep it so, when not in use. Interesting.
(set: $Strike to it + 1)
[[Examine the room overall.->RoomExam]]
[[There is some writing on a holoboard over there. Read it.->Holoboard]]](else:)[<img alt="cynhead" src="images/cyn/cynhead.jpg"/>
Your examination of (colour: green)[Cyn's] workshop is interrupted by the woman herself, who slides into your field of view with a smile on her face. Somewhere along the way, while you were occupied elsewhere, she must have finished programming the suiting device, which now hums quietly.
"Hey." She looks you over again, running a hand up through her long hair. You get the distinct sense her thoughts are anything but pure in that moment. "While we wait, I wanted to make sure you're good with that new operating system? It will be the same I will install in your new everyday suit, to replace the one you're wearing now. Fleet sourced suits are... very resourceful, but we can do better."
She is right, of course. You have grown used to your suit by now, having been first given it upon reaching adulthood, at age 16. Since then you've adapted to its constant presence, to maintaining its seals and filters, to living with a barrier between yourself and the world beyond. It was not an easy burden, but one you never had complained about. This was the reality of your people's situation, a struggle shared by most every quarian. But the limited resources available to your people meant suits were often patchwork creations, and yours is no different. Seals #23 and #48 in particular had been giving you issues lately, and the outer material was frayed a bit at joints. Compared to the smooth majesty of the suits the others were wearing, excepting (colour: green)[Cyn] of course, yours is sorry indeed.
[["I'm looking forward to the new one you promised."->LookFoward]]
[["I'm... a bit concerned about giving you root access, honestly."->RootAccess]]](set: $Tutorial to true)(set: $Skipper to false)**CHOOSE YOUR GAME SETTINGS**
(checkbox: 2bind $Tutorial, "Tutorials:") *Enables several pop-up tutorials through the early game, to explain certain concepts and mechanisms. Recommended for first time players.*
(checkbox: 2bind $Skipper, "Scene Skipper:") (color: red)[(NOT RECOMMENDED FOR FIRST TIME PLAYERS)] *Enables the ability to skip longer scenes, and set some variables. Many personality checks will be skipped, and things may break. Good for testing.*
[[Confirm Settings.->Intro/Init]]"Do you mean your everyday one, or... the other one?" (colour: green)[Cyn] is smiling as she waves the thought away. "Just messing with you, I get it. Good. Because the operating system *is* the same in both, its just about everything else I switch out. That's why there are so many locked out features in yours, currently. I hope those don't make you nervous. Like I said, all of this operates on trust... and you need to trust me that holding off on some of that will make it better when we reach it. Alright?"
You find yourself nodding, a response that sees (colour: green)[Cyn] bring up her omnitool. "There is something mildly useful I can turn on for you now, though. Data collection is... well, I really like it. Lets me tailor everything for my girls in all sorts of ways. But it also lets me make a few interesting little widgets. I'm going to turn one on right now, watch the top of your HUD."
[[She flicks a switch on her omnitool.->GetFatigue]]"That's understandable." (colour: green)[Cyn] is smiling even as she explains. "This is probably your first time integrating your suit controls with someone outside of your birth ship, and that can be intimidating. But, like I said, all of this operates on trust... and you need to trust me with that access. Its a bare minimum. All the others have done it, and so much more-- but feel free to ask them, if you like, about it. They can tell you their own thoughts."
You find yourself nodding, a response that sees (colour: green)[Cyn] bring up her omnitool. "There is something mildly useful I can turn on for you now, though. Data collection is... well, I really like it. Lets me tailor everything for my girls in all sorts of ways. But it also lets me make a few interesting little widgets. I'm going to turn one on right now, watch the top of your HUD."
[[She flicks a switch on her omnitool.->GetFatigue]](set: $Stamina to true)(set: $Stam to 45)(dialog: "(colour: purple)[**ROOT OVERIDE:** *collated biometrics averaging initiated.*]")Datastreams momentarily flicker across the interior projected HUD of your mask, but disappear from sight as quickly as they appeared, leaving behind something *new*. In the corner of your vision a small bar lingers, the label *Exhaustion* standing out rather pointedly. You question the accuracy of it, such simplified biometrics being a common design goal of quarian technicians. To your surprise, either (colour: green)[Cyn] anticipated your concerns, or read them from your body language.
"You're right to be skeptical. And its not *entirely* accurate, currently. But it will be once I get you an upgraded suit. Like I said: I collect a *bunch* of data, and having my little stable here has really helped put all of it together. I find it helps my girls pace themselves, both in their day-to-day lives, and when they're... being particularly colorful. There is another common one I use, but... we will keep that one for next time. Anyway, $FirstMeet should be just about--
A click, a hiss, and the sound of the dressing device's doors opening heralds just how well timed (colour: green)[Cyn] could. Eagerly, you and her both turn to see the figure that emerges.
[[First impressions are important, after all.->FirstMeet]](if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[<img alt="rfull" src="images/red/rfull.png"/>
What emerges is *nothing* like the anxious professor who had accompanied you from the train station. You struggle at first to even understand it as still quarian. Gone are the trappings of sentience: the textile wrappings that emulated clothing amongst your people, the glow of eyes beneath her faceplate, and most shockingly of all-- anything like a sense of decency. The being that stands before you now is wrapped in a singular glossy color, candy apple (colour: red)[red]. From the tips of her toes, perched as she is upon them by tall slanted boots, to the high ponytail emerging from her helmet, no other color can be found. What's more, she's glossy, her voluptuous form fully covered yet so tightly wrapped as to be all but exposed. To be without bodily wrappings was unthinkable, to be without a veil was scandalous... but this is something else entirely. A creature of fetish.
And what else could you call it, but a creature? Her mask is opaque, the glass of it faceless and without the ability to appeal or emote. And she is bound, *strictly.* The base component appears to be a heavy harness, rendered in a thicker gauge of the glossy material that makes up the suit, crossing her hips, thighs, torso, and wrapping back around her shoulders. Her arms indeed seem to have been focused on especially, both being folded back behind her, and secured there with a series of locks. So too can you see a tail jutting out from behind, rising up at a jaunty angle before cascading down in a further waterfall of red hair.
As (colour: green)[Cyn] casually reaches out, seizing the pair of straps hanging down from her mask-- *reins*, your brain fills in-- you cannot break from your stare. Your conversations with (colour: green)[Cyn] had included some images, mostly of the one she called (colour: blue)[Blue]. But those had almost seemed to be just another figment of your expansive fantasies, something not quite real. But... *this* could not be more real. There was a quarian ponygirl, a slave, standing directly before you.
"$Name $LName," (colour: green)[Cyn] puurs, "meet my cherished breeder, (colour: red)[Red]."
[[(Ambitious) "She's... beautiful."->BeautPony]]
[[(Nurturing) "Is she... okay in there?"->OkayPony]]](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[<img alt="yfull" src="images/yellow/yfull.png"/>
What emerges is *nothing* like the eager and just slightly overbearing young woman you had met just previously. You struggle at first to even understand it as still quarian. Gone are the trappings of sentience: the textile wrappings that emulated clothing amongst your people, the glow of eyes beneath her faceplate, and most shockingly of all-- anything like a sense of decency. The being that stands before you now is wrapped in a singular glossy color, sunshine (colour: yellow)[yellow]. From the tips of her toes, perched as she is upon them by tall slanted boots, to the coquettish pixie sidecut emerging from her helmet, no other color can be found. What's more, she's glossy, her curvy form fully covered yet so tightly wrapped as to be all but exposed. To be without bodily wrappings was unthinkable, to be without a veil was scandalous... but this is something else entirely. A creature of fetish.
And what else could you call it, but a creature? Her mask is opaque, the glass of it faceless and without the ability to appeal or emote. And she is bound, *strictly.* The base component appears to be a heavy harness, rendered in a thicker gauge of the glossy material that makes up the suit underneath, crossing her hips, thighs, torso, and wrapping back around her shoulders. Her arms indeed seem to have been focused on especially, both being folded back behind her, and secured there with a series of locks. So too can you see a tail jutting out from behind, rising up at a jaunty angle before cascading down in a further waterfall of yellow hair.
As (colour: green)[Cyn] casually reaches out, seizing the pair of straps hanging down from her mask-- *reins*, your brain fills in-- you cannot break from your stare. Your conversations with (colour: green)[Cyn] had included some images, mostly of the one she called (colour: blue)[Blue]. But those had almost seemed to be just another figment of your expansive fantasies, something not quite real. But... *this* could not be more real. There was a quarian ponygirl, a slave, standing directly before you.
"$Name $LName," (colour: green)[Cyn] puurs, "meet my cherished race pony, (colour: yellow)[Yellow]."
[[(Ambitious) "She's... beautiful."->BeautPony]]
[[(Nurturing) "Is she... okay in there?"->OkayPony]]](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[<img alt="sfull" src="images/silver/sfull.jpg"/>
What emerges is... slightly reminiscent of the standoffish woman you had met just moments before. Yet you struggle at first to even understand it as still quarian. Gone are the trappings of sentience: the textile wrappings that emulated clothing amongst your people, the glow of eyes beneath her faceplate, and most shockingly of all-- anything like a sense of decency. The being that stands before you now is wrapped in a singular glossy color, an almost chrome-like (colour: grey)[Silver]. From the tips of her toes, perched as she is upon them by tall slanted boots, to the long braid emerging from her helmet to descend down a shoulder, no other color can be found. What's more, she's glossy, her towering form fully covered yet so tightly wrapped as to be all but exposed. To be without bodily wrappings was unthinkable, to be without a veil was scandalous... but this is something else entirely. A creature of fetish.
And what else could you call it, but a creature? Her mask is opaque, the glass of it faceless and without the ability to appeal or emote. And she is bound, *strictly.* The base component appears to be a heavy harness, rendered in a thicker gauge of the glossy material that makes up the suit underneath, crossing her hips, thighs, torso, and wrapping back around her shoulders. Her arms indeed seem to have been focused on especially, both being folded back behind her, and secured there with a series of locks. So too can you see a tail jutting out from behind, rising up at a jaunty angle before cascading down in a further waterfall of silver hair.
As (colour: green)[Cyn] casually reaches out, seizing the pair of straps hanging down from her mask-- *reins*, your brain fills in-- you cannot break from your stare. Your conversations with (colour: green)[Cyn] had included some images, mostly of the one she called (colour: blue)[Blue]. But those had almost seemed to be just another figment of your expansive fantasies, something not quite real. But... *this* could not be more real. There was a quarian ponygirl, a slave, standing directly before you.
"$Name $LName," (colour: green)[Cyn] puurs, "meet my cherished ponyslut, (colour: grey)[Silver]."
[[(Ambitious) "She's... beautiful."->BeautPony]]
[[(Nurturing) "Is she... okay in there?"->OkayPony]]](set: $Ambi to it + 1)"That she is," $Cyn agrees readily. (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")["$Red was the third addition to my stable, and the oldest. But she is a quick study, when given the right motivation. For my $Red, that meant understanding just how strongly she feels her biological clock running. She wants to be a mother so badly. Luckily she has a $Mistress to train her for that."
Snapping her fingers, (colour: green)[Cyn] twirls the hand in a small circle afterward. "Presentation, (colour: red)[Red]."
<img alt="rside" src="images/red/rside.jpg"/>
The glossy creature hesitates for a moment, but does follow through, adjusting her posture. You may have thought her suit and restraints had already put her on display, her heels thrusting her chest and rear out, the material itself leaving so little to the imagination, but the pose she takes now only emphasizes everything further. Spreading her legs, she raises her chin, straightening her back and pushing out her chest. You're so overwhelmed you almost miss the way she keeps shifting her helmet, just a bit... perhaps glancing at you? It makes her look slightly anxious.](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")["(colour: yellow)[Yellow] was the second addition to my stable, and has always been eager to please. But she thinks with her cunt more often than not, and loves nothing more than a whip on her flank. So I provide just that, training her for endurance pulls of my carriages, and for sprints. She is remarkably quick, even in those boots."
Snapping her fingers, (colour: green)[Cyn] twirls the hand in a small circle afterward. "Presentation, (colour: yellow)[Yellow]."
<img alt="yside" src="images/yellow/yside.jpg"/>
The glossy creature jumps at the command, acting immediately, even if she needs to correct herself-- she had been so keen to submit she appeared to be going for another pose at first. You may have thought her suit and restraints had already put her on display, her heels thrusting her chest and rear out, the material itself leaving so little to the imagination, but the pose she takes now only emphasizes everything further. Spreading her legs, she raises her chin, straightening her back and pushing out her chest. You're so overwhelmed you almost miss the way she struggles to keep still, her excitement palpable.](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")["(colour: grey)[Silver] was the first member of my stable, and is by far my most experienced. Nothing makes her happier than making *me* happy, and I love to see my girls... moaning in delightful agony. I do not allow my (colour: grey)[Silver] anything like a *person's* rights."
Snapping her fingers, (colour: green)[Cyn] twirls the hand in a small circle afterward. "Presentation, (colour: grey)[Silver]."
<img alt="sside" src="images/silver/sside.jpg"/>
There is no hesitation in the way the pony responds, nor any need for correction-- her posture is immaculate. You may have thought her suit and restraints had already put her on display, her heels thrusting her chest and rear out, the material itself leaving so little to the imagination, but the pose she takes now only emphasizes everything further. Spreading her legs, she raises her chin, straightening her back and pushing out her chest. You're so overwhelmed you almost miss the... unexpected confidence in her body language. (colour: grey)[Jino] had seemed almost desperate, but this... *thing* had fallen immediately into blissful subservience.]
Tapping several commands on her omnitool, (colour: green)[Cyn] produces a simple hardlight stick about two feet long. "This suit... is my magnum opus, if I'm going to brag a bit. The control and submission you see on this pony's exterior? It goes even further within. They are pierced at clit, nipples, tongue, and septum--" with each place she taps the creature with her holographic stick, a sharp *snap* announcing some sort of electric discharge. "All of which are integrated into their suits, which provide complete and continual monitoring. Integrated corsets are built into the waist, and of course they have a locking bit between their teeth, alongside a full mouth tongue and speech suppressor. My ponies do not speak. The device I am *most* proud of, though, are their inserts. They have two, at all times. The rear one, which serves as the anchor to their tail. And the front, their *stallion*."
She pauses, looking to you, even as she holds her holographic rod between (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[(colour: red)[Red's]](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[(colour: yellow)[Yellow's]](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[(colour: grey)[Silver's]] legs. It takes you a moment, but you realize that (colour: green)[Cyn] is looking for some comment from you... yet you find it hard to stare at anything but the glossy creature trying desperately to hold its position as its cunt is gently shocked.
[["She's not moving, even though you're..."->ShockAware]]
[["You're shocking her, Cyn..."->ShockNurt]](set: $Nurt to it + 1)"No, her uniform is intended to be deeply uncomfortable," (colour: green)[Cyn] confides readily. (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")["(colour: red)[Red] was the third addition to my stable, and the oldest. But she is a quick study, when given the right motivation. For my (colour: red)[red], that meant understanding just how strongly she feels her biological clock running. She wants to be a mother so badly. Luckily she has a $Mistress to train her for that."
Snapping her fingers, (colour: green)[Cyn] twirls the hand in a small circle afterward. "Presentation, (colour: red)[Red]."
<img alt="rside" src="images/red/rside.jpg"/>
The glossy creature hesitates for a moment, but does follow through, adjusting her posture. You may have thought her suit and restraints had already put her on display, her heels thrusting her chest and rear out, the material itself leaving so little to the imagination, but the pose she takes now only emphasizes everything further. Spreading her legs, she raises her chin, straightening her back and pushing out her chest. You're so overwhelmed you almost miss the way she keeps shifting her helmet, just a bit... perhaps glancing at you? It makes her look slightly anxious.](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")["(colour: yellow)[Yellow] was the second addition to my stable, and has always been eager to please. But she thinks with her cunt more often than not, and loves nothing more than a whip on her flank. So I provide just that, training her for endurance pulls of my carriages, and for sprints. She is remarkably quick, even in those boots."
Snapping her fingers, (colour: green)[Cyn] twirls the hand in a small circle afterward. "Presentation, (colour: yellow)[Yellow]."
<img alt="yside" src="images/yellow/yside.jpg"/>
The glossy creature jumps at the command, acting immediately, even if she needs to correct herself-- she had been so keen to submit she appeared to be going for another pose at first. You may have thought her suit and restraints had already put her on display, her heels thrusting her chest and rear out, the material itself leaving so little to the imagination, but the pose she takes now only emphasizes everything further. Spreading her legs, she raises her chin, straightening her back and pushing out her chest. You're so overwhelmed you almost miss the way she struggles to keep still, her excitement palpable.](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")["(colour: grey)[Silver] was the first member of my stable, and is by far my most experienced. Nothing makes her happier than making *me* happy, and I love to see my girls... moaning in delightful agony. I do not allow my (colour: grey)[Silver] anything like a *person's* rights."
Snapping her fingers, (colour: green)[Cyn] twirls the hand in a small circle afterward. "Presentation, (colour: grey)[Silver]."
<img alt="sside" src="images/silver/sside.jpg"/>
There is no hesitation in the way the pony responds, nor any need for correction-- her posture is immaculate. You may have thought her suit and restraints had already put her on display, her heels thrusting her chest and rear out, the material itself leaving so little to the imagination, but the pose she takes now only emphasizes everything further. Spreading her legs, she raises her chin, straightening her back and pushing out her chest. You're so overwhelmed you almost miss the... unexpected confidence in her body language. (colour: grey)[Jino] had seemed almost desperate, but this... *thing* had fallen immediately into blissful subservience.]
Tapping several commands on her omnitool, (colour: green)[Cyn] produces a simple hardlight stick about two feet long. "This suit... is my magnum opus, if I'm going to brag a bit. The control and submission you see on this pony's exterior? It goes even further within. They are pierced at clit, nipples, tongue, and septum--" with each place she taps the creature with her holographic stick, a sharp *snap* announcing some sort of electric discharge. "All of which are integrated into their suits, which provide complete and continual monitoring. Integrated corsets are built into the waist, and of course they have a locking bit between their teeth, alongside a full mouth tongue and speech suppressor. My ponies do not speak. The device I am *most* proud of, though, are their inserts. They have two, at all times: the rear one, which serves as the anchor to their tail. And the front, their *stallion*."
She pauses, looking to you, even as she holds her holographic rod between (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[(colour: red)[Red's]](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[(colour: yellow)[Yellow's]](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[(colour: grey)[Silver's]] legs. It takes you a moment, but you realize that (colour: green)[Cyn] is looking for some comment from you... yet you find it hard to stare at anything but the glossy creature trying desperately to hold its position as its cunt is gently shocked.
[["She's not moving, even though you're..."->ShockAware]]
[["You're shocking her, Cyn..."->ShockNurt]](set: $Ambi to it + 1)$Cyn turns back, reaching up run her hands through the mane of her pony. Throughout she keeps her other holograph-armed arm directly where it was. "I know. (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver] knows how much *worse* it will be if she moves, if she doesn't submit. I could turn off her exterior vision, I could reduce her oxygen levels, I could shock her so long she loses all track of time, or vibe her so hard she cums her mind out. She is *broken* to my whip."
Finally $Cyn relents, the glow of her omnitool disappearing as she looks again to you. "Would you like to touch her? You may. Anyone can."
(if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red shifts her wide hips back and forth, but holds her pose. You imagine that, behind that faceless mask, her eyes are directly upon you, though.](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow nearly loses her pose upon hearing her $Mistress' suggestion, but recovers, looking briefly to her $Mistress to see if she caught it. You're pretty sure $Cyn did, but she doesn't comment on it.](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver holds her pose perfectly, a gleaming silver statue. Already tall, she is forced up onto her very toes by the risers attached to her feet, and seems to tower over you.]
[["N-No thanks..."->RejectTouch]]
[[Touch her breast.->TouchBreast]]
[[Touch her between the legs.->Touchlegs]](set: $Nurt to it + 1)$Cyn turns back, reaching up run her hands through the mane of her pony. Throughout she keeps her other holograph-armed arm directly where it was. "I know. (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver] knows how much *worse* it will be if she moves, if she doesn't submit. I could turn off her exterior vision, I could reduce her oxygen levels, I could shock her so long she loses all track of time, or vibe her so hard she cums her mind out. She is *broken* to my whip."
Finally $Cyn relents, the glow of her omnitool disappearing as she looks again to you. "Would you like to touch her? You may. Anyone can."
(if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red shifts her wide hips back and forth, but holds her pose. You imagine that, behind that faceless mask, her eyes are directly upon you, though.](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow nearly loses her pose upon hearing her $Mistress' suggestion, but recovers, looking briefly to her $Mistress to see if she caught it. You're pretty sure $Cyn did, but she doesn't comment on it.](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver holds her pose perfectly, a gleaming silver statue. Already tall, she is forced up onto her very toes by the risers attached to her feet, and seems to tower over you.]
[["N-No thanks..."->RejectTouch]]
[[Touch her breast.->TouchBreast]]
[[Touch her between the legs.->Touchlegs]]$Cyn examines you for a moment, reading your body language as readily as any quarian could. She *was* good. But not everything could be made apparent that way. "You're either too deeply embarrassed, or you don't want to violate her like this. Is that about right?"
Holding up her hand, the human preempts your response. "Either way-- I do understand. This is just the barest taste of what can be, and even that can feel overwhelming. That is why we do things slowly, to ensure that you have every opportunity to feel comfortable in the experience-- until you're at the point where you *don't* want that anymore."
She smiles at that, even as a message chirps in on her omnitool.
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
[[Cyn looks down.->MeetSava]]Reaching out, your fingers-- just slightly trembling-- land upon (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver]'s waiting breast. To your surprise it is... very slick, your own suit threatening to slip away, as if struggling to find purchase upon the glossy creature before you.
"I use a nearly frictionless material for their suits," $Cyn explains, watching your every movement. "It is how they are so glossy, but I have utilitarian reasons as well. It makes cleaning them easier, for instance. And it makes self-satisfaction quite difficult for them."
Your fingers spread out slowly, running across the smooth orb of (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver]'s breast, growing bolder by the second. The pony remains steadfastly in place, staring straight ahead-- (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[although you notice her fighting to do so.](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[although you notice her fighting to do so.](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[as if being fondled was the most natural thing in the world.] Eventually your palm makes contact, even as your fingers finally land upon her nipple. You find it hard, just visible beneath the material of her suit, and lanced... with something metallic feeling.
$Cyn smiles. "Her piercings, yes? They remind my (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver] that her tits are mine... but they also interface directly with her suit. I can give her sensitive little nubs all manner of shocks and sensations with just a tap of my omnitool."
As if mentioning the device awoke it, the holographic device on $Cyn's arm lights up, some sort of message coming through.
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
[[Cyn looks down.->MeetSava]]Reaching out, your fingers-- just slightly trembling-- land upon (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver]'s inner thigh. To your surprise it is... very slick, your own suit threatening to slip away, as if struggling to find purchase upon the glossy creature before you.
"I use a nearly frictionless material for their suits," $Cyn explains, watching your every movement. "It is how they are so glossy, but I have utilitarian reasons as well. It makes cleaning them easier, for instance. And it makes self-satisfaction quite difficult for them."
Your fingers spread out slowly, running upward along the smooth curve of (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver]'s thigh, growing bolder by the second. The pony remains steadfastly in place, staring straight ahead-- (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[although you notice her fighting to do so.](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[although you notice her fighting to do so.](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[as if being fondled was the most natural thing in the world.] Eventually your fingertips slide from thigh to the meeting place between them, a smooth curvature of suit and feminine physiology that hid their most sensitive of holes. And it feels... filled. As if you're touching the base of something quite large indeed.
$Cyn smiles. "Her stallion, yes? They are plugged at all times, front and back. But their plugs are not simple things, they also interface directly with her suit. You cannot begin to imagine all the different sensations that I can stimulate... but *they* know so very well. Just as they know such devices cannot be removed. Not without removing the entire suit itself, and *that* would require permission from my omnitool."
As if mentioning the device awoke it, the holographic device on $Cyn's arm lights up, some sort of message coming through.
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
[[Cyn looks down.->MeetSava]]"Ah, perfect timing." Looking up from her wrist, $Cyn tightens her hold on (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver]'s reins. "(colour: blue)[Sava] just arrived. She's going to be helping you plan out your schedule going forward, and this would be a good point anyway at which to stop. I will need some time to calibrate (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver]'s suit... and maybe play with her a bit in here."
The mere suggestion sees (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red whinny softly, her wide hips swaying back and forth.](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow whinny excitedly, her hips swaying back and forth.](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver finally break, just a bit, from her perfectly held pose. She nods at you briefly, in thanks.] $Cyn meanwhile looks to the other girl(if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[s] at your side. "(if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Cinni, could you go back down to the store, and finish stocking those last set of shelves?](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Shunne, thank you again for making the run to the station this evening. You're free to leave if you like, or stay of course.](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Cinni, could you go back down to the store, and finish stocking those last set of shelves? And $Shunne, thank you again for making the run to the station this evening. You're free to leave if you like, or stay of course.] Thank you. As for you, $Name, I told $Sava to meet you in my front room. Its just outside the door to my workshop, we passed through it on the way."
Holding her ponygirl's reins, the human smiles again. "And do close the door on your way out?"
[[Time to exit.->MeetSava2]]<img alt="cynapart" src="images/land/cynapart.jpg"/>
Its hard to pull yourself away from the sensual firestorm that is $Cyn and (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver], but you manage, even if walking still feels strange. As if you're in a daze. Perhaps that had something to do with the heat you only notice now between your own legs, the rampant *desire* that had built within you during that first encounter becoming quite apparent.
The sound of words being exchanged nearby finally draws you from the fugue, enough so at least to notice the door leading from $Cyn's apartment back into the hallway stands open. That is where your fellow quarian had apparently gone, as the living room you now stand in is empty. A quick glance around reveals it to be a cozy affair, the cold promised by the frosted windows nevertheless kept securely at bay. In its place a certain messiness remains, $Cyn apparently not being one for strict cleaning. But her home does look properly *lived in*, in a manner you haven't seen since leaving the Fleet several days ago. On your birthship space had always been at a premium, and here that practice is sustained. It does, in fact, feel a bit like home.
A head popping back in the door draws your attention to (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Cinni's brightly colored mask. "I need to go do that thing for $Cyn," she explains, waving goodbye. "But it was really great to meet you! Later tonight I'll show you were you're going to be staying, with me, and all that. But for now... $Sava is right here!"](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Shunne stepping back into the apartment fully, already adjusting her long coat. "Well... it truly was wonderful meeting you today, Miss $LName. I would love to stay longer, but I must prepare for the start of the new semester. We will certainly see each other further, though, and I do look forward to that. If you have any other questions... well, $Sava is right here."](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Cinni's brightly colored mask. Leaning in the doorway, she waves goodbye for the moment. "I need to go do that thing for $Cyn. But it was really great to meet you! Later tonight I'll show you were you're going to be staying, with me, and all that."
$Shunne meanwhile had returned to the apartment fully, where she adjusts the long coat hanging from her shoulders. "And I must be getting home, so that I can prepare for the new semester. But it was wonderful meeting you, Miss $LName. We will certainly see each other further, though, and I do look forward to that. If you have any other questions... well, $Sava is right here."]
[[As they depart, a new woman enters.->MeetSava3]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
(set: $Stam to it + 20)
The quarian that enters is cloaked in (colour: blue)[blue]. Like the others you have met so far, her suit is obviously of $Cyn's design, the design and build quality both instantly recognizable as exceptional-- at least to quarian eyes. This one is younger though, a few years even below yourself. But she holds herself with confidence, the almond-shaped eyes beneath her mask glowing with an ingrained intelligence. Perhaps more strikingly, she's clearly gauging you just as clearly as you are her.
"You must be $Name," she greets, a half dozen holopads held in her arms, pressed up against her chest. "I'm (colour: blue)[Sava’Rulsa nar Tavolanus]. Just call me $Sava, of course."
Kicking the door closed behind her, she thumps the holopads down on the table in the center of the living room, between its couches. When she rises again her hands find her hips, and once more she seems to be taking your stock. You quickly get the sense she found you a bit lacking.
(if: $Major is 1)["Track scholarship, right? Yeah. That seems about right. $Cinni likes to run in circles too."](if: $Major is 2)["Medical track, though, right? Hmmph. That's what I'm studying too, but I got in a year early." That seems to be a point of pride for her.](if: $Major is 3)["Undeclared major, right? At the University, I mean. Maybe you should apply yourself more."](if: $Major is 4)["Xenobiology major, right? The Professor must be beside herself." Clearly she meant $Shunne.] If she seemed a bit bratty, she *also* seemed to recognize that, softening a bit.
"I'm sure you will do great, both in your classes and with $Cyn. But I've had a long day, and I bet you have too. Let's just get this schedule situation sorted, alright? It shouldn't be hard, you don't have many of the requirements we do." You can sense her nose wrinkling up beneath the blue of her mask, matched with a slight smirk. "Yet. So take a seat, and we can get this done, alright?"
[[You sit.->MeetSava4]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
Sitting down upon one of $Cyn's couches, you nearly find yourself swimming in the plush material. It is *far* beyond the utilitarian designs your people preferred, but $Sava takes it in stride, settling down primly beside you. Crossing one leg over the other, she takes one of the holopads from the table, settling it on her knee. Her typing is quick and punctual, quickly pulling up a program, which she then passes to you.
"So-- I use this same scheduler software. It can be fully integrated with your suit OS, presuming $Cyn upgraded it already?" At your nod, she continues. "Great. I'll show you how to upload it once we finish up. Anyway, the trick to all of this is balancing-- $Cyn also gave you the usual speech, I'm presuming? About keeping up with school, having downtime, being a ponygirl--"
$Sava halts suddenly on that word, looking to you wide-eyed for a moment. Her panic slides away quickly, though. "Sorry, its just... this is my first time, not being the newest one to all this. $Jino and $Cinni and $Shunne... they all started working with $Cyn first, so I've never had a chance to really explain this stuff to anyone else. Its... weird. But I'll be okay. I *am* okay."
She seems keen to drop the subject. "Anyway! There are 19 hours in a day on Hyetiana, but $Cyn does all her planning by Sol Standard, because she's from Earth. So we do too. Converting times is a pain in the butt otherwise. All *you* need to do is decide on how many hours you want to devote to your different commitments, update the calculations to see if you like it, then save it to your profile. Easy. I took the liberty of looking at your course of study and extracurriculars to have that in there too, and added some notes to guide you, plus if $Cyn gives you anything in the future that's easily added. It really should all be self-explanatory, but I do want to mention one thing in particular-- your free time. You can take as much as you want, but if you take *enough* you should have enough time to hang out with whoever you want. Me, I guess, or $Cinni or Professor $Shunne. I don't think $Jino would want to spend time with you yet, she's kind of... $Jino. You will understand in time. And $Cyn specifically asked that I don't mention her on this, because she wants you to 'bond with the other girls'."
$Sava had outstretched her hands at that, forming finger quotes. "So... lets just take a look, alright?"
[[She hands you the datapad, scheduler app open.->FirstSchedule]]=><=
**##Daily Planner##** (set: $Slice to 1)
(border: "dashed")[**Classes:** (colour: purple)[(if: $Major is 3)[6(set: $Class to 6)](else:)[7(set: $Class to 7)]] Hour(s)
*Your daily class load is fixed, and can't be adjusted. You need to do these, if you want to pass your classes. And that's what you're here for... right?(if: $Major is 3)[ Due to your lack of a major, you require one less hour than the normal 7 hours of classes.]*]
(border: "dashed")[**Study/Homework:** (colour: purple)[(dropdown: 2bind $Study, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5")] Hour(s)
*Studying outside of class is a general key to success! Starting off with straight A's will require at least 5 hours, while 3 or 4 should net you a B. Anything less is likely to see you start with a C average.(if: $Major is 2)[ Your Medicine major, and having $Sava as a study partner, reduce minimum studying requirements by one.]*]
(border: "dashed")[**Exercise:** (colour: purple)[(dropdown: 2bind $Exercise, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4")] Hour(s)
*$Cyn stresses physical fitness, but she's not requiring it of you for the moment. Less than two hours won't hurt you, but 2-3 hours would be enough to increase your stamina, and a full four would improve it significantly.* Track majors, who already exercise extensively, will reduce these minimums by one.]
(border: "dashed")[ **Sleep:** (colour: purple)[(dropdown: 2bind $Sleep, "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")] Hour(s)
*Adapting to a planet's orbital cycle is hard enough, but without enough sleep could make things even worse. 5-6 hours of sleep could leave you a bit more exhausted, while even less than that could have more egregious effects. (if: $Major is 4)[ Due to your extensive experience with caffine, in the future the amount of sleep required to maintain your stamina will be one hour lower than normal.]*]
(border: "dashed")[**Free Time/Hangouts:** (colour: purple)[(dropdown: 2bind $FreeTime, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4")] Hour(s)
*You don't have many extra requirements, like extracurriculars, training requests from $Cyn, or anything like that. At least for now. So you should definitely have plenty of time for yourself. (color: red)[Every 2 hours scheduled here will give you an opportunity to hang out with one of the other girls-- and possibly earn the rewards of friendship, or more...]*
(set: $TimeKeeper to $Class + (num: $Study) + (num: $Exercise) + (num: $Sleep) + (num: $FreeTime))
**Total Hours Scheduled:** $TimeKeeper/24 [[(Recalculate Total)->FirstSchedule]]
(if: $TimeKeeper is 24)[[[CONFIRM SELECTIONS->Confirmed1stSched]]](else:)[~~CONFIRM SELECTIONS~~ (You need exactly 24 hours scheduled to confirm.)]
Confirming your choices with a final outstretched finger, you give the datapad back to $Sava. Your fellow quarian flicks through your options, the light of her eyes moving back and forth at considerable speed. It doesn't take long for her to look back up to you.
(set: $Study to (num: $Study)) (set: $Exercise to (num: $Exercise)) (set: $Sleep to (num: $Sleep)) (set: $FreeTime to (num: $FreeTime))
"(if: $Study is 0)[You're not going to study at all? That seems... I mean, yeah its an option, but... you should try to do better than that. You can't just... well I guess you *can* just not study, but that's not smart. At all. You sure you want to keep that?](else-if: $Study is 1 or 2)[You don't have a lot of time set aside for studying, $Name. Maybe you're *that good*, but even I'm not, so I doubt that. You will need to keep up on your work particularly hard.](else-if: $Study is 3 or 4)[Seems to be a pretty balanced workload, with regards to your classes versus studying. I know it seems like a lot, but this *is* as asari founded school. They really do have some pretty high standards.](else:)[Putting that much time into study is going to assure you find success, at least academically. But that's even more than what I generally do. Maybe you want to tone it down a bit? It is up to you, though.] And then there is your time set aside for exercise. (if: $Exercise is 0 or 1)[$Cyn is very big about daily regimens, although she hasn't mandated anything for you. Maybe she should. You are clocking in a little low on that category. But maybe you *should* do that? If she starts giving you standards, you will *wish* you took it easier on yourself.](else-if: $Exercise is 2 or 3)[You seem to have set aside an acceptable amount of time. $Cyn is really big on a daily exercise regimen, but she hasn't given you one yet. Not sure if that's a good thing. You *need* to be in shape for the kind of things she likes to put us through...](else:)[You have a bunch of time set aside for exercise, I see. That's good. Might be getting ahead of yourself, though? $Cyn is really big on daily regimens for that sort of thing, but when she *actually* starts making it a requirement, you may wish you had gone easier on yourself now.]"
She tips her head, thinking further. The way her hood shifts back and forth isn't much like hair, too uniform in its shape, but its the closest your people could manage. "I never get enough sleep, but (if: $Sleep is 4 or 5 or 6)[you don't appear to be planning much either. Just be careful with that. Besides the obvious of falling asleep in class, or whatever, believe me when I say you do *not* want to get into something with $Cyn without being fully rested. Not fun.](else-if: $Sleep is 7 or 8)[you seem to be planning to get enough. $Shunne would approve. She's always getting on me about it, and she's right, but between everything at University and everything with $Cyn... there are only so many hours in the day!](else:)[you seem to be planning to get *more* than enough. $Shunne would approve. She's always getting on me about it, and she's right, but between everything at University and everything with $Cyn... there are only so many hours in the day!] And that just leaves your free time, I suppose. Not much to say about it. None of us really get *that* much, but you're still new. That will probably change."
Tapping a few new commands into the datapad, $Sava then offers it once more. "Did you want to make any further changes, or should I lock it in?"
[["Let me look again."->FirstSchedule]]
[["Lock it in. I'm good."->FS2]]=><=
(font: "Courier New")[**CONTACT LIST**]
(font: "Courier New")[ <table style="width:100%">
<th>Cyn Sauveterre</th>
<th>Shunne’Yara vas Xemzlanu</th>
<td><img alt="cynid" src="images/cyn/cynid.png"/></td>
<td><img alt="redid" src="images/red/redid.png"/></td>
<td>**Background:** While the world at large knows Cyn as an independent businesswoman, engineer, and programmer, you're familiar with her *other* role-- that of Mistress and Dominatrix. Liable to sleep in far too late, and always being chided for indulging in sweets, she can often be found tinkering on a new invention, be it a product destined for her shop, or some new torment to be tested on her slaves.</td>
<td>**Background:** Professor of Xenobiology and tenured instructor with the Hyetiana University complex, Shunne combines a formidable intellect with a deep and unflinching kindness. Maternal by nature and always anxious for her students and stablemates alike, a helping hand from her is guaranteed if you ask, although she's a remarkable listener as well. Since meeting Cyn however, she is focusing more on herself, most readily her ticking biological clock...</td>
<td>**Status:** (if: $CynTimer is 0)[Prior to arrival you spoke with Cyn at length, and interact with her daily, but you get the sense she is still observing you-- (color: red)[much like newly written code, testing you out.]](if: $CynTimer is 1)[Cyn has moved beyond merely observing your transition, and is now actively looking to engage with you. Given her role in your life, as Mistress *and* patron, options are beginning to unfold, (color: yellow)[if you continue meeting with her.]](if: $CynTimer is 2)[Cyn has begun to open up to you, although getting to know your Mistress will clearly be a trying experience. Separating her adoration as a submissive is (color: yellow)[impossible at this time.]](if: $CynTimer is 3)[Cyn has fully accepted you as a partner in kink, and you're beginning to get a sense for what *else* may be possible with her. (if: $CynSub > 0)[(color: red)[She sees you as a submissive first and foremost, and intends to treat you as such.]](else:)[She sees something of an equal in you, beyond just submission. (color: red)[You intrigue her.]]]</td>
<td>**Status:** (if: $RedTimer is 0)[While you see her every day in class, you're (color: red)[still getting to know Shunne.]](if: $RedTimer is 1 or 2)[As you begin to make the effort to spend time with her, you've found she (color: yellow)[enjoys your company.]
](if: $RedTimer is 3)[Having spend considerable time with her thus far, its fair to consider Shunne your (color: green)[friend and confidant.]
<table style="width:100%">
<th>Sava’Rulsa nar Tavolanus</th>
<th>Cinni’Sheena nar Khar’Shan</th>
<td><img alt="blueid" src="images/blue/blueid.png"/></td>
<td><img alt="yellowid" src="images/yellow/yellowid.png"/></td>
<td>**Background:** An academic savant currently enrolled in the medicinal doctorate program, none can contest that Sava is anything but brilliant-- and she is always willing to remind you of that fact. Perhaps that explains her reputation for being prickly and her apparent lack of friends at the University. Despite academic success, sometimes she seems to be just going through the motions in class, succeeding with ease but never truly happy...</td>
<td>**Background:** Cinni lives in the *now*, rarely speaking of her past, and never planning for the future. Serving as something like her legal guardian, Cyn provides her with housing and a job, and of course a release valve for Cinni's nearly limitless energy-- nothing burns it faster than laboring in a harness. While she considers everyone she meets a friend, you think Cinni might be looking for something more... </td>
<td>**Status:** (if: $BlueTimer is 0)[Sava is willing to tutor you at length, but (color: red)[will remain defensive until she gets to know you better.]](if: $BlueTimer is 1 or 2)[A burgeoning relationship is beginning to show itself between you and Sava, as (color: yellow)[she begins to let her guard down.]](if: $BlueTimer is 3)[Few paths are quicker to Sava's heart than academic partnership, and (color: green)[she might even consider you a friend.]](if: $BlueTimer is 100)[With Cyn's guidance, and your encouragement, Sava is considering abandoning the studies she only ever engaged in for her parents, and for the first time seek after what *she* really wants-- even if that means (color: red + white)[permanent enslavement as a lifestyle ponygirl.]]</td>
<td>**Status:** (if: $YellowTimer is 0)[By far the most outgoing of your new, eclectic crew, if you asked Cinni today she would probably already consider you her friend, although (color: red)[you're still getting to know her.]](if: $YellowTimer is 1 or 2)[Roommate and gaming partner, Cinni has never wavered in considering you a friend, and (color: yellow)[you think of her as a friend as well.]](if: $YellowTimer is 3)[A bond forged in a shared farmstead cannot be easily broken, and besides, you question if Cinni even has a "bad side" to ever get on. (color: green)[You're good friends.]](if: $YellowTimer is 100)[Long discussions and late nights with Cinni has seen a relationship blossom between you and her, and while she is always ready to call someone her friend, you're the first (color: purple)[that she calls **girlfriend.**]]</td>
<table style="width:100%">
<th>Jino'Laelin vas Kahje</th>
<th>(if: $OnyxTimer is 1)[Onyx](else:)[Contact Unavailable]</th>
<td><img alt="silverid" src="images/silver/silverid.png"/></td>
<td>(if: $OnyxTimer is 1)[<img alt="onyxid" src="images/onyx/onyxid.png"/>](else:)[<img alt="missid" src="images/reg/missid.png"/>]</td>
<td>**Background:** The first to meet Cyn, Jino has been her closest companion and submissive for years now. When not serving in the harness she is generally working at sea, where she spends weeks at a time posted to sea-based platforms and submarine facilities, serving as an underwater welder. To call Jino aloof would to do the word an understatement, but she bends her standoffishness when Cyn asks... and would do *anything* for the human if given the opportunity.</td>
<td>**Background:** (if: $OnyxTimer is 1)[Her name, her past, and even the shape of her eyes-- that most important of quarian traits-- are unknown to you. As a full time lifestyle slave, Onyx is never allowed outside of her suit, she is never without her bit gag in your presence, and she is otherwise treated like an animal 24/7. Her Mistress and Owner, Ashletta Vorane, has maintained such a relationship with her for over half a decade now, and by every indication Onyx never wants to be a *person* again.](else:)[CONTACT EMPTY-- please provide reference ID, extranet contact VRL, or Outer Systems Contact Key to add a new entry to this system.] </td>
<td>**Status:** (if: $SilverTimer is 0)[Nearly impossible to track down at any given time, and just barely rising above rudely dismissing you when spending any time with her, (color: red)[Jino is notoriously hard to get to know.]](if: $SilverTimer is 1 or 2)[You've made the effort, and slowly the first cracks in her wall of self-imposed distance are showing-- (color: yellow)[Jino sees you as something of a protege.]](if: $SilverTimer is 3)[You've come to be an accomplished scuba diver over the weeks you've spent with Jino, and she in turn has warmed up to you. (color: green)[She may never admit it, but she trust and confides in you..]]</td>
<td>**Status:** (if: $OnyxTimer is 1)[as $Name, Onyx treats you with the respect she gives any free person-- she may be near seven feet tall and extremely strong, but with your hands on her reins she's gentle and deeply submissive. As Violet, however, she seems enthused by your training, and eager for you to take the next step. (color: red)[Take enough of those, and the locks on your suit might just be permanently sealed like those adorning her.]](else:)[CONTACT EMPTY]</td>
(link-undo:"RETURN TO ROOT")
](set: $RedTimer to 3)
(set: $tester to "(color: red)[high]")
(set:$batteryPower to 800)(meter: bind $batteryPower, 1000, "X", "Submission: $tester", (gradient: 90, 0, red, 1, orange))(link-undo:"Return to game")"Right." Saving your data, she finally sets the datapad down afterward, a hand catching her chin as she leans forward, elbow on her knee. "Well, we've got that out of the way. Done. (if: $Major is 2)[We will definitely be seeing each other in classes, given you're majoring in the same field I am.](if: $Major is 1)[Maybe we will even see each other around campus. I don't have anything to do with the track team... but maybe you'll take dance classes? I do those.](if: $Major is 3)[Maybe we will even see each other around campus. Although if you're just signed up for general study classes, being without a major, perhaps not...](if: $Major is 4)[We will definitely be seeing each other in a few classes. $Shunne's at least. She teaches xenobiology, and I still have a few to cover with her.] Although, that *does* remind me... I saw the others on my way in, but where is (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Shunne](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Cinni](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Jino]?"
"Mmmmmmmmmmmgh!" The sound, a deep and needy moan, more sexual than *anything* you have experienced outside of a few particularly raunchy stim-vids, seems to rise up to answer $Sava's question-- who promptly looks away from you. The source is revealed to be the door to $Cyn's workshop, the human slipping out with a contented smile on her face. Upon noticing your look of alarm, and $Sava's embarrassment, $Cyn only smiles wider, even as she closes the workshop door behind herself.
"Sorry about that," she greets, crossing the room to lean against the edge of your overly plush seat. "(if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver] is getting a little reward for being so docile with you today, $Name."
$Sava clears her throat, then rolls her eyes. "Oh, so *that* is what you were doing."
Cyn's smile never breaks. "Yes. And it looks like you've completed $Name's schedule? That's great. We will get you situated yet, $Name. But before that, I did have a little question for you: I want to know what you think. Now that you've had some time to think." $Sava seems ready at your side to ask for clarification on your behalf, but she is stymied by a grin from the human. "I mean with regards to joining my stable as a pony slave."
[[Tell her, speak from the heart.->TellHer]][(dialog: "You have been asked to speak from your heart. Now that you have had some time to define your character's personality with your previous choices, your developing personality will be demonstrated here. While the different combinations of the traits can produce different results, none are any better or worse than the other. Your personality as $Name $LName and as a member of the stable will continue to develop as the game progresses.")]*(if: $Thou > $Enth)[You tell her, even if the idea of expressing yourself like this butts up against your better judgement. You're intrigued. Until today the sort of experiences that interested you had always seemed like fantasies, something explored in books, games, and vids. But not anymore. You've witnessed firsthand the depths of submission possible with $Cyn. That had alarmed you-- and excited you too, perhaps.](else:)[You tell her readily. Being direct and forward feels right to you, and there could be little shame in that. Until today the sort of experiences that interested you had always seemed fantastical, something explored in lurid extranet stories and the like. But not anymore. You've witnessed firsthand the depths of submission possible with $Cyn-- and the prospect of partaking yourself only excites you further!] (if: $Nurt > $Ambi)[It felt good to know you're not alone in this, either. To be with others who were interested in similar things, and to be able to explore such things in a safe environment. That's important to you, especially as the others have made you feel welcomed. It does feel like a family... with a few interesting quirks.](if: $Nurt < $Ambi)[It hurt a bit, to know you couldn't get involved right away. You understand why $Cyn took things a bit slower, the trust and everything, but... how were you expected to sleep well after seeing a ponygirl first hand? Fully encapsulated, with everything on display, under so many layers of restriction... you want to be one of them.]*
$Cyn listens intently, having crossed her arms, one knee up on the edge of the sofa. As you drift into quiet, the deluge of emotions having run its course, you expect something like a lecture. Or at least an attempt to explain your feelings. Like it or not, you're already seeing $Cyn as a figure of authority. She was still wearing that normal enough jacket, she doesn't exactly fit your idea of a dominatrix in fact, and yet... there she is. And she makes no attempt to explore your emotions further. She doesn't need to. Instead she simply reaches in, pulling you-- and a hesitant $Sava too-- into a sudden hug. There she holds for a long moment, in silence, before finally letting you go.
Only then, stepping back, does she run a hand up through her jade-streaked hair. "I can hardly wait to get you into a harness, $Name. Or... well, you won't have that name once you do. Names are for *people*, and my girls certainly aren't that. They're... toys, and I've always been very particular with my toys. I like to color code them, as I'm sure you've noticed."
(set: $StoreName to $Name)
$Cyn leans in, two fingers finding your chin, lifting it up to look into your eyes. "And you... are going to be $Violet."
(set: $Name to "(colour: purple)[$StoreName]")(set: $Strike to $LName)(set: $LName to "(colour: purple)[nar Teslyar]")
(if: $FreeTime > 1)[[[Time Passes...->1stFreeTime]]](else:)[[[Time Passes...->TimeSkip1]]]<img alt="time" src="images/reg/time.gif"/>
***Time passes...***
{(if: $Major is 2)[(set: $Study to it + 1)]
(if: $Major is 1)[(set: $Exercist to it + 1)]
(if: $Study is 0 or 1 or 2)[(set: $School to 0)]
(if: $Study is 3 or 4)[(set: $School to 1)]
(if: $Study is 5 or 6)[(set: $School to 2)]
(if: $Exercise is 0 or 1)[(set: $Body to 0)]
(if: $Exercise is 2 or 3)[(set: $Body to 1)]
(if: $Exercise is 4 or 5)[(set: $Body to 2)]
(if: $Major is 4)[(set: $Sleep to it + 1]}
One week, three, five... and you settle into your new life. As promised you move in with $Cinni, her half of the store's second floor being quite spacious, another promise fulfilled. (if: $Thou > $Enth)[She makes a rather bothersome roommate at times, her exuberant personality clashing with your own,](else:)[She and you quickly fall into a budding friendship, her enthusiasm matched by a similar tendency in yourself,] although you do have a guest room all to yourself. And the amenities! Your bed alone is larger than the bunk you had been assigned back on your birth ship. Its embrace is dangerous, in fact, as you sometimes find yourself struggling to rise for morning classes-- its just so comfortable! (if: $Sleep is 4 or 5 or 6)[Nevertheless, you don't get much of it. Your schedule, or perhaps just your priorities, ensure that you generally only catch $Sleep hours each night, and often wake feeling a bit fatigued.](if: $Sleep is 7 or 8)[You certainly get enough of it, having scheduled the recommended amount, and usually wake up ready to go!](if: $Sleep is 9)[You certainly get more than enough of it, having scheduled a full 9 hours each night. Sleeping in a bit just feels *so good.*]
(if: $School is 0)[Your classes prove challenging. Some differences were to be expected while attending a university founded and largely operated by asari, but even so you just don't seem to be grasping all the concepts. $Sava does the best she can to help you, though, and she *is* a good tutor. Unless you study more you will probably be seeing more of her, given your struggles, but you get the sense that might not be a bad idea-- $Sava doesn't appear to get along well with many other students. She is... standoffish to them, except when demonstrating her knowledge. She definitely seems smarter than you.](if: $School is 1)[Your classes prove challenging, but not insurmountable. The asari have a reputation for academic excellence, and you find that to be true, the pace of their instruction being quite demanding-- but you've planned enough time to manage it, (if: $Major is 1 or 3)[although your chosen course of study makes that easy enough.](else:)[a true accomplishment given how challenging your course of study is.] $Sava proves to be quite helpful too, her guidance and tutoring being provided whenever you request it-- and you get the sense $Sava looked forward to such questions. She always seems a bit standoffish, a bit haughty, but when asked to tutor she really opens up. Perhaps that's why she doesn't seem to have many friends.](if: $School is 2)[Your classes prove challenging. The asari have a reputation for academic excellence, and you find that to be true, the pace of their instruction being quite demanding-- but you put the time in, and *crush* the early quizzes. In fact you're in the running for leading the class, no small feat for a recent transfer. $Sava certainly helps as well, by always being ready to study with you. That seems to be the only time she opens up, actually, as otherwise you find her a bit... haughty? Perhaps that explains why she doesn't seem to have many friends.]
(if: $Body is 0)[Beyond your schooling, you spend little time working on yourself. You've always been in relatively good shape, a portion of that undoubtedly due to the manner of eating required of someone in a suit, and you don't see a reason to change it now.(if: $Major is 1)[ Unfortunately your scholarship is predicated on good performance at track, and this isn't the way to stay in shape. You can feel yourself falling a bit behind.]](if: $Body is 1)[Beyond your schooling, you spend $Exercise hours each day working on yourself, and the results are generally positive. You feel a bit stronger, a bit faster. Nothing that will change things too much, but hey, every improvement feels nice.(if: $Major is 1)[ And of course you have your scholarship, which is dependent on your track performance. You need to work out more than the average person, but are doing just that, and doing it well enough.]](if: $Body is 2)[Beyond your schooling, you spend a good deal of time working on yourself. Keeping an intensive training regimen just seems right to you, and thus your $Exercise hours spent each day at it quickly produce results.(if: $Major is 1)[ Given your track scholarship, keeping in shape is extra important to you, and you're performing admirably-- even winning the first practice meet.]] Otherwise your time is your own, $FreeTime hours each day allowing you to explore your own interests. Keeping that balance between work and life is important, something $Cyn is keen to remind you on. Altogether, you feel yourself changing just a bit...
(set: $Stam to 0)
[[Stronger, smarter, faster?->Results1]]**$Name $LName Status:**
Grade Point Average: (if: $School is 0)[(colour: orange)[C]](if: $School is 1)[(colour: yellow)[B]](if: $School is 2)[(colour: green)[A]]
Exercise: (if: $Body is 0)[(colour: red)[No Change]](if: $Body is 1)[(colour: yellow)[+5 Max Stamina Increase](set: $StamTotal to it + 5)](if: $Body is 2)[(colour: green)[+10 Max Stamina Increase](set: $StamTotal to it + 10)]
Sleep: (if: $Sleep is 5 or 6)[(colour: red)[-5 Max Stamina Decrease](set: $StamTotal to it - 5)](else-if: $Sleep is 4)[(colour: red)[-10 Max Stamina Decrease](set: $StamTotal to it - 10)](else:)[(colour: green)[No Effect]]
(if: $Tutorial is true)[(dialog: "After each time skip your choices will influence various stats and abilities your character posesses. While this was probably quite easy the first time, you also barely have any requirements placed upon you...")]
[[You settle into your rhythm...->TimeSkip3]]Five weeks have passed, and you slip comfortably into Cyn's untraditional little family. This is a far different life than you ever knew on the Fleet, but one with so many more opportunities. The University is your focus, your classes remaining paramount, but you cannot help but think of what you had glimpsed in $Cyn's workshop. (if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow.](if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red.](if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[$Silver.] How could you not? To think that an otherwise normal enough person could be transformed in a creature like that, all vibrant sexuality and heavy restraint... and to think of $Cyn's promise, of $Violet?
The first step towards that reality came three weeks after your arrival, when you were given a gift from $Cyn-- a new suit. Not the one you *dreamed* of, of course, but one of her customized everyday envirosuits. Built to your every specification, by hand, with a workmanship your own mostly recycled gear could never have hoped to match. It was comfortable and featured every amenity, was even better integrated with the operating system she had designed for you, and most importantly...
[[Look in the mirror.->EDaySuit]]<img alt="basicsuit" src="images/violet/basicsuit.png"/>
Instead of your old grey tones, this one is purple... or $Violet. Even now you find yourself preening in the decorative mirror in $Cyn's living room, observing the play of light across your suit as you shift your wide hips back and forth, adjusting the fall of your cloth coverings just *so*. It fit so well, felt so good... but it was only a taste, albeit one you had two weeks to acclimatize to. A necessary period, $Cyn had promised. And besides, it took her even longer to build your other suit. Two weeks in fact, the promised day being... *today.*
Checking your chronometer, you see the time: 12:22PM. It is the weekend, Saturday, you had all day off-- but nevertheless you had mostly just found yourself waiting for noon. That was when $Cyn had promised she would be done... but her workshop door remained closed, the call you've been waiting for having not yet arrived. That was typical. The human was a natural dominatrix when she set her mind to it, but she was a perfectionist too, and perfection took *time.* Just hopefully not that much longer.
In fact--
[[Your omnitool chimes, as if on cue.->Answercall]]<img alt="cynapart" src="images/land/cynapart.jpg"/>
[(dialog: "(colour: green)[Hey, $Violet~
If you're ready to become the ponyslut we both *know* you to be... come into the workshop. Door is opened.
The giddy enthusiasm you feel in your chest is hard to clamp down on, but you manage, taking a moment to exhale slowly. Centering yourself. This was it. Your first suiting. $Cyn hadn't told you much exactly of what that entailed, except that her slave suits were incredibly complicated-- and the others girls had attested to much the same. You had gotten the feeling, in fact, that they had been instructed to remain rather silent on the issue towards you. Was that a good sign?
Whatever it may be, you had to make a decision on how to respond.
[[(Ambitious) Go to her workshop immediately!->AmbiWork]]
[[(Nurturing) Hold a moment-- what about the other girls?->NurtWork]]
[[(Thoughtful) Make sure you look good, once more, before going to her.->ThouWork]]
[[(Enthusiastic) Take another deep breath, you're STILL not calm!->EnthuWork]]You do not have to be told twice. This is what you *wanted*, even if being a *ponyslut* was the epitome of embarrassing. Perhaps that was what made you want it all the more? Whatever the reason, you shove it down, focusing instead on your long strides across $Cyn's living room. It is not particularly large, and isn't too cluttered for once, but you still need to side-step at least once to avoid a pair of dive tanks she had left upon the floor. A tripping hazard, but far from capable of stopping you.
Reaching for the control pad, it flashes green without a touch, the door sliding open...
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
[[You enter.->CynWork]]You're actually not sure where the other girls are. $Cinni was not in your room this morning, but she often rose early. $Sava had not arrived yet, to the best of your knowledge. And $Jino? You haven't seen her since that first day. Kind of. You've glimpsed $Silver, the ponygirl, being led by her reins a few times... but $Cyn had always been sure to shoo you away. She had not deemed you ready, yet. But you are now.
Crossing the room to the workshop door, you reach out for the control panel only for it to blink green, the door sliding open...
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
[[You enter.->CynWork]]A simpler mind would have run for the workshop door, but you're *better* than that. Instead you hesitate, turning slowly back and forth before the mirror, checking yourself. You wanted to make the right impression. $Cyn had been adamant you could not begin your training until she deemed you ready, and now that the day had come you wanted to make sure everything went right. Only when satisfied, as you eventually conclude for yourself, do you cross the room towards the workshop door.
Reaching out for the door's control panel, you find it blinks green at your approach, sliding open quickly...
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
[[You enter.->CynWork]]*Ahhh!* Today was the day! It had been hard waiting, as $Cyn had made it quite clear: she would only being your training when she deemed you ready. You had thought yourself ready the day you had arrived, but she had disagreed-- and her will had won out, of course. So you had waited, a bit impatiently, until... today! Taking one last deep breath, you bid farewell to the mirror and turn quickly on your toes.
Crossing the room takes only a moment, especially as you find yourself all but running. At the workshop door you find its control panel blinking green at your approach, the portal opening invitingly...
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
[[You enter.->CynWork]]<img alt="cynlab" src="images/land/cynlab.jpg"/>
Within you find $Cyn's workshop to be much the same as you had seen in previously, just a bit mixed around. New projects started, some cleaned up and gone-- presumably finished. For the time being all of them are being ignored except one, however: the changing station built into the corner. Where before its cylindrical design had seemed faultless, now a large panel had been removed from the side. There $Cyn is sliding the last few pieces of *something* glossy into receptacles there. She's wearing headphones, a retro set large enough to fit over each ear, but they're pulled down and hanging around her neck. Even so, from this distance you can hear an aggressive sort of music emanating from them, all drums, heavy guitars, and brash lyrics.
Sliding the panel back into place, her work completed, she begins to turn towards you...
[["Cyn! I'm here!"->EnthGreet]]
[["You called for me?"->ThoughtGreet]]
[[Remain silent.->NurtGreet]]
[[Lower your eyes, take a submissive pose.->AmbiGreet]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
$Cyn chuckles at your bright greeting, her own delivered with a far more smoky purr. "Hey, $Violet..."
Fully turned, you find her wearing little more than a boldly cut skirt, a bolero shirt of deep black, and some manner of see-through material beneath. Fishnets, you believe they're called. Besides your first meeting with her, you've come to expect from the human a certain... dishevelment. She never dressed poorly, but there was *clearly* a difference between waking up at 1PM after a night's spent coding, stumbling into the kitchen for coffee with far too much added sugar, and what you're greeted with now-- $Cyn at peak form, all sultry moods and domineering looks.
She gives you one now, her eyes rolling down your body, undressing you in a way you're unfamiliar with-- few could manage that, on one of your people. But $Cyn could. She knew what lurked beneath your suit, she was *intimately* familiar in fact.
"Eager to get started? Before we do, there is one thing we got to do: go over my four rules."
[["We need rules for this?"->NeedRules]]
[["Rules... okay. What are they?"->WhatRules]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
$Cyn nods, overriding your inquisitiveness with a smoky purr that promised just about *anything*. "Hey, $Violet..."
Fully turned, you find her wearing little more than a boldly cut skirt, a bolero shirt of deep black, and some manner of see-through material beneath. Fishnets, you believe they're called. Besides your first meeting with her, you've come to expect from the human a certain... dishevelment. She never dressed poorly, but there was *clearly* a difference between waking up at 1PM after a night's spent coding, stumbling into the kitchen for coffee with far too much added sugar, and what you're greeted with now-- $Cyn at peak form, all sultry moods and domineering looks.
She gives you one now, her eyes rolling down your body, undressing you in a way you're unfamiliar with-- few could manage that, on one of your people. But $Cyn could. She knew what lurked beneath your suit, she was *intimately* familiar in fact.
"Eager to get started? Before we do, there is one thing we got to do: go over my four rules."
[["We need rules for this?"->NeedRules]]
[["Rules... okay. What are they?"->WhatRules]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
$Cyn smiles, her ability to wield the expression almost as disarming as the smoky purr that follows, promising just about *anything*. "Hey, $Violet..."
Fully turned, you find her wearing little more than a boldly cut skirt, a bolero shirt of deep black, and some manner of see-through material beneath. Fishnets, you believe they're called. Besides your first meeting with her, you've come to expect from the human a certain... dishevelment. She never dressed poorly, but there was *clearly* a difference between waking up at 1PM after a night's spent coding, stumbling into the kitchen for coffee with far too much added sugar, and what you're greeted with now-- $Cyn at peak form, all sultry moods and domineering looks.
She gives you one now, her eyes rolling down your body, undressing you in a way you're unfamiliar with-- few could manage that, on one of your people. But $Cyn could. She knew what lurked beneath your suit, she was *intimately* familiar in fact.
"Eager to get started? Before we do, there is one thing we got to do: go over my four rules."
[["We need rules for this?"->NeedRules]]
[["Rules... okay. What are they?"->WhatRules]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
$Cyn's response is a smoky purr. "Hey, $Violet..." Noticing your pose, eyes down, legs spread a bit, she does however perk up. "Already in the mood? Good. But your pose is hardly proper."
Fully turned, you find her wearing little more than a boldly cut skirt, a bolero shirt of deep black, and some manner of see-through material beneath. Fishnets, you believe they're called. Besides your first meeting with her, you've come to expect from the human a certain... dishevelment. She never dressed poorly, but there was *clearly* a difference between waking up at 1PM after a night's spent coding, stumbling into the kitchen for coffee with far too much added sugar, and what you're greeted with now-- $Cyn at peak form, all sultry moods and domineering looks.
She gives you one now, her eyes rolling down your body, undressing you in a way you're unfamiliar with-- few could manage that, on one of your people. But $Cyn could. She knew what lurked beneath your suit, she was *intimately* familiar in fact.
"We will get to how you'll be standing until I say otherwise... but before we do, there is one thing we got to do: go over my four rules."
[["We need rules for this?"->NeedRules]]
[["Rules... okay. What are they?"->WhatRules]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
"We do." Her response is automatic, a raised finger revealing the half-gloves she wears on each hand, fingertips exposed. "I always make a point of going over them *now*, before you go into your suit for the first time. It can be... overwhelming. This way you won't forget them in the moment, and that's important, because the *rules* are important."
Stepping up close to you, she then steps even *closer*, placing her arms upon your shoulders, her hands clasping together somewhere behind. It allows her to lean in, until her dark skin threatens to press against your mask. "The first rule is trust, $Name. What we're about to do... it takes a lot. Especially from you. Submission is not easy, and the level that I require... even now, with just your basic suit... well, as I said: it can feel overwhelming. So I want you to know that I am here, and that I'm watching out for you. I'm looking to fulfill your fantasies... but that doesn't always mean you will enjoy it. Being a pony is *hard.* You will be made to do monotonous physical labor, you will be teased and tortured and whipped... as $Violet, you will be my plaything. **Thing**. Not a person. I know I've mentioned this before, but I mean it now more than ever. Can you trust me with all of that, $Name?"
[["Yes, $Mistress."->YesMiss]]
[["I trust you will keep me safe... if not comfortable. Yes."->YesComf]]
[["N-No... I... I can't do this..."->EarlyExit]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
"Interesting. Some of my other girls barely focused at this point." She sounds almost amused, a raised finger revealing the half-gloves she wears on each hand, fingertips exposed. "I always make a point of going over them *now*, before you go into your suit for the first time. It can be... overwhelming. This way you won't forget them in the moment, and that's important, because the *rules* are important."
Stepping up close to you, she then steps even *closer*, placing her arms upon your shoulders, her hands clasping together somewhere behind. It allows her to lean in, until her dark skin threatens to press against your mask. "The first rule is trust, $Name. What we're about to do... it takes a lot. Especially from you. Submission is not easy, and the level that I require... even now, with just your basic suit... well, as I said: it can feel overwhelming. So I want you to know that I am here, and that I'm watching out for you. I'm looking to fulfill your fantasies... but that doesn't always mean you will enjoy it. Being a pony is *hard.* You will be made to do monotonous physical labor, you will be teased and tortured and whipped... as $Violet, you will be my plaything. **Thing**. Not a person. I know I've mentioned this before, but I mean it now more than ever. Can you trust me with all of that, $Name?"
[["Yes, $Mistress."->YesMiss]]
[["I trust you will keep me safe... if not comfortable. Yes."->YesComf]]
[["N-No... I... I can't do this..."->EarlyExit]]
"Good." With her arms still up your shoulders, the pose intimate without exactly being an embrace, $Cyn continues. "Rule #2 is consent. Besides the trust, I want to make it clear that you're consenting to all this. Not the *particulars*, mind you-- the fun comes in you not always knowing that, but in the general... idea of it all. If at any time between times in the harness, if you have second thoughts, bring them up with me. You can always withdraw your consent. While you're *in* your full suit, that's harder of course. My ponies are not allowed to speak, generally. But your suit does have an emergency protocol you can activate. Think of it as your 'safe word'. Got it?"
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
[["Got it."->CynCon]]
[["Yes, $Mistress."->CynMiss2]]
[["N-No... I... I can't do this..."->EarlyExit]]"Good." With her arms still up your shoulders, the pose intimate without exactly being an embrace, $Cyn continues. "Rule #2 is consent. Besides the trust, I want to make it clear that you're consenting to all this. Not the *particulars*, mind you-- the fun comes in you not always knowing that, but in the general... idea of it all. If at any time between times in the harness, if you have second thoughts, bring them up with me. You can always withdraw your consent. While you're *in* your full suit, that's harder of course. My ponies are not allowed to speak, generally. But your suit does have an emergency protocol you can activate. Think of it as your 'safe word'. Got it?"
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
[["Got it."->CynCon]]
[["Yes, $Mistress."->CynMiss2]]
[["N-No... I... I can't do this..."->EarlyExit]]"I see." You had not seen it before, but you do so now-- a certain giddiness lurking behind her imperious persona. It drains out now, her smile slowly sliding away. "And I understand. Consent is important. Perhaps... perhaps we have moved too quickly? Or maybe this just isn't for you? Hmm. For now, I suppose, we will have to put everything on hold."
CONSENT IS IMPORTANT IN ANY RELATIONSHIP. YOU HAVE ENDED THE GAME.$Cyn tips her head, a playful look sliding across her features, twisting full lips and both carefully sculpted brows. "Rule three is simple, but important. When you're in the slave suit, when you're my slave, you need to remember your place at all times. Most prominently, that means referring to me by my title, if you ever get to speak. Or even if you *try* to speak. I have... plenty of experience listening to girls moan and cry through a gag. As to the title, once you go into that suit, I am your **$Mistress**. You will be punished for many things, because training a pony means breaking her to the harness, but I will be *particularly* ruthless about what you call me."
The human bites her bottom lip, eyes rolling to the ceiling in thought before she focuses on you again. "I am your $Mistress, and you will be $Violet. Just... $Violet. Its not a name, obviously. Not a real one, anyway. But names are for people, aren't they? And my $Violet won't be that."
[["I understand... $Mistress."->Rule4]]
[["I... I can't do this!"->EarlyExit]]$Cyn tips her head, a playful look sliding across her features, twisting full lips and both carefully sculpted brows. "Rule three is simple, but important. When you're in the slave suit, when you're my slave, you need to remember your place at all times. Most prominently, that means referring to me by my title, if you ever get to speak. Or even if you *try* to speak. I have... plenty of experience listening to girls moan and cry through a gag. As to the title, you're already doing it, but I will reiterate: once you go into that suit, I am your **$Mistress**. You will be punished for many things, because training a pony means breaking her to the harness, but I will be *particularly* ruthless about what you call me."
The human bites her bottom lip, eyes rolling to the ceiling in thought before she focuses on you again. "I am your $Mistress, and you will be $Violet. Just... $Violet. Its not a name, obviously. Not a real one, anyway. But names are for people, aren't they? And my $Violet won't be that."
[["I understand... $Mistress."->Rule4]]
[["I... I can't do this!"->EarlyExit]]|1>[Hey, c'mover here, cutie.]
(mouseover:?1)[Wanna merge brains over this printer cable?]
(set: $TesterA to 0)(set: $TesterB to 3)
(set: $TesterA to it - 2)
(set: $TesterB to it + $TesterA)
TesterB: $TesterB(set: $StamTotal to 110)(set:$Stam to 110)
(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[ -(print: ($StamTotal / 2)) Exhaustion!]](set: $Stam to ($StamTotal * 0.5))Her smile continues, yet seems almost predatory as she finally removes her arms from your shoulders and stands back. You're about the same height, were she not wearing heels, but with them she can look down at you in a manner you've never really experienced before. In the green of those eyes you find... lust and desire, but something more too. Power, perhaps. Or maybe confidence. The sort that all but willed you to manifest dedicated obedience. She looks at you like a dominatrix, yet so different from the models and holo-vids you've seen before. This is real, and she commands your complete attention.
"Rule four, the last one, is dependent on *you*. $Name $LName. I need you to *beg* for the opportunity to be put into a suit you will have no control over. I need you to beg for my hands on your reins, and my whip on your flank. I need you to beg for enslavement, of the sort no *regular* quarian could even begin to desire, or understand. But you're special, aren't you? All you need is a guide. I will provide it, I will lead you into my stables, but I need you to **beg**. All my girls have done it, and you will too."
[["Please, $Mistress... make me into your slave, make me into your ponybitch..."->AmbiBeg]]
[["Please, $Mistress... help me feel what only a pony can..."->NurtBeg]]
[["Please, $Mistress... teach me how to be your pony, I've thought about it for so long..."->ThouBeg]]
[["Please, $Mistress... put me in a harness and gag and boots and everything..."->EnthuBeg]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
You beg, without hesitation or reserve. Never in your life have you done such a thing, but it comes naturally now, the words rolling off your tongue and through your mask in a heady rush. Admitting to your deepest desires, letting your fears fall away, a warmth builds in your chest, even as you beg to be broken and bred. Its more a sensation than anything actual, a manifestation of... contentedness. This feels *good*. In fact you've never felt better than this moment, in this instant, begging for a place in $Cyn's stable.
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
And what of the human before you? That smile never fades from her lips, but its those green eyes that mark her enthusiasm, wide and bright. Eager to begin. As soon as you conclude, more trailing off than making any coherent conclusion, she moves immediately. Her arms are around you again, but this time they collect behind your back, fingers interlacing as she pulls you into a deep and powerful hug. She holds you there, a bit in shock as you are, until withdrawing just as suddenly-- only to hold you at arms length, looking down at you once more.
"Very well," she grins wildly, turning to gesture directly to the machine before you. "Go. Into the machine, $Violet. Where you belong."
[[You barely feel the ground beneath you as you step forward...->BecomeViolet]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
You beg, fervently. Never in your life have you done such a thing, but it comes naturally now, the words rolling off your tongue and through your mask in a heady rush. Admitting to your deepest desires, letting your fears fall away, a warmth builds in your chest, even as you beg to be bred and controlled. Its more a sensation than anything actual, a manifestation of... contentedness. This feels *good*. In fact you've never felt better than this moment, in this instant, begging for a place in $Cyn's stable.
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
And what of the human before you? That smile never fades from her lips, but its those green eyes that mark her enthusiasm, wide and bright. Eager to begin. As soon as you conclude, more trailing off than making any coherent conclusion, she moves immediately. Her arms are around you again, but this time they collect behind your back, fingers interlacing as she pulls you into a deep and powerful hug. She holds you there, a bit in shock as you are, until withdrawing just as suddenly-- only to hold you at arms length, looking down at you once more.
"Very well," she grins wildly, turning to gesture directly to the machine before you. "Go. Into the machine, $Violet. Where you belong."
[[You barely feel the ground beneath you as you step forward...->BecomeViolet]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
You beg, intently. Never in your life have you done such a thing, but it comes naturally now, the words rolling off your tongue and through your mask in a heady rush. Admitting to your deepest desires, letting your fears fall away, a warmth builds in your chest, even as you beg to be trained and displayed. Its more a sensation than anything actual, a manifestation of... contentedness. This feels *good*. In fact you've never felt better than this moment, in this instant, begging for a place in $Cyn's stable.
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
And what of the human before you? That smile never fades from her lips, but its those green eyes that mark her enthusiasm, wide and bright. Eager to begin. As soon as you conclude, more trailing off than making any coherent conclusion, she moves immediately. Her arms are around you again, but this time they collect behind your back, fingers interlacing as she pulls you into a deep and powerful hug. She holds you there, a bit in shock as you are, until withdrawing just as suddenly-- only to hold you at arms length, looking down at you once more.
"Very well," she grins wildly, turning to gesture directly to the machine before you. "Go. Into the machine, $Violet. Where you belong."
[[You barely feel the ground beneath you as you step forward...->BecomeViolet]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
You beg, without any hint of shame. Never in your life have you done such a thing, but it comes naturally now, the words rolling off your tongue and through your mask in a heady rush. Admitting to your deepest desires, letting your fears fall away, a warmth builds in your chest, even as you beg to be enslaved. Its more a sensation than anything actual, a manifestation of... contentedness. This feels *good*. In fact you've never felt better than this moment, in this instant, begging for a place in $Cyn's stable.
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
And what of the human before you? That smile never fades from her lips, but its those green eyes that mark her enthusiasm, wide and bright. Eager to begin. As soon as you conclude, more trailing off than making any coherent conclusion, she moves immediately. Her arms are around you again, but this time they collect behind your back, fingers interlacing as she pulls you into a deep and powerful hug. She holds you there, a bit in shock as you are, until withdrawing just as suddenly-- only to hold you at arms length, looking down at you once more.
"Very well," she grins wildly, turning to gesture directly to the machine before you. "Go. Into the machine, $Violet. Where you belong."
[[You barely feel the ground beneath you as you step forward...->BecomeViolet]]<img alt="blowsuit" src="images/reg/blowsuit.png"/>
You fear waking up, of discovering this was all just a dream. How could life allow you this opportunity? But it *does*. Your heart pounds in your chest, in your ears, as the door to the clean room closes behind you-- and the machine begins its work. Closing your eyes, you allow it to grab you, to manipulate and pose. You don't want to spoil the mystery of it all with mundanities, and besides, you can almost imagine it is $Cyn's hands upon you as you're stripped, poked, prodded, cleaned, scanned, adjusted, then dressed, portion by portion, seal by seal. You are pushed up onto your toes, your waist is pulled inward by an incessant embrace, your arms forced back and locked away...
You let it all pass, saving yourself for what was to come, for that moment when the arms pull away, and you can step out once more. It takes time, nearly twenty minutes, but it comes-- and as the door opens again before you, you open your eyes...
[[And for the first time look at the world through a violet visor...->BecomeViolet2]]<img alt="headhalf" src="images/violet/headhalf.jpg"/>
(set: $OSLocked to true)(set: $Suited to true)(set: $Visor to 2)
You're $Violet now. In every sense of the word, as you step back out into the workshop. $Cyn stands before you, eyes alight, but she has pushed a full length mirror before you, so that you can see what you have begun.
There is scant little to recognize in the sexual *creature* that gaze back at you in that mirror. Looking down, you find your upgraded suit replaced entirely by a new ensemble, sharing the same color, but glossed to an immaculate shine. Reflected light runs like rivulets down your body, bright white against so much (colour: purple)[purple.] From toes to waist, to the crown of you're head you're cloaked in the color. Your mask is the same shade, transparent though to reveal your face beneath. For a people who lived constantly within envirosuits, that small window had always been where individuality manifested, where emotions could be read, even when opacity filters were engaged. But, at least for now, you have only a semi-transparent (colour: purple)[violet] panel, without any hint of privacy. Another quarian standard, a veil, is missing in its entirety. For a female to be without some head covering was considered scandalous at best, but you actively flaunt that cultural norm now, as your helmet instead features a strip of hair from crown to back, from which a high ponytail is assembled, tightly held together by a (colour: purple)[violet] band. You blush deeply at the openness of everything.
Your suit has clearly been built to your *exacting* measurements, following your every bend and curve completely. Your chest is covered yet seems all the more on display, so confidently does the suit embrace your bust, even as the lack of any other covers draws attention to such curves. Between chest and hips however, you notice your waist pulled in by a garment you cannot even see-- the suit must have an internal corset! So too do your hips draw attention though, wide as befitting a quarian woman, framed by strong thighs that descend further down.
It is then that you notice your boots, your sense of balance still trying to adjust even as the realization dawns upon your mind: you're perched on your toes, atop thick soles. You are wearing heels that lack the very component after which they are name, the *heel* itself, your feet instead rising at a precarious angle with little in the way of support. They force you to shift your posture, straightening your back, pushing your chest out even further. And when you step? A metallic *click* that matches the sense of weight emanating from them.
But its the bindings that are the most readily apparent, as you adjust to the sensation of wearing it all. Most prominently, your arms are folded behind your back, secured there by a series of straps. The armbinder denies you anything like the ability to grab or hold, rendering you effectively helpless, a feeling that is furthered by the heavy black straps that crisscross your body. Your *harness*.
(set: $Plug to 1)
[[Keelah...->BecomeViolet3]]<img alt="vfull2" src="images/violet/vfull2.jpg"/>
Already your toes are starting to hurt a bit, the rise enforced upon your heels inducing you to shift your weight-- a movement that highlights the least visible but most invasive portion of your suit: there are *things* inside of you, one installed firmly between your thighs, the other planted in your rear. Inserts... plugs... they feel like dildos. Not that you have much experience with such things... any sensible woman had nerve stimulators that could emulate such a sensation, but to have **actual** devices lodged within your holes? You've never felt so full, nor can you ignore them, now that your mind had focused upon them. The slightest movement shifts them within your soft tunnels, teasing you, tempting you.
"You're already wet."
The words break you from the stupor you had been sliding into, staring into that mirror, looking upon $Violet. Looking upon yourself. Only now do you see $Cyn had stepped out from behind it, her smile as evident as ever, but matched with a... dangerous look. She reaches out boldly, seizing the straps that hang from your mask-- your reins. Her hold is gentle, but firm. You couldn't move more than a step from her, even if you were confident enough to risk walking upon your new boots.
"Focus, $Violet," she continues, calmly. "Not on your cunt, even though that will be much of your existence, going forward. When your $Mistress talks, you need to *listen.*"
[["I-I'm just... overwhelmed."->ROver]]
[["I'm not... thinking with that."->RNotThink]]
[["I'm trying, $Mistress..."->RTrying]]<==
(font: "Courier New")[**Overall Status: Unbroken Filly**
**Basic Programs:**
Suit Acclimation: (if: $FirstUIUpdate is true)[(colour: green)[Completed]](else:)[(colour: yellow)[Ongoing]]
Command Recognition: (if: $FirstUIUpdate is true)[(colour: green)[Completed]](else:)[(colour: yellow)[Ongoing]]
Basic Cart Handling: (if: $FirstUIUpdate is true)[(colour: yellow)[Ongoing]](else:)[(colour: red)[Upcoming]]
Arousal Tuning: (if: $FirstUIUpdate is true)[(colour: yellow)[Ongoing]](else:)[(colour: red)[Upcoming]]
Basic Conditioning: (colour: yellow)[Ongoing]
Initial Piercings: (if: $Piercing > 0)[(colour: green)[Completed]](else:)[(colour: red)[Upcoming]]
Initial Proportions Adjustment: (if: $BodyProg > 0)[(colour: green)[Completed]](else:)[(colour: red)[Upcoming]]
**Intermediate Programs:**
Finalized Piercing Installation: (if: $Piercing > 1)[(colour: green)[Completed]](else:)[(colour: red)[Upcoming]]
Dietary Management: (if: $Feeder is true)[(colour: green)[Completed]](else:)[(colour: red)[Upcoming]]
Intermediate Proportions Adjustment: (colour: red)[Upcoming]
Mane and Tail Creation: (if: $Slice > 3)[(colour: green)[Completed]](else:)[(colour: red)[Upcoming]]
Extended Duration Enslavement: (if: $Slice > 4)[(colour: green)[Completed]](else-if: $Slice is 3)[(color: yellow)[Ongoing]](else:)[(colour: red)[Upcoming]]
Intermediate Cart (Stim Curricle) Handling: (colour: red)[Upcoming]
Intermediate Conditioning: (colour: red)[Upcoming]
**Advanced Programs:**
Obedience (Slave Breaking): (colour: red)[Upcoming]
Safe-Word Rescindment: (colour: red)[Upcoming]
Breeding Enrollment: (colour: red)[Upcoming]
Advanced Cart (Rape Carriage) Handling: (colour: red)[Upcoming]
Advanced Conditioning: (colour: red)[Upcoming]
Public Display: (colour: red)[Upcoming]
**Special Programs:**
Illiteracy Enforcement: (colour: red)[Not Started]
Feed Substitution: (colour: red)[Not Started]
Breast Sensitivity Enforcement: (colour: red)[Not Started]
(link-undo:"RETURN TO ROOT")]=><=
(font: "Courier New")[**SUIT STATUS AND CONTROLS**]
(font: "Courier New")[**Suit Control Status**
**Overall Status:** Total Override and Slave Lockout
Suit Diagnostics:
--Biometrics: (colour: green)[Reporting to $Mistress]
--Exhaustion Tracking: (colour: green)[Reporting to $Mistress]
---*Visor Overlay: (colour: green)[Enabled]*
--Arousal Tracking: (colour: green)[Reporting to $Mistress]
---*Visor Overlay: (colour: green)[Enabled]*
Suit Control:
--Seal Control: (colour: green)[Locked]
--Temperature Control: (colour: green)[Locked]
--OS Control: (colour: yellow)[Slave Mode]
Accessory Control:
---(if: $Plug is 1)[*Type: Training Phallus*](if: $Plug is 2)[*Type: Advanced Training Phallus*](if: $Plug is 3)[*Type: Stallion Majesty-WT*](if: $Plug is 4)[*Type: Stallion Majesty-SM*](if: $Plug is 5)[*Type: Stallion Majesty-SQ*](if: $Plug is 6)[*Type: Stallion Majesty-BB*]
--Rear Plug: (colour: green)[Installed]
---(if: $Plug is 1)[*Type: Training Phallus*](if: $Plug is 2)[*Type: Advanced Training Phallus*](if: $Plug > 2)[*Type: Heavy, Stallion-Linked*]
--Gag: (if: $Gagged is true)[(colour: green)[Enabled]](else:)[(colour: red)[Disabled]]
---*Type:* (if: $Piercing is 1)[*Fully Integrated Bit and Slave Suppressor*](else:)[*Basic Bit and Suppresor*]
--Visor Override: (colour: green)[Enabled]
---Visor Opacity: (if: $Visor is 0)[(colour: red)[Visor Removed!]](if: $Visor is 1)[(colour: yellow)[Transparency Mode]](if: $Visor is 2)[(colour: green)[Slave Mode]]
---Illiteracy Filter: (if: $LitOff is false)[(colour: red)[Disabled](else:)[(color: green)[Enforcement Engaged]]
(link-undo:"RETURN TO ROOT")]](set: $Arousal to true)(set: $Arou to 10)"That's true, but you were thinking about your inserts, $Violet. I was watching your arousal rise, here-- let me show you." With a push of a button upon her opened omnitool, you find another small tracking bar added to your visor's HUD. *Arousal.* Its right there, staring back at you, being reported so... freely.
"A hit of adrenaline right there... so something like shock, and now I see embarrassment rising in you." Cyn flicks her green eyes to you, the grin on her lips matched by the expression you find in those jade circles. "I know *everything* about you, $Violet. You probably also noticed I've locked you out of your operating system? I'll reallow you access in a moment, but I want you to understand just how total my power over your suit is now. I can track everything, see everything, manipulate everything. Ponyslaves are not allowed anything like control. You cannot change settings, you cannot tell what functions I am accessing, you cannot even undo your seals, and take it off. My girls are locked into their suits, until I decide to release you. You cannot escape. Here, I'll demonstrate. Chest or cunt?"
Her bluntness is almost as staggering her claims, of just how powerless you feel in that moment.
[["W-What?"->AWhat]](set: $Arousal to true)(set: $Arou to 10)"Oh yes you are, $Violet. I was watching your arousal rise, here-- let me show you." With a push of a button upon her opened omnitool, you find another small tracking bar added to your visor's HUD. *Arousal.* Its right there, staring back at you, being reported so... freely.
"A hit of adrenaline right there... so something like shock, and now I see embarrassment rising in you." Cyn flicks her green eyes to you, the grin on her lips matched by the expression you find in those jade circles. "I know *everything* about you, $Violet. You probably also noticed I've locked you out of your operating system? I'll reallow you access in a moment, but I want you to understand just how total my power over your suit is now. I can track everything, see everything, manipulate everything. Ponyslaves are not allowed anything like control. You cannot change settings, you cannot tell what functions I am accessing, you cannot even undo your seals, and take it off. My girls are locked into their suits, until I decide to release you. You cannot escape. Here, I'll demonstrate. Chest or cunt?"
Her bluntness is almost as staggering her claims, of just how powerless you feel in that moment.
[["W-What?"->AWhat]](set: $Arousal to true)(set: $Arou to 10)"I know you are, $Violet. But I also know your thoughts were just between your legs. I was watching your arousal rise, here-- let me show you." With a push of a button upon her opened omnitool, you find another small tracking bar added to your visor's HUD. *Arousal.* Its right there, staring back at you, being reported so... freely.
"A hit of adrenaline right there... so something like shock, and now I see embarrassment rising in you." Cyn flicks her green eyes to you, the grin on her lips matched by the expression you find in those jade circles. "I know *everything* about you, $Violet. You probably also noticed I've locked you out of your operating system? I'll reallow you access in a moment, but I want you to understand just how total my power over your suit is now. I can track everything, see everything, manipulate everything. Ponyslaves are not allowed anything like control. You cannot change settings, you cannot tell what functions I am accessing, you cannot even undo your seals, and take it off. My girls are locked into their suits, until I decide to release you. You cannot escape. Here, I'll demonstrate. Chest or cunt?"
Her bluntness is almost as staggering her claims, of just how powerless you feel in that moment.
[["W-What?"->AWhat]]Before you have the chance to full understand what your answer would entail, $Cyn reaches forward, her gloved hand finding your left breast. The tight (colour: purple)[purple] material of your suit leaves little to the imagination, despite covering your chest fully. Your breast is encapsulated, on display yet supported, and... *extremely sensitive.* Besides the shock of another woman touching you in such a place, without having asked for anything like your permission, there is a rawer sense of stimulation there. Something to do with your suit, amplifying her touch, sparking an electric sensation that runs across every nerve ending located there. It feels *so good.*
(set: $Arou to it + 10)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+10 Arousal!]]
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
"See?" Her palm cups your breast as her thumb idly circles your nipple, the sensation not altogether unfamiliar, but on a level you've never experienced before. It is somewhere between teasing and tickling, a cool shiver running down your back as you arch your back a little bit, pressing into her touch. Cyn notes your enthusiasm with a sly smile.
"Like any other suit you've worn, this new one has nerve stimulators embedded in your erogenous zones, but their power is... quite a bit stronger than you're used to. My ponies live with continually amplified settings, which is part of the reason you're so heavily bound as well. Sluts like you would just lay about touching themselves, if you were given the opportunity."
To your shame, you had been fantasizing about just that. You wanted *more*, but Cyn pulls her hand away, returning it to her omnitool. Typing further, she eyes you with an upturned brow. "Besides your chest, your sensitivity is tuned between your legs at well. I'm sure you can feel your plugs, $Violet?"
*Of course you can.*
[[Nod and smile.->BNodSmile]]
[[Nod, but try and find a comfortable position to stand.->BComf]]Before you have the chance to full understand what your answer would entail, $Cyn reaches forward, her gloved hand moving between your legs. The tight (colour: purple)[purple] material of your suit leaves little to the imagination, your thighs framing the smooth expanse between them, that wrapped from navel to the cleft of your rear. You're sealed in, without zipper or access point, and yet... *extremely sensitive* down there. Besides the shock of another woman touching you in such a place, without having asked for anything like your permission, there is a rawer sense of stimulation there. Something to do with your suit, amplifying her touch, sparking an electric sensation that runs across every nerve ending. It feels *so good.*
(set: $Arou to it + 15)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+15 Arousal!]]
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
"See?" Her palm cups your cunt as her thumb idly circles the material atop it, the sensation not altogether unfamiliar, but on a level you've never experienced before. It is somewhere between teasing and tickling, a cool shiver running down your back as you arch your back a little bit, pressing into her touch. Cyn notes your enthusiasm with a sly smile.
"Like any other suit you've worn, this new one has nerve stimulators embedded in your erogenous zones, but their power is... quite a bit stronger than you're used to. My ponies live with continually amplified settings, which is part of the reason you're so heavily bound as well. Sluts like you would just lay about touching themselves, if you were given the opportunity."
To your shame, you had been fantasizing about just that. You wanted *more*, but Cyn pulls her hand away, returning it to her omnitool. Typing further, she eyes you with an upturned brow. "You have stims on your chest as well now, but let's talk about that *other* thing you're feeling between your legs, hmm? I'm sure you can feel your plugs, $Violet?"
*Of course you can.*
[[Nod and smile.->BNodSmile]]
[[Nod, but try and find a comfortable position to stand.->BComf]]"Your $Mistress asked you a question, $Violet."
Before you have the chance to full understand what that meant, $Cyn reaches forward, her gloved hand moving between your legs. The tight (colour: purple)[purple] material of your suit leaves little to the imagination, your thighs framing the smooth expanse between them, that wrapped from navel to the cleft of your rear. You're sealed in, without zipper or access point, and yet... *extremely sensitive* down there. Besides the shock of another woman touching you in such a place, without having asked for anything like your permission, there is a rawer sense of stimulation there. Something to do with your suit, amplifying her touch, sparking an electric sensation that runs across every nerve ending. It feels *so good.*
(set: $Arou to it + 15)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+15 Arousal!]]
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
"See?" Her palm cups your cunt as her thumb idly circles the material atop it, the sensation not altogether unfamiliar, but on a level you've never experienced before. It is somewhere between teasing and tickling, a cool shiver running down your back as you arch your back a little bit, pressing into her touch. Cyn notes your enthusiasm with a sly smile.
"Like any other suit you've worn, this new one has nerve stimulators embedded in your erogenous zones, but their power is... quite a bit stronger than you're used to. My ponies live with continually amplified settings, which is part of the reason you're so heavily bound as well. Sluts like you would just lay about touching themselves, if you were given the opportunity."
To your shame, you had been fantasizing about just that. You wanted *more*, but Cyn pulls her hand away, returning it to her omnitool. Typing further, she eyes you with an upturned brow. "You have stims on your chest as well now, but let's talk about that *other* thing you're feeling between your legs, hmm? I'm sure you can feel your plugs, $Violet?"
*Of course you can.*
[[Nod and smile.->BNodSmile]]
[[Nod, but try and find a comfortable position to stand.->BComf]]"Looks like you're enjoying them," Cyn notes, her sly look lingering as she runs a hand up through her hair, tossing it back in a rakish fashion. "Well, as I'm sure you're quite aware, you have two cocks installed with in you. Front and rear. Another requirement I demand of my slaves. Conditioning your body is an important part of your training, and thus we must also condition your holes. You will be plugged at all times, $Violet."
You're already in sensory overload, enough so that it had actually taken you a good bit to understand just why you felt so full. You're... *plugged.* Twin phalluses, mounted to your suit, fully hilted within you, impossible to remove. You can feel them even now, standing still, but your first shuffling steps had been your first experience with walking with them-- and they had certainly made their presence known. The tight muscles of your cunt and rear quivered around the intruders even now, the additional sensitivity your stims enforced upon your labia only serving to push you further towards total depravity.
(set: $Arou to it + 20)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+20 Arousal!]]
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
You catch your Mistress smirking through the hardlight as she circles you again.
[[Why is this making you horny!?->ExtraAddin]]
[[She's... branded you.->ExtraAddin]]
[[Anyone could scan it!?->ExtraAddin]]Cyn watches you sway on your feet, her sly look lingering as she runs a hand up through her hair, tossing it back in a rakish fashion. Your plugs announced themselves with every movement, but by cocking your hips a bit you do find a more tenable posture. Your $Mistress only speaks when you look back up to her.
"Well, as I'm sure you're quite aware, you have two cocks installed with in you. Front and rear. Another requirement I demand of my slaves. Conditioning your body is an important part of your training, and thus we must also condition your holes. You will be plugged at all times, $Violet."
You're already in sensory overload, enough so that it had actually taken you a good bit to understand just why you felt so full. You're... *plugged.* Twin phalluses, mounted to your suit, fully hilted within you, impossible to remove. You can feel them even now, standing still, but your first shuffling steps had been your first experience with walking with them-- and they had certainly made their presence known. The tight muscles of your cunt and rear quivered around the intruders even now, the additional sensitivity your stims enforced upon your labia only serving to push you further towards total depravity.
(set: $Arou to it + 10)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+10 Arousal!]]
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
You catch your Mistress smirking through the hardlight as she circles you again.
[[Why is this making you horny!?->ExtraAddin]]
[[She's... branded you.->ExtraAddin]]
[[Anyone could scan it!?->ExtraAddin]]
"Good," Cyn purrs, her fingertips ticking under your chin as she draws close. "Good girl."
*Keelah.* You've taken the position, of course. Legs spread as far as you could manage with these demanding boots, back straight, chest pushed out. You're fully covered, and the human before you isn't even touching you directly, yet you've never felt so lewd in your entire life. Your uniform, all this (colour: purple)[violet], emphasizes your every curve. Waist pulled in by your corset, perched on those precarious heels, chest so tightly encapsulated and on such prominent display... you cannot help but blush beneath your mask.
Cyn, holding your reins, chuckles a bit. "Mmm, capillary response across your cheeks, $Violet. Embarrassed? I'm not even making you *do* anything yet." She doesn't elaborate on what *that* meant, a vagueness that makes her following silence all the more frustrating. Instead of further conversation Cyn focuses on your suit, starting at your toes and working upward. She checks it all-- every seal, every seam, every strap and restraint. Those she could tighten she invariably does, noting the position on her omnitool. Other times she merely checks your locks, scanning those built into your suit itself, and physically tugging on the more evident ones stationed across your harness.
Her attention to detail is immaculate, and quickly time consuming. Five minutes pass, then fifteen. She's working on your corset, following each embedded bone within the garment, checking how it lay across your abdomen. You're beginning to feel the burn however, emanating from your thighs. You would never, in a million years, have needed to stand with your legs so far apart for so longs. Its quickly tiring.
[["$Mistress, I'm getting sore..."->MSore]]
[[Close your stance just a little, that's all you need.->CloseStance]]
[[Endure.->EndureInspec]]You're cut off before you can even voice your question by a sudden stinging sensation, emanating from your chest. Inhaling sharply, you make a sound like a hiss as you take a step back, and nearly stumble on your strange heels. Cyn is by your side immediately, a hand upon your bound arms steadying you, but her disapproval is obvious.
(set: $Arou to it - 20)(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[-20 Arousal!]]
"You were not given leave to speak, $Violet. You were given a command. I expect my girls to follow them without hesitation. Normally I would discipline you further, but you are still learning-- and we have not yet demonstrated how I will control your speech. Soon. But for now? You will take the presentation pose, $Violet. Back straight, legs spread, chest out. Don't make me tell you a *third* time."
[[Do as she commands.->PrezPose]](set: $Stam to it + 5)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+5 Exhaustion!]]
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
$Cyn doesn't even look up, instead progressing to your glossy thighs as she continues her inspection. "You are untrained, $Violet. Even my most experienced girls go to bed sore most days-- you will feel all that and more as I break you to your new uniform."
Adjusting one more strap, she finally seems satisfied, brushing her hands together as a grin overtakes her. $Cyn had looked upon you wholly again, seeing the slave instead of individual seals, straps, and components. Clearly your $Mistress liked what she saw, as evidenced by the way she reaches up slowly, her fingers landing upon the reins hanging from your mask. When she seizes them, however, her grip is fierce and commanding.
"I think you're ready to begin, $Violet. But there is one more thing a good pony needs first. Do you know what that is?"
[["My... bit, $Mistress?"->Mybit]]
[["To... cum, $Mistress?"->Mycum]]$Cyn notices your slight shuffling movement immediately, her fingers reaching for the floating haptic display nearby without hesitation.
(set: $Arou to it - 20)(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[-20 Arousal!]]
The shock that emanates across your nipples is somewhat akin to being pinched and twisted, although it comes and goes unnaturally quick. You bite down reflexively, nearly catching your own lip, but instead merely grinding your teeth. With your arms bound securely behind you, you have never felt so helpless before-- and so suddenly anxious to not be punished again.
"You will keep your legs apart as I commanded," $Cyn instructs, the back of her palm on one of your thighs as you slide them apart. "Right... there. You are presenting yourself, as my pony, slave, and slut."
That may be so, but it doesn't make the posture any more comfortable.
[["$Mistress, I'm getting sore..."->MSore]]
[[Endure.->EndureInspec]](set: $Stam to it + 5)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+5 Exhaustion!]]
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
$Cyn doesn't even look up, instead progressing to your glossy thighs as she continues her inspection. "Well rounded... plugs are seated well... will have to see how she takes to a full march...."
Adjusting one more strap, she finally seems satisfied, brushing her hands together as a grin overtakes her. $Cyn had looked upon you wholly again, seeing the slave instead of individual seals, straps, and components. Clearly your $Mistress liked what she saw, as evidenced by the way she reaches up slowly, her fingers landing upon the reins hanging from your mask. When she seizes them, however, her grip is fierce and commanding.
"I think you're ready to begin, $Violet. But there is one more thing a good pony needs first. Do you know what that is?"
[["My... bit, $Mistress?"->Mybit]]
[["To... cum, $Mistress?"->Mycum]]<img alt="tonguesup" src="images/reg/tonguesup.png"/>
$Cyn reaches forward, gently stroking two fingers beneath your chin. "Your bit, yes. You are an animal now, $Violet. Not a person. You're not allowed *words.*"
As her hand withdraws, her other is bathed in (colour: purple)[violet] light as her nimble fingers type out a quick command-- and your suit reacts. You cannot see what happens inside your mask, the fit of the interior is tight enough that anything beneath your nose is obscured, but you can certainly *feel* it. Something within shifts, then moves, pressing suddenly against your mouth. You're caught by surprise enough that you inhale gently, the effort causing your lips to part, and that is all the room your suit needs. Something slides quickly between your jaw and upper mouth, a padded bar your tongue determines, and it goes in quite far. All the way to your back molars in fact, wedging itself there, even as your teeth close around it. You try to force it out, but the bar remains rigidly in place.
Far more frustrating is what is attached to that bit, however, what you can only manage to identify as an elongated tab that sticks out from the bar, resting atop your tongue. Pressing it down, keeping your airway clear yes, but nearly triggering your gag reflex along the way. You tip your head forward by reflex, trying to allow gravity to pull it free, but the flat insert remains stubbornly in place-- and all you manage to do is feel some drool run down your chin.
"Easy, easy $Violet," $Cyn coos at your side, stroking your flank gently. "That would be your tongue suppressor, I would imagine? No one ever takes to it well, at first. But all ponies wear one, it is required."
(set: $Gagged to true)(set: $Thou to it + 1)
"Well get it out!"
"I don't like it, Mistress!"
"It is so intense, Mistress..."
(click-replace: "Well get it out!")[[["Mmmmgghh!->FullyDressed]]]
(click-replace: "I don't like it, Mistress!")[[["Mmmmgh, Mmmmmgh!"->FullyDressed]]]
(click-replace: "It is so intense, Mistress...")[[["Mmmmmgh..."->FullyDressed]]]<img alt="tonguesup" src="images/reg/tonguesup.png"/>
$Cyn reaches forward, gently stroking two fingers between your legs-- a deliriously wonderful feeling-- before she slaps you gently on the cunt and pulls away. "No, you horny slut. Your bit. You are an animal now, $Violet. Not a person. You're not allowed *words.*"
As her hand withdraws, her other is bathed in (colour: purple)[violet] light as her nimble fingers type out a quick command-- and your suit reacts. You cannot see what happens inside your mask, the fit of the interior is tight enough that anything beneath your nose is obscured, but you can certainly *feel* it. Something within shifts, then moves, pressing suddenly against your mouth. You're caught by surprise enough that you inhale gently, the effort causing your lips to part, and that is all the room your suit needs. Something slides quickly between your jaw and upper mouth, a padded bar your tongue determines, and it goes in quite far. All the way to your back molars in fact, wedging itself there, even as your teeth close around it. You try to force it out, but the bar remains rigidly in place.
Far more frustrating is what is attached to that bit, however, what you can only manage to identify as an elongated tab that sticks out from the bar, resting atop your tongue. Pressing it down, keeping your airway clear yes, but nearly triggering your gag reflex along the way. You tip your head forward by reflex, trying to allow gravity to pull it free, but the flat insert remains stubbornly in place-- and all you manage to do is feel some drool run down your chin.
"Easy, easy $Violet," $Cyn coos at your side, stroking your flank gently. "That would be your tongue suppressor, I would imagine? No one ever takes to it well, at first. But all ponies wear one, it is required."
(set: $Gagged to true)(set: $Enth to it + 1)
"Well get it out!"
"I don't like it, Mistress!"
"It is so intense, Mistress..."
(click-replace: "Well get it out!")[[["Mmmmgghh!->FullyDressed]]]
(click-replace: "I don't like it, Mistress!")[[["Mmmmgh, Mmmmmgh!"->FullyDressed]]]
(click-replace: "It is so intense, Mistress...")[[["Mmmmmgh..."->FullyDressed]]]<img alt="headhalf" src="images/violet/headhalf.jpg"/>
Your $Mistress' grin is wide indeed. "I cannot understand you, $Violet. No person can." With one hand on her hip, the other draws a playful little circle in the air. "Well, that's not exactly true, I suppose. $Silver is quite adapt at gagged talk, and $Blue is learning quickly. But then again, they're not *people.* Neither are you, $Violet. So get used to your gag, it will stay in all but permanently. Only during feeding, or *very* occasionally when I want to hear something you have to say will it be removed. Don't worry though, you will get used to the tongue suppressor... at which point I will upgrade you, of course. That is just a training one. All my girls have tongue piercings that integrate with them, but ah... I'm getting ahead of myself."
Her enthusiasm is obvious, $Cyn sounds absolutely giddy-- but you're buffeted between the carrot of being treated like this, a perverse dream you had never thought capable of reality, and the constant stick of promised discomfort and further restriction. Being a ponygirl would be no easy thing. That's enough to focus yourself, purging the building arousal you had been experiencing-- at least for the moment. You will need to manage everything carefully, going forward. Even your own thoughts.
(set: $Arou to 0)(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[Arousal Reset.]]
A sharp tug on your reins pulls your head down. Along the way you nearly lose your balance, suddenly bending forward at the waist, but $Cyn seems to have anticipated that-- she catches you with a hand on your shoulder.
"There is something you can't see from the front, $Violet. But like any good owner, I do mark my property..."
[[A subtle twist of her hand reflects the back of your helmet...->ExtraSuitReveal]]<img alt="headopaque" src="images/violet/headopaque.png"/>
(set: $Visor to 2)
She takes your face, going beyond even the glow of eyes that females of your species usually achieved with semi-opacity. This is much more *full*, a complete removal, leaving you with nothing more than a shiny (colour: purple)[violet] pane of glass.
Perched atop hooved boots, cloaked in so much glossy (colour: purple)[purple] material, harnessed, restrained, plugged, gagged... you are a ponygirl now, and your $Mistress has your reins. The thought sends a delightful chill down your spine.
"Come, $Violet. Let us head out to the yard." With a gentle tug, she gives you little opportunity to resist, lest you topple over. So you follow your reins, feeling a bit more drool drip down inside your helmet. Walking, of course, is an entirely new experience so geared as you are. Each step is marked by the *clip-clop* of your steel-hooved boots upon the ground, while the natural shifting of your hips pushes your plugs around a bit, their constant presence undeniable. Without your arms to balance yourself the stairs leading down from the 2nd floor of Cyn's home to the bottommost are quite imposing, but your $Mistress guides you down carefully, helping you place every step. Even looking down doesn't help, your strict corset keeps your back straight and pushes out your breasts, the (colour: purple)[violet] mounds obscuring your view of the next step.
At the bottom, in the backroom of her store-- closed for the weekend-- Cyn pauses near the door leading out back. Casually she loops your reins over one of the clothing hooks, preventing you from wandering as she takes down her jacket, pulling it over her narrow shoulders.
"Now, as you may have... forgotten in the fog of, well, *everything* it means to become $Violet, it is Friday afternoon. I have a planned training regime I have used on all my first time ponies, and you will be no exception. That means, for today, you will be serving as $Violet until midnight. That's just over eight hours from now."
[[(Enthusiastic) Eight hours... the thought excites you!->ExciteHours]]
[[(Thoughtful) Eight hours... the thought worries you.->WorryHours]]
[[(Nurturing)Eight hours... you won't let your $Mistress down.->NurtHours]]
[[(Ambitious)Eight hours... you will be the best pony you can be.->AmbiHours]]To be kept... in all this bondage for eight hours? You cannot imagine a better way to spend an evening! Without even thinking of it, you pull against your reins, ready to go. The leather straps pull taut, your having been tethered to the wall like a common animal clearly having been well considered. Drawing her hair out so it was not being pinched by her jacket, $Cyn chuckles gently.
"Eager, $Violet? Good. You will need that, a pony's first march is grueling indeed." Just what she meant by that goes unexplained, however, and with your bit gag in you are incapable of asking-- and instead merely follow along as she takes up your reins once more, and leads you out into the backyard.
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
[[Snow drifts down gently as your hooves crunch that which had already fallen...->Day1Intro]]To be kept... in all this bondage for eight hours? You're already drooling, your shoulders would certainly be aching, and you can only imagine how your toes would feel if you were not allowed to sit in that time, with these heels. Without thinking of it, you tip your head down, your ponytail glistening as it runs down your shoulder. Drawing her own hair out so it was not being pinched by her jacket, $Cyn pats your flank gently.
"Wary, $Violet? Good. You will need that, a pony's first march is grueling indeed." Just what she meant by that goes unexplained, however, and with your bit gag in you are incapable of asking-- and instead merely follow along as she takes up your reins once more, and leads you out into the backyard.
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
[[Snow drifts down gently as your hooves crunch that which had already fallen...->Day1Intro]]To be kept... in all this bondage for eight hours? How much of it would Cyn spend watching you? All of it? Your cheeks flush at the idea of anyone taking such an interest in you, for so long. Drawing her hair out so it was not being pinched by her jacket, $Cyn pats your flank gently.
"Ready, $Violet? I hope so, a pony's first march is grueling indeed." Just what she meant by that goes unexplained, however, and with your bit gag in you are incapable of asking-- and instead merely follow along as she takes up your reins once more, and leads you out into the backyard.
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
[[Snow drifts down gently as your hooves crunch that which had already fallen...->Day1Intro]]To be kept... in all this bondage for eight hours? To be treated like a shimmering (colour: purple)[violet] pony for that long? The thought threatens to make you wet again. Drawing her hair out so it was not being pinched by her jacket, $Cyn pats your flank gently.
"Ready, $Violet? I hope so, a pony's first march is grueling indeed." Just what she meant by that goes unexplained, however, and with your bit gag in you are incapable of asking-- and instead merely follow along as she takes up your reins once more, and leads you out into the backyard.
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
[[Snow drifts down gently as your hooves crunch that which had already fallen...->Day1Intro]]<img alt="snowfence" src="images/land/snowfence.png"/>
Snowfall was a fact of life on Hyetiana, where daily temperatures hovered around zero. Today is no exception, the breath from your mask's expulsion port emerging as a small cloud as you and your $Mistress step out into the snow. Her backyard is rectangular and quite large in size, bookmarked by her home and store on one end, and another structure at the far side. Between it are two main features, a garden with several winding paths, and what $Cyn guides you towards now-- a penned in area, the dusting of snow revealing sand beneath your feet. A simple fenceline encircles the roughly circular area, but without your arms even the simple latching gate $Cyn uses to enter would prove impossible for you to operate yourself. Not that she gives you the option.
Instead she leads you towards the center of the ring, where a tall pole about twice your height rises. It serves as the center point of a suspended cable, fashioned in a secondary circle within the larger pen, about ten feet in the air. You've seen such designs before, an aerial lead to which a pet's leash were attached, allowing them to run along the length of the cable as they willed, without actually running freely. That *you* were destined for a similar fate is a thought that grows suddenly in your mind as you are tugged towards a series of straps hanging down from that circular cable route.
[[Just what have you gotten yourself into?->Day1Intro2]]
(if: $Skipper is true)[(color: red)[SCENE SKIP:] [[SKIP FIRST MARCH]]]Your suit may be dangerously thin, hugging your every curve, but it had all the features of a standard envirosuit-- including full temperature controls. You are not allowed access to them, of course, but they seem to have adjusted automatically to the cold, keeping the worst of it from you. Nevertheless you feel yourself burning up, although were you capable of looking in a mirror you would have realized that came not from the suit, but your own growing sense of embarrassment. You're bound and gagged, in full glossy (colour: purple)[violet], and your $Mistress is hooking your harness to straps hanging down from the cable lead above. How could you *not* blush full bodied at that?
$Cyn at least acts as if nothing were the matter, as she buckles you in, snapping several straps mostly along your back, with one each going down further to where your harness hugged your wide quarian hips. "This is my training yard," she explains, brushing a bit of snow off herself as she stands back up. "And you're now hooked into my Training Lead. Physical fitness is the backbone of your role, as a pony. If you are to dance, or race, or pull carts for me we will need to work on your stamina. Sometimes I will do that with the treadmills I have inside, and sometimes... out here."
Reaching over your shoulder, she flicks one of the taut straps now linking you to the line above. "These will prevent you from falling over, and of course you will only be able to march in circles. I expect my slaves to work out for at least eight hours a day, continuously. Not only does this hone your body, but I have found it also helps to... get you in the proper mindset for a ponyslave. Boring, even monotonous work and physical exhaustion will break your will."
She smiles at that, even as she steps away. Picking up something long and black wrapped around one of the yard's fence posts, she walks back towards you as it trails out behind her. Thin, even wicked looking, you recognize it immediately. *A whip.*
"Take two steps forward, $Violet."
[[Take two quick steps forward!->IntroStepQuick]]
[[Take two careful steps forward!->IntroStepSlow]]
[[Stare at that whip!->StareWhip]]With that whip in $Cyn's hand, you all but skip forward, eager to avoid its blow. You manage, but the sudden *crack* of the whip rings out against the quietly falling snow nevertheless. Thankfully, she had deployed it for sound alone. This time.
"No, $Violet." Approaching you, she taps one of your thighs. "Leg up. I want your thigh, to be parallel to the ground. Knee at a forty five degree angle."
[[Leg up... thigh parallel to the ground... knee at forty five...->Day1Intro3]]With that whip in $Cyn's hand, you step forward carefully, hoping to avoid its blow. You manage, but the sudden *crack* of the whip rings out against the quietly falling snow nevertheless. Thankfully, she had deployed it for sound alone. This time.
"No, $Violet." Approaching you, she taps one of your thighs. "Leg up. I want your thigh to be parallel to the ground. Knee at a forty five degree angle."
[[Leg up... thigh parallel to the ground... knee at forty five...->Day1Intro3]]You cannot help but stare at that whip, a long black length of tightly coiled leather. The tip is something special, a more rigid looking lip shaped like a triangle-- the point in particular enough to send a tingle up your spine. Especially once $Cyn suddenly cracks it near your flank, causing you to all but leap forward a step.
"You will pay attention, $Violet. Is said *step forward.*" Approaching you, she taps one of your thighs. "Leg up. I want your thigh to be parallel to the ground. Knee at a forty five degree angle."
[[Leg up... thigh parallel to the ground... knee at forty five...->Day1Intro3]]The position she demanded required quite a bit more effort than simply striding forward, but $Cyn insists, adjusting your risen leg until it meets her exacting specifications. "There," she nods, mostly to herself. "Just like that. That, $Violet, is a high step-- and what will be required of you while practicing your march today. Every step must be like that, then as you bring your foot down, center your hoof before you. One foot in front of the other, so that it sways your hips back and forth. During all that you will keep your head up, back straight."
She watches you carefully test her commands, your hips-- and the plugs buried between them-- shifting as you do so. Your tail flicks back and forth, and $Cyn clasps her hands together. "Exactly! Just like that." Bringing up her omnitool, she taps out several commands. "I will be monitoring your posture as we begin. If you do not keep your back straight, or raise your knees high enough, or keep too slow of a pace... I will use this whip on you. Ponies learn best via the whip."
$Cyn smirks, running a hand up through her hair before continuing. "And learn you will, $Violet. I'm also setting your suit to reward you if your steps and pace are perfect, with a bit of vibration on your inserts. You will like that, my girls are always begging for attention from their plugs. But remember-- you do *not* have permission to cum. Is that understood?
[[Nod your head.->NodYes]]
(click-replace: "Yes!")[[[Mmgh!->GaggedYes]]]You nod your understanding, the high ponytail emerging from your helmet flicking back and forth with the movement. $Cyn looks to your mask, the opaque (colour: purple)[violet] glass obscuring your face completely. She had built it, however, and seems to find your eyes nevertheless. "Good. Very good. This is going to be hard, $Violet. I'm not going to lie to you about that. None of my ponies have performed their first march perfectly, it will just be a matter of *how* you fail. Thus your training. I promise you, $Violet, I will hone your body and mind into the perfect little ponyslut."
She reaches up, gently running fingers along the cheekplate of your mask. "I'm really proud of you for being willing to try all this, and you will undoubtedly find this totally exhausting... but I hope you have fun."
Her hand drops, returning to the whip she had stuck into her belt. Retrieving it, she steps back, out of the immediate circle your harness and the lead above would force you to walk in. You turn your head to follow her, allowing you to see the way she suddenly winds up. You *feel* the sharp pain of the lash before your brain even realizes what had occurred, the whip having impacted on the tight material covering your rear. All but leaping forward, $Cyn's tender tone returns to the harder cadence of a $Mistress.
"Begin your march, slave!"
(set: $Strike to 0)(set: $Org to 0)(set: $Break to 0)
[[So it begins.->MarchBase]]Your bit prevents you from managing anything like a coherent word, but your *mmmgh* is clear enough in intent. $Cyn looks to your mask, the opaque (colour: purple)[violet] glass obscuring your face completely. She had built it, however, and seems to find your eyes nevertheless. "Good. Very good. This is going to be hard, $Violet. I'm not going to lie to you about that. None of my ponies have performed their first march perfectly, it will just be a matter of *how* you fail. Thus your training. I promise you, $Violet, I will hone your body and mind into the perfect little ponyslut."
She reaches up, gently running fingers along the cheekplate of your mask. "I'm really proud of you for being willing to try all this, and you will undoubtedly find this totally exhausting... but I hope you have fun."
Her hand drops, returning to the whip she had stuck into her belt. Retrieving it, she steps back, out of the immediate circle your harness and the lead above would force you to walk in. You turn your head to follow her, allowing you to see the way she suddenly winds up. You *feel* the sharp pain of the lash before your brain even realizes what had occurred, the whip having impacted on the tight material covering your rear. All but leaping forward, $Cyn's tender tone returns to the harder cadence of a $Mistress.
"Begin your march, slave!"
(set: $Strike to 0)(set: $Org to 0)(set: $Break to 0)
[[So it begins.->MarchBase]](if: $Arou is 100)[(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[AROUSAL MAXED!]]
You've tried to hold it in check-- but how could you? With every step, your plugs shift, pushing into you by the movement required of your highstepping. And they were *always* humming gently, the rewarding vibration your $Mistress had set for you, whenever you took a proper step. The wave of pleasure that had been building, ever building, within you now threatens to overtake...
[["Mmmmmmmggghhhh!"->OrgEvent]]](elseif: $Stam is $StamTotal)[(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[EXHAUSTION MAXED!]]
Your legs feel like jelly, any discomfort in them replaced by mind-bending exhaustion. Heaved, lathered breathing can no longer fill your lungs. Your physical limit is right here, right now, even as you try to raise another knee, for yet another highestep. You don't want the whip.
[[Yet you waver...->ExhaustEvent]]](else:)[(set: $Strike to it + 1)(set: $Stam to it + 3)(set: $Arou to it + 3)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+3 Arousal!]]
(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+3 Exhaustion!]]
(if: $Strike is 80)[Mindlessly, eternally, you march forward. You are $Violet, and this is training. Like any proper ponygirl, you're wet and exhausted, equal parts ready to beg for sleep as much as the chance to finally cum. How many times has it been denied you? Yet you cannot resist, that would mean only the whip, or the shock of your suit. Nor can you escape, the harness locked around you keeping you in this infernal circle, even as your bit and restraints prevent you from speech, or anything like using your hands. That was all for *people*, and you are not that.
You're a pony. $Mistress' $Violet.
[[Her ponyslut.->ENDEVENT]]](elseif: $Strike is 70)[You're so tired... just thinking hurts... yet you can't pull your mind away from the meeting of your thighs, and the cleft of your rear. Exactly where those plugs were installed, phallic members that plunge into you with every enforced highstep you take. Its... maddening. You had never expected this march to be so all consuming.
[[So consuming, in fact, you had not even heard your $Mistress take up her whip again!->Event70]]](elseif: $Strike is 60)[Still marching... you perk up suddenly at the sound of a voice!
"Oh my poor dear..."
[[That does NOT sound like Cyn.->Event60]]](elseif: $Strike is 50)[Your harness jingles with every step you make, the thick *clop* of your hooved boots impacting the hardpacked sand and smattering of snow beneath. You're still grateful for the break your $Mistress allowed you... almost an hour ago? Had she really been watching you since? Your blinders make it difficult to tell, of course, but it certainly has *felt* like you've been alone, excepting $Cinni watching from the fence of course. Walking in a circle, not even because your owner is threatening you with a whip, but merely because she had induced your suit to shock you if you stopped! She could be relaxing inside, yet here you are, marching around in a full ponysuit and she wasn't even paying attention to--
[[Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of... another jingling harness!?->Event50]]](elseif: $Strike is 40)[Sweating profusely now, you walk with a mechanical sort of gait, having fallen into something bearable-- if not exactly comfortable. Head up, back straight, chest out, highstepping-- just as your $Mistress commanded. She hadn't even whipped you in about twenty minutes, you reckon, only to immediately regret the very *idea* of the whip as it suddenly cracks.
*It cracks above you!*
[[That meant to stop!->Event40]]](elseif: $Strike is 30)[Biting down on your gag, you swallow what would have been further drool... and nearly choke on it as you hear the rear door to $Cyn's home not only open, but absolutely *slam* open!
[["MMmmmggh!?"->Event30]]](elseif: $Strike is 20)[Your highstepping must continue, you don't want another whipping, but your concentration is broken by the sudden sound of the rear door to $Cyn's home opening-- someone else was coming outside!
[[Who could it be?->Event20]]](elseif: $Strike is 10)[You've been at it for about... an hour now, you suppose. That's it. With seven to go! Could you really make it the full eight hours?
[[Just look at yourself...->10Event]]](elseif: $Strike is 5)[Your $Mistress' voice interrupts your own embarrassing thoughts, her voice as clear and sharp as her lash across your flanks.
"Good girl, $Violet. You're settling in. But I don't want you getting distracted, so I am going to activate your blinders."
<img alt="blinders" src="images/reg/blinders.png"/>
Blinders? Just what that meant is made clear by a quiet whirl of servos within your mask, and the extension of small black panels on each side of your head. Starting at your temples, they extend out just past your eyes-- and immediately limit your peripheral vision. Instead of the usual view of the world before you, the blinders now narrow your vision considerable, allowing you to look only at that which is directly ahead of you. Namely the yard, and the sandy ground you would be highstepping across next.
"Better?" $Cyn muses, from her stationary position. "I hope so, I generally keep them on my girls permanently. Keeps you focused. Once I get you worked up, you'll be thankful for them. Sluts like you, $Violet, would just get distracted otherwise. Now--"
*Again* you're whipped, once more on the upper thighs. Without the rounded cushion of your rear, getting hit there hurt even worse. Yet you cannot even argue against the treatment, as the bit between your teeth prevents anything like a coherent sound-- all you manage is a gagged moan.
"Keep that head up, $Violet! And don't you dare stop, unless I command you to."
[[All you can do is keep marching...->MarchBase]]](elseif: $Strike is 4)[You correct your highstepping once again, and this time maintain your posture as well-- back straight, head up and forward. It is becoming painfully clear just how liberally $Cyn is ready to apply that whip. You best learn fast-- and you think you are. Completing another two circuits of the yard, you find yourself managing something like a comfortable pace.
A comfortable pace... as a ponygirl? That's enough to earn a blush across your pale cheeks, even if none could see it beneath so much (colour: purple)[violet]. This is what you had *wanted*, isn't it? To be bound so tightly, gagged, to be treated... like an animal. That's what you are, aren't you? Certainly no person would allow themselves to be treated like this. Yet here you are, marching in a circle, tail fluttering in the subtle wind and falling snow. Snowflakes land upon your glossy body, melting due to your bodyheat, running down in little rivulets as your breasts and thighs shake with every high step. This all feels...
[[So good.->MarchBase]]
[[So strange.->MarchBase]]](elseif: $Strike is 3)["Better." From her position standing just outside the now handful of full circuits you've made already, $Cyn's whip nevertheless gives her the ability to correct your efforts every step of the way. For the moment, however, she holds the infernal tool at her side.
"There are four gaits, or speeds, that you will learn as a pony, $Violet. What you're doing now is a simple walk, but in time I will also teach you how to trot, canter, and gallop. All of them require you to highstep, of course. Today we are just working on your form, however. In fact..."
You wince as she strikes you again, this time on your left flank. The lick of the lash may be only momentary, but the pain that emanates from your soft flesh lingers ever longer with each blow. "Knees higher, slave!"
[[Quick! Knees higher with each step!->MarchBase]]](elseif: $Strike is 2)[Following your $Mistress' commands, you look down, trying to measure the placement of your hooved boots with each step-- only to be interrupted again by the strike of her whip on your ass.
"Eyes up and forward, $Violet!"
[[Biting on your gag, you do as you're told.->MarchBase]]](elseif: $Strike is 1)[You start marching. The harness locked upon you, connected to the guide wire above, would keep you walking in a singular circluar track-- again and again, until your $Mistress instructed you to stop. But you barely make it two steps before her whip lashes out again, this time impacting on your upper thighs, just below your rear. You groan into your gag in response, halting to turn your head back towards $Cyn, but that only prompts *another* strike.
"I did not tell you to stop!"
Leaping back into your march, lest you get the whip again, $Cyn explains over the clinking of your gear. "The whip above your head is the command to halt, $Violet. One upon your flank, as I just did, is to get you going or to get your attention-- this being the latter. I just don't want highsteps, remember, I want one foot placed in front of the other as you march. Sway those hips, flick your tail-- you're a creature of pleasure, $Violet. Not just an mindless tool. Work that ass."
[[Try to do so!->MarchBase]]](else:)[**Your exhaustion is:** (if: $Stam > ($StamTotal * 0.8))[(colour: red)[critical!] The fog of complete exhaustion burns out most other thoughts. You continue to march as your body begs for a halt. Your toes hurt in these damned boots, your holes ache as your plugs continue to churn within them. You want out of this corset, these restraints, your bit. Especially that corset, its restriction limiting your breathing, which you're mostly gasping at now. Instead of drool, you feel mostly froth running down your chin. But you can only take another step forward...](elseif: $Stam > ($StamTotal * 0.6))[(colour: orange)[high]. You're growing quite tired now. Every step hurts, the sharp angle of your hooved boots growing quite uncomfortable. With your bit in you're breathing mostly through your nose, not yet gasping, but certainly breathing heavily. You've never felt this tired before.](elseif: $Stam > ($StamTotal * 0.4))[(colour: yellow)[growing]. You're definitely starting to feel the burn. It appears most readily in your legs, your thighs and calves announcing their displeasure at not only marching so far, but doing so while highstepping. The posture and poise required of you is *exhausting.*](elseif: $Stam > ($StamTotal * 0.2))[(colour: green)[low]. You've worked up a sweat now, but can only press forward.](else:)[nonexistent. You're feeling good.]
**Your arousal is:** (if: $Arou > 90)[(colour:red)[peaking!] Were you not suited, your own desire would be running down your thighs. Every fresh highstep sends a cold jolt of pleasure into you cunt, threatening to overtake you. You moan eagerly into your gag, trying to focus, trying to suppress it. *And you're failing.*](elseif: $Arou > 80)[(colour: orange)[very high]. Your cunt aches with desire, as your nipples now clearly show through your suit, hard as they are. You're terribly horny.](elseif: $Arou > 70)[(colour: orange)[high]. Thoughts besides the prospect of cumming grow rarer.](elseif: $Arou > 60)[(colour: yellow)[growing]. You can't escape the sensations, the building warmth between your thighs.](elseif: $Arou > 50)[(colour: yellow)[growing].](elseif: $Arou > 40)[(colour: yellow)[growing]. You try to focus on something, anything else.](elseif: $Arou > 30)[(colour: green)[low]. You can feel how wet you are, as your plugs continue to drive into you with each step.](elseif: $Arou > 20)[(colour: green)[low].](elseif: $Arou > 10)[(colour: green)[low]. Your plugs move with every step.](else:)[nonexistent.]
You have about **(if: $Strike > 70)[1 hour](elseif: $Strike > 60)[2 hours](elseif: $Strike > 50)[3 hours](elseif: $Strike > 40)[4 hours](elseif: $Strike > 30)[5 hours](elseif: $Strike > 20)[6 hours](elseif: $Strike > 10)[7 hours](else:)[8 hours]** left to your march.
(if: $Strike > 70)[Your mind has emptied. There is only the clink of your harness, the crunch of the snowy sand beneath your boots, and your next step forward. Your rear and upper thighs burn from the lingering lick of the lash, as you gnaw on your bit, the padded bar between your teeth feeling so natural now. Everything else aches. Your restrained arms, so useless. Your legs, almost numb after so many highsteps. Your back, with its corset locked around. Drool runs down your chin, your mask managing it, but the lack of self-control on your part undeniable. Nor do you hold sway over your own mind, your thoughts replaced as they have been by the concerns of a pony.
Make sure your highstep is high enough, keep working your hips for those watching you, fear the whip. Thinking of much else would be too much of a burden at this point.
[[Highstep, like the ponybitch you are.->MarchBase]]](elseif: $Strike > 60)[You keep your head high, if only because your $Mistress demanded it. How much longer would you be forced to keep at this? Had $Cyn been speaking truthfully when she said her girls did this *every day* while in the harness? This is... exhausting. Mind-numbing. Deeply embarrassing. And you don't even have a *choice* in the matter. If you stopped, she would whip you, or your suit would intervene. Yet if you keep marching, shifting your plugs and allowing your suit to tease you further, you had not been given permission to cum. There is no release, no escape.
[[And... you like it?->MarchBase]]](elseif: $Strike > 50)[You take another step, and another. The path you've been marching, for hours now, is clearly marked in the snow and sand beneath your hooves. The prints of your own horseshoes now designate your way forward, a mind-numbing circle where little ever changed. All you can do is take another step, and try not to think about it. Time seemed to pass quicker when you did that, in fact. Empty your mind, lean into your harness, keep marching. What else could you do?
[[Ponygirls don't need to think much. Take another step.->MarchBase]]](elseif: $Strike > 40)[Your suit is tight and supportive, but you can feel your breasts shift with every step, glossy (colour: purple)[violet] orbs on full display. You've never felt so exposed in your life, and ruminating on that only inevitably led to thinking about just how... ridiculous you looked. Bound and gagged, marching in a circle. What sort of person let themselves be treated like this?
Perhaps its best not to think on that further-- it threatens to make you wetter. The answer is obvious, isn't it? No *person* would let themselves be treated like this. But you're not a person anymore, are you? You're $Violet. Ponygirl and slave. This is your life now.
[[Such thoughts fill your mind as you take another step...->MarchBase]]](elseif: $Strike > 30)[You keep marching, step by step. This is definitely harder than you thought it would be-- perhaps you had been a bit naive at the start. The bondage is remarkable of course, and being made to march like this is deeply embarassing, but the true issue here is the simple monotony of it all. With your blinders engaged you are forced to look ever forward, without much to think about or do but maintain your posture and take another step. It has been several hours already...
[[Just keep marching.->MarchBase]]](elseif: $Strike > 20)[Another step forward, then another. You keep to your canter, maintain your posture, take another step. There is nothing to do but keep at it.
[[So you do. Take another step.->MarchBase]]](elseif: $Strike > 10)[A few aches have developed, as you start to really get a rhythm for this. Your suit is expertly cut and fitted, your harness almost weightless, but the bite of your restraints are undeniable. Especially at your shoulders, where the binder restricting your arms rested, and your toes-- the boots you're perched upon are harsh indeed. Its a bit daunting to think about doing this for hours on end...
[[Keep at it.->MarchBase]]](else:)[You step forward, a pep in your step, eager to please. This is hard, you've never in your wildest dreams been so thoroughly restrained, but you're doing it-- doing it well even! Perhaps this won't be so bad. All you need to do is keep walking, and you've always considered yourself to be in good shape. You can do this!
[[Take another step!->MarchBase]]]]](set: $Stam to 0)(set: $StamTotal to 110)
(set: $Arou to 0)
(set: $ShowArousal to true)
(set: $Suited to true)
(set: $Stamina to true)(set: $Arousal to true)
[[NodYes]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
"Halt, $Violet."
You almost missed the words, as lost to the march as you are. No crack of the whip beside you, or upon your flank, accompanies the voice. Your suit does not step in to force compliance. In fact you take another two or three steps before it even dawns on you that they had been spoken by your $Mistress. By $Cyn. Halt? Why?
But you submit, your hooved boots crunching to a stop. A glance up sees nothing but stars above, but it is the mocha-skinned woman walking towards you that commands your full attention. Had you done something wrong? Was she going to punish you in some new way? You only had to be stopped from cumming $Org times! It wasn't your fault! Or perhaps she was going to making it harder for you, right? All the other girls had warned you how much she truly enjoyed torturing her ponies. That had to be it, some new tribulation was about to be--
"Oh, $Violet." Her hand is on your cheekplate, and your mind silences. She's *smiling*, her (color: green)[jade] eyes glittering in the night. Your $Mistress almost looked like she was... about to cry, with *pride.* She draws you in, harness and bondage all, into a fierce hug. Still your mind reels, as you look over her shoulder, your pony boots giving you the height advantage you otherwise would not have enjoyed over the human. But $Cyn had demonstrated she could read you and your kind with but a glance, even without torrents of biometric data pouring in with each passing minute. As she pulls back, her hands on your shoulders and her arms fully extend, she can only laugh.
"You did it, $Violet. All eight hours, your first training march. It is midnight, its over."
*It was... over?*
[[Push into her embrace. Finally!->Event8Finally]]
[[Take a sharper pose.->Event8Sharper]]$Cyn had warned you this would be hard, that you would be pushed to your physical and mental edge, but had you believed her? Can you even imagine what more *advanced* training would look like?
You have been pushed to the brink of orgasm $Org times. Even now, as you continue to march forward, the plugs inserted in your cunt and rear plunge in and out, your holes suckling eagerly upon them. You're wet, wetter than you've ever been in your life-- and all it took was all-encompassing bondage, strict discipline, and the loss of anything like dignity. Even now drool runs down your chin, your mask managing to contain and whisk it away somehow. Staring forward through the (colour: purple)[violet] pane of glass that stood in for your face, stripping you of even the most basic of identities, you find your vision unfocused. Higher level thoughts are... remarkably difficult to conjure. You've been at this for *hours*, and what little remained of your mind in that moment was focused thoroughly upon your next high step, and avoiding the lash of your $Mistress.
Maybe that was the exhaustion of your physical body? You've all but collapsed $Break times, reaching what you had *thought* would be the limit of your capabilities, only to go further. Always *just one more step.* Some secret existed in all this, you would wager, some realization that being denied a choice allowed you to go further. Push harder. Even if your legs ache, and your breathing is heavy.
(set: $Strike to it + 1)
[[Your $Mistress watches you, even now.->Event70B]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
(set: $Strike to it + 1)
Craning your head, searching for the voice, you fight the constraints imposed by your blinders. In truth you're defeated, the narrow field of view just too small, but the circle in which you're marching eventually brings you around anyway-- and you find a new figure at the fence of your yard. She's wide of hip and full of chest, but among $Cyn's eclectic group you need only go by the coloration of her suit. $Shunne. Your professor at University, the woman you had first met at the train station weeks ago, and... apprently another member of the stable.
She's not dressed as a pony now, however, as her hands clasped before her chest reveals. She's watching you, the sharp exhale of breath from her mask causing a small fog to rise before her. "$Cyn already has you doing full endurance cycles? Oh dear. Umm, well, you're... doing very well, $Name! I mean-- $Violet! Although I really think she should be watching you, anything could happen, and you're so young..."
Fretting seemed to be $Shunne's default personality, even over things she had very little control of. You could try assuaging her fears... or play into them.
[[High step with a flourish, show you're okay!->Event60A]]
[[Moan wetly, admit this is hard!->Event60B]]<img alt="sfull" src="images/silver/sfull.jpg"/>
(set: $Strike to it + 1)
You are almost shocked as you hurry to round the circle, to allow your blindered gaze to once fall upon $Cyn's home. When you finally do, you see your $Mistress just as you had last, dark-skinned and jade haired. But it is who, or *what*, she leads that truly draws your gaze. Another ponygirl!
(if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[You've seen her before, of course. $Silver, who had all but begged to be the example $Cyn had first used to introduce you toa fully suited ponygirl. She is still as beautiful as ever, a shimmering being of metallic mercury, faceless and strictly bound. But the experience is altogether different now that *you* are wearing a suit so very similar.](else:)[You've seen something like her, of course, in that brief example suiting $Cyn had first given you several weeks ago. But compared to (if: $FirstMeet is "Red")[$Red](if: $FirstMeet is "Yellow")[$Yellow], this ponygirl seems so much... more. $Silver is tall, her legs long and lean, her body toned but not altogether built. A swimmer's physique, but one strictly restrained, her body wrapped in a full harness and restraints. She has no face, her mask an opaque panel, shimmering mercury to match the coloration of her glossy suit. $Silver is wearing a suit identical to your own!]
Your first glimpse of what you must look like, so identically bound. Another ponygirl. Another member of *your* stable. She walks with a prim, stately step, high stepping in perfect form as $Cyn guides her forward. If you had been hoping for your $Mistress' attention, you're sorely disapppointed, she hardly glances your way. $Silver doesn't either, and that mask would hide any expressions, yet you can nevertheless sense... something for her. The way her hips twitch perhaps, or the way her braid betrays a flick of her gaze your way. She *is* watching, and she is *judging* you. **Intently.**
And you're not sure what her conclusions are.
A shock upon your ass suddenly sees you leaping forward, your pace having slowed as you stared. Moving quickly back into your march, you lose sight of her, but regain as you come around the circular yard again, where she is waiting beside the stable-- the large building at the far end of the yard-- as $Cyn opens the rolling door. Her back is to you, revealing the pinned arms you're now so familiar with. She may not be able to see you, but *you* are given a front row seat to $Cyn's return, as your Mistress freely reaches between the other pony's legs-- cupping her womanhood, gently stroking as she leans in, whispering.
[[(Ambitious) You're fiercely jealous!->Event50A]]
[[(Nurturing) You're happy to see how much your $Mistress loves her girls.->Event50B]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
(set: $Strike to it + 1)
$Cinni had returned. She almost skips across the snow covered ground, even as she shouts towards $Cyn. "I'm sorry it took so long, $Mistress! I couldn't find a sealed bottle, and then $Sava started yelling at me when I was filling it, so I got distracted... but here! I did it!"
Pulling to a stop at the fence surrounding the yard you've been marching in for about four hours thus far, $Cinni brandishes the *feed bottle*, a slick looking black canister about the length of your forearm. Approximately. You haven't seen your arms since they had been placed into the armbinder after all. Looking down, all you can see are your (colour: purple)[violet] breasts, and your thigh as you take another tight high step. It turns out to be the last as, mercifully, you find $Cyn now standing in your path.
"Halt, $Violet." She commands, grabbing your reins. "Bring me that bottle, please, $Cinni."
You're not allowed such pleasantries as *please.* When she looks back to you, her tone is sharp. "You're going to be fed and watered now, $Violet. I want you to get down, on your knees."
[[Shake your head. You can stand!->Event40A]]
[[Get down on your knees. A break will do you good.->Event40B]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
(set: $Strike to it + 1)
"Oh! My! Gosh!" A (colour: yellow)[yellow]-suited woman stands in the flung open doorway, her hands on the cheek plates of her mask, eyes as big as saucers. They are, of course, focused solely on you.
"$Mistress, you've made her into-- I can't believe-- she looks *wonderful!*" $Cinni all but shouts, moving quickly across the snow of the yard to come up against the wooden fence that surrounded it-- and you. She almost seems liable to jump it right then and there, but some modicum of control finally reasserts itself, and she tears her eyes from you to look to $Cyn.
"Can I come in, and you know, look and..."
Your $Mistress smiles. "Of course, $Cinni. $Violet, like all my ponies, are intended for the pleasure of others. Just let me halt her first."
She turns on you without any of the gentle kindness she had just shown $Cinni, instead once again deploying her whip, cracking it sharply in the dust before you. "Halt, slave!"
[[Quick, stop!->Event30A]]
[[Stop, but keep a knee up for show.->Event30B]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
(set: $Strike to it + 1)
"Hey, $Cyn, are you-- *oh.*"
Your circle in the yard brings the newcomer into view moments later, revealing $Sava, clearly straight from the University you both attended. Still clutching several books in her arms, and with a backpack weighing on lean shoulders, the soft glow of the eyes behind her (colour: blue)[blue] mask are widened in surprise. You begin to slow too, the experience of someone besides $Cyn seeing you like... *this* an altogether new experience, but your $Mistress intervenes as she apparently always did, with her whip. *This* time she lands it directly between your legs, the wicked coil snapping up against the base of your cunt plug, the tip making it all the way to one of your rear cheeks. You squawk into your gag as a result, but continue marching, even as $Cyn turns to $Sava with a smile.
"Heya, $Sava. Surely you didn't forget who was getting her first day of training?"
The girl's surprise is replaced by forced repose, the (colour: blue)[blue]-hooded figure shaking her head, even if it takes a moment to drag her eyes off of you. "N-No, I just... I had classes then tutoring all afternoon, and it just sort of slipped my mind I guess."
$Sava had helped you establish your first schedule, and had been an essential help learning the ins and outs of attending University here. She was smart, real smart, you had gotten that impression quickly. As a (if: $Major is 1)[track major, she certainly was more of an intellectual than you.](else-if: $Major is 2)[medical major, you've had several classes with her as well, and at least consider yourself to be an intellectual equal.](else-if: $Major is 3)[student without a defined major, you've never been particularly good at school, making her clearly superior when it came to studying.](else:)[xenobiology major you had a few classes with her, and she had always stood out with top grades.] But that wasn't *you* was it? $Sava attended University with a *person*, and you're just a ponygirl now. $Violet.
"Well, what do you think?" $Cyn asks, even as you continue to march forward.
$Sava adjusts her hood a bit. "About what?"
That only elicits a further widening of $Cyn's smile. "You're way too smart to not know. $Violet, of course!"
[[Sashay your hips and moan as you come around again.->Event20A]]
[[Tighten up your pose, show Sava your best form.->Event20B]]<img alt="vfull3" src="images/violet/vfull3.jpg"/>
(set: $Strike to it + 1)
Shifting your teeth on the rubber bar lodged between your teeth, you glance down at yourself. You're a ponygirl now. Has the realization truly set in? Every possible inch of your body is covered in glossy (colour: purple)[violet] material, of course. A high ponytail bounces behind your head as every step shifts the tail emerging from your rear plug, both a similar shade. And you're so tightly bound, harnessed and helpless, marching in circles to the occasional crack of your $Mistress' whip. You don't have any other choice, not now. But you *did*, about an hour back, before this had all started.
You could have refused this experience, or perhaps never have even come to this planet, or contacted $Cyn in the first place. Where would you be then? On pilgrimage, somewhere, seeking to find something of value back to the fleet. Probably knowledge, you had always had the tendencies that had pushed you towards University. You certainly have felt a connection with the other students since your arrival. But... it is the weekend now, and they would be out enjoying their free time, *and you're not even free.*
You're a slave girl, a ponygirl, $Violet. As they went shopping or drinking, you were here in this yard, picking up your knees to ensure ever step was as high as your $Mistress commanded. If you stopped you would be whipped, or worse.
How does that make you feel?
[[Wet and horny!->Event10A]]
[[Like you need to focus on your Mistress' commands!->Event10B]](set: $Org to it + 1)
(if: $Org is 1)[You're going to cum. One of $Cyn's foundational rules had been very explicit: you are not allowed to do so without permission. But how could you ask? With your bit securely locked into place, and the danger of punishment if you ever slowed your pace, coherent communication was all but impossible. You could still try, of course, with the equine moan you're capable of. But maybe... maybe you *deserve* to cum? You've been worked terribly hard, and this suit... $Violet's suit, it was *designed* to arouse you.
Either way, you better make up your mind quickly. Already your eyelashes flutter, your hips flicking back and forth, eager for the release.
(if: $Strike < 40 or $Strike > 60)[[[Moan for your $Mistress! "Mmmmmmmgh!"->Org1Miss]]](else:)[[[Your $Mistress is away. Try to call for her anyway!->Org1NoMiss]]]
[[No, you can fight it! Don't cum!->Org1NoCum]]
[[Cum. You deserve it.->Org1Deserve]]](if: $Org is 2)[Not again. *Not again.* You can feel the same building *desire* you had felt once previously, that burning urge that heralded a coming wave of pleasure. An orgasm. And yet you know that will not come to be. It is as if a tsunami alarm had sounded, but you're standing behind the surest seawall ever built. Except you're *wearing* it. Your suit. If you try to cum, you will be punished and denied.
But what can you do? Stop marching, and you will be punished. Keep marching, and you will be punished. An insidious cycle this training was turning out to be! At best you could simply continue as you have been, expecting the corrective shock, and accept... what, exactly? That you needed it? Deserved it? Why *are* you this remarkably turned on?
All questions slip from your mind as you finally reach the brink, and your suit intervenes. It is, as you feared, much the same as it had been the first time. Scalding pain, but brief, intended to deny your pleasure more than to actually hurt you. Your $Mistress was *kind* like that. As it recedes you're left a panting, bedraggled mess, but already you can feel it in your legs-- the break in the cadence of your march, the realization that you've stopped marching. That wasn't allowed!
(set: $Arou to it - 50)(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[-50 Arousal!]]
[[You can only groan, moan, and start marching again...->MarchBase]]](if: $Org is 3)[You're about to cum again. *Why is this making you so wet?* You're being tortured, physically exhausted, and yet... you keep coming back to this. Even if you know what is coming. The shock, your punishment, and the burning frustration of denial that follows.
(set: $Arou to it - 50)(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[-50 Arousal!]]
You're helpless too. Utterly incapable of stopping this cycle, even as it repeats. Even as your arousal peak recedes, you cannot help but admit that you had never even realized it was *possible* to be this horny. You struggle to think of anything else besides your own body-- the highstepping demanded of you, the shifting of your chest, the sway of your hips, the *outrageous* heat emanating from your cunt.
[[Bite down on your bit, ponygirl, and keep marching.->MarchBase]]](if: $Org is 4)[You *are* a slut. You must be. This is the *fourth* time you've found yourself on the brink of orgasm, pushed to levels of arousal you had never fathomed as possible, all forged by $Cyn's mind and your enforced predicament. At least you're almost coming to accept it. Your eyes are glazed over even as your thighs tremble, the shock coming moments later.
(set: $Arou to it - 50)(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[-50 Arousal!]]
That was only right, after all, wasn't it? You don't have permission to cum, naughty pony that you are. It was better to be shocked, and prevented from cumming, then to disappoint your $Mistress. Her approval was the only way you would *actually* get to that promised climax, wasn't it? So you push yourself up once more, and struggle to get back to highstepping as quickly as possible.
[[You ARE a good girl, after all!->MarchBase]]](if: $Org is 5)[(set: $Arou to it - 50)(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[-50 Arousal!]]
Full thoughts don't even fully form this time. The approach of your orgasm would be denied, and it *is*. There is nothing sweeter than getting it over with, so you could get back to your march, focus on making your $Mistress happy. You're a good pony, even if you are a fecund one. That wasn't your fault-- and your $Mistress knew that, right? $Cyn kept you bound and restrained for just that reason, otherwise you would just cum your brain out. This way her $Violet could still work. Maybe you're even close to being done?
[[Just keep marching!->MarchBase]]](if: $Org > 5)[Orgasm number $Org. You're barely keeping track anymore, the frustration of it all having just blurred together into one long aching sensation. Maybe you've *always* been this wet, this horny, this frustrated. Another shock is all you deserve. Cumming without permission isn't allowed.
(set: $Arou to it - 50)(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[-50 Arousal!]]
Now you better get back to marching. Pick yourself up, let the drool run down your chin, remember to flick your hips back and forth with each step. You're on display, now. Always. Forever. You're $Cyn's $Violet, and nothing else.
[["Mmmmmmghhhhhh...."->MarchBase]]](set: $Break to it + 1)
(if: $Break is 1)[How long have you been marching now? Your legs burn, your ankles ache, your feet scream from the position forced upon them by your hooved boots. You're so *tired.* And your $Mistress knows it.
(if: $Strike < 40 or $Strike > 60)["Halt." The command echoes across the yard, but you comply immediately wobbling in your harness. Crossing to meet you, $Cyn is all business. "Down."
She guides you to a kneeling position, the wires attached from your harness to the guide above lengthening at her touch so that you can manage it. Getting *off* your feet only hurts more, but it is a sweeter sensation. You have a chance to rest, to slow your belabored breathing. Was this a mercy? It would not have been surprising to think $Cyn was incapable of it while in her role as your $Mistress. Perhaps you should... thank her?](else:)[*Halt.* The words had appeared on your mask without prompted, projected there by the HUD. $Cyn remains out of sight, attending to things elsewhere, but she *was* watching. And when you stop, you are not punished for it.
*Down on your knees.*
Your harness was intended to stop you from falling, but the wires connecting it to the guide above now extend, allowing you to comply with the order. Getting *off* your feet only hurts more, but it is a sweeter sensation. You have a chance to rest, to slow your belabored breathing. Was this a mercy? It would not have been surprising to think $Cyn was incapable of it while in her role as your $Mistress. Perhaps you should... thank her? She had to be watching, somewhere.]
[[Thank her.->ExhaustThank]]
[[Just catch your breath.->ExhaustCatch]]](if: $Break is 2)[You're there again, at that maximum physical limit. And once again, your $Mistress *knows.*
The command comes for your rest just as it had the first time, although this time you're expecting it, and fall to your knees immediately. The mixture of sand and snow beneath them is so very soft after so long on your feet, like a bed, and dangerous-- you can feel the temptress call of sleep on the edges of your mind. But you're not done yet, and you know it. Best to push it aside, focus on your work. That was the *best* way to avoid punishment.
(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[ -(print: ($StamTotal / 2)) Exhaustion!]](set: $Stam to ($StamTotal * 0.5))
It doesn't take long, just a few minutes probably, before you're commanded back to your feet. The sand falls away from your shins effortlessly as you do, the slickness of your suit so complete not even such small particles could remain stuck to it. You're getting better at rising without arms too, but that's hardly something to celebrate-- this time, as soon as you're back up, you're under the threat of punishment to get marching again. This training session truly feels like it will never end.
[[Get back to marching!->MarchBase]]](if: $Break is 3)[Rationally, you know this is your first ever experience wearing something approaching what $Cyn considered the standard uniform for her girls-- you cannot even fully fathom what more she could require, but apparently she did. Either way, as you approach your physical limit again, this reoccurring cycle of exhaustion *wears* on you. Have you truly only been hooved and bound for a few hours? It feels like *forever.* You certainly have the kneeling part down pat as the command comes, as your brief allowed rest begins to tick down.
(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[ -(print: ($StamTotal / 2)) Exhaustion!]](set: $Stam to ($StamTotal * 0.5))
As you wait, you bite down on your bit, and wriggle your hips. That digs your knees into the sand, while also shifting your tail, the (colour: purple)[violet] plume brushing up against your tight rear. It was a part of you, of course, mounted just above your tailbone but held in place by the plug installed in your rear... it almost feels real, doesn't it? You really *must* be getting exhausted after multiple pushes to your physical limit.
Before any more such thoughts can trouble you, however, you're commanded to rise again. Time to get back at it.
[[Remember to keep your back straight!->MarchBase]]](if: $Break is 4)[Less drool and more *foam* emerges from where your lips met as you sink to your knees again, having again been pushed to your physical limit. It really *was* an inescapable cycle. And these sorts of marathon marches were *common*, for $Cyn's girls? Even *daily* for those who stayed in their gear for more than a singular evening? It is hard to fathom... although you struggle to conclude if you were thankful that your first time here only extended to midnight.
(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[ -(print: ($StamTotal / 2)) Exhaustion!]](set: $Stam to ($StamTotal * 0.5))
Had you already fallen to your knees, and were you already rising once again as commanded? *Keelah.* Even the most simple of thoughts were apparently slipping by you now, as you fellow into the monotonous and repetitive circle that this march figuratively and quite literally represented. You're just too tired to really think... and yet you must march once again.
[[Not just march, high step!->MarchBase]]](if: $Break > 4)[You've run up against your limit $Break times now, with few signs of stopping. $Cyn truly was committed to forcing you to the edge of your capabilities... and you're remarkably fine with that. It was easier that way, less tiring-- a necessary thing, when everything else pushed you to the edge of total exhaustion. You know the drill, of course. Down to your knees for a precious few minutes, until your gasping returned to just a healthy panting.
(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[ -(print: ($StamTotal / 2)) Exhaustion!]](set: $Stam to ($StamTotal * 0.5))
Then it was back to your feet, back to your duties, back to the march. Back straight, chest out, knees up. How ingrained would your life as a ponygirl be after another few hours of this? Or days? Weeks? Months? *Years?* Apparently $Silver, at least, had been doing this for that long...
[[Something to consider, as you return to your march...->MarchBase]]](set: $Arou to it + 10)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+10 Arousal!]]
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
Thinking about anything beyond your cunt, and every sensation emanating from the myriad of nerves spread throughout your body, is nearly impossible in such a situation. Every high step drives your plugs in, then out, your slickening holes sucking eagerly on the (colour: purple)[violet] intruders installed within you. Your suit embraces you, a gentler counterpart to the strict hold of the harness atop it, keeping you bound and helpless. $Cyn had always been clear with you that her girls were sluts, and... well... you *are* one of her girls now, aren't you?
Such thoughts only make you wetter, even as you work your knee up again, taking another step. The crunch of your hooved boot in the sand and snow below is met with the quiet jingle of the straps holding you to to the lead above your head, keeping you forever marching in circles.
[[Another step, and another...->MarchBase]](set: $Stam to it + 10)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+10 Exhaustion!]]
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
You cannot really look for your $Mistress, your bindings and blinders ensure you can only see her for about a fourth of the circuit you're forced to make in the yard. But you *know* she is watching you. It is good motivation, and you push to do better, setting even stricter standards for yourself. Your next step is absolute perfection, the glossy material of your (colour: purple)[violet] thigh parallel to the ground, even as you keep your back straight, embracing role role as a ponygirl. Moving smoothly into your next step, you almost prance into the positioned required of you.
The crunch of your hooved boot in the sand and snow below is met with the quiet jingle of the straps holding you to to the lead above your head, keeping you forever marching in circles. Such perfection may impress your $Mistress, but you do grow a bit more tired as a result.
[[Another step, and another...->MarchBase]](set: $Arou to it + 15)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+15 Arousal!]]
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
As $Cyn's question lingers in the air, and $Sava's gaze turns back to you, you cannot help but put on a little show. Already working your hips as your $Mistress demanded, you go even further, rolling your plugged holes a bit further as you level your gaze upon the student, reveling in the stricture of your bondage. With the bit between your teeth you cannot speak, but you moan gently anyway, even as $Cyn is quick to deploy her whip.
"Tighten up that pose, $Violet! I didn't *tell* you to show off!"
Even so, you had, and it clearly had an effect upon $Sava as she responds. "She is very..." *beautiful* or something like that may have been on her tongue, but $Sava pivots hard at the last minute. "... a total whore, and her form is poor. You should whip her more."
Its a bit meanspirited, *or perhaps jealous*, but $Cyn remains more amused than anything else. "You're lucky we didn't agree to have my $Blue in the stables this weekend, *she* is a true ponyslut."
You make another circle just in time to see $Sava blushing at that, in the quarian manner, by body language alone. Once she sees you looking, however, her eyes narrow and she looks to $Cyn again. "Who... else is in stables, actually? This weekend, I mean."
"Just $Silver," your $Mistress notes. "She is endurance training as well, upstairs. Has been since this morning, on the stim-sim curricle."
You have no idea what a "stim-sim curricle" is, but talk of another pony doing endurance training just like you... *since this morning* is a bit awe-inspiring.
[[You're already getting a bit tired, how could someone manage that?->Event20C]](set: $Stam to it + 15)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+15 Exhaustion!]]
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
As $Cyn's question lingers in the air, and $Sava's gaze turns back to you, you cannot help but put on a little show. Already maintaining a tight posture, as your $Mistress demanded, you push yourself even harder, stepping with force and assuredness. The effort makes your restraints jingle even louder, your heavy breathing emerging from your mask even as $Cyn deploys her whip.
"None of that, $Violet! I set the pace, not you."
Even so, you had set the pace for that brief moment, and it clearly had an effect upon $Sava as she responds. "She is very..." *dedicated* or something like that may have been on her tongue, but $Sava pivots hard at the last minute. "... just another slave, even if her form is pretty good. You should whip her more."
Its a bit meanspirited, *or perhaps jealous*, but $Cyn remains more amused than anything else. "You're lucky we didn't agree to have my $Blue in the stables this weekend, *she* learned quickly to not seek more whip than one must."
You make another circle just in time to see $Sava blushing at that, in the quarian manner, by body language alone. Once she sees you looking, however, her eyes narrow and she looks to $Cyn again. "Who... else is in stables, actually? This weekend, I mean."
"Just $Silver," your $Mistress notes. "She is endurance training as well, upstairs. Has been since this morning, on the stim-sim curricle."
You have no idea what a "stim-sim curricle" is, but talk of another pony doing endurance training just like you... *since this morning* is a bit awe-inspiring.
[[You're already getting a bit tired, how could someone manage that?->Event20C]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
Your questions, even if you were capable of asking them, are not answered. Instead $Sava merely nods her head. "Right, well, I promised $Cinni I would go help her do the closing count for your store. So I probably should go do that."
You keep marching of course, but you catch her staring at your glossy (colour: purple)[violet] form once again. $Cyn clearly observes that too, but doesn't address the matter. Instead she merely looks back to $Sava.
"Good idea. I imagine she is chomping at the bit," the saying amuses her further, but your $Mistress keeps going, "to meet $Violet. So tell her she can come back here when you're both done."
"Of course, Mistr-- $Cyn." Again $Sava seems to be blushing, but she hides it this time by heading back towards the door inside. You watch her go, at least until the circle you're first to walk begins to bend away, and your blinders intercede. You're not sure if it is for your own benefit, or $Sava's, that $Cyn whips you on the ass at just that moment, her voice raised.
"Keep marching, slave!"
[[You have no other choice.->MarchBase]]As you come to a sudden stop, halting your march for the first time since starting several hours ago, you do so with quiet relief. (if: $Stam > 44)[You've been pushing hard, and can feel exhaustion building. Your toes hurt in these boots, your corset is uncomfortable, your breathing is heavy.](else-if: $Stam > 35)[You've been pushing pretty hard, a moment's rest would do you good. You may have grown somewhat accustomed to the severe posture required by your ponyboots, but that didn't make marching all that easier.](else:)[You've been going for awhile, but have honestly been doing pretty good managing your exhaustion.] $Cinni however is full of energy, all but running to the gate, so she could approach you, just as $Cyn does. With your reins tied up and the wire lead supporting you, her usual place to grab you is not there, but your $Mistress makes her control obvious anyway, by settling a hand at the small of your corseted back.
"She is-- I can't believe-- $Violet, you look so *good!*" All but bouncing on her feet, $Cinni looks back to $Cyn. "I can't wait to be on a pull team with her, or see her in the stables! You have to let us have a stall sleepover when we do, I promise I'd let her sleep too, I only kept humping $Blue that *one* time and--"
"$Cinni," your $Mistress interrupts, chuckling. "Take a deep breath for me."
$Cinni does so, immediately, and more aggressively than you had thought possible. Only then does $Cyn continue. "Do you want to touch her? $Violet, I mean."
[[She doesn't ask for your permission at all.->Event30C]]Instead of coming to a sudden stop, you make another half one to get your knee up in the air, putting on a little show even as you exhale with quiet relief. (if: $Stam > 44)[You've been pushing hard, and can feel exhaustion building. Your toes hurt in these boots, your corset is uncomfortable, your breathing is heavy.](else-if: $Stam > 35)[You've been pushing pretty hard, a moment's rest would do you good. You may have grown somewhat accustomed to the severe posture required by your ponyboots, but that didn't make marching all that easier.](else:)[You've been going for awhile, but have honestly been doing pretty good managing your exhaustion.] $Cinni however is full of energy, all but running to the gate, so she could approach you, just as $Cyn does. With your reins tied up and the wire lead supporting you, her usual place to grab you is not there, but your $Mistress makes her control obvious anyway, by settling a hand at the small of your corseted back.
"She is-- I can't believe-- $Violet, you look so *good!*" All but bouncing on her feet, $Cinni looks back to $Cyn. "I can't wait to be on a pull team with her, or see her in the stables! You have to let us have a stall sleepover when we do, I promise I'd let her sleep too, I only kept humping $Blue that *one* time and--"
"$Cinni," your $Mistress interrupts, chuckling. "Take a deep breath for me."
$Cinni does so, immediately, and more aggressively than you had thought possible. Only then does $Cyn continue. "Do you want to touch her? $Violet, I mean."
[[She doesn't ask for your permission at all.->Event30C]]"YES!" She reaches out immediately, but almost as quickly pauses, looking to $Cyn. "Did you want... presentation?"
"Very good, $Cinni." Turning her attention to you, $Cyn's voice takes that commanding tone again. "$Violet, presentation pose. Remember what that is?"
You do, of course. Back straight, legs spread, eyes forward, chest thrust out. But within that definition, you have a little room to choose just *how* you followed the instructions. You could take a rigid pose, utterly perfect, which would probably impress $Cyn more than anything else. Or you could be just a *bit* looser, and instead focus on giving $Cinni the best pose and opportunity to touch you.
[[Nothing but perfection!->Event30Perfect]]
[[Go for a more sensual pose!->Event30Sensual]](set: $Stam to it + 15)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+15 Exhaustion!]]
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
$Cinni's exuberance may be something to behold, but $Cyn is your $Mistress, and you give her nothing but the best in response. Taking presentation pose, you put extra effort in spreading your legs wide, and thrusting out your chest. That only emphasizes your already wide hips further, as well as the smooth curve from your bust down to the narrowest point of your corseted waist. You cannot exactly look down, keeping your eyes forward was an essential part of the posture, but you have to imagine you cut quite a figure.
And $Cinni's hands are on you immediately. "So slick, of course," she laughs, hands on your waist. "That's the frictionless material! Its so you can't hump things and get off, $Mistress doesn't let us do that."
Sliding along your flanks, she settles a palm upon your left thigh. "Not branded yet?"
"Don't give it *all* away," $Cyn smiles, watching from nearby. "Here, try the handle test."
She hands $Cinni the whip she had been using on you thus far, only for the (colour: yellow)[yellow] suited woman to invert it, holding the hand out before her with the rest of the long coil running towards the ground.
[[Then she steps up before you...->Event30D]](set: $Arou to it + 15)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+15 Arousal!]]
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
Putting $Cinni's experience first, you allow yourself just the barest of slack, allowing a quiet shimmy of the hips to entice the other quarian before you. That only emphasizes your already wide hips further, as well as the smooth curve from your bust down to the narrowest point of your corseted waist. You cannot exactly look down, keeping your eyes forward was an essential part of the posture, but you have to imagine you cut quite a figure.
And $Cinni's hands are on you immediately. "So slick, of course," she laughs, hands on your waist. "That's the frictionless material! Its so you can't hump things and get off, $Mistress doesn't let us do that."
Sliding along your flanks, she settles a palm upon your left thigh. "Not branded yet?"
"Don't give it *all* away," $Cyn smiles, watching from nearby. "Here, try the handle test."
She hands $Cinni the whip she had been using on you thus far, only for the (colour: yellow)[yellow] suited woman to invert it, holding the hand out before her with the rest of the long coil running towards the ground.
[[Then she steps up before you...->Event30D]]With an impish set to her hips, $Cinni slides the long black handle of the whip between your spread thighs. Gently, carefully, she then pulls upward, until the thick piece of wrapped steel is pressed firmly against your plugs. After several hours of them pumping gently between your legs, the sensation of something wholly foreign upon them is positively electric, your womanhood weeping anew at the mere hint of it all.
(set: $Arou to it + 5)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+5 Arousal!]]
(if: $Arou > 49)[(colour: yellow)[Your arousal gets the better of you.] Before you even know it, you're pressing into the handle placed between your legs, grinding up against it-- despite your previous orders, despite any sense of decency. You're already quite horny, and the temptation is simply too difficult to ignore. Biting anew upon your gag, you even moan a bit, as $Cinni gasps excitedly.
"Look $Mistress, she *is* a slut!"
Holding tightly onto the handle, $Cinni allows you to go for a few more moments before she pulls it away abruptly, and backs off. Retaking her whip, $Cyn then steps up, apparently about to repeat the test-- only for her to thump the heavy handle rather hard between your legs. Impacting the base of your plugs, the sensations jars you back to something like your senses.
"All ponies come to think with their cunts, but you're getting there at a remarkable pace," she purrs.
[["Mmmmmgh..."->Event30E]]](else:)[(colour: purple)[Your arousal does not get the better of you.] Holding your immaculate posture despite the temptation of the handle between your legs, $Cinni leans in, as if trying to goad you to do it-- whatever *it* was. When you don't, she finally steps back, handing the whip back to $Cyn.
"She's careful like $Red," $Cinni concludes, "or maybe more like $Silver. Always perfect."
$Cyn smiles. "Still too early to tell."
[[You... passed?->Event30E]]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
"It is time I get her marching again," $Cyn concludes, gesturing for $Cinni to make for the gate to the yard. "$Violet still has many more hours to go."
"Aww, but I want to play with her more!" The complaint from $Cinni is made even as the girl leaves the yard, clicking the gate closed before leaning over the edge. "Can I?"
"No," $Cyn replies immediately. "But if you want to help, you could go get me a feed bottle. Fill it up, and bring it here."
$Cinni halts her leaning, and begins backing up towards the house immediately. "Can do! I'll be back in one jiffy!"
As she leaves, $Cyn turns her attention back to you. Unlike a *person*, you are only a pony, and she has everything she needs to direct you: her whip. Striking you against your now quite sore backside, you begin marching immediately, once more high-stepping.
[[Your chest jiggles with each step, and your toes hurt within your strict boots.->MarchBase]]$Cyn's response is sharp, taking the form of both words and action. She pulls on your reins, dragging your helmeted head down.
"No, $Violet. You will *kneel.*
[[She physically forces you down.->Event40B]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
For the first time in hours, you're off your feet. What had been a growing numbness in your toes and calves begins to recede with the sudden respite, an aching pain that takes you entirely by surprise. Walking in a circle over four hours was not easy work, but you're doing so much more-- high stepping, bound, gagged, and forced to keep such a rigid posture. You're happy for the opportunity for a break, honestly.
(set: $Stam to it - 5)(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[-5 Exhaustion!]]
The back tip of your $Mistress' handle breaks your concentration, tapping where your knees had come together. "No, $Violet. This is a rest, but you must always display yourself. Spread your knees. Back straight." Behind you, she adjusts the fall of your (colour: purple)[violet] tail, the movement shifting your rear plug deep within. As you moan quietly into your gag, taking the demanded position, $Cinni approaches.
"She is doing so well," the effervescent girl smiles, handing over the *feed bottle.*
$Cyn does smile at that, but waves her off. "You can watch some more, $Cinni, but only at the fence line."
"Awww." But she does comply, once more backing off. To your surprise, $Cyn then kneels in the sand and snow before you, her bright eyes peering into your opaque mask with something you've never seen before. Something more than mere attention, or approval. You're not sure you can place it, but there is distinct concern in her voice as she speaks.
"I am going to undo your gag," she warns.
[[And for the first time in hours, you feel your bit pull free of your mouth...->Event40C]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
You almost choke on your own tongue as the bit and suppressor retract from your mouth, the sudden liberty so distinctly... *strange.* Your tongue moves about your mouth, exploring it once more, as your teeth chatter just a bit. They had grown used to the padded bit wedged between them, and now the absence felt all the stranger. Had you really lived for years and years like this, capable of... closing your mouth? Licking your dry lips? *Talking?*
The thought seems to spur $Cyn, who's words break upon your contemplation. "Well, $Name?" She had used your *name.* The real one, not $Violet. "My ponies don't get to talk, but I'm checking up on *you*, $Name. Are you alright? Are you... enjoying yourself?"
There is genuine and intense interest in your answers, the light behind her eyes you had seen previously.
(set: $Gagged to false)
[["I-I'm doing good. This is... I love it."->Event40Love]]
[["I-I'm doing good. This is... just really hard.->Event40Hard]]
[["This is so hard... I'm not sure I like it."->Event40Refuse]]$Cyn's smile bursts forth, and her arms collect around your kneeling form. A hug.
"You're doing *so* well. Better than I expected." Pulling back, she flicks open her omnitool with a simple gesture. Hardlight projects over her wrist, the feed bottle planted in the ground beside her, as she swipes through several control surfaces. The last is (colour: purple)[violet] in color, of course.
(if: $Stam > $Arou)["Looking at your biometrics, $Name... (colour: red)[exhaustion] seems to be rising quickest within you. That's not unsurpising, you're not *nearly* in ponygirl form, and this is supposed to push you. But I bet your legs are starting to ache, right? It is part of being what you-- what $Violet is," she corrects. "Being worked until you're ready to collapse... well I'm always going to do that, but it does get easier. Maybe we need to talk about working on building your stamina, in between sessions in the harness?"](else:)["Looking at your biometrics, $Name... (colour: yellow)[arousal] seems to be rising quickest within you. Heh. That's not unsurprising, given how... demanding your suit is. But I bet its frustrating, right? It is part of being what you-- what $Violet is," she corrects. "I keep my girls constantly wet, it is part of the fun... and provides great motivation. But it does get easier. And maybe we need to talk about working on building your sexual endurance, in between sessions in the harness?]"
She smiles at that, even as she flicks her omnitool off again. "That can wait for later, though. You still have another four hours to march, and *you* need to have your dinner. Did you have any questions or concerns... before I put on my $Mistress face again, and we get back to it, so to speak?"
[[Glance at the bottle. "What... is for dinner?"->DinnerQ]]
[["Can I talk to Cinni?"->CinniQ]]
[["I just wanted to... thank you. For... everything."->ThankQ]]
[["No... I'm ready to continue."->End40Q]]$Cyn's smiles gently, even as her arms collect around your kneeling form. A hug.
"I know. But you're doing *so* well. Better than I expected." Pulling back, she flicks open her omnitool with a simple gesture. Hardlight projects over her wrist, the feed bottle planted in the ground beside her, as she swipes through several control surfaces. The last is (colour: purple)[violet] in color, of course.
(if: $Stam > $Arou)["Looking at your biometrics, $Name... (colour: red)[exhaustion] seems to be rising quickest within you. That's not unsurpising, you're not *nearly* in ponygirl form, and this is supposed to push you. But I bet your legs are starting to ache, right? It is part of being what you-- what $Violet is," she corrects. "Being worked until you're ready to collapse... well I'm always going to do that, but it does get easier. Maybe we need to talk about working on building your stamina, in between sessions in the harness?"](else:)["Looking at your biometrics, $Name... (colour: yellow)[arousal] seems to be rising quickest within you. Heh. That's not unsurprising, given how... demanding your suit is. But I bet its frustrating, right? It is part of being what you-- what $Violet is," she corrects. "I keep my girls constantly wet, it is part of the fun... and provides great motivation. But it does get easier. And maybe we need to talk about working on building your sexual endurance, in between sessions in the harness?]"
She smiles at that, even as she flicks her omnitool off again. "That can wait for later, though. You still have another four hours to march, and *you* need to have your dinner. Did you have any questions or concerns... before I put on my $Mistress face again, and we get back to it, so to speak?"
[[Glance at the bottle. "What... is for dinner?"->DinnerQ]]
[["Can I talk to Cinni?"->CinniQ]]
[["I just wanted to... thank you. For... everything."->ThankQ]]
[["No... I'm ready to continue."->End40Q]]$Cyn eyes you steadily. "You have your emergency protocol, if you need things to end while you're gagged. Unless you're telling me... this is so hard, you don't want to continue? It wouldn't change anything between us, $Name, but it would end this session. Your consent is paramount."
She sounds *very* serious about that.
[["I'm... okay, I can do this."->Event40Hard]]
[["I don't want to continue."->ENDER]]$Cyn follows your gaze, her grin full of dangerous promise.
"You will see in just a second. Although... spoiler alert? You won't like it. None of my girls do. Except... well, $Silver claims to."
She doesn't sound like she believes that, fully.
[["Can I talk to Cinni?"->CinniQ]]
[["I just wanted to... thank you. For... everything."->ThankQ]]
[["No... I'm ready to continue."->End40Q]]"No." $Cyn is suprisingly resolute about that, but she doesn't sound angry about it. "That's just a rule, I mean. My girls, you as $Violet I mean, aren't allowed to speak with anyone besides myself. You're a slave, and an animal. Talking is for *people.*"
She smiles slyly at that, clearly pleased to get a chance to say such things while you weren't gagged. "$Cinni gets that. But you will have to beat her off with a stick, once you get back into your day to day suit. Full warning. I think she likes you. $Sava does too, even if she doesn't show it. $Shunne *cares* about you, and that is probably something even more important. $Jino though... well, $Silver will like you as $Violet, if I tell her to. That will have to be enough for now."
[[Glance at the bottle. "What... is for dinner?"->DinnerQ]]
[["I just wanted to... thank you. For... everything."->ThankQ]]
[["No... I'm ready to continue."->End40Q]]Your $Mistress smiles, bright white teeth so evident and *sharp* as she leans forward. Her forehead briefly contacts the brow of your helmet, a show of great affection among your people. "Not many girls would thank me for working them to a lather, with a whip," she laughs. "You're special, $Name. That's why you're here, and part of the family. So thank *you*."
Her eyes all but ignite as she leans back, resting on her haunches. "I love this shit."
She *really* does.
[[Glance at the bottle. "What... is for dinner?"->DinnerQ]]
[["Can I talk to Cinni?"->CinniQ]]
[["No... I'm ready to continue."->End40Q]]"Great!" She explains, picking up the feed bottle again. "Your bit stays out for a few minutes more, so I can feed you. Check this out."
Kneeling on the sand, still rigged to the harness attached to the steel guide wire above, locked into all manner of bondage and fetish gear... $Cyn couldn't ask for a better, more captive audience. Even so, she makes a big deal of disassembling the cylindrical tube $Cinni had deliver.
Unscrewing the top, she pulls off an outer shell, a slight hiss denoting a now broken hermetic seal. Without that shell a far more lewd *thing* greets you, a large bottle filled with a thick, viscous material that looked surprisingly like...
"...cum?" $Cyn asks, reading your body language as readily as she always did. She tips the bottle back and forth, laughing a bit as she does so.
"No, $Violet." She had used your slave name again, having indeed slid back into her assumed role as your owner and $Mistress. "This is slave feed, and what you're going to eat as a pony. Twice a day, everyday. It will provide a full suite of minerals, vitamins, and nutriets-- that's part of the reason I monitor your biometrics even when you're not in the harness. But it won't taste like much. A bit salty. Not that taste is the problem, the problem is always the gag reflex, until we can train you to suppress it."
She doesn't explain what that meant, or indeed, much of anything, even as she scootches forward, and reaches to your mask.
"Now... open up, or don't Either way, I'm engaging your oral cock."
[[Oral what now?!?->Event40D]]"I understand," $Cyn replies, already activating her omnitool to begin unlocking your protocols.
GAME ENDED. CONSENT IS IMPORTANT.You cannot see it within the opaque (colour: purple)[purple] mask that covers your head, but you can feel it. Something is pushed between your teeth, for a moment feeling like a bit, before it begins to *expand*. Or inflate. It takes a long and somewhat circular form, the rubber soft agaisnt your tongue, but hardening as the pressure rises. You feel... a long shaft entering your mouth, and... veins? It *is* a cock!
"Modeled after the males of my species," $Cyn explains, already hooking a tube from the feed bottle she held to the underside of your mask. There would be an induction port, for the introduction of fluids... but the cock is so big now your mouth is fully filled, straining your jaw, and forcing you to breath entirely through your nose. You couldn't be expected to eat anything, not while almost gagging on--
[["Ggghhck!"->Event40E]]$Cyn had pushed on the bottom plunger of the bottle she held, and in response a bit of the slave feed had all but slapped against the back of your throat, almost causing you to gag again. You lean forward a bit, trying to hold back a cough with the giant inflatable member between your lips. It is an uphill fight, but you manage, while $Cyn watches carefully, having moved her hand holding the bottle to follow you, preventing the tube now connecting it to your head from going taut.
Your mouth was still full though, which meant the feed had... been spurted from the tip of the cock, buried so deep in your mouth. *Keelah.*
"*Now* you're seeing it," $Cyn purrs, her brows lowered, conspiratorial. "The whole picture."
<img alt="feeder" src="images/reg/feeder.png"/>
You can imagine it now, a thick cock inflated within your mask, a tube at its base leading to the port on your mask. From there another tube ran down to the bottle in her hand, and its rather substantial looking contents. You would have to eat all of that? Or drink? *Swallow?*
"I'll go slow," $Cyn assures you. "But once I start, I'm not going to stop. You need to keep swallowing, and it helps if you suck on your oral insert. I'm going to set the speed manually myself, but know eventually I can set this little bottle here to push in feed automatically. $Silver particularly can down a full bottle in less than 20 seconds, but $Red is catching up quickly. Both of them don't have a hint of a gag reflex anymore, of course, but you will get there. With *lots* of training."
She brows rise and fall, several times, in anticipation. "Ready?"
[[[Shake your head, carefully.->Event40F]]]"Great!" Your $Mistress replies, ignoring whatever you managed gagged so thoroughly as you once again are. Any further opportunity for protest is lost by the way she begins pushing on the bottle's bottom plunger, which in turn is followed moments later by the sensation of further feed gushing from the cock's tip in your mouth. It doesn't spurt this time, but slides down and onto the back of your tongue.
Better get swallowing and sucking.
The only question is your strategy. The simplest approach would be to just swallow as best you could, and try to think of other things. By not pushing yourself it would not strain you all that much, but your pace would also be pretty slow. Or you could focus on swallowing, really try to take the cum-like feed as quickly as possible. That would be a bit exhausting, but could impress your $Mistress. The final option... would be to try sucking on the cock, as much as swallowing. You don't have experience with anything like that, but $Cyn had suggested it might help. It would be tiring though, and probably more than a little arousing. Even the *idea* of eagerly sucking on a cock locked into your mouth as it dumped faux-cum down your throat had you feeling... funny.
But whatever strategy you chose, it would be best to do so *now.*
[[Just do your best, don't push yourself.->Event40Slow]]
[[Focus on swallowing, go for speed!->Event40Fast]]
[[Experiment! Try to fully suck and swallow!->Event40Exp]]You set a careful pace, your eyes rolling up to look at the sky, even as you try and manage the constant pumps of salty feed into your mouth and throat. Could this be any more humiliating? You're kneeling, a glossy (colour: purple)[violet] creature, with cock-like inserts now lodged in all *three* of your holes. So... probably not. But it *could* be much harder, if you had actually tried to swallow harder. $Cyn had warned you she would be taking it easy on you, relatively, and she does just that-- managing the flow, matching your pace. You never feel overwhelmed, but it does take quite a bit of time to down the entire bottle of semi-liquid feed. About eight minutes.
(set: $Stam to it + 10)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+10 Exhaustion!]]
"Mhm... a bit slow," $Cyn concludes. "But you're saving more energy for the second half of your march, I bet. Clever. I'm going to deflate your oral insert, and put your bit back in now, $Violet."
She is as good as her word, and in short order you feel the cock depress until it is little more than a spent balloon that is automatically retracted. In its place, a thick and familiar bar returns-- your bit gag. It locks back into place the same as before, at the back of your mouth. With it comes the tongue suppressor, pressing down upon your tongue, a distinctly uncomfortable feeling. Nevertheless, as the salty flavor of your meal lingers, you have to admit-- a bit of food in your system gave you a small burst of energy. You would need it.
(set: $Stam to it - 5)(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[-5 Exhaustion!]]
[[She orders you back to your feet.->Event40G]]You focus on swallowing, and set a rapid pace as your eyes roll, your gaze looking to the sky. Could this be any more humiliating? You're kneeling, a glossy (colour: purple)[violet] creature, with cock-like inserts now lodged in all *three* of your holes. So... probably not. But it *could* have been somewhat easier. $Cyn had warned you she would be taking it easy on you, relatively, and she would have, had you not upped the pace yourself. All but choking down the salty feed, you manage to down the bottle quite quickly-- at the cost of significant exhaustion. Altogether in about three minutes, which is still *far* from what you think a properly trained pony could manage.
(set: $Stam to it + 20)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+20 Exhaustion!]]
"Fast and eager, for a new filly," $Cyn concludes. "But you're going to wear yourself out, going at that speed. I'm going to deflate your oral insert, and put your bit back in now, $Violet."
She is as good as her word, and in short order you feel the cock depress until it is little more than a spent balloon that is automatically retracted. In its place, a thick and familiar bar returns-- your bit gag. It locks back into place the same as before, at the back of your mouth. With it comes the tongue suppressor, pressing down upon your tongue, a distinctly uncomfortable feeling. Nevertheless, as the salty flavor of your meal lingers, you have to admit-- a bit of food in your system gave you a small burst of energy. You would need it.
(set: $Stam to it - 5)(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[-5 Exhaustion!]]
[[She orders you back to your feet.->Event40G]]You go for it all, and take the experimental approach, sucking upon the cock as much as swallowing. Could this be any more humiliating? You're kneeling, a glossy (colour: purple)[violet] creature, with cock-like inserts now lodged in all *three* of your holes. So... probably not. But it *could* have been quite a bit easier. $Cyn had warned you she would be taking it easy on you, relatively, and she would have, had you not upped the pace yourself. All but choking down the salty feed, you also cannot shake the growing arousal that comes with so eagerly sucking on a cock-- facsimile or not. You do manage to down the bottle quite quickly-- but your inexperience with sucking actually slows you, and you end up taking a bit longer than simply swallowing would have. Altogether about five minutes, which is still *far* from what you think a properly trained pony could manage.
(set: $Stam to it + 20)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+20 Exhaustion!]]
(set: $Arou to it + 10)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+10 Arousal!]]
"Trying a bit *too* hard, as fillies tend to do," $Cyn concludes. "But you're going to wear yourself out, going at that speed. I'm going to deflate your oral insert, and put your bit back in now, $Violet."
She is as good as her word, and in short order you feel the cock depress until it is little more than a spent balloon that is automatically retracted. In its place, a thick and familiar bar returns-- your bit gag. It locks back into place the same as before, at the back of your mouth. With it comes the tongue suppressor, pressing down upon your tongue, a distinctly uncomfortable feeling. Nevertheless, as the salty flavor of your meal lingers, you have to admit-- a bit of food in your system gave you a small burst of energy. You would need it.
(set: $Stam to it - 5)(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[-5 Exhaustion!]]
[[She orders you back to your feet.->Event40G]]Guided back to your feet, your toes and calves complain at the return to the strict posture your boots enforced. But with your gag back in place, and your restraints still as all-controlling as ever, you can do little but comply. You're only halfway down with this hellish first training march. How much more can you take?
"$Violet," $Cyn tapes the side of your mask, forcing you to turn your head, the high ponytail emerging from your mask cascading down one shoulder. "I'm going to step away now, for a bit. I need to attend to something. You will be monitored at all times, though-- and don't think you can slack off on posture or pace. Over these past four hours, I've been having your suit collate an optimal walk cycle for you-- and now I'm going to turn on auto-regulation. If you don't high step, or go to slow, you will be shocked instead of whipped. Like *this.*"
She activates something in your suit, a sharp *snap* across your rear that comes without a physical sensation, even as your tortured nerve endings scream in sudden and short agony. You moan openly, jumping into a half step, although $Cyn holds you steady. "You felt it," she concludes, as if that were not obvious. "Good. Otherwise you are to continue marching, as you have been. There will be no more breaks or stops until you're done, $Violet."
She slaps your ass, with her hand, the sensation painful after being whipped so often, yet... sensual, to feel her hand upon you now. "Get back to marching, slut!"
[[As you do, your $Mistress makes for the door into her home.->MarchBase]](set: $Ambi to it + 1)You're *intensely* jealous. Why did *she* get that sort of attention from your $Mistress? You've been marching for *hours* now.
"That's $Silver!" As you continue to march, you find $Cinni seated on the fence where she had thus far been watching you in silence. She doesn't seem particularly adapt at reading your body language, she completely missed your jealousy-- but does at least explain some more. "She has been here for... uh, a week, I think? In the harness, I mean. That's really hard! Being in that suit, all day and night. $Mistress works us every single day when we're like that, you know. Different sorts of training, sometimes challenges, or games. And then you don't even get a bed to sleep in, just the *stables.*"
She indicates the building $Silver and $Cyn had disappeared into, the door now closed. $Cinni kicks her feet back and forth idly. "I keep telling $Mistress I want to do that more often, but she says she has to be careful with me. Its unfair! $Silver sometimes stays in the harness for, like, weeks! One time even two whole months! I thought she might even get to be what they sometimes talk about, $Mistress and $Jino I mean."
She was moving between $Silver and $Jino, slave name and regular, as if they were entirely interchangable. You know that $Cyn was relatively strict with using them in context, in comparison.
"A *lifestyle slave*, I mean. To live as a ponygirl, for... like, ever. That's what $Silver wants. Or... that's what $Silver thinks that $Cyn wants? It is kind of confusing, they've known each other the longest, the relationship is weird." She shrugs as that, even as you make another circuit. "It doesn't have to be weird. Mine isn't, with $Mistress. I just loooooove being her $Yellow! I hope you like being $Violet."
$Cinni pauses, her helmet tipping. Unlike your opaque mask, she is not a slave, and you can track her eyes as she thinks. They move to you, to the pole around which you're marching in that wide circle, then back to you. "Want to know a secret, $Violet? I can tell you a small one. I like secrets. But only *one*. I can... tell you about being a lifestyle slave, moan once for that. Or about the... alterations we all have. That's two moans! Or... um, a $Cyn secret. Three moans for that."
[[Moan once, for a lifestyle secret.->Event50Life]]
[[Moan twice, for an alteration secret.->Event50Alt]]
[[Moan thrice, for a Cyn secret.->Event50Cyn]](set: $Nurt to it + 1)You're just happy to see someone else getting love and adoration, to see another enjoying it so much.
"That's $Silver!" As you continue to march, you find $Cinni seated on the fence where she had thus far been watching you in silence. She doesn't seem particularly adapt at reading your body language, she completely missed your jealousy-- but does at least explain some more. "She has been here for... uh, a week, I think? In the harness, I mean. That's really hard! Being in that suit, all day and night. $Mistress works us every single day when we're like that, you know. Different sorts of training, sometimes challenges, or games. And then you don't even get a bed to sleep in, just the *stables.*"
She indicates the building $Silver and $Cyn had disappeared into, the door now closed. $Cinni kicks her feet back and forth idly. "I keep telling $Mistress I want to do that more often, but she says she has to be careful with me. Its unfair! $Silver sometimes stays in the harness for, like, weeks! One time even two whole months! I thought she might even get to be what they sometimes talk about, $Mistress and $Jino I mean."
She was moving between $Silver and $Jino, slave name and regular, as if they were entirely interchangable. You know that $Cyn was relatively strict with using them in context, in comparison.
"A *lifestyle slave*, I mean. To live as a ponygirl, for... like, ever. That's what $Silver wants. Or... that's what $Silver thinks that $Cyn wants? It is kind of confusing, they've known each other the longest, the relationship is weird." She shrugs as that, even as you make another circuit. "It doesn't have to be weird. Mine isn't, with $Mistress. I just loooooove being her $Yellow! I hope you like being $Violet."
$Cinni pauses, her helmet tipping. Unlike your opaque mask, she is not a slave, and you can track her eyes as she thinks. They move to you, to the pole around which you're marching in that wide circle, then back to you. "Want to know a secret, $Violet? I can tell you a small one. I like secrets. But only *one*. I can... tell you about being a lifestyle slave, moan once for that. Or about the... alterations we all have. That's two moans! Or... um, a $Cyn secret. Three moans for that."
[[Moan once, for a lifestyle secret.->Event50Life]]
[[Moan twice, for an alteration secret.->Event50Alt]]
[[Moan thrice, for a Cyn secret.->Event50Cyn]]"You probably haven't met (colour: red + white)[Onyx] yet, yeah? She is a lifestyle slave. Has been for years, but $Cyn doesn't own her. She's owned by Mistress Vorane. Our $Mistress' friend. Anyway..." she kicks her feet again, looking down as a bit of snow flicks off into the yard. Your steel-hooved boot crushes it moments later, as $Cinni continues. "To have your whole lifestyle being that of a ponygirl... wow, isn't it hard to even imagine that? You gotta be special. $Mistress trains us all for that, but she has told me I won't be able to do it. Something about my... trust, or something? And I don't think $Shunne wants to, maybe. (colour: red + white)[Onyx] likes it though, not that I've ever talked to her because... you know, pony rules, but I can tell. She can't, like, function as a person, I guess? But she's reeeeeeeally good as a slave."
She pauses, then looks up suddenly. "Oh, and she is SUPER attractive and strong. Like, even without her hooves, she's like... six foot six, or something. So *with* her boots, she's like seven feet tall. $Mistress Vorane brings her over sometimes, you will meet her eventually."
Trailing off, $Cinni seems ready to drift back into silence-- until she suddenly isn't. Sitting up suddenly, she all but shouts at you again. "Oh! My turn! What kind of pony do you think you'll be? A show pony? Those have to be, like, really smart. Like $Blue! Or maybe a draft pony? That's what I am, I like to *pull*. One moan for show pony, two for draft!"
[[(Thoughtful) Moan once. Show pony.->ShowPony]]
[[(Enthusiastic) Moan twice. Draft pony.->DraftPony]]
[[You're not answering that! Stomp your hoof!->NoPony]]"If you stick with it, stay in the stable I mean, $Cyn will *change* you. We're on special diets, you know. And she has these, like, physical training things she wants everyone to do. I really like those! Then there are the piercings, we all have them, nipples and nose... the, uh, septum? It feels funny." She moves her head back and forth, undoubtedly feeling the piercing shift. "Tongues too, your suit will get the special bits that integrate with them. Hmm... what else?"
She pauses, then looks up suddenly. "Oh, measurements! That's kind of tied to the diet, though? Chest, hips, waist, gap. $Mistress really likes that last one, your thigh gap. There are these workouts, for the thighs, and then when you stand up straight they won't even *touch.* It makes it really easy for someone to put their hand there, and you can't do ANYTHING about it!"
Trailing off, $Cinni seems ready to drift back into silence-- until she suddenly isn't. Sitting up suddenly, she all but shouts at you again. "Oh! My turn! What kind of pony do you think you'll be? A show pony? Those have to be, like, really smart. Like $Blue! Or maybe a draft pony? That's what I am, I like to *pull*. One moan for show pony, two for draft!"
[[(Thoughtful) Moan once. Show pony.->ShowPony]]
[[(Enthusiastic) Moan twice. Draft pony.->DraftPony]]
[[You're not answering that! Stomp your hoof!->NoPony]]"Oh... a secret about $Cyn? Hmm. Well, you know she has a suit too, right? Like, uh, your $Violet suit. She doesn't wear it like ever, and I've sort of forgot about the history of it or whatever, but she used to be like... a lifestyle slave. Did pony things all the time, with (colour: red + white)[Onyx]. Maybe you will meet her later. Anyway, yeah, she was like building the suits, and then wearing them? $Shunne would know better, though. She's really smart."
She pauses, then looks up suddenly. "Oh, and her name was (colour: green)[Jade]! I thought that was a really pretty pony name."
Trailing off, $Cinni seems ready to drift back into silence-- until she suddenly isn't. Sitting up suddenly, she all but shouts at you again. "Oh! My turn! What kind of pony do you think you'll be? A show pony? Those have to be, like, really smart. Like $Blue! Or maybe a draft pony? That's what I am, I like to *pull*. One moan for show pony, two for draft!"
[[(Thoughtful) Moan once. Show pony.->ShowPony]]
[[(Enthusiastic) Moan twice. Draft pony.->DraftPony]]
[[You're not answering that! Stomp your hoof!->NoPony]]"Oh, just like $Blue?" $Cinni nods enthuisastically at that. "She's really pretty too, and smart. I could never learn the, like, *routines*, that she has to? $Mistress trains her with a whip and everything, I bet it hurts to forget things... and I would forget things."
She seems perfectly content at that, continuing amiably.
"Oh, what about the *breeder* program? $Red does that, and $Silver! Its just fake, like training or whatever, but maybe it *won't* be someday, you know? Their inserts like, *do* things inside of them! Would you like that, $Violet? $Mistress says every mare needs a stallion, eventually. I dunno about that, though."
[[Moan eagerly-- you want a stallion too!->StallionYes]]
[[Push ahead a bit faster, you don't want to talk about this.->StallionNo]]"Oh, just like me!" $Cinni nods enthuisastically at that. "It is REALLY fun! You get, like, worked *really* hard, and often with a vibrator or something. After cumming like five or six times, I can't even *think* about anything else. I'm a *really* brainless pony at that point, and it feels so good."
She seems perfectly content at that, continuing amiably.
"Oh, what about the *breeder* program? $Red does that, and $Silver! Its just fake, like training or whatever, but maybe it *won't* be someday, you know? Their inserts like, *do* things inside of them! Would you like that, $Violet? $Mistress says every mare needs a stallion, eventually. I dunno about that, though."
[[Moan eagerly-- you want a stallion too!->StallionYes]]
[[Push ahead a bit faster, you don't want to talk about this.->StallionNo]]"Aww, don't be like that!" From her seat on the fence, $Cinni shoots a pouting look your way. "You're supposed to do what *people* say, as a pony. Although... I guess you're not really *broken* yet, and $Mistress wouldn't like us talking about secrets anyway..."
She shrugs. "I want to know though! Come on! Show pony, or draft pony?!"
[[(Thoughtful) Moan once. Show pony.->ShowPony]]
[[(Enthusiastic) Moan twice. Draft pony.->DraftPony]]Being *bred*? You're not even sure what that fully involved, but you're certainly intrigued. Having dipped your toe into the world of ponydom, you can only imagine the training for that would be intense... and the thought distinctly excites you.
(set: $Arou to it + 10)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+10 Arousal!]]
$Cinni meanwhile jumps down from the fence. "Well you need to work hard, $Violet! $Mistress puts all of us in stocks pretty frequently, its like, a pony thing or something? But I've heard that the breeding program, you can be in them for *hours.* So you gotta train!"
She rubs at her suited shoulders, looking up to the sky. "I'm cold though. Gonna go in, watch some vids or something. But its been really nice meeting you, $Violet! You're *so* pretty. I can't wait to meet you when I'm, like, *me.* $Yellow, I mean. But for now... bye!"
$Cinni disappears inside, and with $Silver and $Cyn somewhere in the stables, you truly are alone for the first time. The falling snow is your only companion, yet even so you must march on. High stepping, again and again, straining bondage as $Cinni went inside to 'watch vids'. You have no control over yourself, anymore. $Cinni could go do whatever she wanted, but $Violet can only do as her $Mistress had instructed...
[[You keep marching.->MarchBase]]Being *bred*? You're not even sure what that fully involved, and you don't want to think about it. If you *did*, it would probably only make you even wetter. Instead you strain against your bondage, picking up speed a bit, even when you're treated to a shock on the ass. Anything to suppress thoughts like that.
(set: $Stam to it + 10)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+10 Exhaustion!]]
$Cinni meanwhile jumps down from the fence. "That's okay, $Violet. I don't really care about that program, and $Sava at least *pretends* to think the same. $Red and Silver are older, maybe its like... something you grow into?"
She rubs at her suited shoulders, looking up to the sky. "I'm cold though. Gonna go in, watch some vids or something. But its been really nice meeting you, $Violet! You're *so* pretty. I can't wait to meet you when I'm, like, *me.* $Yellow, I mean. But for now... bye!"
$Cinni disappears inside, and with $Silver and $Cyn somewhere in the stables, you truly are alone for the first time. The falling snow is your only companion, yet even so you must march on. High stepping, again and again, straining bondage as $Cinni went inside to 'watch vids'. You have no control over yourself, anymore. $Cinni could go do whatever she wanted, but $Violet can only do as her $Mistress had instructed...
[[You keep marching.->MarchBase]]You prance merrily for $Shunne, attempting to show that she had little to worry about. The maneuver activates your automated monitoring system, however, the breach of posture earning you several quick shocks across your flanks. You yelp in response, biting down hard on your gag-- the scene playing out all directly in front of $Shunne.
"Please, $Violet, just do what you were told-- don't... spirits, do not show off on my accord!"
(set: $Stam to it + 10)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+10 Exhaustion!]]
[[Behind you, the stable door opens.->Event60C]]You moan with sensual hunger for $Shunne, fully embracing your role as a bound and wet ponygirl. Your audience, the suited professor, only shakes her head. "Spirits, you cannot be *that* broken already... but $Cyn is undoubtedly getting better at this. Perhaps you *could* be."
Either way, moaning like a bitch in heat only arouses you further.
(set: $Arou to it + 10)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+10 Arousal!]]
[[Behind you, the stable door opens.->Event60C]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
Your $Mistress emerges, the thick jacket around her shoulders only framing the smile on (colour: purple)[purple] lips. She looks to you, her omnitool already open, but focuses instead upon $Shunne as she approaches.
"You disapprove," she notes, immediately.
$Shunne throws up her hands. "Of course! You're pushing her--"
"Just as hard as I pushed you, and the others. You really must not do this *every* time, $Shunne." She had moved her hand behind her back, blocking it from $Shunne's view, but you catch sight of it as your march brings you back around. You clearly witness her flick some sort of control-- and immediately feel your forward insert churn to life, vibrating with wild abandon.
"Tell her how much you're enjoying yourself, $Violet."
Nod your head in agreement!
Shake your head. No!
(click-replace: "Mmmmmgh!")[[[MMMMMMMMMMMGGGGHHHHHH!!!!"->Event60D]]]
(click-replace: "Nod your head in agreement!")[[[MMMMMMMMMMMGGGGHHHHHH!!!!"->Event60D]]]
(click-replace: "Nnnnnnngh.")[[[MMMMMMMMMMMGGGGHHHHHH!!!!"->Event60D]]]
(click-replace: "Shake your head. No!")[[[MMMMMMMMMMMGGGGHHHHHH!!!!"->Event60D]]](set: $Arou to it + 40)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+40 Arousal!]]
The vibrator locked inside your cunt rocks wildly, and you lose anything like self control. Your restraints, and the guide wire over head, prevent you from tumbling over, but you buck nevertheless-- as your hips thrash, seeking attention, anything to press against, anything to push the intruders deeper in, or pull them out. You're not sure. Either way you scream, your bit gag stripping anything coherent from the sound, reducing it to the depraved and promiscuous call of a creature in a distinct and sudden heat.
And yet, as quickly as it had begun, it ends. You're left wavering afterward, your gagged mouth drooling as readily as your filled cunt. A sort of brain fog follows, your entire body confused-- until the automated shocks return suddenly, your halt having been logged just as normally as any other. With a grunt you try to move forward again, but it takes several steps, and thus several more shocks, before you manage to get back into a high-stepping rhythm.
$Shunne is, of course, aghast-- but $Cyn only smiles. "See?"
"You vibed her!"
Your $Mistress laughs. "Okay, yeah. But you *need* to stop worrying, $Shunne. $Violet is fine... trust me. And let me guess, you came out here to see who would be joining you for the late dinner?"
$Shunne seems taken aback at that, but the question grounds her, the anxiety sliding away a bit. She *did* trust $Cyn. "Yes. $Sava and $Cinni were inside, playing one of those videogames they like."
$Cyn nods. "That will be all for now. $Violet is obviously still hard at work, and $Silver is in the stables, I already put her down for the night. I'll be in when I finish with $Violet in... about two more hours."
[[Panting, gasping, you try not to focus on your aching cunt.->Event70D]]"...alright," $Shunne finally responds. "I'm going to go in and make sure the girls actually *eat*. Even if it breaks your diets for them."
It is a small act of rebellion, but one $Cyn seems ready to allow with upraised hands. "Okay, okay. You should go, I know you worked all day too. Don't forget to feed yourself."
$Shunne looks at you once more before finally nodding and turning away. Her footsteps across the snowy path begin to rapidly fade as the storm picks up a bit. The wind running through the yard fails to obscure the telltale *swish* of something terribly familiar being unrolled. Marching in that eternal circle, you come around again to find your $Mistress once more inside the fenceline, her whip unfurled.
"I'm deactivating your monitoring, $Violet," she explains. "It is just you and me until we're done."
[[All you can do is keep marching.->MarchBase]]She had it easy, of course. Your $Mistress had been out in this yard for nearly as long as you have been, excepting her roughly two hour break inside. But she only had to stand there, watching you-- always watching. You make quite the showpiece, in your full (colour: purple)[violet] suit, harness clinking with each step, utterly helpless. Yet you've been at this for hours, and she *still* looks entranced by you. Your experience is pitifully shallow with $Cyn like this, as your $Mistress, but you truly get the sense that her girls, her *slaves* never bored her. She would stay out here training you all night if she thought it necessary, or desirable.
How late is it? You have a rough estimate, of course. The movement of the shadows and lights of $Cyn's home and stables gave some indication. You had to be approaching midnight now, the agreed upon stop point for your very first session. It had been monotonous so far, grueling too. But are you enjoying yourself? Being treated like this? They are questions you have not the tongue to answer, pressed down as it is by the supressor built into your bit. *Your* bit. You've even internalized the gear, claimed it readily as your own. Your bit, your harness, your hoof boots.
You feel... different. Somehow lesser, reduced, and yet... calm. By the standards of your people you're prancing in near nudity, despite the total coverage of your suit. Your harness and restraints have made you helpless, incapable of communication beyond the basically equine-- the snort, the moan, the clop of your boots. Not only have you started to think of your gear as your own, you've begun to consider *yourself* as part of role $Cyn had designed for. You *are* a ponygirl. A young filly, in training, new to the harness and stable. But you will learn. $Cyn will teach you, change you, make you better at this.
You are her $Violet, and she is your $Mistress.
(set: $Arou to it + 15)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+15 Arousal!]]
The thought stokes further fire in your belabored womanhood.
[[You flick your mane, and carry on. Another step!->MarchBase]]You moan, crying out for your $Mistress, for permission to cum. $Cyn is of course where she has always been, watching your progress from just outside the circle in which you marched, whip at hand. She clearly had picked up on your distress immediately. Her decision is just as quick and decisive.
"No." You barely hear the singular syllable as your thighs clench, but your $Mistress is always keen to provide guidance. She continues. "Marching is a basic duty of yours, $Violet. You have not done anything *worthy* of being rewarded, and make no mistake, cumming is a reward and privilege for my girls. For *you.* But I know you're a young filly, promiscuous and fertile. You don't even have a proper stallion installed inside you, but that training insert is clearly working you up."
She shakes her head. "But you are *not* allowed, $Violet."
[[Then... try and fight it? Don't cum!->Org1NoCum]]
[[You cannot control yourself...->Org1Deserve]]You moan, crying out for your $Mistress, for permission to cum. $Cyn however had gone inside, and you are alone. She claimed to be monitoring you, but how extensive could that *really* be? Certainly she could not get angry at you for orgasming when she was not around to ask permission with, right?
[[Then... try and fight it? Don't cum!->Org1NoCum]]
[[You cannot control yourself...->Org1Deserve]]A fool's venture, if there ever was one. You are far beyond the point where thoughts of other things, or sheer willpower, could put out the fire burning between your legs. You're *incredibly* wet, and every step drives your rear plug in too, the sensation of being so *filled* merely pushing you further. Rigged up like this, you are your own fucking machine, and forced along as you are you have no means of turning it off. All you can do is keep marching... marching and cum.
[[It would feel so good...->Org1Deserve]]You buck, you moan, and you fight against your restraints. Any higher thoughts devolve into a singular focus on your burning cunt, the plug installed within it sealed beneath such a thin layer of (colour: purple)[violet] material. You've been brought to a point like this before, of course. Masturbation, or more often the stim suites built into any woman's suit. But those were idle things, done in private, with shameful things rife only in your mind. Look at you now: severely bound, tightly gagged, still prancing forward with each highstep, your mane and tail flicking back and forth. You have no veil, no sense of decency-- you are a ponygirl now, on total and complete display. *And you're going to cum.*
Any moment now. Your legs lock up as your body all but buckles, held up by your own harness and the straps that keep you suspended. Nevertheless your hips buck, feeling the faux-cock shift within you, the slickened walls begging for a final release that approaches like a mind-shattering typhoon. Faster, faster, faster--- and it is upon you!
Yet what breaks across your synapses is *not* an orgasm, sweet and glorious and eternal-- but almost the complete opposite. *Pain.* Your battered mind barely even recognizes it as first as you moan anew into your gag, but you know that feeling, you've felt it many times. Your suit's punishment feature, the shocks it was capable of, this time turned up maddeningly high and running for several seconds on end. You wriggle helplessly, lost to the blinding white fire of a sensation you can only imagine would be like if whipped a hundred times-- all at once.
And then... then it ends, a receding tide, and you are left in its wake. A battered wreck on that edge of that see of pleasure, your orgasm retreating ever further into the distance.
(set: $Arou to it - 50)(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[-50 Arousal!]]
[[You're pitched forward in your harness, panting...->Org1Deserve2]]Your burnt out mind fumbles with what had just happened, even as sweat runs down your suited body, and you pant loudly around your bit.
(if: $Strike < 40 or $Strike > 60)[$Cyn's voice breaks through the haze as it always did, a whip crack even without the implement in use. "Like all my girls, $Violet, your suit's orgasm control functionality is engaged. Young fillies like you require it, horny things that you are. I *told* you that orgasming without my permission was not allowed. You will need to earn it, now that you're a slave. Dancers get to after a performance, breeders while they're being taken by their stallion, racers after winning their circuit... you will learn."
She sounds firm on that, every bit the steel-laced $Mistress. Especially as she lifts her whip again. "Now you need to get back to marching. Your training for today is hardly over."](else:)[$Cyn may not be present, but she *had* promised to monitor you, and that she was is made evident by the words that suddenly start appearing on your mask. It takes you a long moment to focus on them, but you manage.
*Like all my girls, $Violet, your suit's orgasm control functionality is engaged. Young fillies like you require it, horny things that you are. I *told* you that orgasming without my permission was not allowed. You will need to earn it, now that you're a slave. Dancers get to after a performance, breeders while they're being taken by their stallion, racers after winning their circuit... you will learn. Now you need to get back to marching. Your training for today is hardly over.*]
You can hardly believe your ears, but you're not given the opportunity to contest the command. Something within in you breaks just a bit as you push forward, struggling to comply. It takes a few steps to return to form, but soon enough you're marching again. Even as the movement shifts your plugs again, and the sensation of building arousal soon begins anew. What else could you do?
[[Hopefully you won't need to... do that again?->MarchBase]](if: $Strike < 40 or $Strike > 60)[You try to turn your head, to express your thanks, but $Cyn is already kneeling beside, you halting the effort.
"No, just rest, $Violet." She even strokes your head gently, running her hand through your mane. You cannot feel it, of course, but it is strangely soothing nevertheless.
She continues the effort as she talks, quietly. "You were at the edge of collapse, $Violet. That is why I stopped you. Pushing your limits is what this training is *for*, but that does not mean going further than you actually can. We will take a few minutes... and then you will be put back to marching."](else:)[You try to turn your head, seeking the vantage from which your $Mistress must have been watching, but further commands appear on your mask.
*Stop. Eyes forward.*
As soon as you comply a gently buzz emanates in your aching thighs and calves, a soothing sensation almost like a massage in miniature. It continues as fresh words begin to scroll across the interior of your mask.
*You were at the edge of collapse, $Violet. That is why I stopped you. Pushing your limits is what this training is *for*, but that does not mean going further than you actually can. We will take a few minutes... and then you will be put back to marching.*]
[[You don't want to march any further!->Exhaust2]]
[[Yes, $Mistress...->Exhaust2]](if: $Strike < 40 or $Strike > 60)[You focus on yourself, catching your breath, trying to suck up every moment there was to rest. As you do, $Cyn reaches over, her hand through your mane. You cannot feel it, of course, but it is strangely soothing nevertheless.
She continues the effort as she talks, quietly. "You were at the edge of collapse, $Violet. That is why I stopped you. Pushing your limits is what this training is *for*, but that does not mean going further than you actually can. We will take a few minutes... and then you will be put back to marching."](else:)[You focus on yourself, catching your breath, trying to suck up every moment there was to rest.
*Good girl. Eyes forward.*
As soon as you comply a gently buzz emanates in your aching thighs and calves, a soothing sensation almost like a massage in miniature. It continues as fresh words begin to scroll across the interior of your mask.
*You were at the edge of collapse, $Violet. That is why I stopped you. Pushing your limits is what this training is *for*, but that does not mean going further than you actually can. We will take a few minutes... and then you will be put back to marching.*]
[[You don't want to march any further!->Exhaust2]]
[[Yes, $Mistress...->Exhaust2]]It doesn't really *matter* what you wanted, of course. You do not have the means to express it, or honestly the *will* at that moment in time. You're far too tired. But as the minutes tick by, the simple act of pausing really does do you wonders. The exhaustion seems unlikely to *ever* fully leave your body, but you feel yourself pulling back from the brink. A second wind starts to take shape.
(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[ -(print: ($StamTotal / 2)) Exhaustion!]](set: $Stam to ($StamTotal * 0.5))
And then it comes, just as your $Mistress had warned-- the command to rise again. You do so, trembling with the legs of a newborn fawn, but your strength *does* return. $Cyn's monitoring of your biometrics was quite extensive, after all. She could track your level of exhaustion to several decimal points, and does, bringing you back to your feet at just the right time. Once there, the only thing you could do... is to begin marching again. Your training is not over.
[[Get marching, ponygirl.->MarchBase]](set: $Nurt to it + 1)You step forward, once more into her arms-- and she freely embraces you again. Readily now, laughing further. She feels so *good.* Your suit is slick, frictionless almost, but the mere *sensation* of someone physically touching it-- and thus you-- had never felt so *good.* After so many hours marching almost completely without contact beyond the whip and the shock, your body's march-worn senses crackle anew, eager and willing to dance. It makes her touch *electric*, and for once she's very willing to give it.
As you wearily wriggle in her arms, your $Mistress tips her head. "$Violet, are you listening? I asked you a question."
You had clearly missed it, which she concludes, repeating herself. "I asked-- if you're ready to come out, to get out of your harness, the bondage, your suit. To not be my $Violet anymore...?"
You're exhausted, mind-numbed, but she's *watching* you with those (colour: green)[jade] eyes in a strange way.
[[Shake your head yes, you want out.->Event8Yes]]
[[Shake your head no, you want more.->Event8No]](set: $Ambi to it + 1)Despite your exhaustion, you keep your wits about you, and sharpen your pose. Back straight, chest out, spread your legs a bit. It certainly seems to please $Cyn, who steps back in, embracing your rigid form again, laughing. She feels so *good.* Your suit is slick, frictionless almost, but the mere *sensation* of someone physically touching it-- and thus you-- had never felt so *good.* After so many hours marching almost completely without contact beyond the whip and the shock, your body's march-worn senses crackle anew, eager and willing to dance. It makes her touch *electric*, and for once she's very willing to give it.
As you wearily wriggle in her arms, your $Mistress tips her head. "$Violet, are you listening? I asked you a question."
You had clearly missed it, which she concludes, repeating herself. "I asked-- if you're ready to come out, to get out of your harness, the bondage, your suit. To not be my $Violet anymore...?"
You're exhausted, mind-numbed, but she's *watching* you with those (colour: green)[jade] eyes in a strange way.
[[Shake your head yes, you want out.->Event8Yes]]
[[Shake your head no, you want more.->Event8No]]<img alt="headhalf" src="images/violet/headhalf.jpg"/>
With a tap of her omnitool, $Cyn adjusts your mask polarity. Instead of the faceless (color: purple)[violet] pane you had been for the past eight hours, once more your features are visible-- your pale skin, darkened lipstick, the carefully sculpted makeup around your eyes, and of course the bit gag still installed between your lips. She had not ungagged you yet.
"You want to get out, to be *free*," she replies, breaking from her hug, looking up into your revealed face. There is something there, in her eyes, you're sure of it. Something... dangerous, predatory, as if--
"You're a *slave*, $Violet." She smiles, cutting off your thoughts with her words. Reaching up, she threads a finger through the ring on your collar, drawing your head down, so she can peer even deeper into your eyes. "You don't get to choose when you're released, if *ever*. In fact... you're a member of my stables now, aren't you? Just another pony. That is where you belong, in the stables. Were you thinking of a bed? $Violet... those are for *people.* You deserve your cell, and nothing more."
Your mind *reels.* You still had your safeword protocol, you could always leave this all behind if you really wanted, but $Cyn was playing even further into her role-- and inviting you to do the same. How far would she go with you?
As she grabs your reins, you're forced to make a decision.
(set: $Visor to 1)
[[You're the resistant pony! Struggle!->Event80Struggle]]
[[Try to talk with her! "Mmgh, MPHGGH!"->Event80Talk]]
[[Lower your eyes, you ARE a slave.->Event80Lower]]<img alt="headhalf" src="images/violet/headhalf.jpg"/>
With a tap of her omnitool, $Cyn adjusts your mask polarity. Instead of the faceless (color: purple)[violet] pane you had been for the past eight hours, once more your features are visible-- your pale skin, darkened lipstick, the carefully sculpted makeup around your eyes, and of course the bit gag still installed between your lips. She had not ungagged you yet.
"You want to stay in, where you *belong*," she replies, breaking from her hug, looking up into your revealed face. There is something there, in her eyes, you're sure of it. Something... dangerous, predatory, as if--
"You're a *slave*, $Violet." She smiles, cutting off your thoughts with her words. Reaching up, she threads a finger through the ring on your collar, drawing your head down, so she can peer even deeper into your eyes. "You don't get to choose when you're released, if *ever*. It is good you recognize that. In fact... you're a member of my stables now, aren't you? Just another pony. That is where you belong, in the stables. Were you thinking of a bed? $Violet... those are for *people.* You deserve your cell, and nothing more."
Your mind *reels.* You still had your safeword protocol, you could always leave this all behind if you really wanted, but $Cyn was playing even further into her role-- and inviting you to do the same. How far would she go with you?
As she grabs your reins, you're forced to make a decision.
(set: $Visor to 1)
[[You're the resistant pony! Struggle!->Event80Struggle]]
[[Try to talk with her! "Mmgh, MPHGGH!"->Event80Talk]]
[[Lower your eyes, you ARE a slave.->Event80Lower]]<img alt="headopaque" src="images/violet/headopaque.png"/>
$Cyn responds to your efforts with a simple press of her omnitool, stripping your identity with a single button. You're returned to facelessness, and her grip upon your reins only tightens. She had your continued participation, and was really leaning into the role.
"Don't be like that, $Violet. A few *weeks* in the stable, marching like this every day, you won't even remember that disapproval you feel right now. Humans can get aroused, but not really to the level you quarians can... you basically go into heat, you know. Soon you won't think of anything except your cunt, and *my* desires of course. Breaking you to that is essential to your training."
She smiles as that, even as you recoil in shock. Before you can recover, however, she's pulling you towards the gate of the yard. It has been eight hours since you first entered, a welcome respite, but what you angle towards afterwards is everything she had promised and you had feared-- the *stable.* It is a simple thing, a rectangular building of a single story. Without windows, the only access is provided by a double pair of black-painted doors. There are no locks here, allowing her to grab hold of the oversized handle with one hand, the other still on her reigns. As she does so, a sound emerges from within, low and *fevered.*
$Cyn grins at that, looking back at you with knowing twinkle in her eyes.
(set: $Visor to 2)
[[Oh hell no, fight her!->Event8No2]]
[[You're a pony, the stables are where you belong...->Event8Yes2]]<img alt="headopaque" src="images/violet/headopaque.png"/>
$Cyn responds to your efforts with a simple press of her omnitool, stripping your identity with a single button. You're returned to facelessness, and her grip upon your reins only tightens. She had your continued participation, and was really leaning into the role.
"Shush, $Violet. A few *weeks* in the stable, marching like this every day, you won't even think about something as silly as *speaking*. Humans can get aroused, but not really to the level you quarians can... you basically go into heat, you know. Soon you won't think of anything except your cunt, and *my* desires of course. Breaking you to that is essential to your training."
She smiles as that, even as you recoil in shock. Before you can recover, however, she's pulling you towards the gate of the yard. It has been eight hours since you first entered, a welcome respite, but what you angle towards afterwards is everything she had promised and you had feared-- the *stable.* It is a simple thing, a rectangular building of a single story. Without windows, the only access is provided by a double pair of black-painted doors. There are no locks here, allowing her to grab hold of the oversized handle with one hand, the other still on her reigns. As she does so, a sound emerges from within, low and *fevered.*
$Cyn grins at that, looking back at you with knowing twinkle in her eyes.
(set: $Visor to 2)
[[Oh hell no, fight her!->Event8No2]]
[[You're a pony, the stables are where you belong...->Event8Yes2]]<img alt="headopaque" src="images/violet/headopaque.png"/>
$Cyn responds to your submission with a simple press of her omnitool, stripping your identity with a single button. You're returned to facelessness, and her grip upon your reins only tightens. She had your continued participation, and was really leaning into the role.
"Very good, $Violet. You know this what is best for you, hm? A few *weeks* in the stable, marching like this every day, you won't even have to make a decision, it will all just be your default state. Humans can get aroused, but not really to the level you quarians can... you basically go into heat, you know. Soon you won't think of anything except your cunt, and *my* desires of course. Breaking you to that is essential to your training."
She smiles as that, even as you recoil in shock. Before you can recover, however, she's pulling you towards the gate of the yard. It has been eight hours since you first entered, a welcome respite, but what you angle towards afterwards is everything she had promised and you had feared-- the *stable.* It is a simple thing, a rectangular building of a single story. Without windows, the only access is provided by a double pair of black-painted doors. There are no locks here, allowing her to grab hold of the oversized handle with one hand, the other still on her reigns. As she does so, a sound emerges from within, low and *fevered.*
$Cyn grins at that, looking back at you with knowing twinkle in her eyes.
(set: $Visor to 2)
[[Oh hell no, fight her!->Event8No2]]
[[You're a pony, the stables are where you belong...->Event8Yes2]]<img alt="smallcarriage" src="images/reg/smallcarriage.png"/>
You fight her, but bound as you are, with full control of your suit ceded to her, overpowering you is a simple matter for $Cyn. Still, she doesn't seem particularly pleased by the need to do so. Eventually she brandishes her whip, and *that* gets through to your welt-marked flanks. You didn't want to go through all that again. So you calm, and pass through the door into the Cyn's stable.
You're greeted with a semi-open space filling perhaps half the space, a number of different large *things* situated around you. Most are shrouded by dust covers, their form and function only capable of being guessed at, but one is fully revealed. It is a black carriage, as glossy as your suit, built for a singular rider. You could be forgiven for thinking it intended for equine use, until you look closer at the bars extending forward from it. The locking hardpoints there are too closely placed for horses, and a quick glance down reveals they would undoubtedly align right at your hip level. *Of course.* Your only solace is the fact that there are four such stations for pulling the cart, and the fact that $Cyn does not linger, pulling you deeper into the stables.
"Mmmmgh, mmmmgggh, mmmmmmggggh...!" That sound echoes again, closer now as you move into the back half of the stables-- where the space narrowed to a hallway, doors on each side. There are eight, but two are unfinished, opened wounds of bare steel and plastic that you glimpse as you pass. That left six, although only two have lights visible from within-- the two furthest back. That meant two more to each side, although you only have enough time to glance one way or the other as you pass by.
[[Look at the left rooms.->LeftRooms]]
[[Look at the right rooms.->RightRooms]]<img alt="cell" src="images/land/cell.png"/>
As you're pulled down the hallway, you look to your left. The two darkened rooms you gaze into are side by side, and nearly identical. Sliding doors clearly provided entry, but they're open, revealing stark white and unadorned furnishings inside. A single fixture above would provide light if engaged, but beyond it the only features are a drain built into the slightly sloping floor, a small raised platform along the side wall, several metal hardpoints you can't exactly identify, and the writing emblazoned upon the wall.
(colour: red + white)[ONYX] for the first room, (colour: yellow)[YELLOW] in the second. That was the only difference, those painted labels, emblazoned brightly on the back wall between two stripes that circled the room. $Yellow made sense, that would be $Cinni's, but (colour: red + white)[Onyx]? Whoever that was, describing it as a room would be vastly overstating things. That was a *cell.*
And you're quickly approaching the two lit ones, the belabored moans coming from the one on the right...
[[That is where $Cyn directs you.->SeeSilver]]<img alt="cell" src="images/land/cell.png"/>
As you're pulled down the hallway, you look to your left. The two darkened rooms you gaze into are side by side, and nearly identical. Sliding doors clearly provided entry, but they're open, revealing stark black and unadorned furnishings inside. A single fixture above would provide light if engaged, but beyond it the only features are a drain built into the slightly sloping floor, a small raised platform along the side wall, several metal hardpoints you can't exactly identify, and the writing emblazoned upon the wall.
(colour: red)[RED] for the first room, (colour: blue)[BLUE] in the second. That was the only difference, those painted labels, emblazoned brightly on the back wall between two stripes that circled the room. Those would be the rooms of $Shunne and $Sava then, while in the harness. Although to be fair, describing it as a room would be vastly overstating things. That was a *cell.*
And you're quickly approaching the two lit ones, the belabored moans coming from the one on the right...
[[That is where $Cyn directs you.->SeeSilver]]<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
Inside the lit cell you find $Silver, the source of the wet-sounding moans. (if: $FirstMeet is "Silver")[She is just as when you first met her, weeks ago.](else:)[She is just as she was when you glimpsed her during your march.] She was over six feet tall even before the pony boots, with a firm and lean body, yet somehow remarkably curvaceous too. She could not match the bust of $Shunne, but her silvery chest is impressive compared to your own, and her pierced nipples are rock hard beneath the material. Undoubtedly that had to do with the fact that she is not standing, but is bent over and locked into place.
<img alt="breedring" src="images/reg/breedring.png"/>
Built into the center of her cell, or perhaps having emerged from below, is a circular device through which she is leaning. A padded support at her waist bore her weight, while a chain hooked to the top of her helmet kept her head up and her eyes forward. More chains secured her ankles, keeping them spread wide, while is locked to her armbinder, pulling it slightly up and off her back. Bound as she is, $Silver can hardly move, and she is alone-- even if it doesn't seem that way. Her hips rock every few seconds, her tail shifting back and forth, as if... something was taking her from behind.
"Her stallion," $Cyn explains, once more demonstrating that remarkable talent for understanding where your thoughts resided. "Her rear plug is engaged too, but it is mostly her vaginal insert that is causing her... so much pleasure."
As if on cue, the mercury-skinned ponygirl moans lewdly, through her gag. She is as faceless as you, but you can almost imagine just how lewd her expression would have to be to make a sound like *that*. It only seems to delight $Cyn. "You just have a smooth little training cock between your legs, but $Silver has a full sized and VI-directed stallion installed within her. This is her nightly breeding session-- well, her second one actually. $Silver is ovulating, according to her biometrics, so I'm making sure to make full use of her fertility. Her stallion is at work inside her, it feels *quite* real I can assure you, and eventually he cums inside her. Again and again, even if this is just a training run."
Stepping into the room, $Cyn leaves your reins on a hook built into the exterior wall. It is a deviously simple restraint, without your arms you couldn't pull it off, even jumping wouldn't provide the leverage. You're stuck looking in as $Cyn approaches the strictly bound ponygirl.
[[She reaches for her mask.->SeeSilver2]]<img alt="silverface" src="images/silver/silverface.png"/>
With a tap, $Silver's mask goes transparent, and for the first time you see your fellow pony's face. She is as pale skinned as you, a quarian trait, with sharply lined silver makeup at her eyes, and upon her lips. From her nose a piercing is visible, a hefty silver septum one, swinging back and forth as she continues to rock with (presumably) the movements of her stallion.
Her eyes are unfocused however, her brows upturned, the stern figure in (colour: grey)[silver] she had been in the yard replaced by the image of a woman wholly lost to the assault currently occurring to her body. She bites down on the bit between her lips with vigor, even as her gaze remains vaguely forward, utterly uncaring that her privacy-- so valued by your shared people-- was being egregiously violated.
"She is *deep* in her little sub space," $Cyn notes, gently adjusting the fall of $Silver's mane. The touch seems to draw some focus from the ponygirl's eyes, a fresh moan escaping her lips in response. $Cyn only coos softly.
"She has been in the harness, my $Silver, for about three weeks now. Uninterrupted. She hasn't talked to anyone, not even me in that time. Bit in when at all possible, fully bound, put to bed in her stable here every night. I normally don't let my girls see each other's faces like this, but I thought it important that you meet her in all her current glory. $Silver is my stable lead, $Violet. Which makes her *your* stable lead as well. When you work as a team, she will lead you, set the pace. But all that, among other things, gets her *terribly* full of herself at times. So I thought you should see her like *this.* Being fucked in both holes by a stallion, so deep in her heat and arousal she doesn't care *what* I do to her."
$Cyn turns, her own far darker features laced with open curiosity. "You will be like this, $Violet. Someday. Once I've adjusted your body, and broken you, pierced you, gotten you acclimated to weeks and weeks of being... just a ponygirl. My $Violet. Is that what you want? You're staying just like you are tonight, I already decided that. But how many weeks should I keep you like that, hmm? One? Two? Three, just like $Silver? Tell me. Stomp your hoof."
As she trails off, $Silver looks to you with her unfocused gaze, her head wavering-- you suspect if that chain wasn't connected to the ring, it would have been lolling as she panted. Was she trying to tell you something? All she manages is a sound, wet and hungry and utterly, completely submissive. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgh..."
(set: $Strike to 0)
[[Stomp your foot once. One week.->OneWeek]]
[[Stomp your foot twice. Two weeks.->TwoWeek]]
[[Stomp your foot thrice. Three weeks!->ThreeWeek]]
[[Don't stomp your foot, you want out!->NOWeek]]<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
Another touch of $Silver's mask returns her to being little more than a faceless *thing*. Leaving her side, $Cyn steps back to the hallway, to stand beside you. As she does, the door to the other pony's cell closes, revealing it to be far more technically advanced than you might have anticipated. It is a panel of glass, probably reinforced, with a full panoply of readouts and diagnostics related to $Silver projected upon them. The glass itself is transparent, at least from this side, but the way you see $Silver within struggling seems to suggest she couldn't see out-- it was one way, and soundproof. You no longer hear her fevered moans.
$Cyn meanwhile takes up your reins again, even as she regards you with a quirked brow. "One week? And here I thought you would want out, after that first march. Some of my girls did, you know. $Blue, for example. Rejected it entirely after her first time... for a few days, until she came back, wanting more. At least you're more reasonable. One week is very reasonable, even if a bit outside your capability, honestly. You're still so *new* to this."
She smiles at that, and then gently strokes your flank. Still bound, you can hardly resist, and her touch remains just as electric as it had been in the yard-- almost as if it were more than just natural. Was your suit providing additional stimuli? It is a question you can't answer, as instead $Cyn tugs on your reins. She isn't going far, just across the hall to the other lit cell. There, upon the far wall between two stripes, is another name.
(colour: purple)[VIOLET]
(set: $Strike to 1)
[[Your cell.->VioletCell]]<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
Another touch of $Silver's mask returns her to being little more than a faceless *thing*. Leaving her side, $Cyn steps back to the hallway, to stand beside you. As she does, the door to the other pony's cell closes, revealing it to be far more technically advanced than you might have anticipated. It is a panel of glass, probably reinforced, with a full panoply of readouts and diagnostics related to $Silver projected upon them. The glass itself is transparent, at least from this side, but the way you see $Silver within struggling seems to suggest she couldn't see out-- it was one way, and soundproof. You no longer hear her fevered moans.
$Cyn meanwhile takes up your reins again, even as she regards you with a quirked brow. "Two weeks? And here I thought you would want out, after that first march. Some of my girls did, you know. $Blue, for example. Rejected it entirely after her first time... for a few days, until she came back, wanting more. But you're a bit adventurous, even. Two weeks is more *intense* then you know, even if quite outside your capability, honestly. You're still so *new* to this."
She smiles at that, and then gently strokes your flank. Still bound, you can hardly resist, and her touch remains just as electric as it had been in the yard-- almost as if it were more than just natural. Was your suit providing additional stimuli? It is a question you can't answer, as instead $Cyn tugs on your reins. She isn't going far, just across the hall to the other lit cell. There, upon the far wall between two stripes, is another name.
(colour: purple)[VIOLET]
(set: $Strike to 2)
[[Your cell.->VioletCell]]<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
Another touch of $Silver's mask returns her to being little more than a faceless *thing*. Leaving her side, $Cyn steps back to the hallway, to stand beside you. As she does, the door to the other pony's cell closes, revealing it to be far more technically advanced than you might have anticipated. It is a panel of glass, probably reinforced, with a full panoply of readouts and diagnostics related to $Silver projected upon them. The glass itself is transparent, at least from this side, but the way you see $Silver within struggling seems to suggest she couldn't see out-- it was one way, and soundproof. You no longer hear her fevered moans.
$Cyn meanwhile takes up your reins again, even as she regards you with a quirked brow. "Three whole weeks? And here I thought you would want out, after that first march. Some of my girls did, you know. $Blue, for example. Rejected it entirely after her first time... for a few days, until she came back, wanting more. But you want to be just like $Silver, huh? Three weeks is more *intense* then you can probably imagine, even if quite outside your capability, at least for now. You're still so *new* to this."
She smiles at that, and then gently strokes your flank. Still bound, you can hardly resist, and her touch remains just as electric as it had been in the yard-- almost as if it were more than just natural. Was your suit providing additional stimuli? It is a question you can't answer, as instead $Cyn tugs on your reins. She isn't going far, just across the hall to the other lit cell. There, upon the far wall between two stripes, is another name.
(colour: purple)[VIOLET]
(set: $Strike to 3)
[[Your cell.->VioletCell]]<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
Another touch of $Silver's mask returns her to being little more than a faceless *thing*. Leaving her side, $Cyn steps back to the hallway, to stand beside you. As she does, the door to the other pony's cell closes, revealing it to be far more technically advanced than you might have anticipated. It is a panel of glass, probably reinforced, with a full panoply of readouts and diagnostics related to $Silver projected upon them. The glass itself is transparent, at least from this side, but the way you see $Silver within struggling seems to suggest she couldn't see out-- it was one way, and soundproof. You no longer hear her fevered moans.
$Cyn meanwhile takes up your reins again, even as she regards you with a quirked brow. "No stomping... no weeks? Heh. That's not uncommon, after that first march. Some of my girls were the same, you know. $Blue, for example. Rejected it entirely after her first time... for a few days, until she came back, wanting more. Will that be you, in time? Hmm... You're still so *new* to this."
She smiles at that, and then gently strokes your flank. Still bound, you can hardly resist, and her touch remains just as electric as it had been in the yard-- almost as if it were more than just natural. Was your suit providing additional stimuli? It is a question you can't answer, as instead $Cyn tugs on your reins. She isn't going far, just across the hall to the other lit cell. There, upon the far wall between two stripes, is another name.
(colour: purple)[VIOLET]
(set: $Strike to 0)
[[Your cell.->VioletCell]]<img alt="cell" src="images/land/cell.png"/>
It is effectively identical to the others, including $Silver's, except for that emblazoned name. $Violet. This is *your* cell. The idea sends a chill down your spine, but $Cyn doesn't make much of it. Instead she leads you forward, into the black space. The material that lined the cell bends ever so slightly beneath your boots, clearly padded, as if you couldn't even be trusted with proper furnishings. Yet even that is not enough for your Mistress.
Approaching the back wall, to stand beside one of the strange steel brackets bolted there, she releases your reins. In its place she draws a length of chain from her belt, each individual link clinking quietly as its brought up your throat. The heavy collar locked there featured a ring intended for all sorts of leads, and $Cyn makes use of it now, running the chain from your collar to the wall. A second chain from her belt is snapped to the cuffs at your ankles, this one rather incredibly short.
"There we go," she concludes, stepping back to regard her work. You lift a foot, pulling gently against the applied binding, and find it just as restrictive as you had feared.
"Ponies should always be properly hobbled, when left alone for any length of time. And leashed, of course. It will be a rare day indeed that you are ever without your reins or leash in my hand, or a similar bit of chain linking you to whatever I wish."
Checking your bindings once more, and finding them to her exacting standards, she finally steps back and away, stepping from the padded cell back out into the hallway. There she engages her omnitool, and the door engages halfway-- emerging from the floor to about waist height, allowing her to still address you through the open space above.
"There you are, $Violet. I would recommend you get some sleep, it is... ah, about 12:30AM right now. Slaves are awoken at 6AM daily, at which time you will be washed, shined, and then fed. I hope to have you back in the yard by 7AM, alongside $Silver. Together you will do another eight hour training march."
She was damning you to an almost unthinkable fate, a complete redo of the task you had just completed, and is barely blinking at the prospect. (if: $Strike > 0)[And you had asked to be treated like this for $Strike *weeks?*](else:)[How long was she really going to keep you like this, when you had requested that she let you go?] No answers are given to the questions your bit prevented you from speaking. Instead you're treated only to a smile, and a raising of $Cyn's omnitool.
"Goodnight, $Violet."
And with that, the top portion of the door emerges from above, and the entryway seals. The sound of a heavy lock engaging is the last you hear, followed by silence as the glass frosts over-- one more white wall, just a bit shinier then the others. You're locked in for the night, short as it would be.
[[What are you to do now?->CellIntroExtra]]<img alt="cell" src="images/land/cell.png"/>
Your options are, of course, severely limited. Your cell is effectively unadorned, excepting the slightly raised platform, the light above, and the drain set into the floor. Exploring the first with a hoof reveals it to be slightly spongy, your *bed*, if it could be called that. $Cyn expected you to sleep like this? Still fully bound, harnessed, with a bit gag between your teeth?
You already feel a bit rested from your point of near exhaustion previously at least. Not constantly marching managed wonders.
(set: $Stam to ($StamTotal * 0.9))(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[Exhaustion Changed!]]
Otherwise... you are still *very* aroused. After so much marching, with so little chance for release, perhaps... perhaps you could find some way to masturbate? $Cyn must have deactivated that shock protocol, alongside the other settings. This could, in fact, be your chance!
(set: $Arou to 80)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[Arousal Changed!]]
Otherwise... otherwise maybe you should think about this whole situation?
(set: $Strike2 to 0)(set: $Strike3 to 0)
[[Choices, choices...->CellHub]]<img alt="cell" src="images/land/cell.png"/>
(if: $Stam is $StamTotal)[Your mind may be willing to do more, but your body is spent, and if you waited any longer you would just collapse in a (colour: purple)[violet] heap upon the floor. You must go to bed.
[[Go to bed.->SleepCell]]](else:)[Locked inside your stable cell, you consider your choices. You only have a limited opportunity before sleep overtakes you, one way or the other. That march had been terribly exhausting.
[[Examine your bed further. (+1 Exhaustion)->ExamBed]]
[[Examine that drain further. (+1 Exhaustion)->ExamDrain]]
[[Examine the door to your cell. (+1 Exhaustion)->ExamDoor]]
[[Think about your situation here... (+2 Exhaustion)->ThinkCell]]
[[Try to Masturbate! (+3 Exhaustion)->MastCell]]
[[Forget it... just go to bed.->SleepCell]]]Gingerly you kneel upon what would serve as your bed, the flexible but altogether basic rectangle of foam to the side of your cell. Even just *that* sends a wave of fresh wave of fatigue through your exhausted body. Muscles that should have welcomed the respite now ache that their work stands completed, your toes worst of all-- the angle your boots demanded of your feet was all but insane!
Nevertheless it takes you a bit of experimentation to figure out how one slept while bound as you are. Laying on your back, and thus the armbinder, is ruled out immediately. Being on your stomach was uncomfortable with your corset and collar. That left only a position on your side, your (colour: purple)[violet] mask laying softly against the alabaster foam of the bed. That... that would work.
If only you weren't so horny. So many hours spent marching, every step teasing the pair of plugs still installed in front and rear... you should have reached climax a couple times, at least, but instead you are only frustrated. Deeply, undeniably frustrated. More frustrated than you have ever been in your life, than you had ever thought possible. And this was apparently *normal*, according to your $Mistress. She liked keeping you on edge, reducing you to a sexual existence and then merely toying with that sexuality. It was maddening, honestly.
[[Move your legs, the weight of a hoof on your ankle hurts.->SleepCell2]]Stepping over to your bed with the clip-clop of your hooved boots upon the floor, you find it to be entirely as you had first glimpsed. Formed from a rectangular piece of black foam-like material, it is long enough for you to stretch out on, but lacks anything like a pillow or sheets. Knowing $Cyn, she would say those are for *people*, and you no longer qualify for such. Nor, glancing up, do you have the ability to adjust the brightness of the light above you. Perhaps it was automated in some way? There certainly isn't any indication of a control surface.
It may just be a pony's bed, but tired as you are, you cannot help but admit it looks quite... comfortable.
(set: $Stam to it + 1)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+1 Exhaustion!]]
[[Step back to the center of the room.->CellHub]]The drain beneath your feet is simple enough, a uniform set of holes and slates that would allow water to pass through it. Glancing about, you notice the floor of your cell is slightly slanted-- except for the bed-- to allow for what you can only imagine was a hose or something to be used inside. Your suit is fully self-contained, of course, so you could hardly make a mess... but perhaps that was *cleaning* $Cyn had spoken of before departing?
Being hosed down like an animal in here...
(set: $Stam to it + 1)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+1 Exhaustion!]]
[[What else should you do?->CellHub]]The door is little more than a black rectangle, the only part of your cell not sub-divided into individal panels, but it *had* been transparent before. Some sort of setting controlled that, undoubtedly along with the lock you had heard upon $Cyn's departure. What you do *not* see is any sort of handle on this side, or control surface. You have absolutely no method to open the door, even if your arms *weren't* locked into a box armbinder behind your back.
You really are locked in here, but visible from outside, as you had seen of $Silver's cell. Anyone could be watching you right now, and you would never know.
(set: $Stam to it + 1)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+1 Exhaustion!]]
[[You would just need to wait to be released.->CellHub]]After everything you've experienced today... you have a lot to think about. What should you focus on?
[[Think about being kept like this past midnight.->PastMid]]
[[Think about how you saw Silver.->SilverThink]]
[[Think about your march.->MarchThink]]
[[Think about being a slave.->SlaveThink]]
[[Think about being a ponygirl in general.->PonyThink]]<img alt="headopaque" src="images/violet/headopaque.png"/>
(set: $Strike3 to it + 1)(if: $Strike3 is 1)[After eight hours of bondage and marching and those infernal plugs grinding between your legs... you need some sort of relief. That had been impossible before, the strict pace and watchful eye of your $Mistress preventing you from focusing on it, but now? This could be your chance. The only question, of course, is how you could possibly manage to effectively masturbate.
[[Examine your body, figure this out.->Mast1]]](if: $Strike3 is 2)[You've returned to thoughts of *finally* getting off, even if it was proving harder than you might have imagined. Your harness and restraints prevented you from simply rubbing between your legs with a hand, and your own bound form could only be *so* appealing. More would be required than merely fantasizing about things. Perhaps... perhaps you could rub up against something?
[[Hump something.->Mast2]]](if: $Strike3 is 3)[You're frustrated now. Frustrated and *close* to achieving what you have been attempting. Fantasies could not bring you over that edge however, and your cell is almost intentionally constructed to prevent you from getting off by rubbing against something. What else could you do?
It takes a moment, but glancing down, you realize your own body might still hold the key to this. Your thighs come together enough that perhaps, if you *really* worked at it, you could finally, gloriously cum. All you had to do was shift that plug enough, the one locked into your cunt.
[[You can do this!->Mast3]]](if: $Strike3 > 3)[You're desperate and horny and *tired*, but you keep at it. Standing up, you try and shift your thighs, rubbing one against the other as you try and move that plug. This insidious suit! This would be so very easy if you could simply reach down and tease yourself, but as it is you find it to be a complete struggle. But you're so close!
Eventually your thighs ache, and you pause, panting through your nose. Why was this SO HARD?
(set: $Stam to it + 3)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+3 Exhaustion!]]
[[Take a break.->CellHub]]]*$Cyn had set your time for release to midnight, but had kept you like... this, instead. You could be back in your bed in the apartment you shared with $Cinni, but instead you're still locked into your slave suit. Still bound, still gagged. You cannot imagine what it would be like to be kept like this for days or weeks at at time. It made you... well, it certainly kicked your rational mind into second place. From there, it points out the obvious-- that $Cyn's other girls weren't full time slaves, and you still had your safeword protocol. This was an act, of sorts.
But it certainly felt real, as you glance around your cell.*
(set: $Stam to it + 2)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+2 Exhaustion!]]
[[A bit of drool runs down your chin as your thoughts turn elsewhere.->CellHub]]<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
(set: $Strike2 to it + 1)
(if: $Strike2 is 1)[*$Silver. Her real name was $Jino, of course, but how could you think of anything but her pony name after seeing her like that in her cell? She had been wholly, completely lost to her bondage and submission-- even as her stallion, as $Cyn had called it, fucked her constantly. That wasn't a person, not that deep into... everything. No, that had been your first REAL glimpse of a fully trained and sculpted ponygirl, to $Cyn's standards. It had to be a bit terrifying, honestly, to think that eventually she wanted something similar for you. And yet... yet that is why you had sought her out, wasn't it? That was why you were in this cell, after all.
Would $Cyn seek others like you, eventually? Could you some day be in this cell, in that sort of ring stockade, moaning with wild abandon as some new girl looked on at you?*
(set: $Arou to it + 5)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+5 Arousal!]]
*Just thinking of it arouses you.*](else:)[*Hoping to get off by thinking about $Silver again? She certainly does inflame your thoughts. But you can't summon the same warm flush of fresh fire to your womanhood this second time through. After all you have undergone today, mere thoughts just aren't going to be enough-- they probably never would be again. You've done incredibly kinky things, and through them will you be able to get off... although without $Cyn's approval?*]
(set: $Stam to it + 2)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+2 Exhaustion!]]
[[You find yourself panting a bit.->CellHub]]<img alt="snowfence" src="images/land/snowfence.png"/>
*Eight hours spent marching in a circle. It certainly hadn't been the glamorous experience you might have experienced, but there was something for the slow approach. $Cyn wasn't just looking to play with you for an hour or two at a time, she was looking to train you up for long term, full immersion experiences. That would take time, effort, and indeed-- training. That didn't make the prospect of doing it again any more appealing, though. And $Silver did something like that *every* day, for weeks at a time? No wonder she was so insanely toned. All of $Cyn's girls were, in fact. The training had its benefits.
But it still was hell to go through at the time. Would you ever get used to it?*
(set: $Stam to it + 2)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+2 Exhaustion!]]
[[How long would until you could do an eight hour march without stopping?->CellHub]]*A collar around your throat, a dozen locks upon your suit-- without the barest hint of capacity for resistance. You're fully at the mercy of your $Mistress, to do whatever it was she wanted, for as long as she wanted. You're a slave. Undeniably. And you had asked for all of this. What did that make you? Some sort of deviant? Yes, but... not in the way you may have once feared. $Cyn's other girls all had similar desires, allowed themselves to be treated like this, but they held normal lives too. $Cinni worked for $Cyn, $Sava was a student like yourself, and $Shunne was a professor! $Jino... you had heard she was an underwater welder, of all things, but perhaps you couldn't really qualify her as 'normal.' But the fact remained, you COULD be both $Name and $Violet, if you truly committed yourself. A part of the stable, and a part of $Cyn's strange family.*
(set: $Stam to it + 2)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+2 Exhaustion!]]
[[How lucky you were to have made contact with these people.->CellHub]]<img alt="headopaque" src="images/violet/headopaque.png"/>
*Every decision you made influenced the kind of ponygirl you were becoming. It could change your thoughts, and how $Cyn trained you going forward. Perhaps it would be best to think back and consider where you're at, then? Well--*
(if: $Enth > $Thou)[You have shown yourself to be an Enthusiastic pony, ready for anything, and quick to jump to attention. That meant you trended more submissive than most, but few would consider you a thoughtful thinker. Cleverness is decidedly absent. Enthusiastic ponies generally excel at physical activity, and are often best served being worked hard and long. Being marched everyday doesn't sound too bad to you, honestly. $Cyn would probably be making sure your bindings were tight, and your bit often in, though-- otherwise you may be liable to get yourself in trouble with tongue or action.](else:)[You have shown yourself to be a Thoughtful pony. Instead of just jumping into things, you take a measured approach, considering your actions. You're still just a ponygirl after all, little better than an animal, but you have demonstrated a certain sort of cleverness. Thoughtful ponies are often best at public displays, being tapped for use as show ponies. $Cyn will need to ensure she uses her whip liberally, however-- lest you mistakenly believe you're anything more than a thing of pleasure and sex.]
(if: $Nurt > $Ambi)[When it comes to your personal development, you have shown yourself to be the Nurturing sort, empathetic to the feelings and needs of others. This makes you an excellent pony for support roles while pulling a carriage for instance, and being selected as a breeder seems likely. Motherhood would suit you, even if that meant spending hours being taken by a phallic stallion. Perhaps someday you will get the opportunity to tutor other young fillies, but for now you may be best served learning from others.](else:)[When it comes to your personal development, you have shown yourself to be the Ambitious sort, focused on and dedicated to your own experience and submission. This suggests you will take to training very well, and could perhaps exceed most others in your levels of perfection, but this does come at a cost. Outside of leadership roles, you won't make much of a team player. Such eager embracing of submission though... this would be the path that full lifestyle slavery tends to lead from.]
(set: $Stam to it + 2)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+2 Exhaustion!]]
[[Something to ponder about.->CellHub]]You look down at yourself, covered in so much slick (colour: purple)[violet] material. The armbinder across your shoulders and encapsulating your arms prevented the most obvious answer from being correct, and while you've fantasized about ponygirl things before... you've never really considered the logistics of it all. How ere you supposed to do this?
The only thing that immediately jumps to your attention are the straps of your harness, two of which ran down between your legs. They framed your womanhood, seated firmly to each side of the base of your front plug, before coming together between the cleft of your rear behind. Perhaps... you could use them as leverage to shift that plug? That would *certainly* send you over the top.
So you try. Shifting your hips, twisting your legs, anything you can think of to get the leverage you're looking for. But success is... ephemeral. Your harness is tight, perfectly fitted to your body-- $Cyn had built it by hand, just for you. There is no undo give in its hold, no looseness you could take advantage of. Bound as you are, your harness does not shift at all, despite your best efforts. Nevertheless, all that squirming does at least make you a *bit* hornier, even as you grow more exhausted.
(set: $Stam to it + 3)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+3 Exhaustion!]]
(set: $Arou to it + 3)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+3 Arousal!]]
[[For now, it is what you must settle for.->CellHub]]It certainly wasn't the most *dignified* solution, but you look around your cell, seeking something to press up against. Unfortunately your options are decidedly limited. The walls are smooth and unadorned, except for the $Violet painted upon the wall, and that wouldn't give any leverage whatsoever. The same can be said for the floor, the just barely perceptible slant being the only defining trait of the white surface. That left... the bed?
Worth a try. Calling it a bed, of course, would have been a great disservice. It was a rectangular bit of raised material, softer than the hard floor, to allow you a place to rest. It is also quite low slung, forcing you to your knees as you edge up to it, your (colour: purple)[violet] hips thrusting forward almost immediately. You make contact with the corner... but the experience is incredibly disappointing. A bit of pressure is applied to your plug, yes, but the material is so soft you cannot physically *shove* your plug in the way your carnal desires demanded. You try several different ways, humping the bed lewdly, but the effects are the same.
In the end, you're a *bit* more aroused, but this is a losing strategy.
(set: $Stam to it + 3)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+3 Exhaustion!]]
(set: $Arou to it + 4)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+4 Arousal!]]
[[For now, it is what you must settle for.->CellHub]]Having failed twice, you return your gaze downward, to the space between your legs. This riddle was infuriating! Surely $Cyn couldn't have intended you to be kept like this all night, right? How were you supposed to fall asleep while so horny, so... unsated? Frustration piles upon frustration until you're bringing your thighs together, trying to shift back and forth on your feet, rubbing them together. Damn your wide hips-- it makes the effort difficult, every shifting movement tweaking the plug by only the barest of amounts. It *is* working... but at a pace where your belabored exhaustion outstrips your capacity to keep at it. You're just *so tired.*
(set: $Stam to it + 3)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+3 Exhaustion!]]
(set: $Arou to it + 5)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+5 Arousal!]]
Eventually you're forced to stop, even when you're so near the precipice of release. Maybe... maybe if you could manage just one more go...
[[For now, it is what you must settle for.->CellHub]]You inhale deeply, as much as your corset would allow, then exhale slowly. The bit gag is still locked between your mouth so most of it emerges from your nose, but the deep breath does serve its purpose. Your thoughts slow, the smoldering furnace of your womanhood never going away, but growing distant. Desires and temptations drift away, further and further...
*And then you wake from a surreal dream. You had been a ponygirl! A slave, worked all day and put to bed wet in a stable cell!
That was just a fantasy, of course. You're on the Migrant Fleet, your home, in the small room assigned to you above the port bulkhead. Were you to access your omnitool, you would find a half dozen pretty embarrassing extranet searches. Ponygirl. Latex. Bit gag. Bondage. Could you really imagine doing those sorts of things, though? A girl like you? It seemed far-fetched to the extreme. You would be going on pilgrimage in a few months, to a university where you could learn something of value to your people, a gift to bring back. Nowhere in that formula was being forced into a harness and whipped like... an animal. No matter what your deepest fantasies might have had you believe. Such thoughts were best pushed back, you need to focus on your work. In fact it was just about time you reported for maintenance duty.*
[[Get up, and head for your door.->SleepCell3]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
*Your hand touches the door release, but when it opens you find a brown-skinned human waiting outside. Her hair is a bright (colour: purple)[purple], her eyes a flashing (color: green)[green]-- and she's smiling, even as she greets you with a smoky purr.
"Hey, $Violet..."*
Your eyes flutter open, blearily blinking away confusion. Where are you? What was happening? You try to sit up, but something holds you, and instead you look around. You are... in a small white room, a (color: purple)[violet] stripe marked on the wall above. No-- not a room. A *cell.* Your cell. And you're not alone.
You're still on your side, but your suited upper torso rests in the lap of another woman, one of her arms gently stroking your helmeted head. $Cyn. Your $Mistress. She's looking down at you without saying word, her back to the wall, her touch gentle and soothing. Looking down, you see the glossy material of your slave suit, with some subtle changes. Your arms have been freed, although even raising them is an effort after so long in a binder. So too is your bit gag gone, the by now familiar sensation of the padded bar wedged between your teeth no longer present. Otherwise you're still harnessed, still booted. $Cyn had clearly done the best she could while you remained asleep.
(set: $Gagged to false)
[["H-Hey, $Mistress..."->HeyMiss]]
[["How... long was I out?->HowLong]]
[[Say nothing, just lounge in her arms.->Lounger]]"Hey..." Her response is as gentle as her touch, a far cry from the whip-wielding $Mistress she had been the night before. Nor does she seem to be in a hurry to say more, as she continues to hold you, gently running her fingers through your short ponytail. You must have been asleep for some time, you do feel a bit rested, and less horny too. Time really could heal all wounds.
(set: $Stam to it - 50)(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[-50 Exhaustion!]]
(set: $Arou to it - 40)(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[-40 Arousal!]]
The morning, you're pretty sure it was that at least, ticks by slowly. You feel... so very safe, and calm, and...
"We're done, you know." $Cyn's voice breaks your reverie. "Your first training session, I mean."
[["You said I would have to stay Violet longer?"->SleepCell4Thou]]
[["Okay $Mistress, whatever you say..."->SleepCell4Enth]]"I let you sleep in, its about 10:30AM." Her response is as gentle as her touch, a far cry from the whip-wielding $Mistress she had been the night before. Nor does she seem to be in a hurry to say more, as she continues to hold you, gently running her fingers through your short ponytail. You must have been asleep for some time, you do feel a bit rested, and less horny too. Time really could heal all wounds.
(set: $Stam to it - 50)(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[-50 Exhaustion!]]
(set: $Arou to it - 40)(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[-40 Arousal!]]
The morning, you're pretty sure it was that at least, ticks by slowly. You feel... so very safe, and calm, and...
"We're done, you know." $Cyn's voice breaks your reverie. "Your first training session, I mean."
[["You said I would have to stay Violet longer?"->SleepCell4Thou]]
[["Okay $Mistress, whatever you say..."->SleepCell4Enth]]You say nothing, and $Cyn seems content to do the same as she continues to hold you, gently running her fingers through your short ponytail. You must have been asleep for some time, you do feel a bit rested, and less horny too. Time really could heal all wounds.
(set: $Stam to it - 50)(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[-50 Exhaustion!]]
(set: $Arou to it - 40)(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[-40 Arousal!]]
The morning, you're pretty sure it was that at least, ticks by slowly. You feel... so very safe, and calm, and...
"We're done, you know." $Cyn's voice breaks your reverie. "Your first training session, I mean."
[["You said I would have to stay Violet longer?"->SleepCell4Thou]]
[["Okay $Mistress, whatever you say..."->SleepCell4Enth]](set: $Thou to it + 1)"I did," $Cyn agrees. (if: $Strike > 0)["And you asked to be my $Violet for another $Strike weeks.](else:)["Even when you didn't want to be my $Violet any further.] But I... lied. I do that, at times, for you girls when you're in the harness. About my plan to keep you enslaved only until midnight, and then my suggesting it would be for much longer. I did it for the others too, I hope none of them spoiled the surprise."
She smiles, thinking back on it. "You have your safeword protocol, of course. That was never in doubt. But playing with your expectations... I hope you liked it. In fact, I hope you liked everything about your first experience as my $Violet?"
[["I loved every minute of it, $Mistress."->TopLove]]
[["It was great, $Mistress."->MidLove]]
[["I didn't like it, $Mistress."->LowLove]](set: $Enth to it + 1)"Clearly you took to the training well," $Cyn chuckles. (if: $Strike > 0)["And you asked to be my $Violet for another $Strike weeks.](else:)["Even when you didn't want to be my $Violet any further.] But I... lied, about how long I was going to keep you. I do that, at times, for you girls when you're in the harness. About my plan to keep you enslaved only until midnight, and then my suggesting it would be for much longer. I did it for the others too, I hope none of them spoiled the surprise."
She smiles, thinking back on it. "You have your safeword protocol, of course. That was never in doubt. But playing with your expectations... I hope you liked it. In fact, I hope you liked everything about your first experience as my $Violet?"
[["I loved every minute of it, $Mistress."->TopLove]]
[["It was great, $Mistress."->MidLove]]
[["I didn't like it, $Mistress."->LowLove]]"Great, great!" She perks up visibly at that, the light of your cell catching her eyes. "Can you tell me more? This is important, your feedback. Tell me what you really think, *speak from your heart.*"
She had asked you to speak from your heart...
(if: $Enth >= $Thou and $Nurt > $Ambi)[[[Tell her how you feel.->EnthNurtAnswer]]](else:)[This option does not match your personality choices.]
(if: $Enth <= $Thou and $Nurt < $Ambi)[[[Tell her how you feel.->ThouAmbiAnswer]]](else:)[This option does not match your personality choices.]
(if: $Enth > $Thou and $Nurt <= $Ambi)[[[Tell her how you feel.->EnthAmbiAnswer]]](else:)[This option does not match your personality choices.]
(if: $Enth < $Thou and $Nurt >= $Ambi)[[[Tell her how you feel.->ThouNurtAnswer]]](else:)[This option does not match your personality choices.]"I'll do better next time," She answers readily, the light of your cell catching her eyes. "Can you tell me more? This is important, your feedback. Tell me what you really think, *speak from your heart.*"
She had asked you to speak from your heart...
(if: $Enth >= $Thou and $Nurt > $Ambi)[[[Tell her how you feel.->EnthNurtAnswer]]](else:)[This option does not match your personality choices.]
(if: $Enth <= $Thou and $Nurt < $Ambi)[[[Tell her how you feel.->ThouAmbiAnswer]]](else:)[This option does not match your personality choices.]
(if: $Enth > $Thou and $Nurt <= $Ambi)[[[Tell her how you feel.->EnthAmbiAnswer]]](else:)[This option does not match your personality choices.]
(if: $Enth < $Thou and $Nurt >= $Ambi)[[[Tell her how you feel.->ThouNurtAnswer]]](else:)[This option does not match your personality choices.]"Well... you didn't use your protocol," She answers thoughtfully, the light of your cell catching her eyes. "Can you tell me more? This is important, your feedback. Tell me what you really think, *speak from your heart.*"
She had asked you to speak from your heart...
(if: $Enth >= $Thou and $Nurt > $Ambi)[[[Tell her how you feel.->EnthNurtAnswer]]](else:)[This option does not match your personality choices.]
(if: $Enth <= $Thou and $Nurt < $Ambi)[[[Tell her how you feel.->ThouAmbiAnswer]]](else:)[This option does not match your personality choices.]
(if: $Enth > $Thou and $Nurt <= $Ambi)[[[Tell her how you feel.->EnthAmbiAnswer]]](else:)[This option does not match your personality choices.]
(if: $Enth < $Thou and $Nurt >= $Ambi)[[[Tell her how you feel.->ThouNurtAnswer]]](else:)[This option does not match your personality choices.]$Cyn asked, and you answer, speaking as an (colour: yellow)[Enthusiastic] and (color: red)[Nurturing] ponygirl. After your experience the night prior, you doubt you would ever remember your exact words in that moment, as they come gushing out, but the basic gist is clear-- you wanted to do more, to be used more, worked more. But you enjoyed how $Cyn cared for you, even as an animal, and you hoped to share that with the other girls. The entire experience had been one of learning for you, and somehow $Cyn had found a way to teach you when such things would have usually bored you. Hopefully, you tell her, that was based on your relationship with her as $Mistress. And hopefully that would continue to grow. You're certainly eager for the opportunity to do so.
The human takes it all in, her eyes wide with attention-- you are the very center of her universe in that moment. Words fail you towards the end, you honestly trail off a bit, but $Cyn is ready and waiting to step into the breach. Her smile returns readily as she embraces you, an effort made easy by your position already in her lap.
"Well, welcome to the team, $Violet. There will always be a place for you here. Quite literally, I painted your name on the cell wall after all." A bit of levity, which she laughs to before continuing. "I know the first time can feel overwhelming, but your enthusiasm for it all will make everything easier, and I expect you'll fit in with the other girls going forward! We will take things slow, at first, but we can talk about all that later. For now? I want you out of that slave suit, you need time to rest and relax. I've unlocked the clean room already, for your changing. And $Shunne is cooking you breakfast. Real food, not the slave sort. In a few hours I will send $Sava up to meet with you, to make some adjustments to your schedule. Now that you've completed your first training session, we can start you on some of the other programs."
[["What... other programs?"->SleepCell5]]$Cyn asked, and you answer, speaking as an (colour: blue)[Thoughtful] and (color: grey)[Ambitious] ponygirl. After your experience the night prior, you doubt you would ever remember your exact words in that moment, as they come gushing out, but the basic gist is clear-- you had found the experience as strange as it was fascinating. You liked being treated like an animal, and wanted to further that, however you could. The entire experience had been one of learning for you, and as was common you have taken to such lessons well. Hopefully, you tell her, she would continue to be strict and demanding as your $Mistress. You're certainly eager to be transformed into a perfectly trained slave.
The human takes it all in, her eyes wide with attention-- you are the very center of her universe in that moment. Words fail you towards the end, you honestly trail off a bit, but $Cyn is ready and waiting to step into the breach. Her smile returns readily as she embraces you, an effort made easy by your position already in her lap.
"Well, welcome to the team, $Violet. There will always be a place for you here. Quite literally, I painted your name on the cell wall after all." A bit of levity, which she laughs to before continuing. "I know the first time can feel overwhelming, but you're clever, and you have that... rare tendency towards absolute slavery. We will take things slow, at first, but we can talk about all that later. For now? I want you out of that slave suit, you need time to rest and relax. I've unlocked the clean room already, for your changing. And $Shunne is cooking you breakfast. Real food, not the slave sort. In a few hours I will send $Sava up to meet with you, to make some adjustments to your schedule. Now that you've completed your first training session, we can start you on some of the other programs."
[["What... other programs?"->SleepCell5]]$Cyn asked, and you answer, speaking as an (colour: yellow)[Enthusiastic] and (color: grey)[Ambitious] ponygirl. After your experience the night prior, you doubt you would ever remember your exact words in that moment, as they come gushing out, but the basic gist is clear-- you wanted to do more, to be used more, worked more. You liked being treated like an animal, and wanted to further that, however you could. The entire experience had been one of learning for you, and somehow $Cyn had found a way to teach you when such things would have usually bored you. Hopefully, you tell her, she would continue to be strict and demanding as your $Mistress. You're certainly eager to be transformed into a gleaming, moaning slave.
The human takes it all in, her eyes wide with attention-- you are the very center of her universe in that moment. Words fail you towards the end, you honestly trail off a bit, but $Cyn is ready and waiting to step into the breach. Her smile returns readily as she embraces you, an effort made easy by your position already in her lap.
"Well, welcome to the team, $Violet. There will always be a place for you here. Quite literally, I painted your name on the cell wall after all." A bit of levity, which she laughs to before continuing. "I know the first time can feel overwhelming, but your enthusiasm for it all will make everything easier, and you have that... rare tendency towards absolute slavery. We will take things slow, at first, but we can talk about all that later. For now? I want you out of that slave suit, you need time to rest and relax. I've unlocked the clean room already, for your changing. And $Shunne is cooking you breakfast. Real food, not the slave sort. In a few hours I will send $Sava up to meet with you, to make some adjustments to your schedule. Now that you've completed your first training session, we can start you on some of the other programs."
[["What... other programs?"->SleepCell5]]$Cyn asked, and you answer, speaking as an (colour: blue)[Thoughtful] and (color: red)[Nurturing] ponygirl. After your experience the night prior, you doubt you would ever remember your exact words in that moment, as they come gushing out, but the basic gist is clear-- you had found the experience as strange as it was fascinating. But you enjoyed how $Cyn cared for you, even as an animal, and you hoped to share that with the other girls. The entire experience had been one of learning for you, and as was common you have taken to such lessons well. Hopefully, you tell her, that was based on your relationship with her as $Mistress. And hopefully that would continue to grow. You're certainly eager to be transformed into a perfectly trained slave.
The human takes it all in, her eyes wide with attention-- you are the very center of her universe in that moment. Words fail you towards the end, you honestly trail off a bit, but $Cyn is ready and waiting to step into the breach. Her smile returns readily as she embraces you, an effort made easy by your position already in her lap.
"Well, welcome to the team, $Violet. There will always be a place for you here. Quite literally, I painted your name on the cell wall after all." A bit of levity, which she laughs to before continuing. "I know the first time can feel overwhelming, but you're clever, and I expect you'll fit in with the other girls going forward! We will take things slow, at first, but we can talk about all that later. For now? I want you out of that slave suit, you need time to rest and relax. I've unlocked the clean room already, for your changing. And $Shunne is cooking you breakfast. Real food, not the slave sort. In a few hours I will send $Sava up to meet with you, to make some adjustments to your schedule. Now that you've completed your first training session, we can start you on some of the other programs."
[["What... other programs?"->SleepCell5]]Your $Mistress leans her head back against the wall, closing her eyes. "Oh, just a few initial ones. Proportion Adjustments, to fill out your bust and rear, tighten your waist, bring you up to ponygirl form. The first set of piercings too, if that is the program you choose. And I've already uploaded a new program to your everyday suit, a new stim suite for... well, masturbatory purposes. A training regimen, so you could extend just how much arousal you can take. Necessary for all my girls, if you want to be able to take the *really* advanced ways I can, you know... torture you until you're a brainless, moaning bitch in heat."
The sudden vulgarity sees her eyes open again, amusement in them as she looks down at you. "But really, $Sava will explain everything if you have questions. You should go, before I'm tempted to put your bit back in and work you some more. Because I *am* tempted."
[["Put my bit back in, I can be Violet longer!"->CanBeViolet]]
[[Stand up, its time to go.->SleepCell6]]"No you can't, $Name. Not if we want to do this right, as much as it pains me to admit. You need time to think about everything, and I need time to condition you further. Pushing you too hard, too fast, wouldn't be good for your development in the long term. And I really don't want to take *advantage* of you."
She gestures towards the door. "Come on, go. Get changed, get some food, rest up."
[[Stand up, you have no other choice.->SleepCell6]]You stand, carefully, the sensation of having arms with which to help and balance you almost feeling strange after so long bound. You're still teetering atop your towering ponyboots though, and while a night's sleep helped, you're still far from recovered. A bit of extra help balancing didn't hurt. $Cyn stands as well, but remains stationary, letting you go.
The cell door that had been so securely locked on you last night is open now, revealing the empty hallway of the stables beyond, and the opened cell $Silver had been in last night. The stockade-like ring she had been secured in is gone, but so too is its inhabitant.
[[Turn back. "You let Jino out too?"->AskSilverStab]]
[[Keep going, out of the stables altogether.->LeaveStables]]<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
$Cyn's smile turns enigmatic at that. "No. My *$Silver* still has a few days left before she gets to be anything but a pony. She's a few hours into her morning march, the one I said you would be doing with her. Say hello as you pass through the yard."
[[Wow. Something to think about as you continue...->LeaveStables]]The stables are much the same as you saw them the night before, but walking through it as a free woman is a surreal experience altogether. You're no longer bound and gagged, being led around by your $Mistress. The plugs are still there of course... but you try not to focus on them, instead looking around. If you wanted to, you could stick around, explore as you like... if there was anything new to explore. There really isn't.
Instead you keep walking forward after a brief halt when you noticed you were still swaying your hips in the way a ponygirl was supposed to, the alluring method jostling those very same plugs you were trying to ignore. You could walk normally now, and should, to make your way to the changing room all the easier. It is a mantra you find yourself repeating as you begin again, your gloved hands seizing the heavy stable door, and sliding it open.
The snowfall from the night prior had stopped, leaving a fresh crust of glimmering new snow upon the path ahead. It crunches beneath your boots as you step out, and once more set eyes upon the yard to your right.
[[Someone occupies it.->SilverYard]]<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
$Silver marches quietly in the yard, frosted breath emerging from her mask every few moments, her knees rising high with each step. She is where you had been the night prior, making the same sort of grueling and unvaried circle of the yard, as dictated by the guide wire above to which she is harnessed. A far cry from being bent over and moaning as her stallion took her.
As you step closer, coming up to the fence that surrounded the yard-- and that $Silver would have been unable to escape, even if she hadn't been locked to that guide wire, you find yourself staring. Being in that very same position had been an experience, but being the *outsider* now looking in... it was another sort of feeling entirely. It contextualizes your service, giving you something against which to position all those memories of looking down at yourself, of others looking at you. $Sava, $Cinni, $Shunne-- they had all visited you last night, and now it was your turn to return the favor to the marching $Silver.
But what would you say?
[[Nothing. Continue on.->TransitionYard]]
[["Looking good, Silver!"->LookingGood]]
[["Tired, Silver?"->AskTired]]
[["Back straight, tits out, Silver!"->CommandSilver]]<img alt="baseroom" src="images/land/baseroom.png"/>
(set: $Suited to false)
What follows is a gradual but undeniable slide from the high of being a ponygirl. You return to the changing device that had first installed you within your $Violet suit, the reverse now occurring, returning you to your everyday ensemble. Still custom-built by $Cyn, it however lacks any raised heels, pony hooves, plugs, or restraints. You are now truly free, until next time...
From there you head into $Cyn's apartment, where $Shunne is already making breakfast. $Cinni is there to, eating already, and quite willing to talk your ear off as you sit down next to her. After all you've been through, however, you remain mostly quiet-- even as $Shunne continually suggests you eat more, that you *need* to after your first experience. But eventually you manage to push away, crossing the hallway to return to $Cinni's apartment, and the room given over entirely to you.
By quarian standards the space is massive, rectangular in shape and well furnished. Unlike your cell in the stables, here you have a full bed, shelves full of electronic devices and books, and all your other accompaniments. You linger only long enough to pick up some soap before making for the apartment's cleanroom shower, where you take a long and much needed bath, your mind inevitably drifting back towards thoughts of ponies and... well, your hand slips between your legs. $Violet may not have been able to sate her own desires, rampant as they were, but $Name certainly could. And you do.
(set: $Arou to 0)(border-color:purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[Arousal Cleared!]]
Afterward you suit back up, and return to your room. You try to do a bit of homework, but it feels so... mundane after the mind-bending experience you had just undergone. It comes as a relief when you're interrupted by a sudden knock on your door.
"$Name? Its me, $Sava. $Cyn said we were to make some changes to your schedule?"
[[Get up and answer the door.->Scheduler2]]<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
$Silver answers with an equine snort, as if your thoughts hardly mattered. And yet you detect something in her walk, a certain sort of reinforced pride in her body language. It remains even as she continues her march, several hours still left in her efforts, while you approach the door to $Cyn's home-- and thus your own upstairs. In the reflection of that door, however, you catch sight of $Silver once more-- and cannot help but think of yourself out there, marching. A bound and gagged pony, doing as your $Mistress commanded...
(set: $Arou to it + 10)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+10 Arousal!]]
[[Best head inside.->TransitionYard]]<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
$Silver answers with an equine snort, as if she could do this all day. And honestly, looking at her tall form, she might just be right. $Silver was all smooth curves and lean muscle, a paragon of fitness, even with several hours still left in her efforts. You meanwhile approach the door to $Cyn's home-- and thus your own upstairs. In the reflection of that door, however, you catch sight of $Silver once more-- and cannot help but think of yourself out there, marching. A bound and gagged pony, doing as your $Mistress commanded...
(set: $Arou to it + 10)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+10 Arousal!]]
[[Best head inside.->TransitionYard]]<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
$Silver answers with an equine snort, as if she could not care less about your opinion. Her posture *did* look exquisite after all, and yet... you see her redoubling her efforts, pushing herself hard. Silver was 6'2" without her boots, *with* them she towered above you, and how that she was standing up so straight as she marched... she truly looked like a paragon of ponydom. You meanwhile approach the door to $Cyn's home-- and thus your own upstairs. In the reflection of that door, however, you catch sight of $Silver once more-- and cannot help but think of yourself out there, marching. A bound and gagged pony, doing as your $Mistress commanded...
(set: $Arou to it + 10)(border-color: yellow)+(border: "solid")[(colour: yellow)[+10 Arousal!]]
[[Best head inside.->TransitionYard]](set: $OSLocked to false)"There we are."
The bright red LOCKED warning on your helmet UI disappears, replaced by a menu accessible with your eye movements. You could explore them at your leisure now by clicking on it, $Cyn gives you the time to do so. But she doesn't wait forever.
"Oh, and one more thing," your $Mistress adds in. "My girls don't have faces either, you're a *thing* now."
[[She presses a button, and your vision darkens slightly...->Day1Start]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
At your opening of the door, $Sava steps in, her usual stack of notebooks and datapads clutched to her chest.
Making for your desk, she takes the seat, then turns it around to face your bed. Following along, you take a seat on the bed's edge, allowing you both to confer. Back in your regular suit, veiled and clothed, you're a far cry from the pony $Sava had seen last night. Even so, you catch her staring at you, the image clearly burned into her own mind. It takes her a moment to shake out of it.
"Uh, yeah, right. Your schedule. $Cyn told me you're approved for some new programs, and the... stim training we do? Okay. Stim training we can handle just like everything else, add it into your day-to-day. But the special programs, the body adjustments and piercing prep, that are a bit different. They still take up a bit of time each day, but they're not variable, and you can only do one at a time. And they have multiple steps, with... everything getting more extreme the higher you go in them. So you will need to pick one. I can answer any questions on those before we begin, though."
[[Asking questions would probably be a good idea.->Scheduler22]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
$Sava looks at you, her almond-shaped eyes slightly narrowed behind her mask.
"So... questions?"
[[Tell me about the proportion adjustment program.->BodyChangeAsk]]
[[Tell me about the piercing program.->PiercingAsk]]
[[Can I do both programs?->DoBothPrograms]]
[[I've made my decision on the special programs.->Scheduler23]]$Sava nods. "Alright, so the program has three levels-- initial, intermediate, and the advanced ones. You haven't done any of them, so obviously you would be dealing with the initial program. That is focused on filling out your various, uh... *pony-important* physical proportions. Chest, hips, rear. And toning other areas, like your waist. $Cyn has a *very* detailed program tailored for each of us, with final measurement goals that are... well there is a reason we all look *really* good, right?"
She laughs a bit awkwardly at that, then buries her mask in her datapad again. "You would have calorie goals to meet, a vitamin regimen, some exercises to do focused on toning. Altogether it takes about **two hours** each day."
[["What is the intermediate plan?"->BodyIntermediate]]
[["What are the advanced programs?->BodyAdvanced]]
[["You do look really good."->ReallyGood]]
[["I have other questions."->Scheduler22]]"The piercing program, okay." $Sava raises her hand all three fingers curled into a fist. As she continues, she raises them one-by-one. "There is the half set, and the full set. Half set has three piercings-- one for your tongue, one for each of your nipples. Three."
She wriggles her fingers at that, then drops the hand. "You have to get those before you're even eligible for the others, under $Cyn's rules. The reason she makes this a separate program is because of how... permanent it is, to be altered like that. With the proportions program you can just abandon the diet and everything if you really want, but the piercings are forever. And you're quarian, we're all quarian. Body... alterations like that aren't natural to our culture, right? She wants to give you plenty of time to reflect on taking this step."
Adjusting her seat a bit, $Sava crosses one leg over the other, then leans forward on her own knee. "But if you go for it, the program will take **1 hour** each day. That's mandatory."
[["Why a tongue piercing?"->WhyTongue]]
[["Why the nipple piercings?"->WhyNiple]]
[["What does the full set add?->FullSetAsk]]
[[Do... you have the piercings?->AskAboutPierce]]
[["I have other questions."->Scheduler22]]"No." The rejection comes immediately, alongside a shaking of $Sava's head. "That's straight from $Cyn, not me. If you just dived into everything at the first chance you got... it would overwhelm you. The things that we do are hard, and intense, and $Cyn makes a big deal about ensuring everyone is ready for it. You *will* have the opportunity to do whatever one you don't pick, though. Just not both at once."
[[Something to keep in mind.->Scheduler22]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
$Sava nods, her hood shifting with the movement. "Cool. So which one do you want me to sign you up for? The Initial Proportions Adjustment, or the First Half of the Piercing set?"
[[I want the Proportions Adjustment.->ChooseProp]]
[[I want the Piercings.->ChoosePierce]]"Once your basic proportions are dialed in, the intermediate program is about maintaining them, and then focuses on some other things. Suppressing your gag reflex, for one thing. Those lessons are... hard. And then creating the, uh, perfect thigh gap. I know physically we're kinda awesome at it, as quarians, but that is a hardcore fetish of $Cyn's.
[["You don't have a gag reflex?"->AskGagReflex]]
[["What is a thigh gap, exactly?"->AskThighGap]]
[["What are the advanced programs?"->BodyAdvanced]]
[["Tell me about the basic program again?"->BodyChangeAsk]]$Sava shrugs. "They kind of vary, honestly. Did you notice how $Shunne and $Jino wear wedge heels, even in their regular suits? Like *all the time?* That's an advanced program. $Jino also pretty much just eats slave feed, except when $Shunne can convince her to eat some real stuff. And $Red has... she is milked some times, I guess."
She seems legitimately embarrassed for the professor she shared with you. "Anyway, you need to do the other initial and intermediate parts first, before you can even consider that other stuff anyway.
[["Then let's talk about the basic program again."->BodyChangeAsk]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
$Sava rolls her eyes. "Well, yeah, that is part of the training. Looking our best. Even ignoring... everything else that goes with it, $Cyn is REALLY good at getting us to look REALLY good. I don't think she knows a thing about designing outfits for us that aren't the slave suits, but that's outside her specialty anyway. So yeah."
She pauses, then finally seems to cycle back to your original intentions. "Thanks, I guess."
[["Then let's talk about the basic program again."->BodyChangeAsk]]$Sava leans back, embarrassment clearly voiced by her body language. "I-- well, I mean... I've completed the intermediate program, yeah. N-Not that I *wanted* to be trained for anything like that, but it is really helpful for when $Cyn feeds us. As a pony, I mean. She uses those big... members, and while I'm not as fast as some of the others I just got so tired of choking on it."
She covers with faked exasperation. "Just ask me about something else, okay?"
[["What is a thigh gap, exactly?"->AskThighGap]]
[["What are the advanced programs?"->BodyAdvanced]]
[[Tell me about the basic program again?"->BodyChangeAsk]]<img alt="bluegap" src="images/blue/bluegap.png"/>
"Well... it is when... *ugh.*"
Standing up abruptly, $Sava brings her legs together and bends over slightly. Her suited rear is *directly* in your face, her firm thighs framing a distinct triangular space between them. It is a pose your fellow quarian only holds for a moment before returning to her seat, a flushed expression evident in the way she looks to the side, avoiding your direct gaze.
"It is that. We all have it. Just takes some special workouts, but $Cyn... she likes to put her hand *there*, when we're in our slave suits. And it makes rubbing your thighs together to create some friction to... you know, it makes that impossible. Not that suits really allow you to do anything anyway, but... still. Yeah. That's thigh gap. Let's move on."
[["You don't have a gag reflex?"->AskGagReflex]]
[["What are the advanced programs?"->BodyAdvanced]]
[[Tell me about the basic program again?"->BodyChangeAsk]]"Because its annoying." There is a pause as $Sava looks down to her datapad, but she glances up eventually, clearly reading the incredulity in your body language. "I'm not kidding. $Cyn would say the same thing. Well, she would dress it up of course, in her $Mistress-speak. But she likes it as a reminder. You feel it all the time, you know. Especially when you speak. And you've worn the bit, now, right? How it has that tongue suppressor? With the piercing, she has a special sort that locks into that. It is... a really intense sensation."
[["Why the nipple piercings?"->WhyNiple]]
[["What does the full set add?->FullSetAsk]]
[[Do... you have the piercings?->AskAboutPierce]]
[["I have other questions."->PiercingAsk]]"They integrate with the slave suits," she responds. "And they make everything more sensitive. $Cyn is *really* touchy, when you're in the harness."
$Sava is surprisingly short with that answer.
[["Why a tongue piercing?"->WhyTongue]]
[["What does the full set add?->FullSetAsk]]
[[Do... you have the piercings?->AskAboutPierce]]
[["I have other questions."->PiercingAsk]]"Oh, actually only two more piercings. But, you know, its all about *where* they go. The first is the septum. You know," she taps her mask. "That part between your nostrils? A ring. It is *always* moving back and forth, especially when high stepping. The other... well..."
She uncrosses her legs, then crosses them again with the opposite leg on top. "It is a clit piercing, okay? Hurts like hell to get, feels like... well when you get vibbed by an insert it makes the entire experience *way* more intense..." $Sava seems keen to carry on. "Anyway, the point is they're really intimate. And permanent. You wear them even when you're in your regular suit, like we are right now."
[["Why a tongue piercing?"->WhyTongue]]
[["Why the nipple piercings?"->WhyNiple]]
[[Do... you have the piercings?->AskAboutPierce]]
[["I have other questions."->PiercingAsk]]
<img alt="blueface" src="images/blue/blueface.png"/>
For a moment it seems like $Sava isn't even going to answer your question, but she eventually gives in with a sharp exhalation. "Fine, you will have access to all our records soon, just like we have access to yours. Here."
She leans in, even as she must have been adjusting her suit's mask opacity. Showing one's face among your people was an act of trust, and often intimacy... but you all *were* engaged in the same sorts of incredibly sexual acts. This probably qualified. Either way, a young woman's face appears beneath the now only slightly (colour: blue)[blue] glass. Pointedly, hanging from her nose is a septum ring in gleaming silver.
Just as quickly as she had shown you, $Sava pulls back, and returns her mask to an opacity that revealed only the glow of her eyes and the hint of her nose. "There. Happy? Yeah. I have the full set. They're still... really new, but I got them. All the other have them. $Mistress-- $Cyn, really likes them."
[["What... do they feel like? Your piercings?"->AskAboutPierce2]]
[["You... showed me your face!"->ShowFace]]
[["I have other questions."->PiercingAsk]]$Sava cross her arms, allowing her datapad to rest on her knee. "What sort of question is that?"
As she returns to her previous posture you notice her chest. The material of her regular suit was thicker than the slave suits, but even so you can make out something distinctly... unnatural to each side of her nipples. Piercings. Nevertheless, she doesn't seem to be particularly keen on talking about them.
"It is different for everyone, I guess. $Cinni really likes them, you should ask her if you want to know. Some of us just do it because $Mistress-- uh, $Cyn tells us to."
She leaves it at that.
[[You... showed me your face!->ShowFace]]
[["I have other questions."->PiercingAsk]]
"Yeah," she shoots defensively. "We do that too. $Cyn says its important, $Shunne too. We're supposed to be a family, right? And families know what each other look like. So... now you know. And it answered your question. I'm efficient, it was the efficient thing to do."
[[What... do they feel like? Your piercings?->AskAboutPierce2]]
[["I have other questions."->PiercingAsk]]She's already typing into the datapad across her lap. "Alright, the Proportion Adjustment, got it. $Cyn will be glad to hear it, I'm sure. She likes us to be as curvy as possible, you know?"
You're not sure that you *do* know, but you'll be finding out soon anyway. $Sava doesn't linger on the topic either, but instead turns her datapad around, pushing it towards you.
"Okay, I got your choice in, you will see it at the bottom. I've also put in a section for... Edge Practice. They're, ugh I hate explaining this one, they're stim programs you run in your suit. For... you know, masturbation or whatever. But $Cyn programmed them to tease and train you, to improve your sexual endurance. So you can take more arousal before... whatever, you get it."
She points a bit further down the list displayed on the datapad. "Otherwise, your class load is the same, obviously. You want to try and keep your grades up too, if they get below a **C**... well, $Cyn wants us to be good ponies AND people, right? She won't like if you let your grades slip below a **C**, things will probably happen. Not that I would know, I have straight A's."
$Sava clearly took pride in that. "The only other changs are the daily exercise amount, and... the $Jino situation. (If: $Study is 1)[You have a sports scholarship, so this is more important to you anyway, but] $Cyn is requiring you to do at least two hours of exercise daily, now that you're officially... part of the stable. If you do more it could always help improve your physical endurance, of course, but that all depends on how you want to balance your work load, right? Right. $Cyn also spoke to $Jino. She will hang out with you, if you request it now. Don't expect her to be happy about it, though, full warning."
(set: $BodyProg to 1)(set: $SpecialTime to 2)(set: $InnyPiercing to 1)
[[She hands you the Planner, with a reminder you will need to schedule all 24 hours.->Planner2]]She's already typing into the datapad across her lap. "Alright, the first set of piercings, got it. $Cyn will be glad to hear it, I'm sure. She integrates all the piercings into your other suit, you know?"
You're not sure that you *do* know, but you'll be finding out soon anyway. $Sava doesn't linger on the topic either, but instead turns her datapad around, pushing it towards you.
"Okay, I got your choice in, you will see it at the bottom. I've also put in a section for... Edge Practice. They're, ugh I hate explaining this one, they're stim programs you run in your suit. For... you know, masturbation or whatever. But $Cyn programmed them to tease and train you, to improve your sexual endurance. So you can take more arousal before... whatever, you get it."
She points a bit further down the list displayed on the datapad. "Otherwise, your class load is the same, obviously. You want to try and keep your grades up too, if they get below a **C**... well, $Cyn wants us to be good ponies AND people, right? She won't like if you let your grades slip below a **C**, things will probably happen. Not that I would know, I have straight A's."
$Sava clearly took pride in that. "The only other changs are the daily exercise amount, and... the $Jino situation. (If: $Study is 1)[You have a sports scholarship, so this is more important to you anyway, but] $Cyn is requiring you to do at least two hours of exercise daily, now that you're officially... part of the stable. If you do more it could always help improve your physical endurance, of course, but that all depends on how you want to balance your work load, right? Right. $Cyn also spoke to $Jino. She will hang out with you, if you request it now. Don't expect her to be happy about it, though, full warning."
(set: $Piercing to 1)(set: $SpecialTime to 1)(set: $InnyBodyProg to 1)
[[She hands you the Planner, with a reminder you will need to schedule all 24 hours.->Planner2]]=><=
**##Daily Planner##**
(set: $ExtraCalc to 0)
(border: "dashed")[**Classes:** (colour: purple)[(if: $Major is 3)[(set: $Class to 6)](else:)[(set: $Class to 7)]](if: $ShunneHelp is true)[(set: $Class to it - 1)] $Class Hour(s)
*Your daily class load is fixed, and can't be adjusted. You need to do these. Seven hours of classes are required of all students, except those without a declared major, who take six. (if: $ShunneHelp is true)[ $Shunne's help with your scheduling reduces this by 1.]*]
(border: "dashed")[**Study/Homework:** (colour: purple)[(dropdown: 2bind $Study, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5")] Hour(s)
*You currently have a grade of (if: $School is 0)[(colour: orange)[C]](if: $School is 1)[(colour: yellow)[B]](if: $School is 2)[(colour: green)[A]]. Maintaining that grade will generally take 3-4 hours of study each day. More would improve it, while less will see it fall-- and not studying at all could see it fall two grades.*]
(border: "dashed")[**Exercise:** (colour: purple)[(dropdown: 2bind $Exercise, "2", "3", "4", "5", "6")] Hour(s)
*$Cyn stresses physical fitness, and as a member of her stable you're required to perform at least two hours of it daily. At four hours per day your stamina will increase, and at 6 it will increase even further. Essential for the ambitious ponygirl. (if: $Major is 1)[Majoring in track will reduce these threshold requirements by one.]*]
(border: "dashed")[**Sleep:** (colour: purple)[(dropdown: 2bind $Sleep, "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")] Hour(s)
*Rest is important. While 7-8 hours will see you well rested, 5-6 hours will see your stamina reduce slightly, and anything less will increase that reduction further. (if: $Major is 4)[As a Xenobiology student, the well-rested threshold is reduced by one.]*]
(border: "dashed")[**Edge Practice:** (colour: purple)[(dropdown: 2bind $Edge, "0", "1", "2", "3")] Hour(s)
*By using the stim programs $Cyn has provided you with, you can work on improving the amount of stimulation and pleasure you can manage, and thus your arousal. These programs are intended to frustrate you, though... so be careful with them. 1 or 2 hours a day will slightly increase your arousal limit, while anything further will increase it even further.*]
(border: "dashed")[**Free Time/Hangouts:** (colour: purple)[(dropdown: 2bind $FreeTime, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4")] Hour(s)
*You may be a university student and ponygirl, but keeping some time for yourself is never a bad thing. (color: red)[Every two hours scheduled here will unlock the opportunity to hang out with the other girls, unlocking the benefits of friendship and more...]*]
(if: $SavaGrader is 1)[(border: "dashed")[**Sava's Intensive Tutoring:** (colour: purple)[(dropdown: 2bind $SavaTutor, "Do Not Use", "Request Help") (1)] Hour
*$Sava will provide extensive tutoring for one hour each day, guaranteeing you an "A" for the time being. But she only offers this once, and maintaining the grade afterward will be up to you*]]
(if: $BodyProg is 1)[(border: "dashed")[**Proportions Adjustment:** (colour: purple)[2] Hour(s)
*A combination of dieting, vitamins, supplements, and targeted workouts, this special program is intended to improve the measurements of your chest, hips, rear, and waist. Expect to have more enticing curves after finishing this program.*]](if: $Piercing is 1)[(border: "dashed")[**Piercing Preparation:** (colour: purple)[1] Hour(s)
*A combination of writeups, pamphlets, and immuno-preparatory exercises, this special program culminates in your being pierced. One in your tongue, two at your nipples. Because our culture generally frowns on these sort of alterations, $Cyn makes it a drawn out process, to ensure she really does have your consent for everything.*]]
{(if: $SavaTutor is "Request Help")[(set: $ExtraCalc to it + 1)]
(set: $TimeKeeper to $Class + (num: $Study) + (num: $Exercise) + (num: $Sleep) + (num: $FreeTime) + (num: $Edge) + $SpecialTime + $ExtraCalc)}
**Total Hours Scheduled:** $TimeKeeper/24 [[(Recalculate Total)->Planner2]]
(if: $TimeKeeper is 24)[[[CONFIRM SELECTIONS->Confirmed2ndSched]]](else:)[~~CONFIRM SELECTIONS~~ (You need exactly 24 hours scheduled to confirm.)]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
Taking back her datapad, $Sava glances at the choices you had selected. Unlike the first time she had helped you, however, she doesn't question what you had selected. Instead she simply taps the pad itself a few times, saving the data, then sets the device down her lap. "Well, that is that, then. I'll send these to $Cyn, and she will send you any other information you need. Right now, though, I need to get back to my *own* studying."
She stands, making for the door. It opens at her touch, but in the vestibule she pauses, looking back at you. "You looked pretty good as $Violet, yesterday."
And with that, she is gone. You settle back upon your bed, looking up at the ceiling. After everything you had just gone through, and with so much more on the horizon, you would have plenty to think about tonight-- in your own bed, this time, instead of a stable cell.
(set: $Study to (num: $Study)) (set: $Exercise to (num: $Exercise)) (set: $Sleep to (num: $Sleep)) (set: $FreeTime to (num: $FreeTime)) (set: $Edge to (num: $Edge))
(set: $Slice to 2)
(if: $FreeTime > 1)[[[Time Passes...->2ndFreeTime]]](else:)[[[Time passes...->TimeSkipAgain]]]<img alt="time" src="images/reg/time.gif"/>
***Time passes...***
{(if: $Major is 2)[(set: $Study to it + 1)]
(if: $Study is 0)[(set: $GPA to it - 2)]
(if: $Study is 1 or $Study is 2)[(set: $GPA to it - 1)]
(if: $Study is 5 or 6)[(set: $GPA to it + 1)]
(set: $School to it + $GPA)
(set: $FirstUIUpdate to true)}
Day by day, your life continues. Where before it had been as a mere student, however, now you are very much a part of $Cyn's stable, with everything that included. Exercise recommendations, weekly checkups with $Cyn, the occasional test-fitting or adjustment to your slave suit-- and then of course the weekends, where you once more became $Violet. $Cyn did not allow you into the harness every weekend, of course, she truly was concerned about keeping you to a healthy pace. But almost every other Friday night you are in her backyard, a bit between your teeth, high stepping to her whip. The marches were just the first step in her training program, but you do at least a half dozen, learning the commands a pony must know, perfecting the step and walk. Grueling, repetitive... and intensely arousing. Twice she even keeps you through Saturday, giving you a first of what it might be like to spend days, perhaps even *weeks* in the harness.
Beyond ponygirl matters, you (if: $Exercise is 2 or $Exercise is 3)[meet $Cyn's requirement for exercise, and do not push much beyond it. With every other weekend occupied with marching in circles, time on the treadmill and in the gym really don't appeal to you.](if: $Exercise is 4 or $Exercise is 5)[meet $Cyn's requirement for exercise, then push beyond it, working hard on the treadmill and in the gym. The results certainly speak for themselves, you feel just a bit stronger, and faster too.](if: $Exercise is 6)[not only meet $Cyn's exercise requirement, but triple it, pushing yourself hard. You may be spending every other weekend marching in circles, but you keep at it in the gym too. Such effort pays dividends-- you feel yourself growing faster, and stronger too.] Then there is the matter of the programs $Cyn had sent you, scripted sequences for your suit's stimulator array. (if: $Edge is 0)[Unfortunately, you do not find the time to explore them.](if: $Edge > 0)[$Sava had warned of their frustrating nature, but that was a clear understatement! Turning one on mostly involved you laying in your bed, trying not to moan *too* loudly, as you furiously rubbed at the space between your legs. They never allowed you to climax, that was intentionally the point, but they certainly left you a sweating, panting, gasping mess. At least you could spool up a more traditional stim-program afterward, and finish yourself off. $Violet never had a similar opportunity.]
(if: $Piercing is 1)[The biggest singular change comes after nearly two months. As you had requested, and as $Mistress had promised, you are finally *pierced*. $Cyn even put on an envirosuit of her own, a (colour: green)[green] one much like your own everyday where, to perform the short operation herself in a clean room. It hurt, of course, but you really did not have anything else to compare it to. Suited as your people were, piercings were not usually a thing. Either way, it is done quickly, expertly. Three barbells now grace your body, all of them rendered is sparkling silver. One through your tongue, the sensation of it reminding you of its presence with every spoken word, and two through your nipples-- leaving them incredibly sensitive.](if: $BodyProg is 1)[The biggest singular change happens slowly, over the course of two months. As you had requested, and your $Mistress designed, your body is sculpted anew. Careful exercise, targeted supplements-- they do not overawe your body's natural shape, but emphasize it, filling out and furthering your every proportion. The day you reached across the table for a pen, only for your breast to intercede slightly, had truly driven the point home. Your bust is fuller, your hips wider, your rear rounder, your waist tighter. Enough so that $Cyn had to make several adjustments to your everyday wear suit.]
(if: $School is 3)[(set: $School to 2)](if: $SavaGrader is 1 and $SavaTutor is "Request Help")[(set: $School to 2)(set: $SavaGrader to 2)(set: $GPA to 1)]
Grade Point Average: (if: $School is -2)[(colour: red)[F]](if: $School is -1)[(colour: red)[D]](if: $School is 0)[(colour: orange)[C]](if: $School is 1)[(colour: yellow)[B]](if: $School is 2)[(colour: green)[A]] (if: $GPA is -2)[(colour: red)[(Rapidly Decreasing!)]](if: $GPA is -1)[(colour: red)[(Decreasing!)]](if: $GPA is 0)[(colour: yellow)[(Consistent)]](if: $GPA is 1)[(colour: green)[(Increasing!)]]
(if: $Major is 1)[(set: $Exercise to it + 1)]
Exercise: (if: $Exercise is 2 or $Exercise is 3)[(color: red)[No Change]](if: $Exercise is 4 or $Exercise is 5)[(color: yellow)[+5 Stamina Increase!](set: $StamTotal to it + 5)](if: $Exercise is 6 or 7)[(color: green)[+10 Stamina Increase!](set: $StamTotal to it + 10)]
Edge Practice: (if: $Edge is 0)[(color: red)[No Change]](if: $Edge is 1 or $Edge is 2)[(color: yellow)[+5 Arousal Limit!](set: $ArouTotal to it + 5)](if: $Edge is 3)[(color: green)[+10 Arousal Limit!](set: $ArouTotal to it + 10)]
(if: $Major is 4)[(set: $Sleep to it - 1)]
Sleep: (if: $Sleep is 5 or $Sleep is 6)[(colour: red)[-5 Max Stamina Decrease](set: $StamTotal to it - 5)](else-if: $Sleep is 4)[(colour: red)[-10 Max Stamina Decrease](set: $StamTotal to it - 10)](else:)[(colour: green)[No Effect]]
(if: $BodyProg is 1)[Body Proportion Adjustment: (color: green)[COMPLETED]](if: $Piercing is 1)[Tongue and Nipple Piercings: (colour: green)[INSTALLED]]
(set: $Stam to 0)(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(colour: green)[Exhaustion Reset.]]
(set: $Arou to 0)(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(colour: purple)[Arousal Reset]]
(if: $BodyProg is 1)[(link-goto: "Time continues to pass...", "BodyProg1")](else:)[(link-goto: "Time continues to pass...", "Pierce1")]<img alt="baseroom" src="images/land/baseroom.png"/>
(set: $Stam to 0)(set: $Arou to 0)
Friday evening. Another weekend, and this one promised to involve something *new.* Or so $Cyn had promised, as your $Mistress. That something apparently involved everyone, they were all there now. Or would be shortly. Then $Cyn would explain everything, make her demands. You would become $Violet again, undoubtedly. But for how long? And would you finally be introduced to the rest of the stable? They had been kept separate, except for fleeting glances. Intentionally, to let you focus on your personal development-- but you've come so far already.
Whatever the answers may be, you would have to seek them out. $Cyn had messaged you only a few minutes before, welcoming you to her apartment just across the hall. You need only make your way there. But for now you sit upon your bed, in your usual suit, looking across the various messes, projects, and papers strewn this way and that about your personal room. Several things catch your eye immediately:
Your desk featured your workstation and homework. To the left of it was a mirror, you probably should ensure you looked proper before going to meet everyone. The small shelf beside your bed meanwhile held several small datacards, their LED indicators blinking silently. And of course there was the plant in the corner of the room, beside which rested *Clipper.*
[[You stand up from your bed.->RoomHub]]
<img alt="desk" src="images/reg/desk.png"/>
Your desk glitters with a half dozen haptic emitters, some of them simply on standby, all awaiting your touch. Like most quarians, your suit's gloves have interfacers built in, allowing you to touch the projected light as if it were plastic and steel. You could always check out the Extranet feeds, see what is going on in the wider galaxy. Otherwise, now that you've officially jointed her stable, $Cyn has given you full access to the private server she kept onsite, and the full profiles of the other ponies you served alongside. Quarians held such data to be deeply personal, but such access was supposed to access trust. Stacked to the side, meanwhile, are your textbooks. (if: $DeskArt > 0)[
Leaning against the wall, (if: $DeskArt is 1)[a framed photograph of a ship rests. You would know it anywhere as the $LName, your birthship and childhood home.](if: $DeskArt is 2)[a half-opened container labeled TACK BOX can be seen. Dark straps and gleaming steel are just visible within.]] (if: $DeskItem > 0)[
(if: $DeskItem is 1)[Hanging with his tentacles off the edge of the desk rests Blasto, in all his plushie glory.](if: $DeskItem is 2)[A keepsake rests on the corner of the desk, a well-worn steel horseshoe, pulled from your own pony suit boot.]]
A sticky-note, in your own hand, is attached to one of the display posts: *Remember, password is ALL CAPITALS.*
[[Decorate the wall above your desk.->DeskArtChange]]
[[Decorate your desk itself.->DeskItChange]]
[[Open up the Extranet Feeds.->Extranet]]
[[Take a look at your textbooks.->Textbooks]]
[[Login to Cyn's Stable Server.->StableServer]]
[[Step away from your desk.->RoomHub]]<img alt="mirrorsuit" src="images/violet/mirrorsuit.png"/>
Stepping up to the floor length mirror beside your desk, you take a good look at yourself.
Your suit is mostly (color: purple)[violet], a gift from $Cyn, built to her exacting specifications. Like any proper quarian female you wear a veil atop your helmet, a cultural quirk as much as an analogue for hair. Your mask is a similar shade and only semi-transparent, hiding your features but revealing the subtle glow of your eyes. Aliens often referred to them as glowing, and in truth you thought of it like that sometimes, but the reality is your almond-shaped eyes are merely reflective, a result of the tapetum lucidum you have, activated by the constant light of your mask's interior UI.
Further down is your suit proper, skintight and perfectly fitted to your measurements. (if: $BodyProg > 0)[And constantly adjusted too, as you now fill out your suit more thoroughly. Dieting and exercise under $Cyn's tutelage have left you with heavier breasts, a tighter waist, and a more clearly defined rear. Turning back and forth you peer down at it all, still adjusting to the experience of being so endowed now. (if: $BodyProg > 1)[The effect even extends down to your thighs, where a perfect defined triangle of space marks where your thighs met your torso, forming a gap... one put to good use in your *other* suit.] Without anything more invasive than strict rules, $Cyn has sculpted you into a more sensual being, your femininity on clear and constant display.](else:)[You're still as you were upon arriving on Hyetiana, however-- graced with wide hips and firm thighs, but if $Cyn was telling the truth, capable of so much more. She had offered you a program to improve your measurements, and while you haven't accepted it you wonder at how it would look, how it would feel, to have a larger chest, a fuller rear, better definition in your thighs... especially in your *other* suit.] You are not $Violet however, not now at least, and thus are not an animal-- you're allowed clothes, and wear them, in the quarian style. That meant more wrappings over your base suit then actual garments, although you've seen $Cinni wearing human attire on occasion. Perhaps something to try in the future? (if: $Piercing > 0)[For now you can only stare at your chest, just the suit exposed there. It wouldn't have been noteworthy for most quarians, but you can distinctly see hints of the piercings embedded there, marking your nipples so readily. You know they're not very visible, you had not really noticed them at first on the others, but they're impossible to miss now. (if: $Piercing > 1)[And there were others, of course, at your tongue, your nose, and most intensely upon your very clit.](else:)[And there was another, of course, at your tongue.] All of which synced with your $Violet suit, in various ways. $Cyn was changing you.]
But your gaze continues to fall, to your legs. Like every other member of your species, they curve, giving a unique silhouette to what was otherwise pretty standard. (if: $Risers is true)[Your feet however are pushed up, onto your toes, by the wedge-heels that $Cyn called risers. Like $Shunne and $Jino you've taken to wearing them at all times, a tiring and ache-worthy experience if you ever did much walking, but positively gentle compared to a full day in pony boots, as you've learned. You've heard too long in Risers could make flat-footed shoes uncomfortable, too.](else:)[Your feet are flat-soled, with gripping material built in. Good for long days walking, or even running, especially with all the snow Hyetiana required you to contend with-- although they're a far cry from proper pony boots.]
[[Lean in, and reveal your face.->FaceRevealer]]
(if: $LitOff is true)[[[Engage your Illiteracy Filter.->FilterOnMode]]]
[[Touch yourself, just a bit.->TouchSelf]]
[[Open your closet, nearby.->ClosetOpen]]
[[Step away from the mirror.->RoomHub]]<img alt="cat" src="images/reg/cat.png"/>
Situated in the far corner of your room are the only things not of steel or plastic-- a leafy green plant, and a white cat sleeping in the pottery that supported the former. The plant was a gift from $Shunne, grown from some of the seeds she had carried with her from the Fleet, which in turn had originated on your people's Homeworld. These had been genetically altered, however, their allergenic properties wholly neutered. Thus you could even be around it while unsuited.
The same was true of Clipper, $Cinni's cat. She had been given to your roommate by $Cyn, and was another breed built specifically to interact with those such as yourself with dangerously low immune systems. Nevertheless you remained suited often anyway, and Clipper certainly didn't seem to mind-- she had in fact been sleeping in your room prior to your arrival on-planet, and like any proper cat wasn't about to change her habits just for you.
(if: $PlantArt is 0)[An empty space on your wall is available, to the left of the plant.](if: $PlantArt is 1)[You've hung a space telescope's view of the Perseus Veil nearby. Somewhere beyond that great cloud of gas and dust, Rannoch-- Homeworld-- remained. Your people have not seen it since the War.](if: $PlantArt is 2)[You've hung a painted image of a quarian kneeling in a very irregular suit, her rear raised, her expression that of blissful desire.](if: $PlantArt is 3)[You've hung a picture of a ponygirl in full regalia nearby, her gleaming black suit similar-- and yet so very different-- from your own slave suit.]
(if: $CornerMount is 0)[On the other side of the plant, a small alcove is set into the wall. The space is empty.](if: $CornerMount is 1)[On the other side of the plant, a small alcove is set into the wall. It is currently occupied by a large stuff fish, of the carnivorous sort known on Earth as a *shark.*](if: $CornerMount is 2)[On the other side of the plant, a small alcove is set into the wall. It is currently occupied by a half-bodied mannequin, displaying a prototype Slave Suit from $Cyn's collection.]
[[Decorate this the wall nearby.->PlantDecor]]
[[Lean in and look at the alcove.->AlcoveDecor]]
[[Best not to disturb them, for now.->RoomHub]]<img alt="smallcarriage" src="images/reg/smallcarriage.png"/>
You submit, the good pony that you are, and $Cyn leads you on. Together you pass through the door into the Cyn's stable.
You're greeted with a semi-open space filling perhaps half the space, a number of different large *things* situated around you. Most are shrouded by dust covers, their form and function only capable of being guessed at, but one is fully revealed. It is a black carriage, as glossy as your suit, built for a singular rider. You could be forgiven for thinking it intended for equine use, until you look closer at the bars extending forward from it. The locking hardpoints there are too closely placed for horses, and a quick glance down reveals they would undoubtedly align right at your hip level. *Of course.* Your only solace is the fact that there are four such stations for pulling the cart, and the fact that $Cyn does not linger, pulling you deeper into the stables.
"Mmmmgh, mmmmgggh, mmmmmmggggh...!" That sound echoes again, closer now as you move into the back half of the stables-- where the space narrowed to a hallway, doors on each side. There are eight, but two are unfinished, opened wounds of bare steel and plastic that you glimpse as you pass. That left six, although only two have lights visible from within-- the two furthest back. That meant two more to each side, although you only have enough time to glance one way or the other as you pass by.
[[Look at the left rooms.->LeftRooms]]
[[Look at the right rooms.->RightRooms]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
Another cold day on Hyetiana finds you warmly ensconced in $Cyn's kitchen, gazing out the window over the sink-- until the sound of gentle humming pulls you back to the task at hand. Your efforts to spend some time with $Shunne has gotten you conscripted into helping with meal prep. At least once a week $Cyn insisted on everyone sitting down and eating together, but getting the schedules of six busy women often proved impossible-- and thus the tubes of prepared food $Shunne (and now yourself) put together every week. As quarians, you and the others were rather used to eating in that way, and they were quite convenient to take on the go.
That they were prepped and tubed did not mean they were tasteless, just the opposite in fact. The Migrant Fleet's selection of proteins may have been severely limited, but here on a full and proper planet the options available were just about unlimited, and $Shunne was honestly a fantastic cook. She dressed for the part too, the red of her suit temporarily eclipsed by the white of an apron, her quiet humming only occasionally pausing as she shifted meat from the cutting board to the food processor nearby. Once that was completed, she glances back to you.
"Are those vials coming clean?"
[["Yes they are."->VialYes]]
[["Mostly, I guess."->VialYes]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
Your efforts to find time with $Sava prove to be in vain, at least at first. The dedicated student of $Cyn's little family is *always* busy, either in class, tutoring, or in extracurricular programs. Or so she claims. You get the sense she might be avoiding you, trying not to mix her life as a student with... well, yourself as either $Name or $Violet, but in the end it is $Shunne that provides you with the opportunity you seek. Together with $Sava you share her Xenobiology class, a general studies program, and it is one such class that she assigns you and $Sava as partners for a long term project.
A few hours later you meet with $Sava in the University library, an imposing yet cozy edifice of steel and glass. Snow falls gently upon the exterior, while mostly asari students study alone or in small groups, many of them sipping from coffee or hot chocolate purchased at the cafe that filled the library with a delightful scent. You and $Sava are the only quarians present, however.
"...and that is why I think-- hey!" Your partner had been talking, the glow of her eyes beneath her visor of glass narrowing with frustration. "You weren't listening!"
She scowls at that. "You better not drag down my grade by doing a bad job at this! I don't know why Professor $Shunne put us together, I could have worked alone. I'd be better alone, in fact. But here we are, right, $Name? So we need to pick a top for our presentation. That is what I was saying. The topic is *Xenobiological Fetishism*, and I already have the perfect topic in mind: Drell Ayarism."
[["What is Drell Ayarism?"->WhatDrell]]
[["I had a different topic in mind."->DifferentTopic]]<img alt="cinniapart" src="images/land/cinniapart.png"/>
Unlike $Cyn's apartment, where she had integrated much of her building's older aesthetic into its design, just across the hallway in the domicile you shared with $Cinni, things are far more modern. Tight lines, clean furniture-- in the rework required to make the living area clean-room capable, it had been totally remodeled.
Not that $Cinni spent much time it. When not working in $Cyn's shop, you've noticed she spent most of her time across the hallway in your shared $Mistress' quarters. Given how frequently you were at classes, or otherwise away, perhaps she simply did not like to spend her freetime alone.
Whatever the case may be, you're here now, and so is she. The sound of her preparing "snackies" in the kitchen, as she had called them, is punctuated with the sudden crash of glass breaking.
"Oh buttons," you can hear her swear. "I'm okay!"
[[You wait, patiently.->Cinni12]]
[[You wait, concerned.->Cinni12]]<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
Actually finding time to spend with $Jino proves to be much harder than you expected. She's gone from the household for sometimes weeks on end, due to her job you learn-- she worked as an undersea welder, out in Hyetiana's frigid seas. Living on-site out there, she is thus only available in-between contracts, and even then half the time she's serving as $Silver. You certainly get the sense she spent more time than any of the other girls in the stable.
Thus its a bit of a surprise when, unexpectedly, you look up to find $Jino standing over you. Just over six feet tall even without her pony boots, she has a heavy looking bag slung over her shoulder-- she cut an intimidating silhouette, especially when matched to the vague irritation you read in her body language.
"$Name." She greets, simply. "Catch."
With a quick movement, she tosses something large towards you she had been holding in her free hand.
(if: $StamTotal > 120)[[[You catch it!->CaughtFlip]]](else:)[You lack the coordination to catch it!]
(if: $StamTotal < 121)[[[You bobble the catch!->DropFlip]]](else:)[You've got enough coordination to not drop it!]<img alt="baseroom" src="images/land/baseroom.png"/>
The knock on your door is rather surprising. $Cinni had a tendency to burst in whenever she desired, and the other members of $Cyn's eclectic family were hardly better. They were only quarian, after all, and excepting $Jino, they struggled with the very concept of personal space.
Its the time, however, that truly perks your curiosity. It's so *early*. Five in the morning on a Tuesday, in fact. You had made a habit of rising before dawn because of an early class, and besides, the quiet was something you enjoyed.
*Knock knock knock.*
Quiet that was not to be this morning.
[[Open your door.->CynHang12]]The stable's opened doors greeted you in silence. Falling snow, Hyetiana's constant companion, undoubtedly did much of the heavy lifting in that regard. But it wasn't just the smothering snow. It was a Tuesday, first of all. You had just returned from classes, only to take up the bottle of shine and cloth $Cyn had directed you towards. The stables *should* have been empty. $Shunne and $Sava had classes much like yourself, of course. $Cinni worked the registers. And while $Jino sometimes broke the trend, her schedule was far more variable, you had passed her-- looking rather discontented-- as you made your way out here. And yet the stables were not empty.
Passing the darkened cells, the names so boldly printed on them denoting ponies absent from their harnesses and service, you approach the rectangle of light that remained. Its cast was artificial, the product of the door's one-way observational mode allowing the thick, padded door to mimic transparency. Even from a few steps out you noticed the void in the center, however. A distinctly feminine monolith, a temporary guest but a permanent slave.
(set: $Strike to 0)(set: $Strike2 to 0)(set: $Strike3 to 0)(set: $Strike4 to 0)(set: $Strike5 to 0)
Save or Load Your Game!
Once you Save your game, or if you are loading a game, use the link below to return to your last spot. Internet Explorer and Edge browsers may fail to save, if you are using the downloadable version of Stables of Cyn.
**Current Save Loaded:** (print: $SaveName)
**Save Slot Status:**
Save Slot A: (if: (saved-games:) contains "file A")[Slot Filled](else:)[*Empty Slot*]
Save Slot B: (if: (saved-games:) contains "file B")[Slot Filled](else:)[*Empty Slot*]
Save Slot C: (if: (saved-games:) contains "file C")[Slot Filled](else:)[*Empty Slot*]
Save Slot D: (if: (saved-games:) contains "file D")[Slot Filled](else:)[*Empty Slot*]
Save Slot E: (if: (saved-games:) contains "file E")[Slot Filled](else:)[*Empty Slot*]
Save Slot F: (if: (saved-games:) contains "file F")[Slot Filled](else:)[*Empty Slot*]
{(link: "((Save your game in Slot A))")[
(if: (save-game: "file A"))[Game saved in Slot A!]
(else:)[Sorry, I couldn't save your game in Slot A.]
{(link: "((Save your game in Slot B))")[
(if: (save-game: "file B"))[Game saved in Slot B!]
(else:)[Sorry, I couldn't save your game in Slot B.]
{(link: "((Save your game in Slot C))")[
(if: (save-game: "file C"))[Game saved in Slot C!]
(else:)[Sorry, I couldn't save your game in Slot C.]
{(link: "((Save your game in Slot D))")[
(if: (save-game: "file D"))[Game saved in Slot D!]
(else:)[Sorry, I couldn't save your game in Slot D.]
{(link: "((Save your game in Slot E))")[
(if: (save-game: "file E"))[Game saved in Slot E!]
(else:)[Sorry, I couldn't save your game in Slot E.]
{(link: "((Save your game in Slot F))")[
(if: (save-game: "file F"))[Game saved in Slot F!]
(else:)[Sorry, I couldn't save your game in Slot F.]
Use the Arrows in the top bar to return to the game!By selecting to restart *Stables of Cyn*, all unsaved progress will be wiped clean. Please make sure to save your file if so desired before choosing to restart. If you do not wish to restart/load at this time, simply utilize the game's back arrow to return to wherever you were.
(link: "RETURN TO START")[(reload:)](set: $PlantArt to 100)(set: $RoomLight to 1)
[[RoomHub]]<img alt="cleanroom" src="images/land/cleanroom.png"/>
You lay upon a cleanroom table, looking up at a medically blue ceiling. The location was no longer a necessity, as it had been just minutes before-- $Cyn had just completed making adjustments to your suit. Even now she stood just to your side, bent over her toolcase, wearing a suit much like your own. Without it, the weakened immune system of your people could have put you at risk in her presence. Thus the suit you wore everyday, freshly adjusted. The reason for those adjustments, of course, had been your dieting, exercise, and supplement plan that $Cyn together called a *proportion adjustment* plan.
Simply put, you gotten... *curvier*. Your chest is larger, each breast quite literally a handful now, when before you had tended towards petite. In contrast, your waist is a bit tighter, the slope between your new bust and the narrowest portion of your waist all the more pronounced-- especially when it then expanded out again to your hips. Quarians were renowned for their hips, of course, but yours are positively impressive now.
And as you look back to $Cyn, you see her gazing through the mask of her suit, admiring you quite openly. Your noticing only draws a hand to her hip, the other held out and lifted to gesture.
"Hopefully everything is feeling... snug, without compressing? It can take some time getting... tuned, like this. And that goes for both your body *and* suit."
(set: $InnyBodyProg to 3)(set: $BodyProg to 1)
[["Everything feels good, $Mistress."->FeelsGood]]
[["I'm still getting used to it."->StillGetting]]
[["Do... you think I look better?"->DoYouThink]]<img alt="cleanroom" src="images/land/cleanroom.png"/>
Seated upon the medical gurney always present in the largest of $Cyn's clean rooms, you look out at the light blue walls. They're clean, sterile, and entirely boring. $Cyn at least is much more animated, the bright (color: green)[green] of her envirosuit standing out so starkly. It is much like your own in fact, except tailored to her human frame, and with one additional component yours currently lacked: a chest piece. The (color: purple)[violet] piece of suit sits nearby, its seals having been undone to allow its removal. One of $Cyn's innovations, modular design, to allow for quick repair *and* more irregular uses such as this. It certainly provided easy access to your chest, for the piercing about to occur.
As if on cue, your friend and $Mistress turns, a distinctly sinister device held in her gloved hands. Chromed, it is a handheld pierce of metal that ends in an ominous gap between the two forward most extensions from the device. $Cyn's attention, however, is on you.
"Alright, $Name. I'm ready, and with medigel this isn't even going to hurt much at all. But I want to make sure *you're* ready. They will be permanent, your piercings. And your people's culture doesn't align perfectly with this, not that anyone's really does when it comes to ponygirl things."
She was right, of course. Quarians were intensely private individuals, your face hidden to all but the most intimate of companions, your body sacrosanct. Piercings were not something your people did. The taboo against such things wasn't particularly strong, especially when your regular suit would hide them pretty well. The tongue stud would be invisible, and the nipple ones hidden by the greater thickness of your everyday suit. As a pony, as $Violet however, those would be *quite* evident. Especially with how frequently you were aroused enough to high step with hardened nipples. And they were supposed to all integrate with your pony suit, apparently.
Still, $Cyn was looking for confirmation from you. This *was* a big step, but one of many you've been making in your life and... training.
(set: $InnyPiercing to 3)(set: $Piercing to 1)
[["I'm ready to do this."->ReadytoPierce]]
[["I... can't do this."->EjectPierce]]"Please, just $Cyn," she replies, returning to her tools. "Some of the others are *particularly* bad at keeping things separate, but I do try to enforce the separation. $Cyn when you're here with me, $Mistress when you're my $Violet."
You see her smiling at that, even before she turns to look at you again.
"You're going to be even better at that, by the way. Being my $Violet. The other girls have all gone through similar... changes. Emphasizing your assets. I tune everyone differently, of course. Focused extensively on $Red's chest, $Silver's thighs, $Blue's rear..."
You get the sense she's liable to drift off with such thoughts, but she snaps back with a shrug of her suited shoulders. "I just hope you're excited for the next time you suit up in your gear.(if: $Piercing > 0)[ Especially with those piercings.] You were already a sight for the eyes, believe me, but now... heh. I'm going to enjoy the hell out of you marching."
[[(Enthusiastic) "I look forward to marching for you!"->LookForwardtoMarch]]
[[(Thoughtful) "It will be much easier for you to... play with me, too."->PlayWithMe]]"It can be difficult," she replies, returning to her tools. "Being... bustier, and everything. But that is part of the fun, right? Especially once you're my $Violet again."
You see her smiling at that, even before she turns to look at you again.
"You're going to be even better at that, by the way. Being my $Violet. The other girls have all gone through similar... changes. Emphasizing your assets. I tune everyone differently, of course. Focused extensively on $Red's chest, $Silver's thighs, $Blue's rear..."
You get the sense she's liable to drift off with such thoughts, but she snaps back with a shrug of her suited shoulders. "I just hope you're excited for the next time you suit up in your gear.(if: $Piercing > 0)[ Especially with those piercings.] You were already a sight for the eyes, believe me, but now... heh. I'm going to enjoy the hell out of you marching."
[[(Enthusiastic) "I look forward to marching for you!"->LookForwardtoMarch]]
[[(Thoughtful) "It will be much easier for you to... play with me, too."->PlayWithMe]]"Hell yeah I do." She turns back to her tools, but you can sense her lingering enthusiasm. "That is why I designed the program, to bring out your best physical assets... both as you are, and as my $Violet."
You see her smiling at that, even before she turns to look at you again.
"You're going to be even better at that, by the way. Being my $Violet. The other girls have all gone through similar... changes. Emphasizing your assets. I tune everyone differently, of course. Focused extensively on $Red's chest, $Silver's thighs, $Blue's rear..."
You get the sense she's liable to drift off with such thoughts, but she snaps back with a shrug of her suited shoulders. "I just hope you're excited for the next time you suit up in your gear.(if: $Piercing > 0)[ Especially with those piercings.] You were already a sight for the eyes, believe me, but now... heh. I'm going to enjoy the hell out of you marching."
[[(Enthusiastic) "I look forward to marching for you!"->LookForwardtoMarch]]
[[(Thoughtful) "It will be much easier for you to... play with me, too."->PlayWithMe]]$Cyn laughs at that. "You girls *always* say that, but some of you get much more resistant a few hours in."
Closing the top of her box, she turns, looking you in the eyes. "I'm serious, though. I hope you like being... more sexy, really. Ugh. I hate saying it like that, but there really isn't a better way to do it, you know? Helping you look more like how you want, and doing it naturally, is important to me. And yes, there are some *definite* benefits for me to... observe."
The smile returns. "$Violet will be tied with the second largest chest, y'know. Just putting it out there. Same as $Silver, larger than $Blue and $Yellow. Still smaller than $Red though. Can't really beat a maternal figure, especially when she milked weekly."
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
[[(Ambitious) "I could take more extensive changes, you know."->MoreExtensive]]
[[(Ambitious) "I can be better than the others, you know."->CanBeBetter]]
[[(Nurturing) "I hope the others aren't going to be jealous..."->OthersJealous]]
[[(Nurturing) "I'm not in a contest with the others, though."->NotComp]]$Cyn laughs at that. "More ass to whip, you mean? Lucky you."
Closing the top of her box, she turns, looking you in the eyes. "I'm serious, though. I hope you like being... more sexy, really. Ugh. I hate saying it like that, but there really isn't a better way to do it, you know? Helping you look more like how you want, and doing it naturally, is important to me. And yes, there are some *definite* benefits for me to... observe."
The smile returns. "$Violet will be tied with the second largest chest, y'know. Just putting it out there. Same as $Silver, larger than $Blue and $Yellow. Still smaller than $Red though. Can't really beat a maternal figure, especially when she milked weekly."
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
[[(Ambitious) "I could take more extensive changes, you know."->MoreExtensive]]
[[(Ambitious) "I can be better than the others, you know."->CanBeBetter]]
[[(Nurturing) "I hope the others aren't going to be jealous..."->OthersJealous]]
[[(Nurturing) "I'm not in a contest with the others, though."->NotComp]]"You could, and surgery could take you even further. But we're not looking to push into extremes, you need to *work* as $Violet. This was all about adjusting you to the best you can be, naturally and healthfully. Is that a word? *Healthfully.*" She turns the word over in her mouth, chewing on it, and clearly fails to come to a conclusion. In the end she can only shrug, then gesture with a thumb towards the door.
"If you really want to go further, there are other measurements I'd like to adjust on you first. Namely forming a perfect thigh gap, and doing away with your pesky gag reflex. Next time you get the chance to schedule things, with $Sava, bring it up. She can tell you about it. But we've spent enough time with all this, yeah? Let's get back to it."
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
(if: $Slice is 2)[(link-goto: "Time continues to pass...", "Day3Start")](else:)[(if: $InnyBodyProg is 5)[(link-goto: "Your body changes further...", "BodyProg2")](else-if: $InnyLitOff is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're testing a special mask filter...", "LitMaskEvent")](else-if: $InnyRisers is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're getting used to being on your toes...", "RisersEvent")](else-if: $InnyBreast is 2)[(link-goto: "And your breasts grow more sensitive...", "BreastEvent")](else-if: $InnyFeeder is 2)[(link-goto: "And you adjust to slave feed...", "FeederEvent")](else:)[(link-goto: "You have no special programs ongoing.", "EndSpecialProg")]]"This isn't a competition, unless I'm... racing you, or something like that. This was all about adjusting you to the best you can be, naturally and healthfully. Is that a word? *Healthfully.*" She turns the word over in her mouth, chewing on it, and clearly fails to come to a conclusion. In the end she can only shrug, then gesture with a thumb towards the door.
"If you want to go further though, there are other measurements I'd like to adjust on you first. Namely forming a perfect thigh gap, and doing away with your pesky gag reflex. Next time you get the chance to schedule things, with $Sava, bring it up. She can tell you about it. But we've spent enough time with all this, yeah? Let's get back to it."
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
(if: $Slice is 2)[(link-goto: "Time continues to pass...", "Day3Start")](else:)[(if: $InnyBodyProg is 5)[(link-goto: "Your body changes further...", "BodyProg2")](else-if: $InnyLitOff is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're testing a special mask filter...", "LitMaskEvent")](else-if: $InnyRisers is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're getting used to being on your toes...", "RisersEvent")](else-if: $InnyBreast is 2)[(link-goto: "And your breasts grow more sensitive...", "BreastEvent")](else-if: $InnyFeeder is 2)[(link-goto: "And you adjust to slave feed...", "FeederEvent")](else:)[(link-goto: "You have no special programs ongoing.", "EndSpecialProg")]]"Of your breasts being larger? Only $Silver would, honestly. She has enough issues with $Onyx being taller... But this was all about adjusting you to the best you can be, naturally and healthfully. Is that a word? *Healthfully.*" She turns the word over in her mouth, chewing on it, and clearly fails to come to a conclusion. In the end she can only shrug, then gesture with a thumb towards the door.
"If you want to go further though, there are other measurements I'd like to adjust on you first. Namely forming a perfect thigh gap, and doing away with your pesky gag reflex. Next time you get the chance to schedule things, with $Sava, bring it up. She can tell you about it. But we've spent enough time with all this, yeah? Let's get back to it."
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
(if: $Slice is 2)[(link-goto: "Time continues to pass...", "Day3Start")](else:)[(if: $InnyBodyProg is 5)[(link-goto: "Your body changes further...", "BodyProg2")](else-if: $InnyLitOff is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're testing a special mask filter...", "LitMaskEvent")](else-if: $InnyRisers is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're getting used to being on your toes...", "RisersEvent")](else-if: $InnyBreast is 2)[(link-goto: "And your breasts grow more sensitive...", "BreastEvent")](else-if: $InnyFeeder is 2)[(link-goto: "And you adjust to slave feed...", "FeederEvent")](else:)[(link-goto: "You have no special programs ongoing.", "EndSpecialProg")]]"Good mindset! Unless I've got you, ya know, literally racing the others as a ponygirl. But this was all about adjusting you to the best you can be, naturally and healthfully. Is that a word? *Healthfully.*" She turns the word over in her mouth, chewing on it, and clearly fails to come to a conclusion. In the end she can only shrug, then gesture with a thumb towards the door.
"If you want to go further though, there are other measurements I'd like to adjust on you first. Namely forming a perfect thigh gap, and doing away with your pesky gag reflex. Next time you get the chance to schedule things, with $Sava, bring it up. She can tell you about it. But we've spent enough time with all this, yeah? Let's get back to it."
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
(if: $Slice is 2)[(link-goto: "Time continues to pass...", "Day3Start")](else:)[(if: $InnyBodyProg is 5)[(link-goto: "Your body changes further...", "BodyProg2")](else-if: $InnyLitOff is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're testing a special mask filter...", "LitMaskEvent")](else-if: $InnyRisers is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're getting used to being on your toes...", "RisersEvent")](else-if: $InnyBreast is 2)[(link-goto: "And your breasts grow more sensitive...", "BreastEvent")](else-if: $InnyFeeder is 2)[(link-goto: "And you adjust to slave feed...", "FeederEvent")](else:)[(link-goto: "You have no special programs ongoing.", "EndSpecialProg")]]"Good. All I need you to do, then, is sit there. Arch your back a bit as well, really thrust out your chest. I'll do this as quickly as possible... and don't worry, I'm pretty experienced at this. You will be the sixth ponygirl I do this to." She only had the four girls previously, and yourself would make five, but she doesn't make an effort to explain her counting. Instead she's already reaching forward, aligning the device in her hands with your right breast.
"You can close your eyes if it will-- *done.*" She had been staring into your eyes as she talked, taking up your attention, but when you look down you find yourself already adorned with the first piercing. Your chest is pale, but the silvery barbell now passing through your nipples glints even brighter. Looking upon it seems to inform your body it was supposed to be feeling *something*, so a dull ache emerges immediately, but it is far gentler than you had expected. The wonders of medigel, it should be healed fully in just a few hours.
<img alt="nippers" src="images/reg/nippers.png"/>
$Cyn however does not let you gawk for long. Instead she taps on your chin with two gloved fingers, pulling your gaze up again. This time she doesn't try to trick you, that wouldn't have worked, but you don't need it either-- the quiet click of the applicator adorning you once again, along with a slight stab of pain, announces that her first round of work was already done. You need only look down to confirm it. You've been pierced.
"See, not bad at all," $Cyn enthuses, turning her attention to the small tray upon the table from which she was pulling her tools. "Any... thoughts?"
[[(Enthusiastic) "I love them!"->LovePierce]]
[[(Thoughtful) "What's it going to be like, having these?"->AskPierce]]CONSENT IS IMPORTANT.
The game ends without consent given at particularly intense turning points in your training. Please use the back button to return to the previous passage, or... never progress as a ponygirl!"I hoped you would," $Cyn smiles back. "They will heal in a few hours, but... getting *used* to them will take longer. You don't wear lose clothes, of course, as a quarian. So no chance of snagging. But it will still feel strange, having them in there. And when you become $Violet next... well, your suit will integrate with them. Everything will feel more sensitive, and when you get shocked... it helps keep you girls in line, I can assure you of that."
She turns back towards you again. "That's only half the job, though. The next... is your tongue. And that means I'm going to have to remove your mask. Do I have your permission to do so?"
As $Violet she wouldn't have even asked, but you're not a slave in that moment, and consenting to something like the revealing of your face was a deeply intimate admission. Breaking you of that fear was something $Cyn seemed to stress, you've seen $Sava's already in fact, but still-- you read concern on her features, behind the glass pane of $Cyn's own envirosuit.
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
[["You have my permission."->TonguePierce]]
[["You can do it, Cyn."->TonguePierce]]
[["Proceed."->TonguePierce]]"That depends on if you're $Name, or $Violet." $Cyn smiles back. "They will heal in a few hours, but... getting *used* to them will take longer. You don't wear lose clothes, of course, as a quarian. So no chance of snagging. But it will still feel strange, having them in there. And when you become $Violet next... well, your suit will integrate with them. Everything will feel more sensitive, and when you get shocked... it helps keep you girls in line, I can assure you of that."
She turns back towards you again. "That's only half the job, though. The next... is your tongue. And that means I'm going to have to remove your mask. Do I have your permission to do so?"
As $Violet she wouldn't have even asked, but you're not a slave in that moment, and consenting to something like the revealing of your face was a deeply intimate admission. Breaking you of that fear was something $Cyn seemed to stress, you've seen $Sava's already in fact, but still-- you read concern on her features, behind the glass pane of $Cyn's own envirosuit.
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
[["You have my permission."->TonguePierce]]
[["You can do it, Cyn."->TonguePierce]]
[["Proceed."->TonguePierce]]Her fingers align with the recessed seal latches on each side of your mask, a bit of pressure depressing them gently. Your helmet UI flashes a warning, but you override it with a touch of your omnitool. A hiss follows, the air equalizing, and gently $Cyn pulls away the (colour: purple)[violet] panel that so often separated you from the world beyond. You were of course in a clean room, hardly what one would call *outside*, but the sensation of inhaling without your helmet filters intervening is still novel enough to enthuse you.
"Looking good," $Cyn winks, setting your mask aside. She meets your milky almond-shaped eyes directly, even as she lifts her piercing implement. "Really should close your eyes this time."
[[Close them.->TonguePierce2]]<img alt="tonguep" src="images/reg/tonguep.png"/>
As soon as you stick your tongue out, $Cyn catches it, and performs the actual operation just as quick as she had with your nipples. More medigel, this time cherry-flavored, ensures the pain is once again mild-- but this time you distinctly feel the addition in your mouth. How could you not? Your tongue was constantly moving, shifting in an exploratory way even when you weren't thinking much of it, and the added weight was unmistakable.
While you grapple with the new sensation, $Cyn is watching you carefully. "Try not to poke at it, at least for a few hours, alright? And you might slur your words for a bit, until you get used to it. The *real* fun comes when you next get put into your $Violet suit, though..."
She seems almost giddy at the prospect. "I'll update your bit gag. The suppressor built into it, from now on it will lock into your new piercing. I can assure you it feels *quite* a bit more intense, and of course *words* won't really be possible for you. Not that they were before, but well... you'll see."
She winks at that.
[[(Ambitious) "I've wanted a more secure gag, talking... that's for people."->GagForPeople]]
[[(Ambitious) "If that is what you want, $Mistress... I'm ready for it."->ReadyMistress]]
[[(Nurturing) "The others I've seen have been... wearing things like that? Wow."->OthersWow]]
[[(Nurturing) "Its not like you ever give us the chance to talk while we're in our other suits, anyway..."->OtherSuitNever]]$Cyn nods. "Yes it is. What could my $Violet ever *want* to say, anyway? That's she's wet and horny and wants my attention? I already *know* that."
She clasps her hands together. "But anyway, we'll wait her a few minutes just so I can monitor you. Then we'll put your mask and chest seal back on, and by the end of the day you should be pretty much fully healed. You will get to have fun adjusting to being... pierced, and I will get to have fun next time we get you suited up as $Violet. I'm really looking forward to that."
For now, however, you have only to wait.
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
(if: $Slice is 2)[(link-goto: "Time continues to pass...", "Day3Start")](else:)[(if: $InnyPiercing is 5)[(link-goto: "You're scheduled for more piercings.", "Pierce2")](else-if: $InnyBodyProg is 2)[(link-goto: "Your body changes...", "BodyProg1")](else-if: $InnyBodyProg is 5)[(link-goto: "Your body changes further...", "BodyProg2")](else-if: $InnyLitOff is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're testing a special mask filter...", "LitMaskEvent")](else-if: $InnyRisers is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're getting used to being on your toes...", "RisersEvent")](else-if: $InnyBreast is 2)[(link-goto: "And your breasts grow more sensitive...", "BreastEvent")](else-if: $InnyFeeder is 2)[(link-goto: "And you adjust to slave feed...", "FeederEvent")](else:)[(link-goto: "You have no special programs ongoing.", "EndSpecialProg")]]$Cyn normally would have reminded you that she was your $Mistress only as $Violet, but she's in a good enough mood to let it pass. "You remind me of myself, sometimes, you know. Ready for anything, when it comes to all this. You've been great so far, and I appreciate it."
She clasps her hands together. "But anyway, we'll wait her a few minutes just so I can monitor you. Then we'll put your mask and chest seal back on, and by the end of the day you should be pretty much fully healed. You will get to have fun adjusting to being... pierced, and I will get to have fun next time we get you suited up as $Violet. I'm really looking forward to that."
For now, however, you have only to wait.
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
(if: $Slice is 2)[(link-goto: "Time continues to pass...", "Day3Start")](else:)[(if: $InnyPiercing is 5)[(link-goto: "You're scheduled for more piercings.", "Pierce2")](else-if: $InnyBodyProg is 2)[(link-goto: "Your body changes...", "BodyProg1")](else-if: $InnyBodyProg is 5)[(link-goto: "Your body changes further...", "BodyProg2")](else-if: $InnyLitOff is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're testing a special mask filter...", "LitMaskEvent")](else-if: $InnyRisers is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're getting used to being on your toes...", "RisersEvent")](else-if: $InnyBreast is 2)[(link-goto: "And your breasts grow more sensitive...", "BreastEvent")](else-if: $InnyFeeder is 2)[(link-goto: "And you adjust to slave feed...", "FeederEvent")](else:)[(link-goto: "You have no special programs ongoing.", "EndSpecialProg")]]$Cyn nods. "Oh yes. They've all been fitted with integrated gags for years now, in $Silver's case, and about six months for $Blue. They eventually stop *trying* to talk when in the harness, knowing its futile. Soon you will get to learn that lesson too."
She clasps her hands together. "But anyway, we'll wait her a few minutes just so I can monitor you. Then we'll put your mask and chest seal back on, and by the end of the day you should be pretty much fully healed. You will get to have fun adjusting to being... pierced, and I will get to have fun next time we get you suited up as $Violet. I'm really looking forward to that."
For now, however, you have only to wait.
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
(if: $Slice is 2)[(link-goto: "Time continues to pass...", "Day3Start")](else:)[(if: $InnyPiercing is 5)[(link-goto: "You're scheduled for more piercings.", "Pierce2")](else-if: $InnyBodyProg is 2)[(link-goto: "Your body changes...", "BodyProg1")](else-if: $InnyBodyProg is 5)[(link-goto: "Your body changes further...", "BodyProg2")](else-if: $InnyLitOff is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're testing a special mask filter...", "LitMaskEvent")](else-if: $InnyRisers is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're getting used to being on your toes...", "RisersEvent")](else-if: $InnyBreast is 2)[(link-goto: "And your breasts grow more sensitive...", "BreastEvent")](else-if: $InnyFeeder is 2)[(link-goto: "And you adjust to slave feed...", "FeederEvent")](else:)[(link-goto: "You have no special programs ongoing.", "EndSpecialProg")]]$Cyn nods. "You're very personable, $Name, but it is part of the... experience. Animals cannot talk, after all. And I have it on very good authority that you girls tend to find the whole... cannot even talk thing to be really, *really* arousing. Heh."
She clasps her hands together. "But anyway, we'll wait her a few minutes just so I can monitor you. Then we'll put your mask and chest seal back on, and by the end of the day you should be pretty much fully healed. You will get to have fun adjusting to being... pierced, and I will get to have fun next time we get you suited up as $Violet. I'm really looking forward to that."
For now, however, you have only to wait.
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
(if: $Slice is 2)[(link-goto: "Time continues to pass...", "Day3Start")](else:)[(if: $InnyPiercing is 5)[(link-goto: "You're scheduled for more piercings.", "Pierce2")](else-if: $InnyBodyProg is 2)[(link-goto: "Your body changes...", "BodyProg1")](else-if: $InnyBodyProg is 5)[(link-goto: "Your body changes further...", "BodyProg2")](else-if: $InnyLitOff is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're testing a special mask filter...", "LitMaskEvent")](else-if: $InnyRisers is 2)[(link-goto: "And you're getting used to being on your toes...", "RisersEvent")](else-if: $InnyBreast is 2)[(link-goto: "And your breasts grow more sensitive...", "BreastEvent")](else-if: $InnyFeeder is 2)[(link-goto: "And you adjust to slave feed...", "FeederEvent")](else:)[(link-goto: "You have no special programs ongoing.", "EndSpecialProg")]]*Have you* always *been marching?*
{**Slot A:**
(if: (saved-games:) contains "file A")[
(link: "((Load your saved game))")[(load-game: "file A")]
*empty slot*
{**Slot B:**
(if: (saved-games:) contains "file B")[
(link: "((Load your saved game))")[(load-game: "file B")]
*empty slot*
{**Slot C:**
(if: (saved-games:) contains "file C")[
(link: "((Load your saved game))")[(load-game: "file C")]
*empty slot*
{**Slot D:**
(if: (saved-games:) contains "file D")[
(link: "((Load your saved game))")[(load-game: "file D")]
*empty slot*
{**Slot E:**
(if: (saved-games:) contains "file E")[
(link: "((Load your saved game))")[(load-game: "file E")]
*empty slot*
{**Slot F:**
(if: (saved-games:) contains "file F")[
(link: "((Load your saved game))")[(load-game: "file F")]
*empty slot*
[[Return to Start, instead.->Starting Page]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
"Good!" She looks over your shoulder nevertheless, at the glass vials in the sink. They would hold the food she was preparing, and your little assignment in this all was to simply wash them. After several moments of her lingering, however, you look again to find $Shunne watching you. As was frequently the case, she looked a bit worried-- and realizes that, busying herself with drying some of the vials beside you.
"How... are your classes going, $Name?"
(if: $School is -2)[It quite literally could not be going worse. You have an F average, failing them all.](if: $School is -1)[It certainly could be going worse, you have a D average, below standards.](if: $School is 0)[You have a C average, an altogether unremarkable GPA.](if: $School is 1)[You're doing well, your B average putting you a little bit above average.](if: $School is 2)[You're doing exceptionally, straight As across the board.] More importantly, however, $Shunne knew that. She was a Professor at your University, after all, and your Academic Advisor besides. She had been assigned to you because she was the only Quarian member of the faculty, though. Your University did not know that you were both ponygirls too.
[[Tell her your grade.->ShunneA2]](if: $Slice is 1)["You haven't been enrolled long enough for me to get a gauge for your grades yet. But remember, you must apply yourself. Both $Cyn and I wish that you succeed! Even though](else:)[(if: $School is -2)["Oh $Name," she sighs. "You really must apply yourself further to your studies](if: $School is -1)["Oh $Name," she sighs. "You may not be failing, but you are underperforming. You are a bright young woman, you can do better.](if: $School is 0)["I know that is technically passing, and what $Cyn requires, but I really do wish you would apply yourself even further.](if: $School is 1)["Of course, of course," she muses. "You *are* doing well, it is probably just me worrying... but](if: $School is 2)["Of course, of course," she acknowledges. "You are matching $Sava's grades, it is probably just me worrying... but]] I know that living with $Cyn, and what we all do with her can be distracting... very distracting..."
$Shunne seems to hang up on those thoughts, her hands which should have been drying vials slowing to a pause. It takes a moment, but she continues, even if it almost sounds like she's talking to herself. "I don't know how I keep up, sometimes, you know. As $Red. I'm 36, you know. Over a decade older than $Jino, nearly two decades older than yourself and the others. To allow myself to be treated like that, and to *like* it so much..."
She breaks from the reverie with a shake of her head. "Do not mind me, dear. Just silly thoughts."
[["Actually, I did want to know why you... become Red?"->WhyRed]]
[["Can I ask how you met $Cyn?"->MetCyn]]
[["I don't think you're too old to be a pony, Shunne."->NotTooOld]]"Well..." You can sense a bit of embarrassment in the way $Shunne stands, but she *does* push through it. "I suppose its only fair that you ask that question. To her credit, $Cyn does push for us all to be very open with each other, and I do my best to encourage the others to do the same. It would be detrimental to those efforts if I withheld myself from such considerations. Even if the question is... a difficult one."
She doesn't back down from it, however, instead taking the time to compose her answer carefully. Much like the dozen or so books she has written on the topic of Xenobiology, you've seen her office at the University, she puts considerable effort into every word now. "I grew up on the Migrant Fleet, as you did. Performed my pilgrimage, returned. But the contacts I made eventually led me to being offered a position at the University here, which I accepted. $Sava accompanied me, and it was through her, actually, that I met $Cyn. $Sava confided in me her desire to explore what $Cyn could provide, but I insisted on experiencing it first, for her safety. Or so I told myself."
She smiles at that, the expression visible in her eyes. "It is a new challenge, being $Red. Something beyond the Academic, where I had always excelled. To be reduced to a being of physical labor and sexual pleasure is..." her careful composure falters, but that only amuses her. "It is compelling. And exhausting, of course. But I enjoy it, and $Cyn makes a remarkable $Mistress. To think that I would find someone like her, and do the things that I have done, in my *thirties* is quite something."
[["Can I ask how you met $Cyn?"->MetCyn]]
[["By the way, I don't think you're too old to be a pony, Shunne."->NotTooOld]]
[[Stay silent, and let the conversation continue.->ShunneAsks]]"I walked into her storefront, here, and demanded to know what she was planning to do to $Sava," $Shunne replies, a bit sheepishly. "We talked for most of the night, about that, and then ponygirl things in general. She has an exceptional ability to read our body language and feelings, as I'm sure you've noticed? By the end, at... mhm, it must have been two in the morning, she was introducing me to $Silver, who was in the stables at the time. I was getting fitted for my own suit a few weeks later."
The older quarian at your side looks to you. "$Cyn likes to play the all knowing $Mistress, but she is still... *human*. I believe that is their turn of phrase. She stays up far too late most nights, that's why $Cinni works the morning shifts in her store. She eats too many sweets too, and she thinks *constantly* of us. For better or worse. It is half the reason she has such a complicated relationship with J--"
Pausing suddenly, $Shunne makes a sharp noise. "*Tsk.* It is not my place to comment on that. Apologies."
[["Actually, I did want to know why you... become Red?"->WhyRed]]
[["By the way, I don't think you're too old to be a pony, Shunne."->NotTooOld]]
[[Stay silent, and let the conversation continue.->ShunneAsks]]$Shunne turns to you, checking for any sign of mirth in your body language. Finding none, she embraces you readily, pulling you into her arms-- and her chest. A hug. "You are kind to say that," she replies, releasing you. "But the regimen we all keep is quite demanding, even for a young girl like you. I think it worth it, though. Undeniably. Even if it means having that *terrible* whip used on us, that $Cyn has. She improved it, you know, a few months before you joined us. Prior to that, it just had a physical effect. Now it actually integrates with our other suit's stim arrays, to make it hurt more. I tried to tell her not to use it on you and $Sava, at the very least... she put my bit back in, at the time."
[["Actually, I did want to know why you... become Red?"->WhyRed]]
[["Can I ask how you met $Cyn?"->MetCyn]]
[[Stay silent, and let the conversation continue.->ShunneAsks]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
"I have a question for *you*," $Shunne pushes into the silence between you. "I was wondering... what do you think of $Cyn? As a person, as your $Mistress, overall... she can be and often is a different person for each of us. Many facets, same $Cyn. So...?"
[["There is much I can learn from her."->FriendAnswer]]
[["I kind of wish... she would be my girlfriend."->RomanceAns]]
[["She's a great Mistress, first and foremost!"->MistressAns]]
[["I see her as my owner, forever, one day..."->LifestyleAns]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
$Shunne listens to your answer with a nod of her helmeted head. "Very... thoughtful. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that, but I suppose that is the point? You really do remind me of $Sava at times. She likes to suggest she's not *really* into being a member of the stable, but she is there everytime $Cyn asks, all so... $Blue. I may have taken better to the training, but she is remarkably dedicated in her own right. I suspect you are as well, $Name?"
She doesn't wait for an answer. "I can help. I've been looking at your class schedule, and I think I can condense it for you. At least somewhat. By moving your class blocks around, I think I can save you... about an hour a day, overall? I know it is not much, but that should give you extra time to focus on everything else, and every little bit helps, right?"
(border-color: white)+(border: "dashed")[**Shunne's Class Scheduling Unlocked:** the class hours you're required to schedule will be reduced by 1 the next time you access your weekly planner.]
[[A sudden ding draws both your attention across the kitchen.->EndShunne1]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
$Shunne remains remarkably quiet for a moment, only responding after a slight inhale. "That... is a difficult path to walk, I must warn you. I am not sure $Cyn herself even wants that sort of relationship, not when she has all us girls, but it hasn't stopped some of us from trying. Poor $Jino... and myself, honestly. If you would like my advice, though, I would recommend focusing on your training as $Violet, then. The way to $Cyn's heart lies through her stable. If only you had more time, right, $Name?"
She doesn't wait for an answer. "I can help. I've been looking at your class schedule, and I think I can condense it for you. At least somewhat. By moving your class blocks around, I think I can save you... about an hour a day, overall? I know it is not much, but that should give you extra time to focus on everything else, and every little bit helps, right?"
(border-color: white)+(border: "dashed")[**Shunne's Class Scheduling Unlocked:** the class hours you're required to schedule will be reduced by 1 the next time you access your weekly planner.]
[[A sudden ding draws both your attention across the kitchen.->EndShunne1]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
$Shunne pauses, then looks to you carefully. "You mean full-time lifestyle slavery? Oh, $Name, dear.... That is the most difficult of paths, you must know. Beyond the physical demands, the restrictions and rules, so much protocol... there is the fact that you abandon what it means to be a person. I cannot adequately explain it, but I am hardly an expert either. Others perhaps... I struggle to even recommend it, you must understand. And they are the hardest to talk to, besides. $Jino is... a difficult woman to get to open up. I constantly try. $Cyn will decide herself to ever broach such topics. And $Onyx... she doesn't *get* to talk, of course. But if it truly is something you are interested in, you must desire more time to practice such things, correct?"
She doesn't wait for an answer. "I've been looking at your class schedule, and I think I can condense it for you. At least somewhat. By moving your class blocks around, I think I can save you... about an hour a day, overall? I know it is not much, but that should give you extra time to focus on everything else, and every little bit helps, right?"
(border-color: white)+(border: "dashed")[**Shunne's Class Scheduling Unlocked:** the class hours you're required to schedule will be reduced by 1 the next time you access your weekly planner.]
[[A sudden ding draws both your attention across the kitchen.->EndShunne1]]Two sets of almond-shaped eyes cross the kitchen, to the food processor spinning down, its indicator blinking. $Shunne embraces you suddenly at the sight, the (color: red)[red] of her suit pressing against your own (color: purple)[violet] as she pulls you into a sudden hug. The expression is held for a long moment, then released, so that $Shunne could cross the kitchen. Her shoes, raised on wedge-like heels, announce each step with a slight click-- almost reminding you of the heftier *clop* of a pony's boots.
"I believe that would be the final batch for this week, and I see you are done with the vials for next week." She meant the ones you had been cleaning, which indeed stand in proud rows in the strainer. "If you could put them in the decontamination chamber, so they're ready for next week, you can then go, $Name. Perhaps next time I will teach you how to make the meals themselves, but for now I just appreciate your assistance. And our talk. I look forward to the next of those as well."
*Leaving the kitchen, and $Shunne, your days begin to blend together again...*
(set: $RedTimer to it + 1)(set: $ShunneHelp to true)
(border-color: red)+(border: "dashed")[**Shunne's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "You go about your day.", "HangBetween")(set: $FreeTimer to $FreeTime)*Having scheduled $FreeTimer hours of free time per day, you find yourself with the opportunity to spend a bit of time with another member of $Cyn's extended household. Besides furthering your relationships and improving your understanding of the others, you could perhaps gain new advantages, techniques, or programs to train in. The sky is the limit, but your schedule does hold you down somewhat. There is only so much time you can spend on such things...*
(set: $Slice to 1)
For every 2 hours of free time you have, you will be able to special special time with 1 person of your choice. Who do you choose?
(if: $RedTimer is 0)[(link-goto: "Shunne, for the first time.", "ShunneHang1")](else-if: $RedTimer is 1)[(link-goto: "Shunne, for the second time.", "ShunneHang2")](else-if: $RedTimer is 2)[(link-goto: "Shunne, for the third time.", "ShunneHang3")](else:)[You have hung out with Shunne as much as you could.]
(if: $BlueTimer is 0)[(link-goto: "Sava, for the first time.", "SavaHang1")](else-if: $BlueTimer is 1)[(link-goto: "Sava, for the second time.", "SavaHang2")](else-if: $BlueTimer is 2)[(link-goto: "Sava, for the third time.", "SavaHang3")](else:)[You have hung out with Sava as much as you could.]
(if: $YellowTimer is 0)[(link-goto: "Cinni, for the first time.", "CinniHang1")](else-if: $YellowTimer is 1)[(link-goto: "Cinni, for the second time.", "CinniHang2")](else-if: $YellowTimer is 2)[(link-goto: "Cinni, for the third time.", "CinniHang3")](else:)[You have hung out with Cinni as much as you could.]
Jino does not wish to hang out with you.
Cyn is asking you hang out with others for the time being.(set: $FreeTimer to it - 2)*You have $FreeTimer hours of free time per day left, and find yourself with the opportunity to spend a bit of time with another member of $Cyn's extended household. Besides furthering your relationships an improving your understanding of the others, you could perhaps gain new advantages, techniques, or programs to train in. The sky is limit, but your schedule does hold you down somewhat. There is only so much time you can spend on such things...*
For every 2 hours of free time you have, you will be able to special special time with 1 person of your choice. Who do you choose?
(if: $FreeTimer > 1)[(if: $RedTimer is 0)[(link-goto: "Shunne, for the first time.", "ShunneHang1")](else-if: $RedTimer is 1)[(link-goto: "Shunne, for the second time.", "ShunneHang2")](else-if: $RedTimer is 2)[(link-goto: "Shunne, for the third time.", "ShunneHang3")](else:)[You have hung out with Shunne as much as you could.]
(if: $BlueTimer is 0)[(link-goto: "Sava, for the first time.", "SavaHang1")](else-if: $BlueTimer is 1)[(link-goto: "Sava, for the second time.", "SavaHang2")](else-if: $BlueTimer is 2)[(link-goto: "Sava, for the third time.", "SavaHang3")](else:)[You have hung out with Sava as much as you could.]
(if: $YellowTimer is 0)[(link-goto: "Cinni, for the first time.", "CinniHang1")](else-if: $YellowTimer is 1)[(link-goto: "Cinni, for the second time.", "CinniHang2")](else-if: $YellowTimer is 2)[(link-goto: "Cinni, for the third time.", "CinniHang3")](else:)[You have hung out with Cinni as much as you could.]
(if: $Slice is 1)[Jino does not wish to hang out with you.](else:)[(if: $SilverTimer is 0)[(link-goto: "Jino, for the first time.", "JinoHang1")](else-if: $SilverTimer is 1)[(link-goto: "Jino, for the second time.", "JinoHang2")](else-if: $SilverTimer is 2)[(link-goto: "Jino, for the third time.", "JinoHang3")](else:)[You have hung out with Jino as much as you could.]]
(if: $Slice is 1 or 2)[Cyn is asking you hang out with others for the time being.](else:)[(if: $CynTimer is 0)[(link-goto: "Cyn, for the first time.", "CynHang1")](else-if: $CynTimer is 1)[(link-goto: "Cyn, for the second time.", "CynHang2")](else-if: $CynTimer is 2)[(link-goto: "Cyn, for the third time.", "CynHang3")](else:)[You have hung out with Cyn as much as you could.]]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxTimer is 0)[(link-goto: "Onyx, for the first time.", "OnyxHang1")](else-if: $OnyxTimer is 1)[(link-goto: "Onyx, for the second time.", "OnyxHang2")](else-if: $OnyxTimer is 2)[(link-goto: "Onyx, for the third time.", "OnyxHang3")](else:)[You have hung out with Onyx as much as you could.]]](else:)[*You do not have enough hours (2) to schedule any more hanging out. For now you must return to other things...*
(if: $Slice is 1)[(link-goto: "Time passes...", "TimeSkip1")](if: $Slice is 2)[(link-goto: "Time passes...", "TimeSkipAgain")](if: $Slice is 3)[(link-goto: "Time passes...", "End3rdSkip")](if: $Slice is 4)[(link-goto: "Time passes...", "End4thSkip")]
]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
"A little more venmeric spice, dear." $Shunne stood just behind and to your right, trying very hard to not loom over your shoulder-- and mostly failing. As promised, she had been teaching you several different recipes for the prepackaged meal vials she prepared each week. You had never had much experience with such things, very much living up to the stereotype of a University student eating ramen, or the quarian equivalent at least. $Shunne's cooking had alleviated that, of course, but with a bit more practice you could start preparing things yourself.
"Very good," your (color: red)[red]-suited instructor continues, almost pointing towards the vials, but you're already reaching for them. She may have restrained herself there, but she can't help but repeat what you already know would be the next step. "Just pour the mixture into the vials now, up to the fill line. Then the seals, then the labels."
Her heeled shoes give her the height advantage needed to watch over your shoulder.
[[Pour them in, affix the seals, then the labels.->ShunneB2]](set: $FreeTimer to $FreeTime)*Having scheduled $FreeTimer hours of free time per day, you find yourself with the opportunity to spend a bit of time with another member of $Cyn's extended household. Besides furthering your relationships an improving your understanding of the others, you could perhaps gain new advantages, techniques, or programs to train in. The sky is limit, but your schedule does hold you down somewhat. There is only so much time you can spend on such things...*
For every 2 hours of free time you have, you will be able to spend special time with 1 person of your choice. Who do you choose?
(if: $RedTimer is 0)[(link-goto: "Shunne, for the first time.", "ShunneHang1")](else-if: $RedTimer is 1)[(link-goto: "Shunne, for the second time.", "ShunneHang2")](else-if: $RedTimer is 2)[(link-goto: "Shunne, for the third time.", "ShunneHang3")](else:)[You have hung out with Shunne as much as you could.]
(if: $BlueTimer is 0)[(link-goto: "Sava, for the first time.", "SavaHang1")](else-if: $BlueTimer is 1)[(link-goto: "Sava, for the second time.", "SavaHang2")](else-if: $BlueTimer is 2)[(link-goto: "Sava, for the third time.", "SavaHang3")](else:)[You have hung out with Sava as much as you could.]
(if: $YellowTimer is 0)[(link-goto: "Cinni, for the first time.", "CinniHang1")](else-if: $YellowTimer is 1)[(link-goto: "Cinni, for the second time.", "CinniHang2")](else-if: $YellowTimer is 2)[(link-goto: "Cinni, for the third time.", "CinniHang3")](else:)[You have hung out with Cinni as much as you could.]
(if: $SilverTimer is 0)[(link-goto: "Jino, for the first time.", "JinoHang1")](else-if: $SilverTimer is 1)[(link-goto: "Jino, for the second time.", "JinoHang2")](else-if: $SilverTimer is 2)[(link-goto: "Jino, for the third time.", "JinoHang3")](else:)[You have hung out with Jino as much as you could.]
Cyn is asking you hang out with others for the time being.You've setup another round of cooking with $Shunne. Same time, same place as before, with the added caveat of her testing all that you've learned thus far. Even far from the University, the Professor was always looking for a teaching opportunity.
She is not downstairs when you arrive back home from classes this time however, only $Cinni is there, manning the counter. She gives you a friendly wave as you pass into the backroom, and ascend to the hallway that split into $Cyn's home and the apartment you shared with $Cinni. It is to the former you step up, the kitchen within your usual cooking space.
[[Open the door, and enter.->ShunneC2]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
The day of your project presentation alongside $Sava shifts abruptly minutes before class was to begin, when your partner all but yanks your arm out of its socket as she pulls you roughly to the side.
"I can't turn it off," she hisses, on the edge of panic. "I was... I was playing with that Illiteracy Mode, right? And there must have been a bug. I can't turn it off, $Name, and I can't just run all the way to $Cyn's five minutes before class to get it fixed! I got the presentation done, but how am I supposed to *give* it for us when I can't *read?*"
(set: $Strike to 0)
[["You can't read at all with it on?"->CantReadAtAll]]
[["I'll give the Presentation."->SCB]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
The quiet bustle of the library at its late afternoon business nearly masks $Sava's approach, (if: $Feeder is true)[a cup of coffee held in her hand. She had offered to get you one as well, but your diet consisted solely of Slave Feed these days, and you had to turn her down.](else:)[two cups of coffee held in her hands. She places one down before you, alongside a straw, to be used with your mask's induction port.] A small luxury, one she indulges in briefly before turning her attention to the stack of books and datapads carefully arranged upon the table between you.
"So," she begins, rubbing her gloved hands together. (if: $PrezTopic is 1)["This should be everything we need for our project on Drell Ayar, and their cultural implications.](else:)["This should be everything we need for our project on... the human tradition of ponygirl fetishism.] I'm sure you have your own way of going about this sort of thing, so I'm going to leave it to you, alright? Pick any of the books from that side of the table, I'll do the same here, and we will get together at the end to see what sort of progress we're making. Or... we can talk, a bit, I *guess.* But only if it doesn't get in the way too much, alright? I want to get this project done."
(set: $Strike to 0)
[[Study your topic, or talk a bit. Got it.->S2Base]]Another day spent hammering away at Sunshine County, and things are getting *intense*. According to $Cinni, you've reached the point in the game where Sunshine County's mayor visits your farm, a kind of miniboss event that required you to sate his every-- and sometimes strange-- desires, lest he raise your taxes, or seize your farm altogether.
(if: $Farm > 0)[At least you don't have to worry much about the state of your farm-- its doing quite well, and should at least pass the Mayor's visual and yield tests. $Cinni seems a bit concerned nevertheless, or perhaps she just hated the Mayor character-- she called him a *butthead*, about as strong a bit of language as you've ever heard her use.](if: $Farm < 0)[Unfortunately, you do have quite a bit to worry about from the Mayor. Your farm isn't exactly flourishing, and he apparently checked your visual characteristics and crop yields too. $Cinni is trying to push you to make the necessary improvements to pass the Mayor's tests, but you get the sense she perhaps just didn't like that character either. She even called him a *butthead* once, about as strong language as you've ever heard her use.](if: $Farm is 0)[The state of your farm certainly isn't helping matters. Somehow you've managed to avoid falling below many of the recommended visual and crop yield parameters that would apparently be important, but only by the barest of margins, and $Cinni certainly doesn't think that will be enough to pass the Mayor's tests. Or perhaps she simply disliked that character-- you have heard her refer to him as a *butthead*, which is about as strong as $Cinni's language ever got.]
"Make sure the cows and pigs and those, uh, the bird things are all separated!" $Cinni cries out from beside you, leaning forward over her crossed legs, utterly enthralled by the preparations. "The Mayor takes points away if they're not!"
You could do that, of course, *or* you could take the time to build a sign calling the Mayor a *butthead*. It wouldn't help your farm's score, but you have to imagine that $Cinni would find it quite funny once she stumbled upon your creation.
[[Separate the animals!->SepAnimals]]
[[Build the sign!->BuildFunnySign]]<img alt="cinniapart" src="images/land/cinniapart.png"/>
You're back with $Cinni and Sunshine Country, your shared farm (if: $Farm < 0)[running a bit of a deficit, and looking rundown.](if: $Farm > 0)[blooming beneath the bright sun.](if: $Farm is 0)[doing about average, at least by the game's tutorial standards.] At your side, your partner is intensely focused on the game for once, even leaning in a bit from her seated, crosslegged position upon the couch. She's trying to build an area for your farm to begin keeping animals. As a human developed game, Sunshine Country has all manner of creatures you're only vaguely familiar with-- cows, chickens, and goats. The horses, though? You have some idea of what they're like.
A sudden lightening storm strikes however, and things quickly escalate. A fire starts in $Cinni's half-finished barn, and you struggle to contain it your partner suddenly realizes she's surrounded-- and the effort has been a losing one.
"You need to get the little animals out," $Cinni cries at your side, halting the futile attempts of her character. "You can still get to the gate, at least!"
And she's right. With the three buckets of water in your inventory, you could clear a way to the gate, and get your animals out. That would mean leaving $Cinni's avatar to burn however. A personal setback for her, but losing the animals would hurt your farm.
[[Save the animals!->SaveAnimals]]
[[Save Cinni!->SaveCinni]]<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
The vulgar rumble of $Jino's floatspeeder goes silent with a kick of its kill-lever, and you disembark alongside the driver. Since your first dive with $Jino you've made a handful of other pilgrimages out here, to the secluded beach, to spend time with her. But that usually took the form of drifting silently beneath the waves, or occasional atop them. Small talk did not come readily to the tall quarian.
Nor does it now, as she leads you down to the black sand beach with little more than a tip of her head. Something was up, you knew that as soon as she had told you to leave your diving gear behind, but you've come to learn that $Jino rarely answered direct questions she did not desire to immediately answer-- unless it was $Cyn asking them.
Making for the water's edge, she then diverts a bit, to a set of large rocks that pushed out further into the water. Gentle waves break against them in rhythmic succession, but she dances out to the edgemost one with a dancer's grace. Once there, $Jino picks up a smaller rock fragment that had been ripped from the larger whole, and turns to you.
"What is your deal, $Name $LName?"
[["Uh... what?"->Jino2What]]
[["I'm just trying to hang out with you."->JustHangJino]]
[["I want to learn to be like you."->LearnJino]]
[["I like you, Jino."->LikeJino]]"Watch your step, $Violet."
The tug on your reins pulls you up from the depths of your thoughts, conflicted and consumed as they always were so often after suiting up. You blink, biting down on your bit as you take in your surroundings, remembering where you are.
<img alt="headopaque" src="images/violet/headopaque.png"/>
$Jino had invited you on another diving expedition, but you had known something was *different* this time as soon as she invited you not to her hoverbike but to $Cyn's workshop. It was there your shared Mistress had awaited, delightful intent burning in her eyes as she instructed first $Silver, than you, to suit up. Explanations had followed, but in usual $Cyn fashion, only once you had a bit between your teeth, and plugs between your legs.
$Mistress, $Silver, and you were going swimming. $Silver had apparently requested it, and $Cyn was only too happy to provide-- and chaperone.
Once suited up, if only for the next few hours, $Cyn had ushered you both into a waiting hovercar that had been called into the training pen in her backyard. Ushered in, and instructed to kneel on the floor instead of using the seats, you find yourself being instructed to kneel again now, this time on the floor of the boat waiting at the isolated dock you had landed at.
(set: $Stam to 0)(set: $Arou to 0)
(border-color: green)+(border: "solid")[(color: Green)[Stamina Reset!]]
(border-color: purple)+(border: "solid")[(color: purple)[Arousal Reset!]]
Pulling against your restraints, you suppose this was $Jino's way of "making it up to you" for how combative she had been during your last meeting.
(set: $Suited to true)(set: $Gagged to true)(set: $Visor to 3)(set: $Strike to 0)
[[Look at Jino to your side.->BoatSilver]]
[[Look at your Mistress.->BoatCyn]]You do just as she had instructed. Pouring in the one-stop liquid meal, you then affix a stopper, medical grade and certified by quarian standards. Then the labels, denoting the meal flavor of the vial, and who they were intended for. Little colored circles in the corner denote the latter. $Blue for $Sava. $Red for $Shunne. $Yellow for $Cinni. (if: $Feeder is true)[There are none for you, of course. Or $Jino. You both lived solely on Slave Feed, which would be prepared next.](else:)[And $Violet for yourself. Conspicuously, there is no $Silver colored dots for $Jino.] Then all you had to do was transfer them into refrigerator, where sets of vial racks stood mostly empty.
"Very good!" $Shunne enthuses, as you shut the refrigerator door once again. "Most other species might turn their noses up at prepared, mask-ready meals, but they weren't born on the Fleet. These meals are *much* better, and with much greater variety, then we ever had there. It is a benefit of living here on Hyetiana that can easily be forgotten-- I'm not sure how anyone could ever want to give it up. Speaking of which..."
She pointed towards the food processor, where the last and very different meal had finished blending. "(if: $Feeder is true)[There is the Slave Feed to still vial up. $Cyn prepares her own batches for our use in the Stables, (if: $Slice > 3)[and for $Onyx, ]but I always make some for $Jino to use daily. And now... for yourself, I suppose. You're the only two on the fully regulated slave diet."](else:)[There is the Slave Feed to still vial up. $Cyn prepares her own batches for our use in the Stables, (if: $Slice > 3)[and for $Onyx, ]but I always make some for $Jino to use daily. She's the only one on the fully regulated diet, currently."]
(if: $Feeder is true)[[["Being on the Feed is part of my training."->FeedIsTrain]]
[["I just like not being allowed people food!"->FeedisFun]]](else:)[[["Jino really only eats Slave Feed?"->ReallyOnly]]
[["Jino is very brave to eat as $Mistress commands!"->JBrave]]]<img alt="feedvial" src="images/reg/feedvial.png"/>
You begin pouring the white slurry into the waiting set of (color: grey)[silver]-marked vials, as $Shunne *tsks* quietly. "It is more than just training, it is an intrusion into your regular, non-pony life, $Name. The distinction is important, and $Cyn knows that, but she... the whole situation is difficult. But I understand it is what you wanted? I will not argue with you about it, even if I disapprove. $Jino does not listen to my concerns either."
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
She clears her mask filters with a sharp exhale, an occasional necessity, but more often just a Quarian means of indicating she was moving on. Back to the work ahead of you. "We already mixed this batch up, obviously, but I just want to reiterate the process for you. $Cyn's Slave Feed is formulated specifically for an individual, and does away with most of the extraneous parts of a *meal.* Unnecessary liquids and texture, mass other foods use for dead calories, and of course... flavor. It is slightly chunky, and slightly salty, but that is it. All nutritional components are included. $Cyn always prepares the dry mix herself, all you had to do was add the correct amount of water to her recipe for $Jino."
You take the second batch, your own, and begin pouring it into the vials intended for yourself. Everything she said was true, of course. It tasted of little, but did leave you feeling remarkably full. More importantly, however, it always thrilled you just a bit. While others ate their meals, either here at $Cyn's or when you took lunch at your University, you were forced to suck down on a Feed designed for a *slave.*
"Oh," $Shunne continues. "I do always replace one of $Jino's Slave Feed vials with a regular, full meal. I think $Cyn knows, but she allows me that little... act of rebellion. I'm not even sure if $Jino actually eats them, knowing her she wouldn't... but it does give me peace of mind. I suppose I will leave it up to you if you provide $Jino with a bit of *real* food."
[[Put one regular vial in Jino's weekly mix of meals.->GoodVial]]
[[No, she is allowed only Slave Feed. Keep it all Slave Feed vials.->BadVial]]<img alt="feedvial" src="images/reg/feedvial.png"/>
You begin pouring the white slurry into the waiting set of (color: grey)[silver]-marked vials, as $Shunne *tsks* quietly. "I wish you were not so enthusiastic for this intrusion into your regular, non-pony life, $Name. The distinction is important, and $Cyn knows that, but she... the whole situation is difficult. But I understand it is what you wanted? I will not argue with you about it, even if I disapprove. $Jino does not listen to my concerns either."
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
She clears her mask filters with a sharp exhale, an occasional necessity, but more often just a Quarian means of indicating she was moving on. Back to the work ahead of you. "We already mixed this batch up, obviously, but I just want to reiterate the process for you. $Cyn's Slave Feed is formulated specifically for an individual, and does away with most of the extraneous parts of a *meal.* Unnecessary liquids and texture, mass other foods use for dead calories, and of course... flavor. It is slightly chunky, and slightly salty, but that is it. All nutritional components are included. $Cyn always prepares the dry mix herself, all you had to do was add the correct amount of water to her recipe for $Jino."
You take the second batch, your own, and begin pouring it into the vials intended for yourself. Everything she said was true, of course. It tasted of little, but did leave you feeling remarkably full. More importantly, however, it always thrilled you just a bit. While others ate their meals, either here at $Cyn's or when you took lunch at your University, you were forced to suck down on a Feed designed for a *slave.*
"Oh," $Shunne continues. "I do always replace one of $Jino's Slave Feed vials with a regular, full meal. I think $Cyn knows, but she allows me that little... act of rebellion. I'm not even sure if $Jino actually eats them, knowing her she wouldn't... but it does give me peace of mind. I suppose I will leave it up to you if you provide $Jino with a bit of *real* food."
[[Put one regular vial in Jino's weekly mix of meals.->GoodVial]]
[[No, she is allowed only Slave Feed. Keep it all Slave Feed vials.->BadVial]]<img alt="feedvial" src="images/reg/feedvial.png"/>
You begin pouring the white slurry into the waiting set of (color: grey)[silver]-marked vials, as $Shunne *tsks* quietly. "Yes. It is part of her training, even if I do not particularly agree with it. Maintaining distinctions between pony life and regular life are important, but considering what $Jino is angling for... *ah.* I promised I would not discuss it overlong with anyone else. $Jino did agree to the restriction."
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
She clears her mask filters with a sharp exhale, an occasional necessity, but more often just a Quarian means of indicating she was moving on. Back to the work ahead of you. "We already mixed this batch up, obviously, but I just want to reiterate the process for you. $Cyn's Slave Feed is formulated specifically for an individual, and does away with most of the extraneous parts of a *meal.* Unnecessary liquids and texture, mass other foods use for dead calories, and of course... flavor. It is slightly chunky, and slightly salty, but that is it. All nutritional components are included. $Cyn always prepares the dry mix herself, all you had to do was add the correct amount of water to her recipe for $Jino."
"Oh," $Shunne continues. "I do always replace one of $Jino's Slave Feed vials with a regular, full meal. I think $Cyn knows, but she allows me that little... act of rebellion. I'm not even sure if $Jino actually eats them, knowing her she wouldn't... but it does give me peace of mind. I suppose I will leave it up to you if you provide $Jino with a bit of *real* food."
[[Put one regular vial in Jino's weekly mix of meals.->GoodVial]]
[[No, she is allowed only Slave Feed. Keep it all Slave Feed vials.->BadVial]]<img alt="feedvial" src="images/reg/feedvial.png"/>
You begin pouring the white slurry into the waiting set of (color: grey)[silver]-marked vials, as $Shunne *tsks* quietly. "I do not think I can agree, though it is part of her training, even if I do not particularly agree with it. Maintaining distinctions between pony life and regular life are important, but considering what $Jino is angling for... *ah.* I promised I would not discuss it overlong with anyone else. $Jino did agree to the restriction."
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
She clears her mask filters with a sharp exhale, an occasional necessity, but more often just a Quarian means of indicating she was moving on. Back to the work ahead of you. "We already mixed this batch up, obviously, but I just want to reiterate the process for you. $Cyn's Slave Feed is formulated specifically for an individual, and does away with most of the extraneous parts of a *meal.* Unnecessary liquids and texture, mass other foods use for dead calories, and of course... flavor. It is slightly chunky, and slightly salty, but that is it. All nutritional components are included. $Cyn always prepares the dry mix herself, all you had to do was add the correct amount of water to her recipe for $Jino."
"Oh," $Shunne continues. "I do always replace one of $Jino's Slave Feed vials with a regular, full meal. I think $Cyn knows, but she allows me that little... act of rebellion. I'm not even sure if $Jino actually eats them, knowing her she wouldn't... but it does give me peace of mind. I suppose I will leave it up to you if you provide $Jino with a bit of *real* food."
[[Put one regular vial in Jino's weekly mix of meals.->GoodVial]]
[[No, she is allowed only Slave Feed. Keep it all Slave Feed vials.->BadVial]]You continue $Shunne's little tradition, adding a singular vial of actual *food* to $Jino's supply for the week. It stands out starkly, the mix dark blue in coloration amongst so much pure white. As you slide the tray into the refrigerator, joining it with the others, you catch the way your instructor is standing-- $Shunne was clearly pleased with your decision.
The final step would be to retrieve empty vial trays from the storage cabinet above the fridge, to replace the filled ones you had just used, but as you reach up for the handle you find yourself *just* a bit short. $Shunne is behind you immediately, her full chest brushing gently against your suited back as she reaches over you, pulling open the wooden doors. You can briefly feel her nipple piercings(if: $Piercing > 0)[, so much like your own pair].
"I rearranged $Cyn's cupboards after the first day I took over meal prep," she explains, rather sheepishly. "And I suppose I did not think about putting things up a bit higher than you, or $Sava, or $Cinni could reach. They do not help with this sort of thing... and I always have my heels."
She meant the wedge-like heel design of her boots, pushing her up perpetually on her toes. Now that she had mentioned them, you realize you had *never* seen her without them. Even at University, while teaching her classes.
[["Do you wear heels all the time, Shunne?"->AskHeels]]
[["I wish I had heels like those."->WantHeels]]You break from $Shunne's little tradition, keeping $Jino's food supply purely Slave Food. The little rows of white vials stand like dutiful soldiers, or ponygirls in presentation pose. As you slide the tray into the refrigerator, joining it with the others, you catch the way your instructor is standing-- $Shunne was clearly a bit disappointed, and making an effort not to comment on it.
The final step would be to retrieve empty vial trays from the storage cabinet above the fridge, to replace the filled ones you had just used, but as you reach up for the handle you find yourself *just* a bit short. $Shunne is behind you immediately, her full chest brushing gently against your suited back as she reaches over you, pulling open the wooden doors. You can briefly feel her nipple piercings(if: $Piercing > 0)[, so much like your own pair].
"I rearranged $Cyn's cupboards after the first day I took over meal prep," she explains, rather sheepishly. "And I suppose I did not think about putting things up a bit higher than you, or $Sava, or $Cinni could reach. They do not help with this sort of thing... and I always have my heels."
She meant the wedge-like heel design of her boots, pushing her up perpetually on her toes. Now that she had mentioned them, you realize you had *never* seen her without them. Even at University, while teaching her classes.
[["Do you wear heels all the time, Shunne?"->AskHeels]]
[["I wish I had heels like those."->WantHeels]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
"...yes," she acknowledges, wiping her gloved hands on the apron tied around her waist. You're wearing one too, she had insisted on it, but she circles you now to remove it now that the work for this week was completed. As she does, she continues. "It is another of $Cyn's... she calls them *lifestyle programs*, as if they're intended to train us for that sort of role, but I don't think of them as such. They're just heels, and I'm just required to wear them at all times in my everyday suit."
As she pulls off your apron and moves to return them to the drawer in which they were stored, you look once more at her. $Shunne was always full figured, her matronly form evident even with the fabric coverings that all Quarians wore-- and that you were explicitly denied while a ponyslave. Those wedge heels only emphasized everything, pushing up her full rear, forcing her to thrust her chest out a bit further than necessary. She maintained a refined posture regardless, but you cannot help but wonder what it would be like to wear those, to be *forced* to wear them, in public.
"$Jino has them too," the Professor notes, turning back to you. As she does, she leans on the counter edge. "If you hadn't noticed. They do make our ponyboots easier to adapt to, I will admit that. But I just wear them because... its fun. Sometimes I feel like I missed out on my twenties. Before I met $Cyn, I was very... uptight. Traditional. Being $Red lets me be the opposite, and the heels are just a little... *fun* reminder of it, everyday."
Her explanation had wandered a bit, it almost felt like she was getting something off her chest, but she focuses again after a moment of silence. "Don't mind my rambling, dear."
[["I think you look good in them."->LookGoodHeels]]
[["Being a ponygirl is... escapism for me, too."->Escapism]]
[[Just nod, and stay silent.->NoResponseHeels]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
"Do you?" she asks, wiping her gloved hands on the apron tied around her waist. You're wearing one too, she had insisted on it, but she circles you now to remove it now that the work for this week was completed. As she does, she continues. "It is another of $Cyn's... she calls them *lifestyle programs*, as if they're intended to train us for that sort of role, but I don't think of them as such. They're just heels, and I'm just required to wear them at all times in my everyday suit."
As she pulls off your apron and moves to return them to the drawer in which they were stored, you look once more at her. $Shunne was always full figured, her matronly form evident even with the fabric coverings that all Quarians wore-- and that you were explicitly denied while a ponyslave. Those wedge heels only emphasized everything, pushing up her full rear, forcing her to thrust her chest out a bit further than necessary. She maintained a refined posture regardless, but you cannot help but wonder what it would be like to wear those, to be *forced* to wear them, in public.
"$Jino has them too," the Professor notes, turning back to you. As she does, she leans on the counter edge. "If you hadn't noticed. They do make our ponyboots easier to adapt to, I will admit that. But I just wear them because... its fun. Sometimes I feel like I missed out on my twenties. Before I met $Cyn, I was very... uptight. Traditional. Being $Red lets me be the opposite, and the heels are just a little... *fun* reminder of it, everyday."
Her explanation had wandered a bit, it almost felt like she was getting something off her chest, but she focuses again after a moment of silence. "Don't mind my rambling, dear."
[["I think you look good in them."->LookGoodHeels]]
[["Being a ponygirl is... escapism for me, too."->Escapism]]
[[Just nod, and stay silent.->NoResponseHeels]]She was probably blushing a bit under her mask, if her body language was anything to go by. "Why, thank you, Miss $LName. I like to think so too."
Pushing off from the counter, she looks around the kitchen. "I shouldn't be holding you here, though. Your assistance is appreciated, as always, but I am sure you have homework or exercise or such to get back to? Please, don't linger on my account. But I hope I can expect your assistance again, sometime soon? I'll let you do the entire cooking process, from start to finish. And if you get good grades," she gives a Professorial wink at that, "I'll even prepare a surprise for you, okay?"
She spreads her arms, offering a hug before you go. With $Shunne, it was a customary thing.
[[Hug her.->ShunneBHug]]
[[Leave without the hug.->ShunneBNoHug]]She nods at that, quiet agreement broken by the flash of her speech indicator light. "Like minds, I then, Miss $LName? I like that."
Pushing off from the counter, she looks around the kitchen. "I shouldn't be holding you here, though. Your assistance is appreciated, as always, but I am sure you have homework or exercise or such to get back to? Please, don't linger on my account. But I hope I can expect your assistance again, sometime soon? I'll let you do the entire cooking process, from start to finish. And if you get good grades," she gives a Professorial wink at that, "I'll even prepare a surprise for you, okay?"
She spreads her arms, offering a hug before you go. With $Shunne, it was a customary thing.
[[Hug her.->ShunneBHug]]
[[Leave without the hug.->ShunneBNoHug]]Pushing off from the counter, she looks around the kitchen. "I shouldn't be holding you here, though. Your assistance is appreciated, as always, but I am sure you have homework or exercise or such to get back to? Please, don't linger on my account. But I hope I can expect your assistance again, sometime soon? I'll let you do the entire cooking process, from start to finish. And if you get good grades," she gives a Professorial wink at that, "I'll even prepare a surprise for you, okay?"
She spreads her arms, offering a hug before you go. With $Shunne, it was a customary thing.
[[Hug her.->ShunneBHug]]
[[Leave without the hug.->ShunneBNoHug]]You enter her embrace willingly, her motherly affection on clear and obvious display. (if: $BodyProg > 0)[The improvements made to your own body with $Cyn's guidance make the hug a bit more sensual than you might have expected, your full figure pressing against her matronly one. ]Holding you for a few moments, before releasing you she adjusts your veil, the cloth that covered your helmeted head.
"Thank you, again," she concludes, as you're released and step away.
*Leaving the kitchen, and $Shunne, your days begin to blend together again...*
(set: $RedTimer to it + 1)
(border-color: red)+(border: "dashed")[**Shunne's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "You go about your day.", "HangBetween")You avoid the hug, surprise and more than a bit of sadness flicking across $Shunne's eyes before you turn away.
*Leaving the kitchen, and $Shunne, your days begin to blend together again...*
(set: $RedTimer to it + 1)
(border-color: red)+(border: "dashed")[**Shunne's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "You go about your day.", "HangBetween")<img alt="redhead" src="images/red/redhead.png"/>
You find someone within, but they are not exactly *who* you expected. Deep down you know the figure sprawled out on the living room couch to be $Shunne, but you can only see $Red-- in all her glossy glory. She is fully suited, from the shiny steel horseshoes visible on the bottom of her strict ponyboots, to the corset at her waist, to the opaque mask that renders her faceless, capped with a long and high ponytail. But she is not harnessed, or bound, and the way she sits up with a startled gasp makes it quite clear she wasn't gagged either-- just before she speaks.
"I thought only $Cinni was the only one here, and she is manning the counter, I didn't--" she pauses, unreadable beneath that pure (color: red)[red] visor, but you sense her sputtering for an explanation.
[["Hey, $Red."->HeyRed]]
[[Hey, $Shunne."->HeyShunne]]
[["We were... supposed to be doing the cooking."->ExplainCook]]
[["You should be gagged."->ShouldBeGagged]]She looks down at herself, then blushes, at least by the turn of her body language. She covers herself for a moment, but then thinks better of it, forcing her hands down to her sides. Seated now, it takes her several moments to realize she was keeping her legs spread, in the manner expected of ponies. Slowly, as if trying to avoid your noticing it, she brings her knees together.
"I'm not... in character," she explains. "We... we are supposed to do the week's cooking, right? $Cyn surprised me last night by wanting me in harness, as $Red... and then she kept me in the stables last night. I just got let out, and was just getting off my feet for a few minutes before I went to change suits. I *completely* forgot about our appointment."
She looks up at you, almost like a doll or toy, with her mask so very opaque. "Obviously I can't help with the cooking while I'm... like this."
[["I can do all the cooking, you taught me well."->CanCook]]
[["You can be a pony cook, I believe in you!"->PonyCook]]She looks down at herself, then blushes, at least by the turn of her body language. She covers herself for a moment, but then thinks better of it, forcing her hands down to her sides. Seated now, it takes her several moments to realize she was keeping her legs spread, in the manner expected of ponies. Slowly, as if trying to avoid your noticing it, she brings her knees together.
"Yeah, it is me, not... $Red," she explains. "We... we are supposed to do the week's cooking, right? $Cyn surprised me last night by wanting me in harness, as $Red... and then she kept me in the stables last night. I just got let out, and was just getting off my feet for a few minutes before I went to change suits. I *completely* forgot about our appointment."
She looks up at you, almost like a doll or toy, with her mask so very opaque. "Obviously I can't help with the cooking while I'm... like this."
[["I can do all the cooking, you taught me well."->CanCook]]
[["You can be a pony cook, I believe in you!"->PonyCook]]She looks down at herself, then blushes, at least by the turn of her body language. She covers herself for a moment, but then thinks better of it, forcing her hands down to her sides. Seated now, it takes her several moments to realize she was keeping her legs spread, in the manner expected of ponies. Slowly, as if trying to avoid your noticing it, she brings her knees together.
"Right, of course, sorry," she replies. "$Cyn surprised me last night by wanting me in harness, as $Red... and then she kept me in the stables last night. I just got let out, and was just getting off my feet for a few minutes before I went to change suits. I *completely* forgot about our appointment."
She looks up at you, almost like a doll or toy, with her mask so very opaque. "Obviously I can't help with the cooking while I'm... like this."
[["I can do all the cooking, you taught me well."->CanCook]]
[["You can be a pony cook, I believe in you!"->PonyCook]]She looks down at herself, then blushes, at least by the turn of her body language. She covers herself for a moment, but then thinks better of it, forcing her hands down to her sides. Seated now, it takes her several moments to realize she was keeping her legs spread, in the manner expected of ponies. Slowly, as if trying to avoid your noticing it, she brings her knees together.
"I'm not $Red, this is a mistake." she replies. "$Cyn surprised me last night by wanting me in harness, as $Red... and then she kept me in the stables last night. I just got let out, and was just getting off my feet for a few minutes before I went to change suits. I *completely* forgot about our cooking."
She looks up at you, almost like a doll or toy, with her mask so very opaque. "Obviously I can't help with the cooking while I'm... like this."
[["I can do all the cooking, you taught me well."->CanCook]]
[["You can be a pony cook, I believe in you!"->PonyCook]]<img alt="redhead" src="images/red/redhead.png"/>
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
She shakes her head, causing the long ponytail atop her helmet to shift back and forth, before settling over one shoulder. "No, no. I should be *able* to help, if necessary. And I can't do anything dressed like this. I'll just..."
$Shunne moves to stand, but her legs quiver, and she quickly finds herself falling back onto the couch. A surprised grunt, one that drifts into a moan, emerges as she does so. That would be her plugs shifting, undoubtedly. You're familiar with the sensation, and they were a good reason why ponies never sat, but only ever knelt.
"I guess I'm... more tired than I thought," she explains, clearly embarrassed. "I was on my feet all day yesterday, teaching, and then last night marching, and then this morning... fulfilling my other roles, as a mare."
She doesn't seem keen to linger on that subject. "I'll just need a moment. Umm... take a seat?"
$Shunne indicates the seat next to her on the couch, but has to brush some of the ruby (color: red)[red] hairs of her tail out of the way first.
[[Take the seat.->Shunne3Seat]]<img alt="redhead" src="images/red/redhead.png"/>
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
She shakes her head, causing the long ponytail atop her helmet to shift back and forth, before settling over one shoulder. "*Keelah*, no, not like this. I should be *able* to help, if necessary. And I can't do anything dressed like this. I'll just..."
$Shunne moves to stand, but her legs quiver, and she quickly finds herself falling back onto the couch. A surprised grunt, one that drifts into a moan, emerges as she does so. That would be her plugs shifting, undoubtedly. You're familiar with the sensation, and they were a good reason why ponies never sat, but only ever knelt.
"I guess I'm... more tired than I thought," she explains, clearly embarrassed. "I was on my feet all day yesterday, teaching, and then last night marching, and then this morning... fulfilling my other roles, as a mare."
She doesn't seem keen to linger on that subject. "I'll just need a moment. Umm... take a seat?"
$Shunne indicates the seat next to her on the couch, but has to brush some of the ruby (color: red)[red] hairs of her tail out of the way first.
[[Take the seat.->Shunne3Seat]]You sit down next to Professor $Shunne, doctorate holder in Xenobiology and tenured instructor at an excellent University, while she's dressed in a full fetish ponygirl suit. Even now her corset forces her to keep her back straight, her full chest out, revealing the beads of her hardened nipples-- and the steel buds of her piercings there. Beneath she would be plugged in both cunt and rear, the former a full *stallion* dildo. Her every movement sends cascades of light down her tightly suited body, as if inviting you to stare, to revel in her feminine curves.
It is incredibly awkward.
"$Cyn, for once, allowed me to head back to the Clean Room for changing without her escort," $Shunne finally says, breaking the silence. "I think she knew I would take a short break, and I think she knew you would be coming to cook. This is all engineered, probably because of something we talked about last night. That I was resistant to. She wanted to offer you the chance to join the Riser Program. The... program where you must wear wedge heels at all times, even when in your regular suit."
[["You didn't want me to join the Program?"->NoJoinRiser]]
[["What does that have to do with seeing you now?->WhatDoesSeeNow]]"She is moving quicker with you, with your training as $Violet, than she ever has before. Maybe that just... reflects how quick of a study you are. I do not have the mind for... being a dominatrix," she chuckles a bit at that, sounding exhausted. "But she knows I always resist the more... lifestyle programs, for everyone. That's why she worked me so hard last night. Because now I'm sitting here, thinking about how if I could do such things at my age, you certainly could in the very flower of your youth."
$Shunne sighs. "That woman is insidious. And *right.*" She turns to look at you, although the effect is somewhat muted by the opaque nature of her mask. "Would you be interested in that? Wearing heels at all times? It can be tiring, and you will get some looks for it, but... I will admit that it is incredibly effective as pony training as well. These boots..."
She kicks out one of her pony boots, the extreme angle of the heel and the platform upon which she stood together adding a good eight inches to her height. "...you know how demanding they are. The everyday risers aren't... nearly as hard, but they condition the ankle, and the foot, and you will start thinking of your own balance differently."
[["Yes... I think I would."->YesGetRisers]]
[["No... I don't think so."->NoGetRisers]]
[[I'm not sure."->MedRisers]]"She knows that I always resist any of us undertaking a more... everyday lifestyle program," she chuckles a bit at that, sounding exhausted. "And I can be very stubborn, if I'm worried about someone. That's why she worked me so hard last night. Because now I'm sitting here, thinking about how if I could do such things at my age, you certainly could in the very flower of your youth."
$Shunne sighs. "That woman is insidious. And *right.*" She turns to look at you, although the effect is somewhat muted by the opaque nature of her mask. "Would you be interested in that? Wearing heels at all times? It can be tiring, and you will get some looks for it, but... I will admit that it is incredibly effective as pony training as well. These boots..."
She kicks out one of her pony boots, the extreme angle of the heel and the platform upon which she stood together adding a good eight inches to her height. "...you know how demanding they are. The everyday risers aren't... nearly as hard, but they condition the ankle, and the foot, and you will start thinking of your own balance differently."
[["Yes... I think I would."->YesGetRisers]]
[["No... I don't think so."->NoGetRisers]]
[[I'm not sure."->MedRisers]]The Professor nods tiredly. "I will talk to $Cyn about it, at the next opportunity. You will still need to do some training for it, to get acclimated with it all... but you *are* a quick study when it comes to that."
(border-color: white)+(border: "dashed")[**Lifestyle Riser Training Unlocked:** preparation for required wearing of heels at all times will be available the next time you access your weekly planner.]
(set: $InnyRisers to 1)
She chuckles softly. "Normally I would leave myself a note about it, but its not like I have an omnitool available while dressed like... this." A pause, as she sighs softly. "Your assistance with the cooking has been very helpful, but the way. I know I've said it before, but I appreciate it. The proper thing to do would be to go get changed, and then set about doing this week's work with you... but I'm very tired, honestly."
$Shunne slumps a little in her seat.
[[Do nothing as she leans against your shoulder.->LeanShoulder]]
[[Guide her head down into your lap.->LapSleep]]
[[Stand up yourself, help her to the changing room.->NoSleepShunne]]The Professor nods tiredly. "I will talk to $Cyn about it, let her know that I wouldn't be opposed, but you certainly don't have to enter the program if you don't want to. I wouldn't blame you, they can be quite bothersome."
(border-color: white)+(border: "dashed")[**Lifestyle Riser Training Unlocked:** preparation for required wearing of heels at all times will be available the next time you access your weekly planner.]
(set: $InnyRisers to 1)
She chuckles softly. "Normally I would leave myself a note about it, but its not like I have an omnitool available while dressed like... this." A pause, as she sighs softly. "Your assistance with the cooking has been very helpful, but the way. I know I've said it before, but I appreciate it. The proper thing to do would be to go get changed, and then set about doing this week's work with you... but I'm very tired, honestly."
$Shunne slumps a little in her seat.
[[Do nothing as she leans against your shoulder.->LeanShoulder]]
[[Guide her head down into your lap.->LapSleep]]
[[Stand up yourself, help her to the changing room.->NoSleepShunne]]The Professor nods tiredly. "I will talk to $Cyn about it, let her know that I wouldn't be opposed, but when you schedule yourself the time is completely up to you. Whatever you choose, I wouldn't blame you, they can be quite bothersome."
(border-color: white)+(border: "dashed")[**Lifestyle Riser Training Unlocked:** preparation for required wearing of heels at all times will be available the next time you access your weekly planner.]
(set: $InnyRisers to 1)
She chuckles softly. "Normally I would leave myself a note about it, but its not like I have an omnitool available while dressed like... this." A pause, as she sighs softly. "Your assistance with the cooking has been very helpful, but the way. I know I've said it before, but I appreciate it. The proper thing to do would be to go get changed, and then set about doing this week's work with you... but I'm very tired, honestly."
$Shunne slumps a little in her seat.
[[Do nothing as she leans against your shoulder.->LeanShoulder]]
[[Guide her head down into your lap.->LapSleep]]
[[Stand up yourself, help her to the changing room.->NoSleepShunne]]<img alt="redhead" src="images/red/redhead.png"/>
The Professor in a ponygirl suit leans against you, her helmeted head resting on your shoulder. She says nothing more, but it takes you some time to truly confirm that she had slipped into a deep sleep punctuated by calm and even breathing. And it is there that you remain with her for sometime, allowing $Shunne the short nap she truly needed in that moment. She would wake, eventually, and would apologize profusely, undoubtedly, but for now she is silent and utterly at ease. Perhaps it was just the hard work $Cyn had put her through, perhaps your discussion had gone well, or perhaps she was merely feeling content with your growing place within the greater family around $Cyn?
Whatever the case, you never do get to cooking up the week's prepared meals that day.
(set: $RedTimer to it + 1)
(border-color: red)+(border: "dashed")[**Shunne's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "Your time with her ends, for now.", "HangBetween")<img alt="redhead" src="images/red/redhead.png"/>
The Professor in a ponygirl suit, for once, doesn't argue as you guide her helmeted head down into your lap. The (color: purple)[violet] of your thighs meets the (color: red)[red] of her mask, her ponytail splayed out just behind. She says nothing more, but it takes you some time to truly confirm that she had slipped into a deep sleep punctuated by calm and even breathing. And it is there that you remain with her for sometime, allowing $Shunne the short nap she truly needed in that moment. She would wake, eventually, and would apologize profusely, but for now she is silent and utterly at ease. Perhaps it was just the hard work $Cyn had put her through, perhaps your discussion had gone well, or perhaps she was merely feeling content with your growing place within the greater family around $Cyn?
Whatever the case, you never do get to cooking up the week's prepared meals that day.
(set: $RedTimer to it + 1)
(border-color: red)+(border: "dashed")[**Shunne's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "Your time with her ends, for now.", "HangBetween")<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
She rouses with you, if reluctantly, an offered hand pulling her back to her feet. $Shunne's legs still quake, she really could do with more rest, but you guide her through the living room, into $Cyn's workship, and to the clean room there used for suit changings. When she emerges, after some time, you are once more confronted with the scholarly disposition and neatly arranged clothes of Professor $Shunne-- and not the lewdly glossy form of $Red.
You never do get around to cooking the meals that day, however. Besides apologizing profusely, and thanking you for the assistance, $Shunne truly just does not seem up for it. Time for that will have to be discovered elsewhere, in the future. For now?
(set: $RedTimer to it + 1)
(border-color: red)+(border: "dashed")[**Shunne's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "Your time with her ends.", "HangBetween")"A fascinating topic that meets the criteria for the project, and which has acceptable levels of documentation for us to use as secondary and primary sources. I checked." She seems proud of that. "There is a state, called blooming, that female Drell can enter into. Effectively it involves constant levels of extreme fertility, as well as constant sexual arousal. The state is permanent, and probably a biological holdover from some time of low population-- a tribe could rapidly grow its numbers with only one or two such bloomed females. But it is called Ayarism due to the *cultural* history associated with the practice. Entering a bloom takes considerable effort, and cannot be done accidentally. In the ancient past of the Drell, some women were 'sacrificed' to this fate of hyperarousal, but most were volunteers. There are even a handful who engage in the practice today."
She pauses, leaning in. "This will get us a good grade, I'm sure of it."
[["Wait, there are... bloomed Drell alive today?"->BloomToday]]
[["I have an alternative topic in mind."->DifferentTopic]]
[["This sounds like a good topic, let's do it."->ChooseDrellTopic]]"Do you?" She sound incredulous. "It needs to be a *good* topic, remember. A sexual practice or fetish practiced a xeno-species, so non-quarian, with historical and cultural implications. There also needs to be enough sources for us to pull from, and it needs to be something you are comfortable talking about, in front of the class. I'm pretty sure that's part of $Shunne's whole intention, getting people to talk more openly about xenobiology through this sort of topic."
[["We should research something Turian!"->TurianNo]]
[["What about one of those Asari cults?"->AsariNo]]
[["We should, obviously, research... the human fetish of ponygirls."->PonyProject]]<img alt="ayar" src="images/reg/ayar.png"/>
$Sava nods, tapping at one of the datapads she had brought along, bringing up an image. A drell female is pictured, her distinctive green scaling typical enough for her race. That is *atypical*, however, are the markings on her head, throat, lips, and between her legs-- areas of sensuality, highlighted by an almost violent shade of pink. It had shifted her eyes as well, away from the usual black of both pupils and sclera to yet more pink.
"That's a modern one," your partner notes. "Although the bloom there isn't total yet. Once they get *that* far, they can't even wear most sorts of clothing, or any type of textile whatsoever. Their scales get too sensitive for it."
She does seem rather enthused about it all.
[["I have an alternative topic in mind."->DifferentTopic]]
[["This sounds like a good topic, let's do it."->ChooseDrellTopic]]"Very good," $Sava replies, clearly pleased to have her proposed topic selected. "We will do our project on Drell Ayarism. That's decided."
Shifting her datapads before herself, she taps one of them. "I have budgeted twelve hours of approximated work between us. Obviously I did not know your exact pace, so you may need to make an effort to achieve the goals I set for you in that time. Alright?" She doesn't wait for a response. "We will meet every other day, after classes, and before my evening tutoring sessions. That should overall give us plenty off time to assemble sources, collate them, and produce the presentation-- which I will largely give, of course."
She checks the clock on the wall, then looks back to you. "I also want to give you something."
(set: $PrezTopic to 1)
[["Give me something?"->SavaGives]]
[["What do you mean?"->SavaGives]]"No Turians," $Sava replies, emphatically. "I wrote a paper last semester on them, and I want to build a viable portfolio of work for when I enter into the advanced medical program. We will choose something else."
She says it in a manner that leaves little opportunity to debate-- and indeed, she's already poking at her datapad, focused elsewhere.
[["What about one of those asari cults?"->AsariNo]]
[["We should, obviously, research... the human practice of ponygirls."->PonyProject]]
[["What is Drell Ayarism, again?"->WhatDrell]]"That's not a bad idea," $Sava notes. "The Asari's proclivity for displays of and formulaic approaches to sexuality are well established. Something like one of the Matriarchal Cults? I've read a bit about the Order of Athame. They have some... peculiar practices."
She rests her chin in one hand, an outstretched finger tapping her mouthpiece. "But we are on an *Asari* world, $Name. Most of our classmate are Asari. I don't want to lose their attention by exploring topics they're at least familiar with. We should do a different sort of topic."
[["We should research something Turian!"->TurianNo]]
[["We should, obviously, research... the human practice of ponygirls."->PonyProject]]
[["What is Drell Ayarism, again?"->WhatDrell]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
"You cannot be serious," she breathes, then looks pointedly around. None of the other students in the library are close, but she leans in anyway, barely audible. "Considering what we *do*, we should definitely *not* pick that for a topic. We would have to get up in front of the others, and talk about the practice in all sorts of detail. It would be... no. *No.*"
She shakes her head, leaning back. "We research Drell Ayarism, or maybe something else. Not... not that."
[["Come on, don't you want to learn about it?"->LearnAboutIt]]
[["It is a fun topic, we should do it!"->FunTopic]]
[[Raise your voice a bit. "I think we should do our project on Ponygirls."->RaiseVoiceSava]]
[["Okay, tell me about Drell Ayarism?"->WhatDrell]]
[["We should research something Turian!"->TurianNo]]
[["What about one of those Asari cults?"->AsariNo]]"I know enough," $Sava shoots back, crossing her arms across her chest. "(if: $Piercing > 0 or $BodyProg > 0)[$Cyn has already started... changing you into one.](else:)[You're just lucky $Cyn hasn't started changing you into one.] I've... looked at some other things on the history, of course. About... you know, horses or whatever. But I don't want to do it as a presentation topic. I refuse. We will not be doing that."
[["It is a fun topic, we should do it!"->FunTopic]]
[[Raise your voice a bit. "I think we should do our project on Ponygirls."->RaiseVoiceSava]]
[["Okay, tell me about Drell Ayarism?"->WhatDrell]]
[["We should research something Turian!"->TurianNo]]
[["What about one of those Asari cults?"->AsariNo]]"It would NOT be fun!" $Sava all but snaps, her eyes wide. "And we do not do things here because they're *fun*. We do them so we can get good grades, and get into the better programs available, and not because... ugh!"
She shakes her head, threatening to have her hood slide down. "Pick something else."
[["Come on, don't you want to learn about it?"->LearnAboutIt]]
[[Raise your voice a bit. "I think we should do our project on Ponygirls."->RaiseVoiceSava]]
[["Okay, tell me about Drell Ayarism?"->WhatDrell]]
[["We should research something Turian!"->TurianNo]]
[["What about one of those Asari cults?"->AsariNo]]$Sava straightens her back as you speak aloud, her eyes darting around. Were she not suited, you can almost imagine her breathing have stopped. A moment passes however, then two, and no one else seeems to be paying attention-- giving her the confidence to lean in.
"You better keep it down, stop... stop being *stupid*!"
[[Go even louder. "I think you ARE interested in Ponygirls."->RaiseVoice2]]
[["Okay, tell me about Drell Ayarism?"->WhatDrell]]"Okay, okay, okay-- just *shut up*," $Sava hisses, having now stood enough to press her hands against the mouthpiece of your mask. That wouldn't really do anything, your mask speakers were elsewhere and she knew that, but you *may* have panicked your partner just a little. She looks around again, and this time does find several of the Asari students nearby looking at you both. That pushes her to sit back down again, collecting herself for a bit, rearranging her datapads, before she finally speaks again.
"Fine. You win. We will do our project on... the human practice of ponygirl fetishism." She stares daggers at you afterward, but you get the sense she was more angry at herself for making a scene. Either way, now that she had allowed you to make the choice, she takes back the proverbial reins quickly to dictate the plan going forward.
"I have budgeted twelve hours of approximated work between us. Obviously I did not know your exact pace, so you may need to make an effort to achieve the goals I set for you in that time. Alright?" She doesn't wait for a response. "We will meet every other day, after classes, and before my evening tutoring sessions. That should overall give us plenty off time to assemble sources, collate them, and produce the presentation-- which I will largely give, of course."
She checks the clock on the wall, then looks back to you. "I also want to give you something."
(set: $PrezTopic to 2)
[["Give me something?"->SavaGives]]
[["What do you mean?"->SavaGives]]$Sava slides one of her datapads across the table to you. "I'm going to add something to your Daily Planner. My schedule is too filled to be available all the time for tutoring you, but... if you fall behind in your studies, I can help. It would take one hour a day, but through intensive study I'm pretty certain I could push anyone's grade back up to an **A.** So I'm going to make that available to you, $Name, but you will only be able to do it *once*, okay? Only once."
(border-color: white)+(border: "dashed")[**Sava's Intensive Tutoring Unlocked**: via intense tutoring, $Sava can raise your grade to a guaranteed "A", but she only offers this once, and it will be up to you to maintain the grade. It can be selected when next setting your Daily Planner.]
(set: $SavaGrader to 1)
[["Wow, thanks!"->SavaWoWThanks]]
[["I'm a good student, I don't need your help."->DontNeedUrHelp]]$Sava shrugs narrow, sloping shoulders. "No problem. Tutoring other students is my thing. Just don't use this as an opportunity to slack off, okay? Next time we meet up, we will go over our research stuff, and decide how we want to lay out our presentation on (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[Drell Ayarism](else:)[Human... fetish practices.] I don't live with $Cyn, obviously, so we will meet here at the library again."
[["Got it." Stand up to leave.->EndSava1]]
[["Wait, where do you live, then?"->WaitWhereLive]]$Sava shrugs narrow, sloping shoulders. "Fine, whatever. It is just that tutoring other students is my thing. Next time we meet up, we will go over our research stuff, and decide how we want to lay out our presentation on (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[Drell Ayarism](else:)[Human... fetish practices.] I don't live with $Cyn, obviously, so we will meet here at the library again."
[["Got it." Stand up to leave.->EndSava1]]
[["Wait, where do you live, then?"->WaitWhereLive]](set: $SavaGrader to 1)
(set: $BodyProg to 1)
(set: $SpecialTime to 2)
[[Planner2]]Breaking up your little meeting with $Sava, you walk together out of the library, but break off soon after. $Sava had a night class she took, while you only have your bed at $Cinni's apartment to look forward to, although it might be best if you did a little studying yourself. Either way, you go your separate ways as snow continues to fall, one figure in (colour: blue)[blue], the other bright (color: purple)[violet].
(set: $BlueTimer to it + 1)
(border-color: blue)+(border: "dashed")[**Sava's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "Homeward bound.", "HangBetween")"Huh?" $Sava had been collecting her things to leave, but pauses at your question. "Oh. Here. On Campus, I mean. In the dorms. Professor $Shunne lives in the faculty wing of the same building. You live with $Cinni, of course. And $Jino... $Jino doesn't really live anywhere. Normally she's out at sea, doing underwater welding. But when she's around, she stays with $Cyn."
A shrug. "If you really want to talk personal stuff, I guess we can do that next time too. Lots of time on research is just spent copying things into your notes, if you know how best to do things." You get the sense she would definitely put herself in that category.
"Anything else?"
[["Nope." Stand up to leave.->EndSava1]]<img alt="books" src="images/reg/books.jpg"/>
(set: $Strike to it + 1)
A handful of physical books are stacked before you, but there are far more datapads, each holding a good portion of the library's content in them. All you had to do was sort through their myriad of topics, adding things of interest, notes and ideas, to the haptic terminal projected before you. Otherwise $Sava sits across from you, the (color: blue)[blue] of her mask buried in several glowing screens at once.
(if: $Strike < 8)[Ask a question, or study hard? You probably won't have time for it *all.*
Ask a question:
[["$Sava, how did you meet $Cyn?"->HowMeetCyn]]
[["Can I ask... how you became $Blue?"->HowBecomeBlue]]
[["You don't seem like the sort of person who would... want to be $Blue."->WanttoBe]]
[["What are your long term plans, as a person I mean?"->LongTermPerson]]
[["What are your long term plans... as a ponygirl?"->LongTermPony]]
Study Hard:
(if: $PrezTopic is 1)[[[Read the article on "The Physical Characteristics of Drell Ayar"->PhysicalAyar]]
[[Read from the book, "Flowers in the Desert, the Bloomed Through History."->HistoryAyar]]
[[Pull up the digital file, "How Drell are Bloomed."->HowtoAyar]]
[[Explore the website of a modern Ayar.->KalilWeb]]
[[Watch a video featuring a modern Ayar.->KalilVid]]](else:)[[[Check out the portion on ponyplay in the book, "Space Age Kinks"->PonyPlayIntro]]
[[Read the article on "The History of Ponyplay".->PonyHistory]]
[[Pull up the digital file, "Tack and Harness for the Modern Ponygirl."->TackandHarness]]
[[Search online for any examples of non-human ponyplay.->NonHumanPony]]
[[Explore the ponygirl section of "Lifestyle Slavery: The New Extremes of Submission"->LifeStyleResearch]]]](else:)[Late afternoon has given way to dusk, and you're running out of time. As you look up to $Sava, however, you see her seated with her omnitool open, flicking a setting on and off, as she stares at a book...
[["Uh, what are you doing, $Sava?"->EndResearch]]
[["Don't you have tutoring to do tonight, $Sava?"->EndResearch]]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
"Broken seal." For a long moment it almost seems like $Sava was about to leave the answer at that, but she was only ready to the end of a page, and once reaching it looks up. "$Cyn owns a Dive Shop, right? That's her main source of income. But given how close that sort of thing is to our suits, and her... extracurricular activities, she's also known by pretty much everyone in this system as the one to go to for envirosuit repair. I went there myself when a shoulder seal on my old suit broke. She not only fixed it for the handful of credits I had at the time, but she wanted to just *give* me one of her new suits. Like how you got a new one when you first came here, right?"
She shrugs, the glow of her eyes narrowing somewhat. "I was not... aware of her other activities at a time. Even though I do specifically remember $Cinni, upon first meeting me, saying *I would look good highstepping.* She never had a filter, you know."
(set: $StudyTalk to it - 1)
[[$Cinni is a handful, its true.->S2Base]]<img alt="bluehead" src="images/blue/bluehead.png"/>
*A figure highstepping in glossy blue, faceless yet gagged behind that opaque panel nevertheless. Severely bound... and so very different from the young student who is glancing about, a flush evident in her body language.*
"Not so *loud*," she hisses, providing only the weakest of covers. "This is a library after all."
But she does eventually answer your question, despite her prickly nature on such topics. "It sort of just... came up, and out, with $Cyn. You know how she is, how good she is at reading us. Maybe she knew from the first time we met, but she brought it up directly, eventually. I thought I was going to hurl, right in my mask, but... then I said I'd like to try it. After I talked with $Shunne."
The other quarian sighs. "She's not my mom, obviously, but $Shunne was looking after me. We came to the University together, a full ride scholarship for a student was part of her negotiation for coming to teach. Anyway, I thought she was going to explode when I told her... what I wanted to try. Besides, you know, dying from the embarrassment. But after she went and talked to $Cyn, I was allowed... and then a few weeks later I met $Red, and nearly died from embarrassment again."
(set: $StudyTalk to it - 1)
[[Ponygirl antics with your surrogate mother certainly would be... strange.->S2Base]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
"I don't think you would be much of an expert on that," she shoots back, rather pointedly. With a finger pointed down to mark the spot where she had left off reading, she leans forward, interrogating you. "What sort of person *is* cut out to do... the things we do? Huh? All of us, the other girls and you, we couldn't be more different. Different backgrounds, different interests, different goals."
$Sava shrugs. "I don't even like it that much," she lies. You've never been more sure of that. "Its just a hobby."
(set: $StudyTalk to it - 1)
[[Sounds like denial.->S2Base]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
"Well, I'm in the pre-med program, obviously," she notes. "That's what my parents always wanted, and I guess that's what I want that too. I'll probably be a doctor someday, back on the Fleet. There is always a shortage of Doctors, and maybe I could start teaching myself, eventually. We don't always send students out to learn this sort of stuff, there are classes I could have taken in the Fleet, but its good for everybody if we keep up with current techniques out here. Things get kind of insular back home, you know?"
(set: $StudyTalk to it - 1)
[[Good goals, even if she doesn't sound exactly enthused by them.->S2Base]]<img alt="bluehead" src="images/blue/bluehead.png"/>
"I don't have... *plans*," she replies defensively, looking around to make sure no one else was listening in. There are, and have been, several empty tables between your own and those asari nearest. She really was just being paranoid about it.
"You're asking stupid questions, and wasting your time, but if you *really* want to know... I do... shows, sometimes. As $Blue. At the events $Cyn sometimes goes to. And my training isn't completed yet. $Cyn always says that... I could do it all, if I wanted to. Go all the way, you know? Like what $Silver is aiming towards, or what $Onyx does all time... but that's insane, right? No one wants to do... what we do, all the time, right? That's stupid, they're being stupid."
(set: $StudyTalk to it - 1)
[[Is she trying to convince you, or herself?->S2Base]]<img alt="ayar" src="images/reg/ayar.png"/>
The article, scanned by a Hanar Consortium from archives recovered from the Drell Homeworld, appears to be in remarkable condition for an original document over several hundred years old. Written in the Old Tongue, a simple overlay allows it to be translated into something you could actually read. One except in particular stands out to you:
*"...the archetypal Ayar, the bloomed female, is best identified by the brightness of her petals. In this we mean her orifices, those at her mouth, and between her legs. The color shift that occurs during the blooming process can vary by individual, but this can be determined with genetic profiling, a common process. Other physical characteristics include increased sensitivity of the scales, to the point of discomfort when coming into contact with most fibrous materials. Leather and latex are thus suggested as alternatives, with the traditional garment being a body harness that leaves the most vibrantly transformed-- and thus sensitive-- scales entirely exposed. While sustained arousal should be expected, peaks in an Ayar's ravenous desire are notable for the secretions of the feminine variety produced at levels females are generally incapable of. Furthermore, it is required by common law in most drell nations to mark the bloomed with a septum piercing..."* (if: $Piercing is 2)[
Mention of the piercing sees you perk up-- you are similarly marked, after all. Even now, the weight of the one gracing your nose is hard to ignore, especially when you move your head.]
(set: $StudyTalk to it + 1)
[[Set the article down.->S2Base]]Most libraries are entirely digital, of course, but books were often kept in storage for consulting anyway-- and thus the presence of the one you now hold in your hands, its weathered spine marked with the Asari language. Written shortly after the Drell were uplifted into greater galactic society, you engage a filter on your mask to read from it.
*"The Bloomed have been present, if rarely spoken of, throughout Drell history. Forcing the change upon a female was considered barbaric in many societies however, and going through the process often took on religious importance. The Bloomed were often kept as slaves or concubines, rules that were eventually codified and propagated worldwide. Just prior to the general collapse of Drell society, Ayar were a protected class of property, rendered by most laws to be little more than objects, wholly at the mercy of their "Akye", a term roughly translated as *Master.* Derived from ancient practices that involved young drell hunters establishing their physical prowess and skill, and thus be rewarded with an Ayar, it was and remains a common practice to publicly display Ayar. This is done via binding them to a stone pillar, from dawn to dusk, ritualistically always in the sun. Open and public sex with a displayed Ayar was also expected, with dozens of couplings occurring during a single day. Know as a *Display*, this process continued..."*
(set: $StudyTalk to it + 1)
[[A strange practice.->S2Base]]Stored digitally, the file you bring up is remarkably straight to the point. Notes in the margins suggest it was pulled from a religious document, directly from the Drell homeworld.
*"The young woman designated for blooming must be kept in a state of heightened and perpetual arousal, without release or climax, for a period that varies by individual but generally runs between two and four months. Use of a chastity device fitted with vibration devices is recommended, with all locks held by the priestess overseeing the process. Brightening of the Ayar's sensual scales will be observed within the first few weeks, but this process is wholly reversible if the program is halted prior to the point of pupil change. Once the pupils take their new hue, the bloom can be considered set, although a few more weeks of restraint are suggested to ensure an acceptably deep color and effect. Marking the new Ayar with a piercing of the septum should then be undertaken..."*
(set: $StudyTalk to it + 1)
[[Luckily-- or perhaps unluckily, you're not Drell.->S2Base]]<img alt="ayar" src="images/reg/ayar.png"/>
The website in question documents the life of Kalil Comprinci Kalasiha, a woman of 27 years, bloomed now for four of them. She did so willingly, the website claims, believing it to be a cultural practice in danger of extinction. Since then, she has documented her own life, hoping to provide a modern source for other young drell women interested in that sort of lifestyle. The picture $Sava had show you when pitching the idea is, in fact, of Kalil herself.
She speaks candidly of the struggles involved in her new life, one defined by a constant arousal, and extreme sensitivity to most sensations. Her tone and dictation are elegant, clearly practiced, but occasionally you get the sense that she loses track of her thoughts-- a symptom of her blooming, she explains later down.
Like most of the other handful of Ayar that exist today, perhaps only two dozen in total, she has an Akye-- or owner, who takes care of her needs and maintains the strict discipline Drell cultural beliefs demand be placed on an Ayar. It seems there are protocols in place that Kalil must follow, a very limited selection of clothes she is allowed to wear, and a cage in which she sleeps.
Altogether... it seems to be an *intense* experience.
(set: $StudyTalk to it + 1)
[[Intriguing...->S2Base]]<img alt="ayarkneel" src="images/reg/ayarkneel.png"/>
Picking one of her weekly update videos at random, you are soon watching as the Ayar in question-- Kalil-- settles down before the camera. Someone offscreen attaches her leash to a post driven into the floor before the camera, the floor being where she kneels, despite a sumptuous couch waiting in the background. She's wearing little more than black leather, a body harness and cuffs that full exposes her breasts and womanhood, both of them capped in bright pink scales.
This particular video seems to be in response to a question one of her followers had asked, about her usual day. According to the Ayar, it began by waking in her cage, and the lacquering of her scales before being released. For most of the morning and afternoon she then was required to perform a number of chores, all them accomplished as she was dressed now, almost nude. Cleaning the house she shared with her Akye, prayer and meditation, followed by waiting for her Akye's return from work.
From there, dependent on her Akye's mood, she seemed to either be returned to her cage, the worst of the outcomes, locked into bondage, a common fate, or allowed to grace her owner's bed-- the most desirable option, according to Kalil. You get the sense that actual sex is rare, however, and that her frustration is a constant state of affairs, broken only by the occasional time spent *On Display.* Casually, she mentions serving thirty-one different supplicants during her last time on Display, whatever that meant.
(set: $StudyTalk to it + 1)
[[A... strange lifestyle.->S2Base]]You don't really need an introduction to ponyplay, considering your interests, but getting a professional overview of the general concept seems like a good idea for your presentation. *Space Age Kinks* does just that:
*"Ponyplay is a sexual fetish, a subset of roleplaying, wherein the submissive partner dresses like and is held to the mannerisms of an equine animal. Like other sorts of petplay, ponyplay taps heavily into concepts of dehumanization and objectification. The severity of bondage and treatment, and the kind of scenarios explored can vary significantly, as can the associated fetishes-- ranging from bondage, to latex, to furry-derived interests.*"
(set: $StudyTalk to it + 1)
[[Write that down, write that down!->S2Base]]The article on *The History of Ponyplay* appears to be sourced from a historical archive of sexual kinks. Where once you may have had to track down an individual extranet site or book for such a thing, now it is clearly indexed in the library's substantial digital catalogue. So too is your search history now recorded, *ponygirl* topmost upon it, for now.
*"...what humans refer to as "ponyplay" falls into a subset of sexual kinks shared across many species, derived from mimicking beasts of burden used by their more ancient ancestors. The Order of Athame, before its disappearance, is known for elaborate slavery protocols used on turian members of the outlawed faith. The human variation has references throughout their history, with the Aristotelian Perversion being an early example, wherein the philosopher is depicted engaged in sexual deviancy by allowing his consort to ride him like a horse. More modern traditions frequently focus on cart-pulling, dressage shows, and races."*
(set: $StudyTalk to it + 1)
[[More notes...->S2Base]]<img alt="tack" src="images/reg/tack.png"/>
The file labeled *Tack and Harness for the Modern Ponygirl* is written by someone using the moniker of (color: green)[Jade]. It details several suggested components of a basic ponygirl ensemble.
***The Bit Gag:*** *essential for ensuring a lack of speech, the bit gag should be fitted to a full (or trainer) style head harness, to ensure it remains in place even while working the pony in question hard. Several variations exist, ranging from metal snaffle designs, to padded bars, to intensively designed plunging throat halters.*
***The Body Harness:*** *usually built of leather or modern types of heavy duty latex, the body harness is essential for maintaining control of the pony, restraining them, and allowing for their attachment to training rigs, carts, or most anything else. This author recommends integrating the design with an armbinder, to ensure complete helplessness, but others prefer hoof-like gloves that keep the hands free but render them useless.*
***The Pony Boot:*** *another component that can come in a variety of styles, the post popular (and severe) is a gravity-heel style, lacking any physical heel, requiring the wearer to maintain tight posture and composure to remain standing. Usually 5-6 inches in height, platforms can increase the actual additive quite a bit higher. Horseshoes are frequently bolted to the sole of the boot, improving their durability over long marches, and providing the distinctive equine sound that so many enthusiasts prefer...*
(set: $StudyTalk to it + 1)
[[Such wonderful gear...->S2Base]]Given the human origin of equine terminology, and the relative newness of humans on the galactic stage, finding other references to the practice outside of humanity proves challenging-- but not impossible. Turians in particular seem to have taken to the practice, the physical effort required mixing well with their martial tendencies, as well as the desire among many dominants for tall ponies-- and turians were almost uniformly that. There are other, fleeting, descriptions of other species exploring the kink, but you struggle to decide if you should include the most obvious of those... *quarians.* Yourself. Well, not fully yourself, exposing everything you did and dreamed of would not have been appropriate... but you could mention it, maybe.
(set: $StudyTalk to it + 1)
[[Something to consider.->S2Base]]The book on Lifestyle Slavery explores the most intensive of submissive projects: 24/7, total immersion slavery. There are no breaks or pauses, or a normal life in that sort of situation, only *consensual slavery*. The entire book appears fascinating, but flipping to the section on ponygirls, you find many familiar sounding things. Talk of stables, and full body restraints, long training periods, and a complete denial of speech. A Lifestyle pony is for all intents and purposes an *object*, not a person, a modern slave in deed as much as the word. The number of participants in such a lifestyle is noted as particularly low, few were *truly* cut out for such a life, but they do exist.
*Does the idea intrigue you?*
(set: $StudyTalk to it + 1)
[[Hmmm...->S2Base]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
"Huh?" $Sava looks up suddenly, surprise in her voice as much as her eyes. You see her flick the setting in her omnitool again, no visible change occurring, but a sense of embarrassment grows. It takes a moment, a long moment, but she does eventually crack.
"When I'm... $Blue, well, $Cyn designed this mask filter that automatically scrambles text. She calls it Enforced Illiteracy, because... you know, ponies can't exactly *read.* It is really annoying... makes you feel *really* dumb... and I sort of have a version of it on my regular suit. That's what I was playing with."
She startles anew, realizing you might misunderstand her. "Not that I use it, or anything! $Cyn actually set it up so that it turns off automatically after fifteen seconds, because obviously I need to... you know, read, out here. But she needed someone to test it on, and I volunteered. Its like... extra credit, you know?"
[["Sure, $Sava."->SureSava]]
[["Sounds like you do like it."->DoLikeIt]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
"Right," she sighs, disengaging her omnitool with a flick of her hand. "Anyway, I've been done for like a half hour, was just waiting for you. Give me your notes, I want to see how you did."
She takes your datapad and skims it over quickly, then looks back to you.
(if: $StudyTalk > 0)["Okay, honestly, I'm... sorta surprised. It looks like you did pretty good here? I was afraid you were going to want to talk too much, you know? Like $Shunne does, or $Cinni. I wouldn't say you're like $Jino, no one is like $Jino... but I can work with this. Good job, $Name."(set: $Ambi to it + 1)](if: $StudyTalk < 0)["Ugh... I *knew* you were going to talk too much. You couldn't have done more research, $Name? Now I'm going to have to do extra work myself to make up for it. $Shunne does that too. Talks too much, I mean. I have no idea how she managed to get that doctorate in xenobiology...(set: $Nurt to it + 1)]
She shrugs. "Anyway, when next time we meet, it will be to present the finished project, in front of Professor $Shunne's class. I will do all the talking, of course. You will only need to stand there. That way we'll get a good grade."
She begins collecting her things.
(set: $BlueTimer to it + 1)
(border-color: blue)+(border: "dashed")[**Sava's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "She leaves, and time slides by...", "HangBetween")"Shut up," she all but shouts back. "Don't be dumb."
A flick of her wrist dissolves the hardlight of her omnitool, as she gestures for your notes. She takes your datapad and skims it over quickly, then looks back to you.
(if: $StudyTalk > 0)["Okay, honestly, I'm... sorta surprised. It looks like you did pretty good here? I was afraid you were going to want to talk too much, you know? Like $Shunne does, or $Cinni. I wouldn't say you're like $Jino, no one is like $Jino... but I can work with this. Good job, $Name."(set: $Ambi to it + 1)](if: $StudyTalk < 0)["Ugh... I *knew* you were going to talk too much. You couldn't have done more research, $Name? Now I'm going to have to do extra work myself to make up for it. $Shunne does that too. Talks too much, I mean. I have no idea how she managed to get that doctorate in xenobiology...(set: $Nurt to it + 1)]
She shrugs. "Anyway, when next time we meet, it will be to present the finished project, in front of Professor $Shunne's class. I will do all the talking, of course. You will only need to stand there. That way we'll get a good grade."
She begins collecting her things.
(set: $BlueTimer to it + 1)
(border-color: blue)+(border: "dashed")[**Sava's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "She leaves, and time slides by...", "HangBetween")"No!" She all but cries. "I'm... I'm just like how I am as $Blue, completely incapable of reading, I... I..."
Despair gives way to frustration, then a shot of anger. "Ugh! I should never have volunteered to test the new update $Cyn is developing. She's... really good, but the first few attempts always have some bugs. I don't know what we're going to do!"
[["I'll give the Presentation."->SCB]]"You?" She scoffs at that, but then notices how rude that was with you standing right there. "I didn't mean... I just can't risk my perfect GPA, you know? This project is a big part of our grade. And I know its Professor $Shunne's class, so she would be understanding if I explained everything... but I'm *not* doing that. I'd rather you mess this up then have to explain to her what happened."
$Sava sighs, coming around the idea-- or more accurately, resigning herself to it. "Fine. You will have to do the talking, I'll work the presentation. Here," she hands over her datapad. "These are my notes, but they're in my shorthand. You will just have to do the best you can, I guess."
She steps around you, making for the door to class, but shoots you one more look along the way. "Don't mess this up, $Name."
[[Hopefully you won't.->SavaPresentation]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
Entering into Professor $Shunne's Xenobiology class, you find the usual assortment of classmates, the vast majority of them asari. The Professor herself is near the front of the room, preparing a projector for presentational use, but she perks up upon seeing you and $Sava enter together.
"Girls," she smiles on approach, just holding back from a hug. "Could I speak with you a moment? I was hoping you would volunteer to go first, for the presentations today. I'd like to set a good first example for the other class members to aspire towards, and I'm certain your efforts will be... just splendid."
[["Sure, Professor."->Agreeto1st]]
[[Let Sava decide.->Sava1st]]$Shunne clasp her hands together eagerly. "Wonderful! I will be addressing the class shortly, but feel free to get situated up at the front. You may sync your omnitools with the class array and projector, if I may presume you're using such means."
"We, uh, are," $Sava replies, her hesitation earning a look from $Shunne-- but she holds back from commenting as other students file pass into their seats. Most are asari, matching the demographics of the planet.
Making good on her promise, $Shunne is soon getting the class settled, while you and $Sava work work behind the lectern. Putting your bag down behind it, you sync your omnitool, and then help $Sava send you her notes-- incapable of reading her own device, you need to direct her towards hitting the right prompts.
That managed, and with $Shunne taking a seat at the back, the class' attention turns to you. $Sava is visibly nervous, but looks to you, hoping you can do this. With a flick of your finger, you bring up your title slide.
(if: $PrezTopic is 1)[[[Sensual Gardens: Drell Ayarism->StartPrez]]](else:)[[[Bits and Harnesses: the Human Ponygirl Fetish->StartPrez]]]You attempt to let $Sava decide your course of action, but she stands starkly quiet, the glow of her eyes wide beneath her mask. There were few things she feared more than getting a bad grade, it seemed, and she clearly had little faith in your ability to pull this off. Either way, you will have to take the lead on this.
Professor $Shunne, meanwhile, looks a bit awkwardly between the two of you. "Well...?"
[["We can go first, Professor."->Agreeto1st]](if: $PrezTopic is 1)[Seated in one of the empty desks at the back of the class, Professor $Shunne nods at your choice of topic. It matched the topic of "xenobiological sexuality", was a topic capable of being well researched, and had many avenues of discussion and exploration-- exactly what had prompted $Sava to recommend it. This would, undoubtedly, give you a nice early boost to your potential grade.(set: $Strike to it + 1)](else:)[Seated in one of the empty desks at the back of the class, Professor $Shunne straightens suddenly as she realizes your topic-- and you read embarrassment in her body language. Her hood shifts as she looks about the class, but of course your fellow students could have no idea of what you all engaged in during your private hours. Most simply look bored, as students generally are during presentations. That said, while you've met the basic topic requirements, your choice is less... scholarly than $Shunne had perhaps intended, compared to the Drell topic that $Sava had originally recommended. You've probably lost a chance to start off on the right foot, here.]
Nevertheless, you begin your presentation. $Sava might have prepared your notes, and had intended to do the speaking, but you *had* helped with the research and preparation. You've learned enough to do this correctly, if you focus.
The first few slides deal with a basic introduction of your topic, (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[explaining what an Ayar is, and how they are made.](else:)[explaining what a horse is, how ponygirls mimic those traits, and what is expected of them.] As you do so, you...
[[(Enthusiastic) Speak loudly, with enthusiasm!->Bad1]]
[[(Thoughtful) Speak calmly, with a scholarly tone.->Good1]](if: $PrezTopic is 1)[You are quite animated in your discussion of Ayar, and the slave-like state in which they serve. That seems to be keeping the attention of your classmates, but you skip over a few of $Sava's notes in your rush to describe everything you've learned, and in the back you see $Shunne making several notes. At your side, $Sava shakes her head. Perhaps you should have been more careful?](else:)[You are quite animated in your discussion of ponygirls, and the animal-like state in which they serve. That seems to be keeping the attention of your classmates, but you skip over a few of $Sava's notes in your rush to describe everything you've learned, and in the back you see $Shunne making several notes. At your side, $Sava shakes her head. Perhaps you should have been more careful?]
The next portion of your presentation drills down into a specific facet of your topic, namely (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[the effects of blooming on Ayar. Loss of their perfect memory, intense sensitivity, constant sexual desire... except for the memory thing, you cannot help but think of how it related to your time as $Violet.](else:)[the use of grueling training marches to break a pony into her position, and build stamina-- a topic you're intimately familiar with, from your time as $Violet.] As you wrap up outlining the topic, you come upon an opportunity to express your personal thoughts on such themes and treatment...
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
[[(Ambitious) Suggest that such treatment is deeply intriguing!->Bad2]]
[[(Nurturing) Suggest that such treatment can be very demanding to the subject in question.->Good2]](if: $PrezTopic is 1)[You take a calm, measured tone, and stick carefully to the notes that $Sava had prepared. Her shorthand can be hard to understand at points, but you've given yourself enough time to think things through as you describe Ayar, and the slave-like state in which they serve. You've probably helped your grade here.](else:)[You take a calm, measured tone, and stick carefully to the notes that $Sava had prepared. Her shorthand can be hard to understand at points, but you've given yourself enough time to think things through as you describe Ponygirls, and the animal-like state in which they serve. You've probably helped your grade here.]
The next portion of your presentation drills down into a specific facet of your topic, namely (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[the effects of blooming on Ayar. Loss of their perfect memory, intense sensitivity, constant sexual desire... except for the memory thing, you cannot help but think of how it related to your time as $Violet.](else:)[the use of grueling training marches to break a pony into her position, and build stamina-- a topic you're intimately familiar with, from your time as $Violet.] As you wrap up outlining the topic, you come upon an opportunity to express your personal thoughts on such themes and treatment...
(set: $Strike to it + 1)(set: $Thou to it + 1)
[[(Ambitious) Suggest that such treatment is deeply intriguing!->Bad2]]
[[(Nurturing) Suggest that such treatment can be very demanding to the subject in question.->Good2]]Thinking of your time as $Violet, you speak energetically about the tribulations of slavery as it pertains to your topic. Enough so, in fact, that several of your classmates are looking at you a bit funny. Professor $Shunne too, (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[especially when you spend a good minute on how amazing it must feel to be kept in such a sexual heat.](else:)[especially when you describe in detail how instructive whipping can be, when the submissive has no opportunity to escape.] Even masked, $Sava looks flushed beneath her mask, her hands held stiffly at her sides.
You've probably not helped your grade, here.
But soon you're pushing on, to the conclusion of your presentation-- where you focus in on the most intense and extensive expression of your topic. (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[Namely modern drell women who chose to be bloomed, and live a life of perpetual slavery.](else:)[Namely those few ponygirls who chose to commit to the complete lifestyle, living as slaves full time.] The only question is how you will present this final portion of your presentation.
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
[[Present it as a deeply personal choice, for all involved.->NurtPrez]]
[[Present it as a hypothetical state, that rationally few could find happiness in.->ThouPrez]]
[[Present it as a super intense state, and describe what's involved day to day.->EnthPrez]]
[[Present it as a calming, even beneficial state existence free of most worries.->AmbiPrez]]Thinking of your time as $Violet, you speak carefully about the tribulations of slavery as it pertains to your topic. By focusing on the individual going through the experience, you tap into the xenobiological experience even more deeply than you had perhaps intended, earning a nod of approval from Professor $Shunne-- and actual surprise from $Sava. Presumably she hadn't expected you to do this well.
Certainly this has helped your grade.
But soon you're pushing on, to the conclusion of your presentation-- where you focus in on the most intense and extensive expression of your topic. (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[Namely modern drell women who chose to be bloomed, and live a life of perpetual slavery.](else:)[Namely those few ponygirls who chose to commit to the complete lifestyle, living as slaves full time.] The only question is how you will present this final portion of your presentation.
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)(set: $Strike to it + 1)
[[Present it as a deeply personal choice, for all involved.->NurtPrez]]
[[Present it as a hypothetical state, that rationally few could find happiness in.->ThouPrez]]
[[Present it as a super intense state, and describe what's involved day to day.->EnthPrez]]
[[Present it as a calming, even beneficial state existence free of most worries.->AmbiPrez]]You speak of (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[Ayarism](else:)[lifestyle ponygirls] as a product of social pressure, adaptive culture, and trust shared between (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[both the Ayar and her Akye, or owner.](else:)[both the ponygirl and her owner.] And it seems you struck a chord among both your asari classmates, some of whom seem almost touched, and your Professor-- $Shunne is nodding constantly, even as she takes down further notes on your presentation. You seem to be wrapping your presentation up quite well!
(set: $Strike to it + 1)(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
(if: $Strike is 0)[Thus far, you fear you've done quite poorly in this presentation. Enthusiasm and zeal do not make up for a more scholarly disposition and the careful choosing of your emphasis, it seems, and it will take a miracle to recover from this.](if: $Strike is 1)[Thus far you fear you've done quite poorly in this presentation. You could had done worse, but not by much, as enthusiasm and zeal simply do not make up for a more scholarly disposition and the careful choosing of your emphasis, it seems.](if: $Strike is 2)[Thus far, you feel as if you've done alright with your presentation, balancing enthusiasm with scholarly focus. But you could be doing better.](if: $Strike > 2)[Thus far you've done very well in your presentation, approaching perfection in fact. You've balanced enthusiasm for your topic with a scholarly focus, and that will surely reflect in your grade.]
But there is one last chance to shift the scales on this presentation, you know, as you glance down at your bag hidden beneath the lectern. Unlike your classmates, you suspect, you have firsthand experience with (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[something like the state of slavery Ayar are kept in.](else:)[being a ponygirl.] On your way to class you borrowed something from $Cyn, in fact, for a little potential show and tell. The question is-- do you risk your grade to potentially improve it? And, perhaps, what are you willing to admit?
(if: $Prez is 1)[[[Show them the collar and cuffs you've brought.->ShowNTell]]](else:)[[[Show them the pony boots you've brought.->ShowNTell]]]
[[No, end your presentation here.->EndPrez]]You speak of (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[Ayarism](else:)[lifestyle ponygirls] as an experience that is so far beyond normal living as to be almost unknowable without dabbling in such things, and that few could ever truly enjoy full time. Your asari classmates seem to be rather unimpressed, but $Shunne is animated in the back, nodding sagely as you come to your final conclusion. You seem to be wrapping your presentation up quite well!
(set: $Strike to it + 1)(set: $Thou to it + 1)
(if: $Strike is 0)[Thus far, you fear you've done quite poorly in this presentation. Enthusiasm and zeal do not make up for a more scholarly disposition and the careful choosing of your emphasis, it seems, and it will take a miracle to recover from this.](if: $Strike is 1)[Thus far you fear you've done quite poorly in this presentation. You could had done worse, but not by much, as enthusiasm and zeal simply do not make up for a more scholarly disposition and the careful choosing of your emphasis, it seems.](if: $Strike is 2)[Thus far, you feel as if you've done alright with your presentation, balancing enthusiasm with scholarly focus. But you could be doing better.](if: $Strike > 2)[Thus far you've done very well in your presentation, approaching perfection in fact. You've balanced enthusiasm for your topic with a scholarly focus, and that will surely reflect in your grade.]
But there is one last chance to shift the scales on this presentation, you know, as you glance down at your bag hidden beneath the lectern. Unlike your classmates, you suspect, you have firsthand experience with (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[something like the state of slavery Ayar are kept in.](else:)[being a ponygirl.] On your way to class you borrowed something from $Cyn, in fact, for a little potential show and tell. The question is-- do you risk your grade to potentially improve it? And, perhaps, what are you willing to admit?
(if: $Prez is 1)[[[Show them the collar and cuffs you've brought.->ShowNTell]]](else:)[[[Show them the pony boots you've brought.->ShowNTell]]]
[[No, end your presentation here.->EndPrez]]You speak of (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[Ayarism](else:)[lifestyle ponygirls] as something requiring full commitment, long days, and a very submissive mindset. (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[Living without real clothing, maintaining strict protocol, and being offered communally for sex certainly are intense demands.](else:)[Long hours marching, constant maintaining of strict postures, and being taken by stallions are certainly intense demands.] Perhaps a bit *too* intense, as your descriptions slide towards the almost pornographic-- earning snide looks from your classmates, and a gesture from $Shunne to move on. This probably hasn't helped your grade.
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
(if: $Strike is 0)[Thus far, you fear you've done quite poorly in this presentation. Enthusiasm and zeal do not make up for a more scholarly disposition and the careful choosing of your emphasis, it seems, and it will take a miracle to recover from this.](if: $Strike is 1)[Thus far you fear you've done quite poorly in this presentation. You could had done worse, but not by much, as enthusiasm and zeal simply do not make up for a more scholarly disposition and the careful choosing of your emphasis, it seems.](if: $Strike is 2)[Thus far, you feel as if you've done alright with your presentation, balancing enthusiasm with scholarly focus. But you could be doing better.](if: $Strike > 2)[Thus far you've done very well in your presentation, approaching perfection in fact. You've balanced enthusiasm for your topic with a scholarly focus, and that will surely reflect in your grade.]
But there is one last chance to shift the scales on this presentation, you know, as you glance down at your bag hidden beneath the lectern. Unlike your classmates, you suspect, you have firsthand experience with (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[something like the state of slavery Ayar are kept in.](else:)[being a ponygirl.] On your way to class you borrowed something from $Cyn, in fact, for a little potential show and tell. The question is-- do you risk your grade to potentially improve it? And, perhaps, what are you willing to admit?
(if: $Prez is 1)[[[Show them the collar and cuffs you've brought.->ShowNTell]]](else:)[[[Show them the pony boots you've brought.->ShowNTell]]]
[[No, end your presentation here.->EndPrez]]You speak of (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[Ayarism](else:)[lifestyle ponygirls] as living a life free from most worldly concerns, in a certain degree of comfort, with plenty of attention. The appeal seems a bit lost on your audience however, excepting $Shunne who's eying you carefully from across the room, just before she makes a few notes on the datapad before her. This probably hasn't helped your grade.
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
(if: $Strike is 0)[Thus far, you fear you've done quite poorly in this presentation. Enthusiasm and zeal do not make up for a more scholarly disposition and the careful choosing of your emphasis, it seems, and it will take a miracle to recover from this.](if: $Strike is 1)[Thus far you fear you've done quite poorly in this presentation. You could had done worse, but not by much, as enthusiasm and zeal simply do not make up for a more scholarly disposition and the careful choosing of your emphasis, it seems.](if: $Strike is 2)[Thus far, you feel as if you've done alright with your presentation, balancing enthusiasm with scholarly focus. But you could be doing better.](if: $Strike > 2)[Thus far you've done very well in your presentation, approaching perfection in fact. You've balanced enthusiasm for your topic with a scholarly focus, and that will surely reflect in your grade.]
But there is one last chance to shift the scales on this presentation, you know, as you glance down at your bag hidden beneath the lectern. Unlike your classmates, you suspect, you have firsthand experience with (if: $PrezTopic is 1)[something like the state of slavery Ayar are kept in.](else:)[being a ponygirl.] On your way to class you borrowed something from $Cyn, in fact, for a little potential show and tell. The question is-- do you risk your grade to potentially improve it? And, perhaps, what are you willing to admit?
(if: $Prez is 1)[[[Show them the collar and cuffs you've brought.->ShowNTell]]](else:)[[[Show them the pony boots you've brought.->ShowNTell]]]
[[No, end your presentation here.->EndPrez]](if: $PrezTopic is 1)[<img alt="cuffs" src="images/reg/cuffs.jpg"/>
From your bag you pull forth a set of steel cuffs, straight from $Cyn's workshop. They're similar to the sort integrated into your pony harness, but built to be standalone, for reasons your $Mistress hadn't really explained. She had been quite glad to allow your taking them however, and the sight of the steel restraint devices instantly draws everyone's attention, including $Sava, who looks positively mortified.
You explain how they would be similar to the sort used by Ayar, but clearly your audience is asking themselves the obvious question: *why did you have those?* $Shunne doesn't provide an opportunity for it to be asked, however, as she eventually intervenes to end your presentation without a question and answer section. Nevertheless, as you put the collar and cuffs away, you have to imagine there will be certain rumors about you going forward...](else:)[<img alt="ponyboots" src="images/reg/ponyboots.png"/>
From your bag you pull forth a set of pony boots, sourced straight from $Cyn's workshop. Similar to the kind you wore as $Violet, right down to the steel horseshoes bolted to the bottom, they are different in that they're not integrated into a suit-- and built for human feet. $Cyn hadn't been very clear on *why* she had just a set, but your focus now is on explaining their use and function, in regards to ponygirl play.
Your audience is deeply interested, including $Sava who looks positively mortified, but you get the sense most of them were wondering the obvious question: *why did you have those?* $Shunne doesn't provide an opportunity for it to be asked, however, as she eventually intervenes to end your presentation without a question and answer section. Nevertheless, as you put the boots away, you have to imagine there will be certain rumors about you going forward...]
(set: $Strike to it + 1)
[[At least it helped your grade, right?->EndPrez]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
Your presentation finally ends with a round of applause from your classmates, albeit prompted by $Shunne. Afterward you move to take your seats, but its not until after class that you're approached by $Sava, a datapad ignited in her hands.
"Hey, $Name. Just got our results back from the Professor. For the presentation, I mean. And I was able to get my mask to stop scrambling letters, so I can actually *read* it. Ahem." She looks down at datapad in question. (if: $Strike > 3)[She gave us an A+! A perfect score, plus a bit of extra credit! I'll be honest, $Name, I didn't really think you were going to be able to do as well as I would have... but, well, you did.](else-if: $Strike is 3)[She gave us an A! A perfect score. I'll be honest, $Name, I didn't really think you would get close to what I would have been able to get us, but you did. I still would have gotten us some extra-credit, though. Somewhere.](else-if: $Strike is 2)[She gave us a B. That's... well for most people that's pretty good, but I just know if I had been able to do the presentation we would have gotten an A. You said some, uh, *things* up there that made it a bit weird.](else:)[She gave us a C. I can't believe you, $Name, you should have done better! I certainly would have, if I had been able to read my notes! This might be good enough for you, but its definitely not good for me!]"
Your fellow quarian pauses, adjusting her hood just a bit before clutching the datapad to her chest. "I guess... well, it won't matter too much on our overall grade, though. Lots of other chances to make up points, or... lose them, if that's your thing. But I did want to, you know... *thank* you for stepping up when I needed it. (if: $Strike < 3)[Even if it didn't go as well as I would have liked.](else:)[It went better than expected, as I said.] But that doesn't mean I owe you anything!"
$Sava crosses her arms, turning away. Yet she hesitates, before eventually tossing a look over her shoulder. "I'm going to suggest to $Cyn that you try out the Illiteracy Mode, when you're... you know, $Violet. So don't say I don't do nice things for you!"
(border-color: white)+(border: "dashed")[**Illiteracy Mode Training Unlocked:** preparation for enforced illiteracy will be available the next time you access your weekly planner.]
(set: $BlueTimer to it + 1)(set: $InnyLitOff to 1)
(border-color: blue)+(border: "dashed")[**Sava's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "And with that, you go about your day...", "HangBetween")(if: $RoomLight is 0)[<img alt="baseroom" src="images/land/baseroom.png"/>
Auburn light filters in from overhead recessions, and the rim-lighting that lined your bed and desk. Their quiet hum and ship-rated coloration remind you of home, where aboard the $LName silence was a danger-- meaning a filter or air circulator had failed.](else-if: $RoomLight is 1)[<img alt="purproom" src="images/land/purproom.png"/>
Soft (color: purple)[purple] light filters in from overhead recessions, and the rim-lighting that lined your bed and desk. There can be no mistaking the room as something beyond mere quarian standards now, as such abnormal lighting aboard the $LName would never have passed inspection. And, of course, looking out across the room it almost made you feel as if you were peering out from the faceless mask of $Violet...](else:)[BROKEN BROKEN]
(set: $RoomTotal to $WallArt + $PlantArt + $DeskArt + $DeskItem + $CornerMount + $RoomLight)(if: $RoomTotal > 9)[Your room is filled with undeniably fetish-based decor, a stark reminder of your growing submission, and a subtle rejection of your comparably stolid life as a student. Anyone who stepped in here would know, rather quickly, (color: purple)[just what you are].](else-if: $RoomTotal > 4)[Several pieces of fetish-like decoration adorn your room, shots of exciting allure in a space otherwise very similar to what you once had on the Fleet. It may take a moment, but visitors may question just what sort of pastimes you have.](else:)[Your room is very much that of a student's, and similar to what you had on the Fleet, if quite a bit larger. Your weekend activites as $Violet are hard to discern, for those not in the know.]
Your room is (if: $Nurt > $Ambi or $Thou > $Enth)[tidy and clean](else:)[rather messy], as you look around. (if: $Slice is 2)[$Cyn would be waiting in her apartment, but she had indicated you could take your time, as the others were still arriving as well. Whenever you desired, you could leave through the door to go meet her. Until then, however, there is much of interest in your room.](else:)[]
(if: $Slice > 2)[(color: red)[It has been awhile since you poked about your room-- things have likely changed!]](else:)[There is no rush.]
[[Check the light controls near the door.->LightControl]]
[[Approach your desk.->RoomDesk]]
[[Approach the mirror on the wall.->RoomMirror]]
[[Check out the Datacards on a shelf near your bed.->DataCards]]
[[Look inside the mini-fridge.->Minifridge]]
[[Examine the space above your bed.->WallArt]]
[[Approach your plant, and Clipper.->PlantClipper]]
(if: $Slice is 2)[[[Leave your room, go meet Cyn.->LeavetoCyn]]](else-if: $Slice is 3)[(link-goto: "You've waited long enough-- go find Cyn!", "Day4PostRoom")](else-if: $Slice is 4)[(link-goto: "Enough dawdling, time to get Winter Break started!", "Day5Start")](else:)[BROKEN REPORT ME BROKEN]<img alt="datacard" src="images/reg/datacard.png"/>
You approach the set of datacards placed upon your nightstand. Thumb-sized and white, they're each labeled by the somewhat messy hand of your $Mistress. And she had used, of course, a purple pen to do it:
(color: purple)[PONY TWEAK MK3.1
You could never suggest $Cyn wasn't committed to her role, or theming, or the efficacy of her work-- by slotting the programs into your mask, they instituted a timed override, locking you out of sensory controls as a stim sequence began. Like any modern quarian woman your suit is positively full of stim nodules, and $Cyn's custom-built model had only quadrupled their count. It truly felt like there were hands, or other *things* upon you when the program started.
That made their sudden withdrawal all the more frustrating, for these datacards were part of your training-- and thus were intended to keep you on edge. They helped acclimate you to the sensation of being frequently aroused, embarrassing as that was to consider, but thankfully after they ran their course you could always dial up a more generic stim sequence to finish yourself off. That was not, of course, possible when in your slave suit... and that's what made it so much fun, didn't it? (if: $YellowTimer > 0)[
Nearby also rests a small handheld VR console, given to you by $Cinni after hanging out with her. Capable of playing a handful of different downloaded games, it has a slot for datacards.
[[Slot in one of the Edgeplay cards.->Edgecards]]]
(if: $YellowTimer > 100)[[[Slot in Gardens of Ayar->AyarGame]]
[[Slot in Athame's Strict Embrace->NunGame]]
[[Slot in Maid to Serve->MaidGame]]
[[Put the cards down.->RoomHub]]You open up the small fridge that served the dual uses of bedside table and food storage device. Bright white light from within momentarily blinds you, even with your mask polarizing to compensate, but you recover with a few quick blinks and look inside.
(if: $RedTimer > 0)[Several vials are situated in rows, snacks you had prepared with $Shunne, as part of your time together.](else:)[Several vials are situated in rows, snacks that $Shunne had prepared for you.] (if: $Feeder is true)[Unfortunately, given the strict diet you're now maintaining, they all hold the same, rather unappetizing thing: slave feed. The thick white "meals" are labeled with "$Violet" around each cap.](else:)[They contain a variety of different plant and meat based protein mixes, in all your favorite flavors. Each is also labeled with "$Name" around each cap.]
Otherwise the space is filled with several water bottles, hermetically sealed and fitted with induction port fittings to allow ease of use, even masked as you are.
[[Interesting. Step away.->RoomHub]]<img alt="cinniapart" src="images/land/cinniapart.png"/>
Concluding your time in your room, you open the door and step out into the general area you shared with $Cinni. The apartment is quiet, for once, your roommate undoubtedly having already crossed the hall to $Cyn's place. You move to do the same, striding across the hardwood floor to open what constituted the apartment's "front door".
If desired the whole place could be made into a clean room, and thus you're confronted with a small antechamber-- the airlock. Opening up your omnitool, you need only quickly cycle it to exit into the hall beyond.
[[Do it.->CycleAirlock]]<img alt="screensaver" src="images/reg/screensaver.gif"/>
You pull up your daily Extranet Feeds, the data streaming in. Hyetiana was a bit further out on the comm buoy networks than most, meaning any news from the more populated sectors of space would be about a day old, unless of course you had the credits to pay for priority transfer-- and you certainly do *not* have the sort of money lying around. Nevertheless, you settle in to see what's going on out there.
[[Open FEED A321, LOCAL->LocalFeed]]
[[Open FEED F821, SECTOR->SectorFeed]]
[[Open Feed X997, SPECIAL->SpecialFeed]]
[[Close out the feeds.->RoomDesk]]=><=
(font: "courier new")[**+++Stable Server+++**
Version: 144.9b (Crayola)
Currently Synced: (colour: grey)[S]/(colour: blue)[B]/(colour: red)[R]/(colour: yellow)[Y]/(colour: purple)[V]/(colour: green)[J]/(colour: red + white)[O]
[[Owner Login->Login]]
[[Slave Login->SLogin]]]
[[Exit->RoomDesk]]Your textbooks, half of them merely single-use datapads dedicated to holding rented titles from the University's library, are roughly stacked at the corner of your desk. They are too many, and too heavy, to keep in your bag all day, so you swap them out whenever possible. Leaning in, you glance at what's available.
(if: $Major is 1)[A smattering of different subjects, covering your general education studies. As a Track Scholarship student you're not faced with particularly difficult studies, and your Major is more a general asari education than anything in particular. That extra time explained the spreadsheet projected on the topmost datapad, however, tracking your sprint and endurance times. Given your *extracurricular* practice, you note a continual grade of improvement thus far on that front.](if: $Major is 2)[Biology, Medicine, Physiology-- you're in the Medicinal program, and the various thick textbooks make that clear at first glance. There are so many you haven't even cracked yet, but you're sure they will be used eventually. Your course of study is not easy.](if: $Major is 3)[A smattering of different subjects, covering your general education studies. As an undeclared major you're focused on covering the basics first, although Asari scholarship did allow for graduation with a general-studies degree, marking their culture's appreciation knowledge overall. Nevertheless, flipping through a few of the books, you find your doodles along the margins indicating you had plenty of free time during classes.](if: $Major is 4)[Each and every book is focused upon a major facet of xenobiology, be it individual species studies or more generalized treatises on specific trends or traits. $Shunne has provided you with several extra books from her personal library as well, her full name printed carefully on the inside cover of each. You notice she used (color: red)[red] ink.]
[[Step back.->RoomDesk]]**FEED A321, LOCAL**
(if: $Slice is 2)[*Good Evening, students and faculty. This is the University Newsroom, with your daily report prepared by Caese.
The weekend is upon us, with University buildings staying open throughout. Faculty asks that all students remember that their activities at local bars and drinking establishments reflect upon the greater community. Classes will resume on Monday. Light snowfall is expected for much of the Weekend, as a slow-moving storm system remains parked across the Port. Watch out for ice accumulation!*
It seems to be a pretty straightforward local news report. Not much, apparently, is going on.](if: $Slice is 3)[*Good day, students and faculty. This is the University Newsroom, with your daily report prepared by Caese.
As part of our ongoing series on local businesses and their impact on the University, today I have the pleasure of profiling Sauveterre Design and Dive, a store along the Port's main strip dedicated to-- among* **other** *things-- supplying much of the underwater gear used by our Biology, Hydrology, and Engineering programs. Its namesake and owner, (color: green)[Cyn Sauveterre], also provides suit services for our small Quarian population-- including the author of this very article! Those interested in doing a bit of diving should definitely check the place out, and if any of my fellow Quarians are reading this, I suggest inquiring about the special services available.*
Just how much did this Caese know about $Cyn's other interests...?](if: $Slice is 4)[*Good day, students and faculty. This is the University Newsroom, with your daily report prepared by Caese.
In all likelihood this will be the least read news update of the season-- a large majority of students will have already left the planet, with Winter Break's arrival. For those remaining, the human holiday of Christmas aligns with our month off, and a cross-cultural celebration will be held in Aleya Hall to celebrate!
Otherwise, this reporter suggests taking it easy. Enjoy the time off. Try to back off the constant march towards our futures-- you won't get there all that much faster, even at a constant gallop.*
Strange terminology...]
[[Go back.->Extranet]]**FEED F821, SECTOR**
(if: $Slice is 2)[*Citadel News Network Headline: Merger imminent!
Vorane Heavy Industries (VHI) has announced acquisition plans for Kashigari Steel and Electric (KSAI) just prior to the beginning of trading hours Friday, leading to a 20% jump in VHI's stock values prior to opening. With this acquisition, Vorane Heavy Industries becomes the largest privately owned space-grade steel manufacturer in asari space. Helmed by the ambitious and reclusive Ashletta Vorane, VHI is on track for its 35th year of consecutive growth in gross and profits. In anticipation of regulatory concerns from Human reprentatives, Vorane has announced plans to spend time on the Citadel, marking a rare period of public availability for the Matriarch.*
As always, galactic news seems focused on the economy. That name, *Vorane*, almost sounds familiar though...](if: $Slice is 3)[*Citadel News Network Headline: *Commander Shepard, First Human Spectre, Declares Geth Incursion "Largely Settled"
As part of the Council's commitment to ensuring the safety of trading vessels in the systems that saw limited fighting just prior to the attack on the Citadel, Human Spectre Shepard has previously been reported as tasked with cleaning up the remnant forces left along the path of incursion. New reports of three missing vessels along the Rim point towards an impending deployment into that area, but once again Shepard has suggested this important work to be largely meaningless in the face of other-- substantiated-- threats.*
You seem to recall Shepard being some sort of hero during that skirmish at the Citadel, but the details allude you. Surely nothing will come of such trivial things.](if: $Slice is 4)[*Citadel News Network Headline:* Cultural Rights Exemption Act expanded once again
*The Cultural Rights Exemption Act (CREA), a sometimes controversial piece of legislation, has been expanded with a further six provisional designations and licenses. Originally passed upon the Turian Hierarchy's joining of the Council to exempt certain turian citizenship tiers from the full rights provided for in Asari and Salarian law, additional exemptions have been occasionally amended into the Act, such as providing for drell cultural provisions related to females of their species recognized as "Ayar". This most recent expansion allows for the first fully voluntary resignation of personal rights, with extensive sections devoted to ensuring the process is demonstrably consensual, not done for financial reasons, and otherwise incapable of being utilized in abusive manners.*
*Critics have suggested the expanded slavery allows for legal slavery, but the Act's supporters have argued that certain lifestyles and religious practices require extraordinary means to maintain legality.*]
[[Go back.->Extranet]]**FEED X997, SPECIAL**
(if: $Slice is 2)[*Empty.*
Reserved for special communiques issued from the Migrant Fleet towards yourself, or other pilgrims in general, this feed is-- as usual-- empty. With how frequently your people moved about the fringes of the galaxy it was not uncommon for them to be generally off-network for weeks at a time, and even then events rarely rose to a necessity to contact those quarians abroad.](if: $Slice is 3)[*NEW MESSAGE FROM: $LName, MIGRANT FLEET, Xelfurr System-- Light Delayed*
*Hi, $Name!
Mom (and Dad) here. I really wish we could get in contact more often, but the Fleet is doing its yearly high speed run through more settled space, and well-- you know how it is. No one likes for us to linger, and that means limited access to Comm Buoys.
I'm heartened to hear your time at University thus far has been going well, and that you're enjoying living with your sponsor. $Cyn seems to be a kind woman, and the presence of other Quarians there truly does put my mind at ease. I hope your studies continue to go well, and that you're keeping an eye out for something of value for the Fleet! Your education comes first, but your Pilgrimage does require you find something of value. You can do it!
I've got to cut this message short though. Limited bandwidth. Maybe next time we can get a Live session going. Until then, be well, and stay safe.
~Mom and Dad*
A letter from home. Could you ever explain to them what you did, as $Violet?](if: $Slice is 4)[*NEW MESSAGE FROM: MIGRANT FLEET, Albatross System-- Light Delayed*
$Name $LName,
*This is an automated message from the Conclave Pilgrimage Committee. You are currently recorded as a pilgrim from the Fleet in good standing, and we hope your efforts abroad are going well. This message is intended to serve as a reminder that the Committee provides a variety of limited services to pilgrims abroad, which can be accessed by replying to this message.
Extensive assistance inside Council Space is unlikely, given the Migrant Fleet's lack of recognized diplomatic representation.
Keelah Se'lai*]
[[Go back.->Extranet]](set: $Pass to (prompt: "ENTER PASSWORD:", ""))
(font: "courier new")[(if: $Pass is "MYTOYS")[PASSWORD ACCEPTED
(colour: grey)[SILVER]: Ready
(colour: blue)[BLUE]: Ready
(colour: red)[RED]: Ready
(colour: yellow)[YELLOW]: Ready
(colour: purple)[VIOLET]: Ready
(colour: green)[JADE]: Out of Service
(colour: red + white)[ONYX]: (if: $Slice > 3)[Ready](else:)[Out of Range]
[[Click BEGIN->CynLog2]]
[[Log back out.->StableServer]]
*Logging you out...*]](set: $Pass to (prompt: "WHAT ARE YOU CALLED, SLUT?:", ""))
(if: $Pass is "VIOLET")[(font: "courier new")[PASSWORD ACCEPTED
**Logging in Ponyslave: (colour: purple)[VIOLET]**
{(live: 1s)[
(either: "Loading Suit Settings...", "Loading Training Variables... ", "Initializing Suit Monitors...", "Remember Your Posture!...", "Checking Chronometers...", "Logging Your Access...", "Daily Check-In Logged...", "Remember You're MINE...", "Good Girl...")
]](else:)[(font: "courier new")[LOGIN FAILED. REMEMBER YOUR (colour: purple)[NAME].
[[GO BACK->StableServer]]
]](font: "courier new")[(if: $Slice is 2)[**Message 1 (Unread):** *Hey, $Violet. Hope you're getting used to this stable interface. You're not allowed access to it while in your full slave suit because I don't want you distracted, but I think its important to have this while living your day to day. Its important to remember you're a slave, even if you're not marching for me. Speaking of your marching, you've done quite well over the last few sessions. Your periods of resistance are becoming more infrequent. How long until you're a fully broken ponyslave? :)*
**Message 2 (Unread):** *I can't wait to see what sort of pony you will become. A Racer? Show pony? Perhaps a breeder? Only time will tell.*](if: $Slice is 3)[**Message 1 (Unread):** *Hey, $Violet. Hopefully your little appointment last week with me, and my measuring plug, wasn't too embarrassing. Given your training, its important that I regularly adjust your plug sizes, to ensure a proper fit and challenge for you. And this next update will be of particular importance. Remember, your holes are mine to use... or give away... as desired. :3*
**Message 2 (Unread):** *As a warning, we may need to shorten your time in the harness this weekend. We will be hosting a guest for the foreseeable future, and she requires quite a bit of... maintenance. No worries, though. Maybe next time we'll talk about mandating slavery for you every weekend? Hehe.*](if: $Slice is 4)[**Message 1 (Unread):** *Hey, $Violet. Hope you're ready for the long haul-- I promise this Winter Break will be one you remember forever. I'd recommend just a bit of stretching before you come meet me, and perhaps a good meal. (if: $Feeder is true)[Or I would, I suppose, if you weren't already on slave feed. One less thing to adapt to, heh.](else:)[A few weeks of slave feed will really make you appreciate $Shunne's cooking.]*]
--xoxo, Your $Mistress
[[Return to Root->LogHome]]](font: "courier new")[**(colour: purple)[VIOLET] PROGRAM STATUS:**
**Piercings:** *(if: $Piercing is 0)[no piercings have been applied to the slave.](if: $Piercing is 1)[Nipple and tongue piercings have been applied to the slave, and a full integration suite with her suit has been initialized. Shock and Pleasure modes are authorized for use.](if: $Piercing is 2)[Full set of piercings have been applied to the slave, including those at clit and septum. Daily wearing is mandatory. Integration of clit ring with vaginal stimulation suite has been initialized. Complete reward and torture modes are now enabled. She will be used as her $Mistress sees fit.]*
**Body Progression:** *(if: $BodyProg is 0)[initial body proportions are currently indicated.](if: $BodyProg is 1)[Full body sculpting via diet and exercise has proven to be successful upon the slave. She now meets initial proportional targets, and is demonstrating increased sensuality as a result.](if: $BodyProg is 2)[total body progression has been completed. Besides bust, rear, waist, and thigh adjustments, a full thigh gap has been cultivated, and the slave's gag reflex has been suppressed. Aesthetically the slave is at her visual best.]*
**Illiteracy Program:** *(if: $LitOff is false)[the slave is capable of reading.](else:)[the slave is demonstrably illiterate, and is no longer capable of reading. Excepting internal UI interfaces, she must be given visual indicators or instructed by voice, as she is otherwise much like an animal in intelligence and capability.]*
**Full Time Riser Program:** (if: $Risers is false)[the slave is allowed to choose her own footwear outside the harness.](else:)[the slave is required to wear high heels, in the form of lock-on risers, at all times. This ensures peak flexibility and stability while in her pony boots, and requires the slave to present herself properly at all times.]
**Diet Regulation:** *(if: $Feeder is false)[the slave is allowed to choose her own food outside of the harness, within standard dietary assumptions.](else:)[the slave is no longer allowed to eat food intended for people, and is required to consume only preformulated Slave Feed. All food most be consumed with oral inducement.]*
**Breast Stimulation:** *(if: $Breast is false)[the slave is not a part of this program.](else:)[the slave's suit has been fitted with breast stimulation nodules within both breast cups. This ensures intense sensuality when touched, and makes the slave extremely compliant when struck or teased via the breasts.]*
[[Return to Root->LogHome]]]=><=
(font: "courier new")[*Choose pony profile to enter:*
(color: grey)[[[Silver->Silver]]] - (color: blue)[[[Blue->Blue]]] - (color: red)[[[Red->Red]]] - (color: yellow)[[[Yellow->Yellow]]] - (color: purple)[[[Violet->Violet]]] - [[DISABLED]] - (if: $Slice < 4)[[[DISABLED->DISABLED]]](else:)[(colour: red + white)[[[Onyx->Onyx]]]]
[[Return to root->LogHome]]](font: "courier new")[**(colour: purple)[VIOLET SLAVE STATUS]**
**Current Status:** Out of Harness
**Assigned Quarters:**
-- Stable Cell, Locked, Unoccupied
-- Yard Cage, Locked, Unoccupied
**Assigned Integrated Systems:**
-- Treadmill, Off, Unoccupied
-- Breeding Circle, Unlocked, Unoccupied
-- Feeding Stockade, Unlocked, Unoccupied
[[Return to Root->LogHome]]](font: "courier new")[<h3>**SILVER**</h3>
Jino'Laelin vas Kahje
Species: Quarian
Age: 24 Sol Standard
Natural Height: 6'1"
Pony Boot Height: 6'8"
Weight: 130
Role: Lead
Disposition: Solitary
Fertility: Average-High
Build: Athletic
Bust: Average
Hips: Full
Gap: Formed
Strength: |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|-|-| (8)
Flexibility: |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|-|-|-| (7)
Willpower: |X|X|X|X|-|-|-|-|-|-| (4)
Sensuality: |X|X|X|X|X|X|-|-|-|-| (6)
Cleverness: |X|-|-|-|-| (1)
Exhaustion Threshold: $Exhaust
Discomfort Threshold: $Discomfort
Physical Notes: *Extensive training over the last five years have rendered Silver into an attractive, very capable pony. She is well accustomed to her uniform, and has committed to a long term diet to further improve upon her physicality. Average breasts, but with impressive hips and thighs, including a well-cultivated thigh gap.*
Mental Notes: *My Silver is as committed as she can be stubborn, an intriguing paradox that nevertheless blends well with her extremely submissive personality. She is most comfortable under heavy restraint, and both pleasure and pain modules should be used frequently to keep her attention. Does not particularly like her stallion, but submits to it readily.*
[[Return.->Check Stable Profiles]]](font: "courier new")[(colour: blue)[<h3>**BLUE**</h3>]
Sava’Rulsa nar Tavolanus
Species: Quarian
Age: 18 Sol Standard
Natural Height: 5'7"
Pony Height: 6'2"
Weight: 110
Role: Show Pony
Disposition: Bratty
Fertility: High
Build: Average
Bust: Needs Improvement
Hips: Average
Gap: Formed
Strength: |X|X|X|X|-|-|-|-|-|-| (4)
Flexibility: |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|-|-| (8)
Willpower: |X|X|X|X|X|-|-|-|-|-| (5)
Sensuality: |X|X|X|X|X|X|-|-|-|-| (6)
Cleverness: |X|X|X|X|-| (4)
Physical Notes: *Small and somewhat weak, Blue offsets these shortcomings with her considerable dexterity and demonstrable cleverness. While she is now the third-to-last of my acquired girls, Red has already overtaken her in most programs. Progress here is slow, but the ceiling is much higher.*
Mental Notes: *My Blue believes herself resistant to submission, but in truth it is a rare failing of her rational nature-- she enjoys being at the center of attention, even if that requires heavy bondage and strict handling. Pointedly does not enjoy her stallion, but I suspect several more months of training will break her of this-- that she has a greedy cunt makes it easier.*
[[Return.->Check Stable Profiles]]](font: "courier new")[(colour: red)[<h3>**RED**</h3>]
Shunne’Yara vas Xemzlanu
Species: Quarian
Age: 36 Sol Standard
Natural Height: 5'10"
Pony Height: 6'5"
Weight: 135
Role: Second
Disposition: Maternal
Fertility: High
Build: Curvy
Bust: Full
Hips: Full
Gap: Formed
Strength: |X|X|X|X|X|X|-|-|-|-| (6)
Flexibility: |X|X|X|X|-|-|-|-|-|-| (4)
Willpower: |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|-|-|-| (7)
Sensuality: |X|X|X|X|X|-|-|-|-|-| (5)
Cleverness:|X|X|X|-|-| (3)
Physical Notes: *Red has a maternal figure, voluptuous and well formed. Her age has reduced her flexibility somewhat, but she takes immediately to her uniform and always fights to manage just as readily as her fellow (and younger) ponyslaves.*
Mental Notes: *My Red often needs additional restraint to prevent her worrying overmuch about other slaves serving beside her, an adorable trait, but once properly locked in with a stallion pumping inside her pussy she works well. Should be noted as particularly enjoying her stallion.*
[[Return.->Check Stable Profiles]]](font: "courier new")[(colour: yellow)[<h3>**YELLOW**</h3>]
Cinni’Sheena nar Khar’Shan
Species: Quarian
Age: 20 Sol Standard
Natural Height: 5'8"
Pony Height: 6'3"
Weight: 115
Role: Race Pony
Disposition: Enthusiastic
Fertility: Average
Build: Average
Bust: Average
Hips: Average
Gap: Formed
Strength: |X|X|X|X|X|X|-|-|-|-| (6)
Flexibility: |X|X|X|X|X|X|-|-|-|-| (6)
Willpower: |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|-|-| (8)
Sensuality: |X|X|X|X|-|-|-|-|-|-| (4)
Cleverness: |X|-|-|-|-| (1)
Physical Notes: *The baseline against which I measure my other girls, Yellow is well formed and trained-- her measurements and capabilities having been improved several times since entering into service. Instruction and punishment via physical means are particularly effective.*
Mental Notes: *My Yellow's enthusiasm for bondage remains her defining trait, and that resolve to serve helps most every performance. That exuberance does make her rather unaware of herself at times however, and her wanton slutiness should be noted.*
[[Return.->Check Stable Profiles]]](font: "courier new")[(colour: purple)[<h3>**VIOLET**</h3>]
$Name $LName
Species: Quarian
Age: 21 Sol Standard
Natural Height: 5'8"
Pony Height: 6'3"
Weight: 120
Role: Training Pony
Disposition: (if: $Enth > $Thou and $Nurt and $Ambi)[Enthusiastic](if: $Thou > $Enth and $Nurt and $Ambi)[Thoughtful](if: $Nurt > $Thou and $Enth and $Ambi)[Nurturing](if: $Ambi > $Thou and $Nurt and $Enth)[Ambitious]
Fertility: High
Build: Average
Bust: (if: $BodyProg > 0)[Full (Improved)](else:)[Small]
Waist: (if: $BodyProg > 0)[Tight (Improved)](else:)[Acceptable]
Hips: (if: $BodyProg > 0)[Wide (Improved)](else:)[Accceptable]
Gap: (if: $BodyProg > 1)[Formed](else-if: $BodyProg > 0)[Semi-Formed](else:)[N/A]
Physical Notes: (if: $Slice > 1)[*My newest addition, and a work in progress, I have high hopes for Violet. Tuning her body for sensuality and slavery remain top concerns, and will require working her hard. Frequent application of the lash seems to produce acceptable results with her.*]
Mental Notes: (if: $Slice > 1)[*A natural submissive and sexual deviant, Violet has taken well to her initial period within the stable, and I am looking forward to her continued progress. Enforcing greater levels of submission in preparation for the more aggressive training programs is a priority, and getting her prepared for long term stays in the harness should yield positive results.*]
[[Return.->Check Stable Profiles]]](font: "courier new")[ERROR ERROR ERROR]
[[Return.->Check Stable Profiles]](font: "courier new")[(colour: grey)[<h3>**ONYX**</h3>]
Name N/A
Species: Quarian
Age: 28 Sol Standard
Natural Height: 6'4"
Pony Height: 6'11"
Weight: 170
Role: Lifestyle Ponybitch
Disposition: Fully Submissive
Fertility: High
Build: Curvy
Bust: Full
Hips: Full
Gap: Formed
Strength: |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|-| (9)
Flexibility: |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|-| (9)
Willpower: |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|-| (9)
Sensuality: |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|-| (9)
Cleverness: |X|-|-|-|-| (1)
Physical Notes: *Onyx is a perfect physical specimen, tall and healthy, while extremely strong. As a full-time lifestyle slave for the past seven years she has unmatched experience in the harness, and has been sculpted into a creature of pleasure and service unmatched. Her near-constant time in full regalia does risk atrophy of her arms however, and so long in her pony boots had made flat-soled shoes uncomfortable to her.*
Mental Notes: *Onyx is an anomaly, and the most submissive person I have ever met. She sees herself as an animal, first and foremost, and truly does thrive in her role as a permanent and continual slave. While generally cool and calm while harnessed, if ever released from her bondage she shows extreme levels of anxiety, and generally refuses to talk with anyone beside her owner and myself. She is entirely happy to serve her Mistress as a pony and slave, forever.*
[[Return.->Check Stable Profiles]]](font: "courier new")[(colour: green)[<h3>**JADE**</h3>]
Cyn Sauveterre
Species: Human
Age: 26 Sol Standard
Natural Height: 5'6"
Pony Height: 6'1"
Weight: 120
Role: Switch Pony
Disposition: Strict
Fertility: Average-High
Build: Average
Bust: Average
Hips: Average
Gap: Formed
Strength: |X|X|X|X|X|-|-|-|-|-| (5)
Flexibility: |X|X|X|X|X|X|-|-|-|-| (6)
Willpower: |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|-|-| (8)
Sensuality: |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|-|-|-| (7)
Cleverness: |X|X|X|-|-| (3)
Physical Notes: *Her physical attributes have the capacity for improvement, but lack of time in the harness remains the hard limit for such considerations. She remains however well built, with a carefully cultivated thigh gap to match her more widely-hipped quarian counterparts. It should also be noted that she remains extremely susceptible to direct stimulation via the clit.*
Mental Notes: *Jade requires some conditioning via hard labor to remind her of the strictures of service, but once achieved demonstrates a considerable submissive streak. Her experience in living the total lifestyle experience for sometime continues to influence her while serving.*
[[Return.->Check Stable Profiles]]]You lean in, glance quickly at your room's door to ensure you were alone, and tap your omnitool. The transitive filter built into your mask shifts, the smoky semi-opaqueness giving way to a crystal-clear, if slightly (colour: purple)[purple]-tinted, visor. Beneath it you see yourself, your real self, the face you hid from the world-- as all quarians did, except among close family. It isn't exactly remarkable, extremely pale skin with a few sparse black markings. Your eyes are a milky white, but that again was rather standard, and with so much light now hitting your entire face the glow-effect is much reduced. Your hair, actually rather long, is barely visible, if only because your helmet still obscured most of it. Nevertheless you know it to be tightly wrapped at the back of your head, and black in color.
(if: $Piercing is 2)[The singular thing that stands out, however, is the ring hanging down from your nose. A septum piercing, a great taboo among your people, and a mark of slavery in $Cyn's stable. All her girls had one, yourself now included, and you lack the means of removing it. Even now, outside your slave suit, you are still marked, the weight of it shifting ever so slightly with each step reminding you of your submission. $Cyn owned you, and like an animal, she has marked you accordingly.](else-if: $Piercing is 1)[Opening your mouth, you briefly display your tongue, and the metal piercing it. Your tongue piercing was a mark of service, and integrated with your bit gag, making it all the more intense-- but at least it was hidden, unobservable even now, with your mask transparent.](else:)[Altogether, a mostly unremarkable face.]
[[Reengage your transparency and lean back.->RoomMirror]]With some curiosity, you look to the sticky note nearby on your desk. It reads:
*Remember, password is ALL CAPITALS.*
Then you reach over, activating a program $Sava had helped you install. It takes a moment for it to engage, and for a moment your mask's UI flickers, but when it returns you look at the sticky note again, and find it changed:
*Asee,pmo.ireTrIawbCARLL PSAmdLss*
Remarkable, and a bit terrifying, as you glance about your room. *Every* bit of visible text is likewise transformed, as if printed in some bizarre language, one you cannot understand. You have been rendered illiterate, incapable of reading... much like a beast of burden, mere livestock... like a pony.
The effect lasts only for ten seconds, a testing feature, but you know it would be permanently engaged in your slave suit. There is no magic to it beside a VI altering any words visible through your mask, scrambling the letters to the point of illegibility, but it still felt like it sometimes. Even when locked into your suit as $Violet you used to be able to *read*, but such a simple thing had been stripped of you with a bit of clever coding on $Cyn's part.
[[Remarkable.->RoomMirror]]None of your fellow quarians, or $Cyn for that matter, would dare enter your room without knocking, but you look to the door regardless-- making sure the coast was clear. Then you reach down, and explore yourself. Just a bit.
Your everyday suit is a far cry from the sensual delights of your slave suit, without the glossy frictionless exterior, the plugs, or the restraints. But you can still earn (if: $BodyProg > 0)[quite a bit of sensation from your heavy breasts, the effort made to fill you out paying dividends.](else:)[a bit of pleasure from your own breasts, tweaking and teasing them.] (if: $Piercing > 0)[Especially with your pierced nipples, the metal studs marking each of your breasts enforcing a higher base sensitivity then you had ever thought possible before.](else:)[It would probably feel even better if you were pierced, as the other girls were. But you're not, and while running a suited thumb around your breast sends a shiver down your back, that's all you can manage.]
Going any further, however, just isn't in the cards. You don't have the time... and you're not sure if $Cyn would approve. She didn't put restrictions like that on your personal time, but she had given you those training stimulation programs, and *did* generally deny you greater pleasures as $Violet. Best not to push it, for now.
[[Return your attention to the mirror.->RoomMirror]]Sliding open the door nearby, you open your closet. It is not, however, as most any other species may have kept it. They would have shirts and pants inside, no doubt-- all the different outfits they wore. You however are always suited, and owned only a handful of different body wraps to ornament it. Two of them hang from hangers, rather forlornly, but there isn't anything else of notice right now.
Nor is your slave suit stored there. $Cyn was quite strict in preventing you from accessing it without her supervision and permission. Partially it was a measure of control, something about keeping your role as $Violet and your life as $Name separate, but it was also a safety precaution-- your other suit was simply far too intense to ever risk something like self-bondage. (if: $SilverTimer > 0)[
Tucked in the corner there are also the flippers and dive tank that $Jino had gifted you, during your time together. Per her warning to *not lose that*, you've made sure to store them somewhere safe.]
[[Safety and consent are important.->RoomMirror]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
Any concerns about $Cinni's wellbeing are put away as the young quarian emerges from your shared kitchen, several brightly colored vials held between her fingers. Half walking, half skipping to where you're seated upon the living room sofa, she settles in beside you, beaming through the sunshine (colour: yellow)[yellow] of her mask.
"Here we are! *Gaming fuel!* Or, well," she taps one of the vials in question. "Just some of $Red's cooking, the dessert tubes, that I spiced up. With sugar. Not a lot though, don't worry."
A pause, as she glances around. "Okay, don't tell her, but I added a BUNCH. She never makes things sweet enough."
(if: $Feeder is true)["Oh wait, you're on the feed program, aren't you!? Aww. Sometimes I forget stuff like that. I'm sorry. But, also, you can't have any, you know? $Mistress would be mad."](else:)[She hands you a violently pink one. "That one is gaozberry!"]
Just as quickly as she had sat down, the quarian rises, plucking two plastic devices from a space below the room's vidscreen. Returning to you, she places it in your hands. Three joysticks, a cacophony of buttons, and several slider-like devices on the back? It was a Net Controller, of course.
"Ready to start, $Violet?"
[["You're using my pony name, Cinni."->CheckName]]
[["Yep!"->StartGame]]"Huh? Oh." She looks down, and you sense a blush in her body language, but she comes back up with her usual zeal. "Sorry! I know I'm not supposed to do that, $Mistress-- I mean $Cyn, keeps telling me that. Its just how I think of you, I guess. (if: $Slice is 1)[I know you haven't been fully suited yet, but its easy enough to imagine.](else:)[I've seen you suited up, after all.]"
It was a bit strange to know that someone else was thinking of you as a bound and gagged ponygirl, before she ever remembered that you were a sapient being, but it passes as $Cinni pushes onward.
"Anyway... you wanted to hang out, right? I thought we could play Sunshine Country, have you ever heard of it? Its like... you start as this person, or two people, on this island. You have a deed to a farm, and its up to you to develop however you want! Humans made it, so it has all their sorts of animals, but I still think its really neat. Do you play lots of games?"
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
[["Not really."->NoGames]]
[["I do play a bit."->MidGames]]
[["I love to play games!"->LoveGames]]It was a bit strange to know that someone else was thinking of you as a bound and gagged ponygirl, before she ever remembered that you were a sapient being. (if: $Slice is 1)[Especially when you had yet to suit up, truly.](else:)[Even if she had seen you like that.] You hadn't corrected her, though. *Did you like it?*
"Anyway... you wanted to hang out, right?" Cinni tips her head to the side. "I thought we could play Sunshine Country, have you ever heard of it? Its like... you start as this person, or two people, on this island. You have a deed to a farm, and its up to you to develop however you want! Humans made it, so it has all their sorts of animals, but I still think its really neat. Do you play lots of games?"
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
[["Not really."->NoGames]]
[["I do play a bit."->MidGames]]
[["I love to play games!"->LoveGames]]"No? Well that's okay, Sunrise Country is actually pretty easy. $Sava calls it casual, but that's just because she likes competitive shooters. I play with her all the time. But this game is really... uh, comfy? Not everything needs to be a competition, right? You and I are going to build the best farm, I just know it!"
Booting up the game in question, cheery graphics erupt upon the vidscreen, matched with gentle music as $Cinni sets up a fresh world for you to cooperate on. Passing quickly through the initial introduction, $Cinni gives you some pointers on the basics involved, then sets you to work planting what would be your farm's first crop as she sets to building a house for you to share.
[[Plant those seeds!->ThouSeeds]]
[[Boring! Go find Cinni's character!->EnthSeeds]]"Well great, you should do just fine. Sunrise Country is actually pretty easy. $Sava calls it casual, but that's just because she likes competitive shooters. I play with her all the time. But this game is really... uh, comfy? Not everything needs to be a competition, right? You and I are going to build the best farm, I just know it!"
Booting up the game in question, cheery graphics erupt upon the vidscreen, matched with gentle music as $Cinni sets up a fresh world for you to cooperate on. Passing quickly through the initial introduction, she gives you some pointers on the basics involved, then sets you to work planting what would be your farm's first crop as she sets to building a house for you to share.
[[Plant those seeds!->ThouSeeds]]
[[Boring! Go find Cinni's character!->EnthSeeds]]"Awesome! Then you should know this game? Sunrise Country is actually pretty easy. $Sava calls it casual, but that's just because she likes competitive shooters. I play with her all the time. But this game is really... uh, comfy? Not everything needs to be a competition, right? You and I are going to build the best farm, I just know it!"
Booting up the game in question, cheery graphics erupt upon the vidscreen, matched with gentle music as $Cinni sets up a fresh world for you to cooperate on. Passing quickly through the initial introduction, you have enough experience to get a handle for things quickly, after which $Cinni sets you to work planting what would be your farm's first crop as she sets to building a house for you to share.
[[Plant those seeds!->ThouSeeds]]
[[Boring! Go find Cinni's character!->EnthSeeds]]You set diligently to your task, thoughtfully realizing that if your shared farm was to succeed, it would need a bumper harvest its first growing season. Drilling holes, setting seeds, and sprinkling a bit of water on them isn't exactly compelling, at first, but you have to admit that the repetitive nature of it *could* be described as comforting.
(set: $Farm to it + 1)(set: $Thou to it + 1)
The tiny sprouts you had shepherded into big bushy plants are approaching their first harvest when $Cinni leans in, using her elbow to jostle you a bit, earning your attention as if her simply speaking wouldn't have. She does speak too, of course.
She looks to you, the glow of her eyes visible beneath her mask. "You're a submissive, right?"
The seriousness in her tone is nearly blindsiding.
[["...why are you asking me this?"->WhyAskSub]]
[["I mean... I guess..."->MidSub]]
[["Of course I am!"->HighSub]]Drilling hole after hole could hardly be fun. You break from your work to go find $Cinni, and find her character quickly burning through your starting wood as she puts together a home. She seems quite adapt at it, the space she's creating looking quite realistic while also providing all the workstations you would need later in the game.
(set: $Farm to it - 1)(set: $Enth to it + 1)
Of course without any crop to sell, given that you abandoned your own work, your shared farm is going to struggle to get off the ground. But you spend some time laughing alongside $Cinni as she keeps building walls around you, her earlier diligence distracted by your presence. By the time you're building a door to escape her latest trap, $Cinni turns suddenly.
She looks to you, the glow of her eyes visible beneath her mask. "You're a submissive, right?"
The seriousness in her tone is nearly blindsiding.
[["...why are you asking me this?"->WhyAskSub]]
[["I mean... I guess..."->MidSub]]
[["Of course I am!"->HighSub]]"I'm curious," $Cinni replies, sounding as if it were the most natural question in the world. "I mean the answer is obvious, but I still want to know. $Cyn always says that I ask too many questions, but she *also* says I'm actually really good with people, and that is one hundred percent because I ask stuff. Its not hard, more people should do it."
She leans in. "So? Are you a submissive?"
[["I mean... I guess..."->MidSub]]
[["Of course I am!"->HighSub]]Your fellow quarian squints at you, her eyes narrowing slightly. "That's okay. You don't have to admit it. $Sava doesn't either. But I do think its important to be true with yourself, you know? We're all friends here, in $Cyn's crew. And I don't think you would be here unless you were really, really, *really* into being a part of the Stable."
She leans back, then shrugs nonchalantly. "I'm a submissive, you know. I think there are more of us then dommes, out there in the galaxy! And being open about it feels good. But you don't have to be, if you're not comfortable with it. I was just curious. But you did answer, so thank you! And now I owe you, right? I don't think I can help you study, like $Sava can. Or help with school, like $Shunne. Or teach you about being... like $Jino. But I like secrets. Do you like secrets? I will tell you one. Whichever one you like."
(if: $SavaSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Sava."->SavaSecret1]]](else-if: $SavaSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Sava."->SavaSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Sava.]
(if: $ShunneSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret1]]](else-if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Shunne.]
(if: $JinoSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Jino."->JinoSecret1]]](else-if: $JinoSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Jino."->JinoSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Jino.]
(if: $CynSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Cyn."->CynSecret1]]](else-if: $CynSecret is 1 or 2)[[["Tell me another secret about Cyn."->CynSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Cyn.]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret1]]](else-if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Onyx.]]Your fellow quarian squints at you, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Not sure? That's okay. You don't have to admit it. $Sava doesn't either, she would have just said *no* though. But I do think its important to be true with yourself, you know? We're all friends here, in $Cyn's crew. And I don't think you would be here unless you were really, really, *really* into being a part of the Stable."
She leans back, then shrugs nonchalantly. "I'm a submissive, you know. I think there are more of us then dommes, out there in the galaxy! And being open about it feels good. But you don't have to be, if you're not comfortable with it. I was just curious. But you did answer, so thank you! And now I owe you, right? I don't think I can help you study, like $Sava can. Or help with school, like $Shunne. Or teach you about being... like $Jino. But I like secrets. Do you like secrets? I will tell you one. Whichever one you like."
(if: $SavaSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Sava."->SavaSecret1]]](else-if: $SavaSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Sava."->SavaSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Sava.]
(if: $ShunneSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret1]]](else-if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Shunne.]
(if: $JinoSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Jino."->JinoSecret1]]](else-if: $JinoSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Jino."->JinoSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Jino.]
(if: $CynSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Cyn."->CynSecret1]]](else-if: $CynSecret is 1 or 2)[[["Tell me another secret about Cyn."->CynSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Cyn.]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret1]]](else-if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Onyx.]]The eyes of your fellow quarian widen, aglow with enthusiasm. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Its important to be true with yourself, you know? And you are! We're all friends here, in $Cyn's crew. And from that first time we met downstairs, in the store, I thought you were like... wildly submissive. We can tell."
She leans back, then shrugs nonchalantly. "I'm a submissive, 'course'. I think there are more of us then dommes, out there in the galaxy! And being open about it feels good. Being comfortable with it! I was just curious, but you did answer, so thank you! And now I owe you, right? I don't think I can help you study, like $Sava can. Or help with school, like $Shunne. Or teach you about being... like $Jino. But I like secrets. Do you like secrets? I will tell you one. Whichever one you like."
(if: $SavaSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Sava."->SavaSecret1]]](else-if: $SavaSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Sava."->SavaSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Sava.]
(if: $ShunneSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret1]]](else-if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Shunne.]
(if: $JinoSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Jino."->JinoSecret1]]](else-if: $JinoSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Jino."->JinoSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Jino.]
(if: $CynSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Cyn."->CynSecret1]]](else-if: $CynSecret is 1 or 2)[[["Tell me another secret about Cyn."->CynSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Cyn.]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret1]]](else-if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret1]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Onyx.]](set: $SavaSecret to it + 1)
(if: $SavaSecret is 1)[<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
"$Sava doesn't really want to be a doctor. That's what she's going for school for, and its what her parents are, and its what she *says* she wants-- but you can read her body language, its not hard. Talking about it... she's distant. Like its a thing she just feels like she has to do, you know? But if you talk to her about being $Blue... well, she like flushes and tells you to shut up probably, but she *means* it. It excites her. I just think that's neat."](if: $SavaSecret is 2)[<img alt="bluehead" src="images/blue/bluehead.png"/>
"$Shunne always worries about her. $Sava, well, $Blue I mean. $Shunne worries about everything, 'course, but I think she's actually onto something there. $Mistress always says I'm good with people, and better with ponies. Understanding them, you know? And I think of all of us, only $Silver is more likely to end up as a full-time slave. $Blue *says* she doesn't like that sort of thing, but she really, really, really, likes the attention."
$Cinni pauses, then tips her head to the side. "Its a responsibility thing too. $Sava has so many of them... but $Blue has only a few, and $Mistress will just whip her if she forgets any of them. Being that free feels really good. Except for, you know, actually being whipped. That hurts."]
It may not have been the sort of *secret* you may have expected from $Cinni, but she *did* seem to read people and their intentions well. Hidden beneath her bubbly, sometimes manic personality, at least.
[["Interesting."->EndCinni1]](set: $ShunneSecret to it + 1)
(if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
"She wants to have a baby! Like she's already *really* maternal, but I think she feels her biological clock ticking, you know? And she's not sure what to do. Her job and $Cyn keep her here, but there aren't other people like her here. We're too young, and so is $Cyn, even if they have dinner sometimes. So she's thinking about adopting, or..."
$Cinni's eyes light up even brighter beneath her mask. "$Red is in the breeding program. Which is, I guess, all training and not *real*... but what if it was?"](if: $ShunneSecret is 2)[<img alt="redhead" src="images/red/redhead.png"/>
"$Red will never be a lifestyle pony, not unless something dramatic happens. $Shunne is just too, um, smart? Like she likes being a Professor, as much as she likes being $Red sometimes. But to be $Red all the time she would need to love it more than anything, and she's not... selfish enough for that, I guess? Being a slave is hard, you gotta give up so much for it."]
It may not have been the sort of *secret* you may have expected from $Cinni, but she *did* seem to read people and their intentions well. Hidden beneath her bubbly, sometimes manic personality, at least.
[["Interesting."->EndCinni1]](set: $JinoSecret to it + 1)
(if: $JinoSecret is 1)[<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
"$Jino is really rich." The (color: yellow)[yellow] quarian is quite blunt about that. "She doesn't make it obvious, and she doesn't really *care* I think, but its her work. $Jino is a deep sea welder, and they get paid really well, and she doesn't have... hobbies? Or a house, or fancy aircars or anything. When she's not at sea, she's here, and she's often $Silver... and $Mistress doesn't charge us anything for that."
She pauses, then laughs. "It would be weird if we had to pay to be slaves, right?"](if: $JinoSecret is 2)[<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
$Cinni hesitates, then leans in a bit. "Everyone thinks her, um, *issue* with $Cyn is that $Mistress isn't sure $Silver is ready or committed enough, or whatever to become a lifestyle, full-time pony. But that's not true. Its the other way around. If $Mistress owns $Silver like that, she will have to admit that she really *wants* to be a full-time slaveholder and everything. Plus her relationship with $Jino... they're not sure *what* they want, either of them, but its mostly on $Cyn, not $Jino."]
It may not have been the sort of *secret* you may have expected from $Cinni, but she *did* seem to read people and their intentions well. Hidden beneath her bubbly, sometimes manic personality, at least.
[["Interesting."->EndCinni1]](set: $CynSecret to it + 1)
(if: $CynSecret is 1)[<img alt="cynsultry" src="images/cyn/cynsultry.jpg"/>
"Oh, $Mistress?" $Cinni perks up at your choice. "Well... she cheats, on her own diet. Like all the time. She's not a pony, usually, so she doesn't necessarily have to follow one, 'course, but that's why she works out extra hard to make up the difference. $Mistress has a sweet tooth, and $Shunne is trying to get her to eat better, but human chocolate tastes really good, or so I've heard. Some of it at least, depends on the region."](if: $CynSecret is 2)[<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
"Hmm, well I know her password. For the Stable Server, I mean. You know, that thing you can log into, from your room? It has a whole other side just for $Mistress to do... whatever she does in there. The password is MYTOYS, all capitals. I've seen her type it in a few times, and I have a good memory for... patterns, I guess? Anyway, never tried it myself. I like the mystery of it all, but you could."](if: $CynSecret is 3)[<img alt="jadehead" src="images/cyn/jadehead.png"/>
"A third secret about $Cyn? Huh. Well... she was a lifestyle pony herself, for a few years."
She says is quite nonchalantly, and it takes her awhile to realize your staring was an invitation for more. "Oh! Did you not know that? Her name was $Jade, its how she first started building the suits we use. Vorane, her hold $Mistress, taught her all about beining a ponygirl and *eventually* a domme. Something about her being a natural Switch, but too good of a $Mistress to make a slave forever? Maybe if $Mistress Vorane ever comes to visit you will get to meet $Jade, sometimes $Cyn puts her old suit back on for her..."]
It may not have been the sort of *secret* you may have expected from $Cinni, but she *did* seem to read people and their intentions well. Hidden beneath her bubbly, sometimes manic personality, at least.
[["Interesting."->EndCinni1]](set: $OnyxSecret to it + 1)
(if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[<img alt="onyxbod" src="images/onyx/onyxbod.png"/>
"$Onyx? Aww, come on $Name, that's a hard one." Your fellow quarian taps her mouthpiece in thought. "Okay, how about *why* that's a hard one? Its because we don't know anything about her, really. Where she is from, or how she met her $Mistress, or even her real name. She's just $Onyx. I just know she's spent about seven years as a fulltime lifestyle pony, I suppose. And her body language is all weird."
$Cinni pauses, thinking again. Its a testament to how difficult of a topic you had selected. "She's very expressive, but not in the way a person is. Like when I read your body language, or any other quarian's, I get... an idea of what you're thinking. But it doesn't even seem like $Onyx is *thinking* sometimes, she's just... I dunno, *experiencing* I guess. Its hard to explain."](if: $OnyxSecret is 2)[<img alt="onyxbod2" src="images/onyx/onyxbod2.jpg"/>
"Another $Onyx secret? Right, umm... well, $Cyn knows her best. They lived together, for awhile, or something? But I know that $Onyx really does live as a pony full time. She has a stable cell here, and one at her $Mistress' mansion. Oh! I really hope we get to go there again, I've only been once, but its... well, $Onyx's $Mistress is *really* into the sorts of things we like too, and has built all sorts of things for $Onyx. Its kind of hard to imagine living as, you know, $Yellow or $Violet full time here, but its *really* easy to think about it there. Maybe you'll see one day? Just know you're not allowed on that property in anything but your slave suit, and you won't get to remove it while there. $Onyx's $Mistress is very strict."]
It may not have been the sort of *secret* you may have expected from $Cinni, but she *did* seem to read people and their intentions well. Hidden beneath her bubbly, sometimes manic personality, at least.
[["Interesting."->EndCinni1]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
"See, aren't secrets fun?" A smile radiates from $Cinni's body language, even as she picks up her controller once again, and tips her head back to the vidscreen across the room. "Let's play a bit more, though. You wanna help me build some fencing to keep critters out of the crops? Or we could..."
$Cinni's little avatar brandishes a pick axe like a weapon, and swings it several times. "Fight each other!"
[[Build those fences.->BuildFence]]
[[FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!->FightFight]]You settle into a comfortable rhythm laying out wood and stakes as $Cinni follows behind, building the fence. Compared to death fights in the fields it may not be the most exciting, but this will undoubtedly help your little shared project flourish.
(set: $Farm to it + 1)(set: $YellowTimer to it + 1)
Eventually your time together comes to an end, however, and $Cinni saves your progress thus far.
"We'll have to do this again soon, $Name! Thanks for playing!"
(border-color: yellow)+(border: "dashed")[**Cinni's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "Time to go.", "HangBetween")Drawing your trowel, your answer is given by a *smack* sound that resonates as you attack $Cinni's avatar. The series of fights to the death in the fields of your farm aren't particularly gruesome, that wasn't this sort of game, but the maneuvering required does take a great deal of skill-- even as it probably left your shared farm a bit worse for wear.
(set: $Farm to it - 1)(set: $YellowTimer to it + 1)
Eventually your time together comes to an end, however, and $Cinni saves your progress thus far.
"We'll have to do this again soon, $Name! Thanks for playing!"
(border-color: yellow)+(border: "dashed")[**Cinni's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "Time to go.", "HangBetween")(font: "courier new")[PROXIMITY CHECK...
(color: red)[SUIT DETECTED. USER RECLASSIFIED:] (colour: purple)[VIOLET.]
(color: green)[*I would hope you didn't think I would protect my things with just a *password*, $Violet. All my systems are keyed to your suit, regular or... otherwise. But I'll allow you a little peek at something* **fun.**
*You're about to be rerouted to a site I maintain for a... select group of enthusiasts. We'll talk about this more after Winter Break, most probably. Until then... enjoy.
~xoxo, Mistress*]
[[Follow the link...->RingLanding]]
[[Go Back.->StableServer]]]Jumping into action, you clear a path through the fire, and throw open the gate. $Cinni at least can help you give them orders to flee, but as the last of chickens escapes from certain death, $Cinni's own character finally meets her fate-- she pops out of existence, respawning nearby without any of her gear and half her levels reduced. She seems a bit down, cycling through her empty inventory, but your farm is saved.
(set: $Farm to it + 1)(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
"Guess I'm starting with nothing again," she sighs, but perks up a bit as she looks to you. "I've done it before, though. You're from the Fleet, right? The Migrant Fleet, I mean. Not... not that there are really any other Fleets you could possibly be from, its not like you're turian and trained from like birth on one of their warships..."
[["I am from the Migrant Fleet, yes."->YesMigrant]]
[["What do you mean, you've done it before?"->AskBefore]]Jumping into action, you abandon the animals to their fate, and fight your way to $Cinni. Dumping all your buckets of water, you then cut down a nearby tree, using its fall to form a temporary bridge that allows $Cinni's character to scurry to safety. As she does so, however, a dozen little skulls form as the small herd of animals you had bought together perishes. That will hurt the growth of your farm, undoubtedly, but $Cinni's character and skills are saved-- and she looks quite surprised.
(set: $Farm to it - 1)(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
"I didn't think you could save me!" She admits, laughing. "Sometimes I forget you're so smart, and everything. You're from the Fleet, right? The Migrant Fleet, I mean. Not... not that there are really any other Fleets you could possibly be from, its not like you're turian and trained from like birth on one of their warships..."
A moment passes before she refocuses. "What I mean, $Name, is that I've always heard you Fleet quarians are really smart!"
[["Well, I am from the Migrant Fleet, yes."->YesMigrant]]
[["Wait, you're not from the Fleet?"->AskBefore]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
"Wow," $Cinni beams, looking at you as if it were for the very first time. "I sometimes wonder what it would have been like to grow up on the Fleet, with all those quarians, and a family."
She hesitates, then grips her controller a little tighter. "I don't know if the others ever mentioned where I'm from? Or if you noticed my name? Cinni’Sheena nar Khar’Shan. Yeah. *Kar'Shan*. I was actually born on the batarian homeworld in... I... well you know batarians keep slaves, right? And not like, what we do, at *all.*"
$Cinni sighs, but then sits up straighter, quite literally rising above it. "I was moved to a colony world when I was a girl, and Asari commandos raided it. Saved me, brought me here to get better, and to go to school. I never had any, um, formal schooling. But I didn't really like it much, you know? I'm not like $Sava, I'm good at other things though!"
She rubs at the back of her neck, momentarily knocking down her hood. It really underlines just how divorced she was from Fleet culture that she takes a long while to notice it. Tugging the bright material back into place, her glowing eyes turn to you.
[["I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Cinni."->SoSorry]]
[["Can I ask... how you went through all that, and then... do pony things?"->HowPonyThings]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
She hesitates, then grips her controller a little tighter. "I don't know if the others ever mentioned where I'm from? Or if you noticed my name? Cinni’Sheena nar Khar’Shan. Yeah. *Kar'Shan*. I was actually born on the batarian homeworld in... I... well you know batarians keep slaves, right? And not like, what we do, at *all.*"
$Cinni sighs, but then sits up straighter, quite literally rising above it. "I was moved to a colony world when I was a girl, and Asari commandos raided it. Save me, brought me here to get better, and to go to school. I never had any, um, formal schooling. But I didn't really like it much, you know? I'm not like $Sava, I'm good at other things though!"
She rubs at the back of her neck, momentarily knocking down her hood. It really underlines just how divorced she was from Fleet culture that she takes a long while to notice it. Tugging the bright material back into place, her glowing eyes turn to you.
[["I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Cinni."->SoSorry]]
[["Can I ask... how you went through all that, and then... do pony things?"->HowPonyThings]]"It was bad," she agrees. "But I've gotten better. Much better, since meeting $Cyn."
You sense a smile behind her mask, as her grip on her controller loosens. "I was eventually put in touch with her when I needed suit work, and she offered me a job basically that same day. School wasn't really my thing, but I'm really good at selling things, and lots of scuba equipment is similar to our suits!"
She leans in, almost conspiratorially. "Becoming $Yellow came later. I thought it would hurt, you know, given my past. But doing all the things she wants us to do, and living that way *by choice*, and knowing how much she loves us... I've never been a part of anything like that before. But I *love* it, I wish I could do it more, but $Cyn is very careful to not go too far too quickly. Which I guess I understand?"
Moving even closer, she reaches out grabbing your hand. "And its been *so cool* meeting other people who are into similar things. $Silver was here before me, of course. But she has always been hard to talk to, right? $Red and $Blue are much better, uh, talkers, and now you're here too! $Violet. Do you think you made the right choice, coming to live with $Cyn? And me, I guess. We're roommates. So-- did you make the right choice, coming to live with $Cyn AND me?"
[["Of course, I get to be $Violet here."->GetotBeViolet]]
[["Everyone has been amazing."->EveryoneAmaze]]
[["I'm learning so much, yes."->Learnsomuch]]
[["Keelah, YES! You and $Mistress are AWESOME!"->YellitGurl]]
[["I'm... not sure."->NotSureOOF]]"Oh, that's easy," $Cinni replies, either completely missing your hesitation to ask, or simply being to excited to mind. "It was all $Cyn."
You sense a smile behind her mask, as her grip on her controller loosens. "I was eventually put in touch with her when I needed suit work, and she offered me a job basically that same day. School wasn't really my thing, but I'm really good at selling things, and lots of scuba equipment is similar to our suits!"
She leans in, almost conspiratorially. "Becoming $Yellow came later. I thought it would hurt, you know, given my past. But doing all the things she wants us to do, and living that way *by choice*, and knowing how much she loves us... I've never been a part of anything like that before. But I *love* it, I wish I could do it more, but $Cyn is very careful to not go too far too quickly. Which I guess I understand?"
Moving even closer, she reaches out grabbing your hand. "And its been *so cool* meeting other people who are into similar things. $Silver was here before me, of course. But she has always been hard to talk to, right? $Red and $Blue are much better, uh, talkers, and now you're here too! $Violet. Do you think you made the right choice, coming to live with $Cyn? And me, I guess. We're roommates. So-- did you make the right choice, coming to live with $Cyn AND me?"
[["Of course, I get to be $Violet here."->GetotBeViolet]]
[["Everyone has been amazing."->EveryoneAmaze]]
[["I'm learning so much, yes."->Learnsomuch]]
[["Keelah, YES! You and $Mistress are AWESOME!"->YellitGurl]]
[["I'm... not sure."->NotSureOOF]]$Cinni's hand holding your own squeezes, her nodding enthusiastic. "I totally understand that, I do. $Cyn, and her whole... everything, its really something special, right? Who else would make us march for hours, until we're begging to cum, only to lock us in a cell for the night, right?"
She laughs at her own joke, but retains a hold on your hand, even as she comes back around to a bit more seriousness. "Thanks for hanging out with me, by the way, $Name. I really like when we play games and talk, you're good at that. So I want to give you something back, I guess. How about another secret? Just like last time, I'll tell you something fun about whoever you want!"
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
(if: $SavaSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Sava."->SavaSecret2]]](else-if: $SavaSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Sava."->SavaSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Sava.]
(if: $ShunneSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret2]]](else-if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Shunne.]
(if: $JinoSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Jino."->JinoSecret2]]](else-if: $JinoSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Jino."->JinoSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Jino.]
(if: $CynSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Cyn."->CynSecret2]]](else-if: $CynSecret is 1 or 2)[[["Tell me another secret about Cyn."->CynSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Cyn.]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret2]]](else-if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Onyx.]]$Cinni's hand holding your own squeezes, happy to be included in that *everyone*. "You're fitting in really well so far, and I think $Cyn really likes you too. $Cyn, and her whole... everything, its really something special, right? Who else would make us march for hours, until we're begging to cum, only to lock us in a cell for the night, right?"
She laughs at her own joke, but retains a hold on your hand, even as she comes back around to a bit more seriousness. "Thanks for hanging out with me, by the way, $Name. I really like when we play games and talk, you're good at that. So I want to give you something back, I guess. How about another secret? Just like last time, I'll tell you something fun about whoever you want!"
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
(if: $SavaSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Sava."->SavaSecret2]]](else-if: $SavaSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Sava."->SavaSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Sava.]
(if: $ShunneSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret2]]](else-if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Shunne.]
(if: $JinoSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Jino."->JinoSecret2]]](else-if: $JinoSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Jino."->JinoSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Jino.]
(if: $CynSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Cyn."->CynSecret2]]](else-if: $CynSecret is 1 or 2)[[["Tell me another secret about Cyn."->CynSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Cyn.]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret2]]](else-if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Onyx.]]$Cinni's hand holding your own squeezes, nodding in agreement. "There is so much to learn, right? I know what its like to come to a new world, and meet new people, and you know-- meet someone like $Mistress. $Cyn, and her whole... everything, its really something special, right? Who else would make us march for hours, until we're begging to cum, only to lock us in a cell for the night, right?"
She laughs at her own joke, but retains a hold on your hand, even as she comes back around to a bit more seriousness. "Thanks for hanging out with me, by the way, $Name. I really like when we play games and talk, you're good at that. So I want to give you something back, I guess. How about another secret? Just like last time, I'll tell you something fun about whoever you want!"
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
(if: $SavaSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Sava."->SavaSecret2]]](else-if: $SavaSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Sava."->SavaSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Sava.]
(if: $ShunneSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret2]]](else-if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Shunne.]
(if: $JinoSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Jino."->JinoSecret2]]](else-if: $JinoSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Jino."->JinoSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Jino.]
(if: $CynSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Cyn."->CynSecret2]]](else-if: $CynSecret is 1 or 2)[[["Tell me another secret about Cyn."->CynSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Cyn.]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret2]]](else-if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Onyx.]]$Cinni's hand holding your own squeezes, her excitement rising with your own. "Aw, thank you! But I know I'm not nearly as amazing as $Mistress, and that's okay, we do different things for different people. But $Cyn and her whole... everything, its really something special, right? Who else would make us march for hours, until we're begging to cum, only to lock us in a cell for the night, right?"
She laughs at her own joke, but retains a hold on your hand, even as she comes back around to a bit more seriousness. "Thanks for hanging out with me, by the way, $Name. I really like when we play games and talk, you're good at that. So I want to give you something back, I guess. How about another secret? Just like last time, I'll tell you something fun about whoever you want!"
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
(if: $SavaSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Sava."->SavaSecret2]]](else-if: $SavaSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Sava."->SavaSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Sava.]
(if: $ShunneSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret2]]](else-if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Shunne.]
(if: $JinoSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Jino."->JinoSecret2]]](else-if: $JinoSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Jino."->JinoSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Jino.]
(if: $CynSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Cyn."->CynSecret2]]](else-if: $CynSecret is 1 or 2)[[["Tell me another secret about Cyn."->CynSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Cyn.]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret2]]](else-if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Onyx.]]$Cinni's hand holding your own squeezes, more than a little worry in her eyes. "Aww, I know it can be hard. Coming to a new world, and meeting new people-- but you're doing really well so far."
Her hold on your hand tightens a bit more. "Thanks for hanging out with me, by the way, $Name. I really like when we play games and talk, you're good at that. So I want to give you something back, I guess. How about another secret? Just like last time, I'll tell you something fun about whoever you want!"
(if: $SavaSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Sava."->SavaSecret2]]](else-if: $SavaSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Sava."->SavaSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Sava.]
(if: $ShunneSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret2]]](else-if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Shunne.]
(if: $JinoSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Jino."->JinoSecret2]]](else-if: $JinoSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Jino."->JinoSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Jino.]
(if: $CynSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Cyn."->CynSecret2]]](else-if: $CynSecret is 1 or 2)[[["Tell me another secret about Cyn."->CynSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Cyn.]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret2]]](else-if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret2]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Onyx.]](set: $SavaSecret to it + 1)(if: $SavaSecret is 1)[<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
"$Sava doesn't really want to be a doctor. That's what she's going for school for, and its what her parents are, and its what she *says* she wants-- but you can read her body language, its not hard. Talking about it... she's distant. Like its a thing she just feels like she has to do, you know? But if you talk to her about being $Blue... well, she like flushes and tells you to shut up probably, but she *means* it. It excites her. I just think that's neat."](if: $SavaSecret is 2)[<img alt="bluehead" src="images/blue/bluehead.png"/>
"$Shunne always worries about her. $Sava, well, $Blue I mean. $Shunne worries about everything, 'course, but I think she's actually onto something there. $Mistress always says I'm good with people, and better with ponies. Understanding them, you know? And I think of all of us, only $Silver is more likely to end up as a full-time slave. $Blue *says* she doesn't like that sort of thing, but she really, really, really, likes the attention."
$Cinni pauses, then tips her head to the side. "Its a responsibility thing too. $Sava has so many of them... but $Blue has only a few, and $Mistress will just whip her if she forgets any of them. Being that free feels really good. Except for, you know, actually being whipped. That hurts."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni2]](set: $ShunneSecret to it + 1)
(if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
"She wants to have a baby! Like she's already *really* maternal, but I think she feels her biological clock ticking, you know? And she's not sure what to do. Her job and $Cyn keep her here, but there aren't other people like her here. We're too young, and so is $Cyn, even if they have dinner sometimes. So she's thinking about adopting, or..."
$Cinni's eyes light up even brighter beneath her mask. "$Red is in the breeding program. Which is, I guess, all training and not *real*... but what if it was?"](if: $ShunneSecret is 2)[<img alt="redhead" src="images/red/redhead.png"/>
"$Red will never be a lifestyle pony, not unless something dramatic happens. $Shunne is just too, um, smart? Like she likes being a Professor, as much as she likes being $Red sometimes. But to be $Red all the time she would need to love it more than anything, and she's not... selfish enough for that, I guess? Being a slave is hard, you gotta give up so much for it."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni2]](set: $JinoSecret to it + 1)
(if: $JinoSecret is 1)[<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
"$Jino is really rich." The (color: yellow)[yellow] quarian is quite blunt about that. "She doesn't make it obvious, and she doesn't really *care* I think, but its her work. $Jino is a deep sea welder, and they get paid really well, and she doesn't have... hobbies? Or a house, or fancy aircars or anything. When she's not at sea, she's here, and she's often $Silver... and $Mistress doesn't charge us anything for that."
She pauses, then laughs. "It would be weird if we had to pay to be slaves, right?"](if: $JinoSecret is 2)[<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
$Cinni hesitates, then leans in a bit. "Everyone thinks her, um, *issue* with $Cyn is that $Mistress isn't sure $Silver is ready or committed enough, or whatever to become a lifestyle, full-time pony. But that's not true. Its the other way around. If $Mistress owns $Silver like that, she will have to admit that she really *wants* to be a full-time slaveholder and everything. Plus her relationship with $Jino... they're not sure *what* they want, either of them, but its mostly on $Cyn, not $Jino."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni2]](set: $CynSecret to it + 1)
(if: $CynSecret is 1)[<img alt="cynsultry" src="images/cyn/cynsultry.jpg"/>
"Oh, $Mistress?" $Cinni perks up at your choice. "Well... she cheats, on her own diet. Like all the time. She's not a pony, usually, so she doesn't necessarily have to follow one, 'course, but that's why she works out extra hard to make up the difference. $Mistress has a sweet tooth, and $Shunne is trying to get her to eat better, but human chocolate tastes really good, or so I've heard. Some of it at least, depends on the region."](if: $CynSecret is 2)[<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
"Hmm, well I know her password. For the Stable Server, I mean. You know, that thing you can log into, from your room? It has a whole other side just for $Mistress to do... whatever she does in there. The password is MYTOYS, all capitals. I've seen her type it in a few times, and I have a good memory for... patterns, I guess? Anyway, never tried it myself. I like the mystery of it all, but you could."](if: $CynSecret is 3)[<img alt="jadehead" src="images/cyn/jadehead.png"/>
"A third secret about $Cyn? Huh. Well... she was a lifestyle pony herself, for a few years."
She says is quite nonchalantly, and it takes her awhile to realize your staring was an invitation for more. "Oh! Did you not know that? Her name was $Jade, its how she first started building the suits we use. Vorane, her hold $Mistress, taught her all about beining a ponygirl and *eventually* a domme. Something about her being a natural Switch, but too good of a $Mistress to make a slave forever? Maybe if $Mistress Vorane ever comes to visit you will get to meet $Jade, sometimes $Cyn puts her old suit back on for her..."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni2]](set: $OnyxSecret to it + 1)
(if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[<img alt="onyxbod" src="images/onyx/onyxbod.png"/>
"$Onyx? Aww, come on $Name, that's a hard one." Your fellow quarian taps her mouthpiece in thought. "Okay, how about *why* that's a hard one? Its because we don't know anything about her, really. Where she is from, or how she met her $Mistress, or even her real name. She's just $Onyx. I just know she's spent about seven years as a fulltime lifestyle pony, I suppose. And her body language is all weird."
$Cinni pauses, thinking again. Its a testament to how difficult of a topic you had selected. "She's very expressive, but not in the way a person is. Like when I read your body language, or any other quarian's, I get... an idea of what you're thinking. But it doesn't even seem like $Onyx is *thinking* sometimes, she's just... I dunno, *experiencing* I guess. Its hard to explain."](if: $OnyxSecret is 2)[<img alt="onyxbod2" src="images/onyx/onyxbod2.jpg"/>
"Another $Onyx secret? Right, umm... well, $Cyn knows her best. They lived together, for awhile, or something? But I know that $Onyx really does live as a pony full time. She has a stable cell here, and one at her $Mistress' mansion. Oh! I really hope we get to go there again, I've only been once, but its... well, $Onyx's $Mistress is *really* into the sorts of things we like too, and has built all sorts of things for $Onyx. Its kind of hard to imagine living as, you know, $Yellow or $Violet full time here, but its *really* easy to think about it there. Maybe you'll see one day? Just know you're not allowed on that property in anything but your slave suit, and you won't get to remove it while there. $Onyx's $Mistress is very strict."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni2]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
You lapse into silence along $Cinni, who's *still* holding your hand. It was getting a little bit awkward, and the other quarian does little to suppress that sensation when she follows your gaze down and doesn't appear to get the point. The only thing that saves you is a sudden chime from the vidscreen, where Sunshine Country is announcing it was time to harvest the tomatoes you had planted an hour ago.
"Oh heck, I totally forgot to pause it!" $Cinni laughs, releasing your hand to return to her controller. Taking up your own, you see her avatar moving to pick the tomatoes in question. You could go and help her, saving the already overripe crop from having some portion of it wither on the vine... or you could throw some of those tomatoes at $Cinni's character.
[[Help pick those plants.->PickPlants]]
[["TOMATO FIGHT!!!"->TomatoFight]](set: $Farm to it + 1)(set: $Thou to it + 1)
Dutifully, you pick a line of tomato plants opposite of $Cinni and get to work. Its not exactly the most glamorous period of gameplay, but in the end you only lose about a row and a half to the tomatoes growing too ripe on the vine-- equating to a substantial windfall for your farm. (if: $Farm < 0)[A step in the right direction, but your handful of acres are beginning to look quite shabby. It appears you previous management choices haven't been exactly farm-friendly.](if: $Farm > 0)[A step in the right direction, adding to the splendor of your growing farm. Altogether the entire project is going quite well, a testament to your farm management skill alongside $Cinni.](if: $Farm is 0)[A step in the right direction, and one that brings you right back to the edge of success. Your farm had been trending poorly, but you're starting to recover, if only you can keep it up.]
"I wish I could convince $Sava to play with us," $Cinni notes, as you work concludes. "But she only ever wants to complete her dailies, you know? Ugh. Doing the same thing over and over is only fun when $Mistress *makes* me do it."
She laughs, but the pauses the game, and saves it to a fresh save slot. "I bet you need to get back to your studies, or something, though? We can stop here."
You notice she's only using one slot, though, risking the loss of your farm if something happened to that save.
[[Tell her to use a new save slot.->NewSave]]
[[Let it be.->LetitBe]]
(set: $Farm to it - 1)(set: $Enth to it + 1)
The first *splat* of a thrown tomato hitting $Cinni's character earns a squeal of delight from your fellow quarian, as she quickly shifts from working the harvest to fighting back. Its an epic duel, leaving both your avatars covered in red tomato splatter, but those plants not plucked to throw largely wither on the vine as a result. (if: $Farm < 0)[A step in the wrong direction, and your handful of acres are beginning to look quite shabby. It appears you previous management choices haven't been exactly farm-friendly.](if: $Farm > 0)[A step in the wrong direction, but it cannot diminish the splendor of your growing farm. Altogether the entire project is going quite well, a testament to your farm management skill alongside $Cinni.](if: $Farm is 0)[A step in the wrong direction, and one that brings you right back to the edge of failure. Your farm has been trending poorly, and your little bit of fun only made it worse.]
"I wish I could convince $Sava to play with us," $Cinni notes, as you work concludes. "But she only ever wants to complete her dailies, you know? Ugh. Doing the same thing over and over is only fun when $Mistress *makes* me do it."
She laughs, but the pauses the game, and saves it to a fresh save slot. "I bet you need to get back to your studies, or something, though? We can stop here."
You notice she's only using one slot, though, risking the loss of your farm if something happened to that save.
[[Tell her to use a new save slot.->NewSave]]
[[Let it be.->LetitBe]]"Huh? Oh." She moves to make a second save, but eyes you with a shrug along the way. "I guess I never really thought about that, you know? Maybe I don't need $Sava to play with me, if you're gonna remind of stuff like that, just like she would do."
(set: $YellowTimer to it + 1)
A further flick of her thumb turns off the vidscreen, and she sets her controller down. "There! I hope we can do this again soon!"
(border-color: yellow)+(border: "dashed")[**Cinni's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "Time to go.", "HangBetween")You let it go, and soon $Cinni is turning off the vidscreen with a flick of her thumb, before she puts the controller down. "Thanks again for playing, I'm really looking forward to the next time!"
(set: $YellowTimer to it + 1)
(border-color: yellow)+(border: "dashed")[**Cinni's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "Time to go.", "HangBetween")(set: $Farm to it + 1)
You rush to separate the animals, herding the different creatures into their respective pens. The *bird things* as $Cinni put them, chickens, are particularly adept at slipping out, but you use a bit of wire actually named after them to fill in the holes through which they keep waddling. And just in time too, as the Mayor arrives.
The plump little tophat wearing sprite of a character begins his tour, noting your good work almost immediately. He continues along, with $Cinni nudging you as if the game character could actually hear you. "I forgot, he doesn't like gravel roads. If we want a good review, you need to repave them. I'll keep shadowing him!"
You move off almost immediately, towards the back half of your farm where there are indeed gravel roads. What you quickly realize, however, is that you're not sure what you should repave them with. You could use concrete, a simple and effective choice, or go with specially carved paving stones. Those are expensive, enough so to take a chunk out of the farm's finances, but it could perhaps impress the Mayor?
[[Concrete will do!->ConcretePick]]
[[Paving stones it is!"->PavingStones]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
(set: $Farm to it - 1)
You take your time to build a custom sign, drawing a simple rendition of the Mayor character, except his face is replaced with a *butt*. A helpful label beneath makes your intentions clear, and just in time too, as the Mayor arrives.
The plump little tophat wearing sprite of a character begins his tour, and its not long before he and $Cinni come across your creation. The game was not programmed to read signs, so it is ignored, but $Cinni cracks up with laughter, even as the Mayor complained about your animals being mixed together. It wasn't exactly a good sign for your Farm's score, but $Cinni at least found it hilarious. He then continues along, with $Cinni nudging you as if the game character could actually hear you. "I forgot, he doesn't like gravel roads. If we want a good review, you need to repave them. I'll keep shadowing him!"
You move off almost immediately, towards the back half of your farm where there are indeed gravel roads. What you quickly realize, however, is that you're not sure what you should repave them with. You could use concrete, a simple and effective choice, or go with specially carved paving stones. Those are expensive, enough so to take a chunk out of the farm's finances, but it could perhaps impress the Mayor?
[[Concrete will do!->ConcretePick]]
[[Paving stones it is!"->PavingStones]]You choose to use simple concrete, balancing the Mayor's whims with your farm's financial stability. The genius of your choice becomes apparent when the Mayor waddles along, not noticing your concrete walkways-- a blessing in disguise, given how he wouldn't be grading you poorly for it.
(set: $Farm to it + 1)
As he continues along, $Cinni leans over, nodding enthusiastically. "Great job! I don't think we're going to have any more trouble from him, so I thought... maybe you would like to talk secrets once again? You know, while we wait for this butthead to finish his dumb little tour."
A good idea, all you need to decide upon is a topic.
(if: $SavaSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Sava."->SavaSecret3]]](else-if: $SavaSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Sava."->SavaSecret3]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Sava.]
(if: $ShunneSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret3]]](else-if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret3]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Shunne.]
(if: $JinoSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Jino."->JinoSecret3]]](else-if: $JinoSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Jino."->JinoSecret3]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Jino.]
(if: $CynSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Cyn."->CynSecret3]]](else-if: $CynSecret is 1 or 2)[[["Tell me another secret about Cyn."->CynSecret3]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Cyn.]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret3]]](else-if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret3]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Onyx.]]You choose to use expensive paving stones as your walkways, their intricate brickwork soon being noticed by the Mayor as he wobbles along. Unfortunately, while he speaks only positively about your choice, he does so passively-- as if it won't factor altogether much into his final grading. You paid quite dearly for them too, leaving with you less cash on hand to deal with anything else ahead.
(set: $Farm to it - 1)
As he continues along, $Cinni leans over, shaking her head. "That was probably a little TOO expensive, you know? But I don't think we're going to have any more trouble from him, so I thought... maybe you would like to talk secrets once again? You know, while we wait for this butthead to finish his dumb little tour."
A good idea, all you need to decide upon is a topic.
(if: $SavaSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Sava."->SavaSecret3]]](else-if: $SavaSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Sava."->SavaSecret3]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Sava.]
(if: $ShunneSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret3]]](else-if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret3]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Shunne.]
(if: $JinoSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Jino."->JinoSecret3]]](else-if: $JinoSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Jino."->JinoSecret3]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Jino.]
(if: $CynSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Cyn."->CynSecret3]]](else-if: $CynSecret is 1 or 2)[[["Tell me another secret about Cyn."->CynSecret3]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Cyn.]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret3]]](else-if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret3]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Onyx.]](set: $SavaSecret to it + 1)(if: $SavaSecret is 1)[<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
"$Sava doesn't really want to be a doctor. That's what she's going for school for, and its what her parents are, and its what she *says* she wants-- but you can read her body language, its not hard. Talking about it... she's distant. Like its a thing she just feels like she has to do, you know? But if you talk to her about being $Blue... well, she like flushes and tells you to shut up probably, but she *means* it. It excites her. I just think that's neat."](if: $SavaSecret is 2)[<img alt="bluehead" src="images/blue/bluehead.png"/>
"$Shunne always worries about her. $Sava, well, $Blue I mean. $Shunne worries about everything, 'course, but I think she's actually onto something there. $Mistress always says I'm good with people, and better with ponies. Understanding them, you know? And I think of all of us, only $Silver is more likely to end up as a full-time slave. $Blue *says* she doesn't like that sort of thing, but she really, really, really, likes the attention."
$Cinni pauses, then tips her head to the side. "Its a responsibility thing too. $Sava has so many of them... but $Blue has only a few, and $Mistress will just whip her if she forgets any of them. Being that free feels really good. Except for, you know, actually being whipped. That hurts."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni3]](set: $ShunneSecret to it + 1)
(if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
"She wants to have a baby! Like she's already *really* maternal, but I think she feels her biological clock ticking, you know? And she's not sure what to do. Her job and $Cyn keep her here, but there aren't other people like her here. We're too young, and so is $Cyn, even if they have dinner sometimes. So she's thinking about adopting, or..."
$Cinni's eyes light up even brighter beneath her mask. "$Red is in the breeding program. Which is, I guess, all training and not *real*... but what if it was?"](if: $ShunneSecret is 2)[<img alt="redhead" src="images/red/redhead.png"/>
"$Red will never be a lifestyle pony, not unless something dramatic happens. $Shunne is just too, um, smart? Like she likes being a Professor, as much as she likes being $Red sometimes. But to be $Red all the time she would need to love it more than anything, and she's not... selfish enough for that, I guess? Being a slave is hard, you gotta give up so much for it."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni3]](set: $JinoSecret to it + 1)
(if: $JinoSecret is 1)[<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
"$Jino is really rich." The (color: yellow)[yellow] quarian is quite blunt about that. "She doesn't make it obvious, and she doesn't really *care* I think, but its her work. $Jino is a deep sea welder, and they get paid really well, and she doesn't have... hobbies? Or a house, or fancy aircars or anything. When she's not at sea, she's here, and she's often $Silver... and $Mistress doesn't charge us anything for that."
She pauses, then laughs. "It would be weird if we had to pay to be slaves, right?"](if: $JinoSecret is 2)[<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
$Cinni hesitates, then leans in a bit. "Everyone thinks her, um, *issue* with $Cyn is that $Mistress isn't sure $Silver is ready or committed enough, or whatever to become a lifestyle, full-time pony. But that's not true. Its the other way around. If $Mistress owns $Silver like that, she will have to admit that she really *wants* to be a full-time slaveholder and everything. Plus her relationship with $Jino... they're not sure *what* they want, either of them, but its mostly on $Cyn, not $Jino."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni3]](set: $CynSecret to it + 1)
(if: $CynSecret is 1)[<img alt="cynsultry" src="images/cyn/cynsultry.jpg"/>
"Oh, $Mistress?" $Cinni perks up at your choice. "Well... she cheats, on her own diet. Like all the time. She's not a pony, usually, so she doesn't necessarily have to follow one, 'course, but that's why she works out extra hard to make up the difference. $Mistress has a sweet tooth, and $Shunne is trying to get her to eat better, but human chocolate tastes really good, or so I've heard. Some of it at least, depends on the region."](if: $CynSecret is 2)[<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
"Hmm, well I know her password. For the Stable Server, I mean. You know, that thing you can log into, from your room? It has a whole other side just for $Mistress to do... whatever she does in there. The password is MYTOYS, all capitals. I've seen her type it in a few times, and I have a good memory for... patterns, I guess? Anyway, never tried it myself. I like the mystery of it all, but you could."](if: $CynSecret is 3)[<img alt="jadehead" src="images/cyn/jadehead.png"/>
"A third secret about $Cyn? Huh. Well... she was a lifestyle pony herself, for a few years."
She says is quite nonchalantly, and it takes her awhile to realize your staring was an invitation for more. "Oh! Did you not know that? Her name was $Jade, its how she first started building the suits we use. Vorane, her hold $Mistress, taught her all about beining a ponygirl and *eventually* a domme. Something about her being a natural Switch, but too good of a $Mistress to make a slave forever? Maybe if $Mistress Vorane ever comes to visit you will get to meet $Jade, sometimes $Cyn puts her old suit back on for her..."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni3]](set: $OnyxSecret to it + 1)
(if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[<img alt="onyxbod" src="images/onyx/onyxbod.png"/>
"$Onyx? Aww, come on $Name, that's a hard one." Your fellow quarian taps her mouthpiece in thought. "Okay, how about *why* that's a hard one? Its because we don't know anything about her, really. Where she is from, or how she met her $Mistress, or even her real name. She's just $Onyx. I just know she's spent about seven years as a fulltime lifestyle pony, I suppose. And her body language is all weird."
$Cinni pauses, thinking again. Its a testament to how difficult of a topic you had selected. "She's very expressive, but not in the way a person is. Like when I read your body language, or any other quarian's, I get... an idea of what you're thinking. But it doesn't even seem like $Onyx is *thinking* sometimes, she's just... I dunno, *experiencing* I guess. Its hard to explain."](if: $OnyxSecret is 2)[<img alt="onyxbod2" src="images/onyx/onyxbod2.jpg"/>
"Another $Onyx secret? Right, umm... well, $Cyn knows her best. They lived together, for awhile, or something? But I know that $Onyx really does live as a pony full time. She has a stable cell here, and one at her $Mistress' mansion. Oh! I really hope we get to go there again, I've only been once, but its... well, $Onyx's $Mistress is *really* into the sorts of things we like too, and has built all sorts of things for $Onyx. Its kind of hard to imagine living as, you know, $Yellow or $Violet full time here, but its *really* easy to think about it there. Maybe you'll see one day? Just know you're not allowed on that property in anything but your slave suit, and you won't get to remove it while there. $Onyx's $Mistress is very strict."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni3]]"Yeah, oh!" $Cinni perks up suddenly. "He's leaving!"
She's right. The Mayor of Sunshine County bids you adieu with a foppish doffing of his hat, before boarding his whimsically archaic looking car and driving off.
"We'll get the results in a few in-game days. It would probably be best if we get in one more harvest, he only grades how much money you have at the moment the game generates his report, instead of right now. So we would be in a better position for the farm if we do that, I guess. Or... well, do you want another secret? I think you deserve another, after helping me do all this farmwork, but if you want to go for the extra cash we can do that too!"
[[Go for the extra cash!->ExtraCinniCash]]
(if: $SavaSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Sava."->SavaSecret4]]](else-if: $SavaSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Sava."->SavaSecret4]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Sava.]
(if: $ShunneSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret4]]](else-if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret4]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Shunne.]
(if: $JinoSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Jino."->JinoSecret4]]](else-if: $JinoSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Jino."->JinoSecret4]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Jino.]
(if: $CynSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Cyn."->CynSecret4]]](else-if: $CynSecret is 1 or 2)[[["Tell me another secret about Cyn."->CynSecret4]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Cyn.]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret4]]](else-if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret4]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Onyx.]]"Got it! Let's do it!"
$Cinni throws herself into bringing in the final crop, and you fall in alongside. It remains a rather unexciting bit of gameplay, but you have to admit that the repetitive effort is quite soothing. Especially when it had such a distinct and tangible reward at the end, in the form of a fat little stack of coins that are added to the farm's coffers.
(set: $Farm to it + 1)
[[Success!->EndCinni4]](set: $SavaSecret to it + 1)(if: $SavaSecret is 1)[<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
"$Sava doesn't really want to be a doctor. That's what she's going for school for, and its what her parents are, and its what she *says* she wants-- but you can read her body language, its not hard. Talking about it... she's distant. Like its a thing she just feels like she has to do, you know? But if you talk to her about being $Blue... well, she like flushes and tells you to shut up probably, but she *means* it. It excites her. I just think that's neat."](if: $SavaSecret is 2)[<img alt="bluehead" src="images/blue/bluehead.png"/>
"$Shunne always worries about her. $Sava, well, $Blue I mean. $Shunne worries about everything, 'course, but I think she's actually onto something there. $Mistress always says I'm good with people, and better with ponies. Understanding them, you know? And I think of all of us, only $Silver is more likely to end up as a full-time slave. $Blue *says* she doesn't like that sort of thing, but she really, really, really, likes the attention."
$Cinni pauses, then tips her head to the side. "Its a responsibility thing too. $Sava has so many of them... but $Blue has only a few, and $Mistress will just whip her if she forgets any of them. Being that free feels really good. Except for, you know, actually being whipped. That hurts."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni4]](set: $ShunneSecret to it + 1)
(if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
"She wants to have a baby! Like she's already *really* maternal, but I think she feels her biological clock ticking, you know? And she's not sure what to do. Her job and $Cyn keep her here, but there aren't other people like her here. We're too young, and so is $Cyn, even if they have dinner sometimes. So she's thinking about adopting, or..."
$Cinni's eyes light up even brighter beneath her mask. "$Red is in the breeding program. Which is, I guess, all training and not *real*... but what if it was?"](if: $ShunneSecret is 2)[<img alt="redhead" src="images/red/redhead.png"/>
"$Red will never be a lifestyle pony, not unless something dramatic happens. $Shunne is just too, um, smart? Like she likes being a Professor, as much as she likes being $Red sometimes. But to be $Red all the time she would need to love it more than anything, and she's not... selfish enough for that, I guess? Being a slave is hard, you gotta give up so much for it."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni4]](set: $JinoSecret to it + 1)
(if: $JinoSecret is 1)[<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
"$Jino is really rich." The (color: yellow)[yellow] quarian is quite blunt about that. "She doesn't make it obvious, and she doesn't really *care* I think, but its her work. $Jino is a deep sea welder, and they get paid really well, and she doesn't have... hobbies? Or a house, or fancy aircars or anything. When she's not at sea, she's here, and she's often $Silver... and $Mistress doesn't charge us anything for that."
She pauses, then laughs. "It would be weird if we had to pay to be slaves, right?"](if: $JinoSecret is 2)[<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
$Cinni hesitates, then leans in a bit. "Everyone thinks her, um, *issue* with $Cyn is that $Mistress isn't sure $Silver is ready or committed enough, or whatever to become a lifestyle, full-time pony. But that's not true. Its the other way around. If $Mistress owns $Silver like that, she will have to admit that she really *wants* to be a full-time slaveholder and everything. Plus her relationship with $Jino... they're not sure *what* they want, either of them, but its mostly on $Cyn, not $Jino."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni4]](set: $CynSecret to it + 1)
(if: $CynSecret is 1)[<img alt="cynsultry" src="images/cyn/cynsultry.jpg"/>
"Oh, $Mistress?" $Cinni perks up at your choice. "Well... she cheats, on her own diet. Like all the time. She's not a pony, usually, so she doesn't necessarily have to follow one, 'course, but that's why she works out extra hard to make up the difference. $Mistress has a sweet tooth, and $Shunne is trying to get her to eat better, but human chocolate tastes really good, or so I've heard. Some of it at least, depends on the region."](if: $CynSecret is 2)[<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
"Hmm, well I know her password. For the Stable Server, I mean. You know, that thing you can log into, from your room? It has a whole other side just for $Mistress to do... whatever she does in there. The password is MYTOYS, all capitals. I've seen her type it in a few times, and I have a good memory for... patterns, I guess? Anyway, never tried it myself. I like the mystery of it all, but you could."](if: $CynSecret is 3)[<img alt="jadehead" src="images/cyn/jadehead.png"/>
"A third secret about $Cyn? Huh. Well... she was a lifestyle pony herself, for a few years."
She says is quite nonchalantly, and it takes her awhile to realize your staring was an invitation for more. "Oh! Did you not know that? Her name was $Jade, its how she first started building the suits we use. Vorane, her hold $Mistress, taught her all about beining a ponygirl and *eventually* a domme. Something about her being a natural Switch, but too good of a $Mistress to make a slave forever? Maybe if $Mistress Vorane ever comes to visit you will get to meet $Jade, sometimes $Cyn puts her old suit back on for her..."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni4]](set: $OnyxSecret to it + 1)
(if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[<img alt="onyxbod" src="images/onyx/onyxbod.png"/>
"$Onyx? Aww, come on $Name, that's a hard one." Your fellow quarian taps her mouthpiece in thought. "Okay, how about *why* that's a hard one? Its because we don't know anything about her, really. Where she is from, or how she met her $Mistress, or even her real name. She's just $Onyx. I just know she's spent about seven years as a fulltime lifestyle pony, I suppose. And her body language is all weird."
$Cinni pauses, thinking again. Its a testament to how difficult of a topic you had selected. "She's very expressive, but not in the way a person is. Like when I read your body language, or any other quarian's, I get... an idea of what you're thinking. But it doesn't even seem like $Onyx is *thinking* sometimes, she's just... I dunno, *experiencing* I guess. Its hard to explain."](if: $OnyxSecret is 2)[<img alt="onyxbod2" src="images/onyx/onyxbod2.jpg"/>
"Another $Onyx secret? Right, umm... well, $Cyn knows her best. They lived together, for awhile, or something? But I know that $Onyx really does live as a pony full time. She has a stable cell here, and one at her $Mistress' mansion. Oh! I really hope we get to go there again, I've only been once, but its... well, $Onyx's $Mistress is *really* into the sorts of things we like too, and has built all sorts of things for $Onyx. Its kind of hard to imagine living as, you know, $Yellow or $Violet full time here, but its *really* easy to think about it there. Maybe you'll see one day? Just know you're not allowed on that property in anything but your slave suit, and you won't get to remove it while there. $Onyx's $Mistress is very strict."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni4]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
You and $Cinni settle into a lull, watching the passing days within the game-- at least until your fellow quarian springs up to her feet, quite suddenly. "I just realized I forgot to feed Clipper! Oh, I bet he's so hungry! I'll be right back, call me when the Mayor gives us his report though, okay $Violet? I don't want to miss it!
She had used your pony name again, but is gone before you have the chance to correct her. The sound of her opening cabinets is joined shortly thereafter by a loud and cranky sounding *meeeeeeeeeoooow!* Presumably Clippers was airing his grievances.
The Mayor's report comes in a few minutes later, the telltale ding matched with a slowly opening envelope covering most of the screen. The moment of truth, you need only call your partner!
[["Its happening, $Cinni!"->CinniFall]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
$Cinni all but *runs* back into the living room, and almost immediately catches her foot upon the edge of the sofa as she rounds it. Her approach becomes a fall, giving you the barest of moments to pivot before she comes down on top of you. She is *very much* on top of you as you open your eyes, her knees to either side of your hips, her hands... directly positioned upon your breasts.
(if: $BodyProg > 0)[The greater bust $Cyn had cultivated in you means she cannot truly cover them completely with her gloved hands, but the sensation of being touched like that is rather unfamiliar.](else:)[You haven't had your chest's proportions improved, allowing her gloved hands to cover them completely, a sensation you're rather unfamiliar with.] (if: $Piercing > 0)[Especially with your piercings beneath her thumbs, the direct stimulation more than a little enticing.] $Cinni, for her part, merely looks down at you blankly. You may have expected her to get off, but she lingers, as if her mind was drawing a complete and total blank. When that stupor finally breaks, it comes in a most unexpected way.
"Are you... a lesbian, $Violet?"
[["What!? Get off of me!"->WhatGetOff]]
[["Of course I am!"->OfCourse]]
[["Actually, I think I'm bi."->ImBi]]
[["No, I like boys!"->LikeBoys]]"Huh? Oh!" $Cinni hurriedly complies, pulling back and then sliding off your hips. She retakes her seat next to you, looking entirely unabashed about the entire experience. Still, she does apologize.
"Sorry, just seeing you like that... I was wondering, you know? $Mistress is a girl, but she locks our stallions in so frequently-- (if: $Slice > 3)[you've got yours now, right?](else:)[you only have your training plugs, thus far.] It can get a bit confusing. $Silver is gay, though. Me too. $Red is bi, and $Blue *claims* to like boys, but she also says she hates her stallion, and that doesn't seem possible."
She shrugs. "Anyway... sorry about that. Oh yeah, the score!" Turning to the vidscreen, she picks back up her controller.
"Let's see how we did!"
[[$Cinni's bluntness is hard to ignore at times.->FinalFarm]]"Really? Me too!" She sits up, removing her hands, and only belatedly seems to notice she was still atop you. Sliding off, and returning to her seat beside you, she looks just a *bit* abashedd.
"Sorry, just seeing you like that... I was wondering, you know? $Mistress is a girl, but she locks our stallions in so frequently-- (if: $Slice > 3)[you've got yours now, right?](else:)[you only have your training plugs, thus far.] It can get a bit confusing. $Silver is gay, though. $Red is bi, and $Blue *claims* to like boys, but she also says she hates her stallion, and that doesn't seem possible."
She shrugs. "Anyway... sorry about that. Oh yeah, the score!" Turning to the vidscreen, she picks back up her controller.
"Let's see how we did!"
[[$Cinni's bluntness is hard to ignore at times.->FinalFarm]]"Really? Just like $Red!" She sits up, removing her hands, and only belatedly seems to notice she was still atop you. Sliding off, and returning to her seat beside you, she looks just a *bit* abashed.
"Sorry, just seeing you like that... I was wondering, you know? $Mistress is a girl, but she locks our stallions in so frequently-- (if: $Slice > 3)[you've got yours now, right?](else:)[you only have your training plugs, thus far.] It can get a bit confusing. $Silver is gay, though. Me too. Oh, and $Blue *claims* to like boys, but she also says she hates her stallion, and that doesn't seem possible."
She shrugs. "Anyway... sorry about that. Oh yeah, the score!" Turning to the vidscreen, she picks back up her controller.
"Let's see how we did!"
[[$Cinni's bluntness is hard to ignore at times.->FinalFarm]]"Really? You're such a good mare!" She sits up, removing her hands, and only belatedly seems to notice she was still atop you. Sliding off, and returning to her seat beside you, she looks just a *bit* abashedd.
"Sorry, just seeing you like that... I was wondering, you know? $Mistress is a girl, but she locks our stallions in so frequently-- (if: $Slice > 3)[you've got yours now, right?](else:)[you only have your training plugs, thus far.] It can get a bit confusing. $Silver is gay, though. Me too. $Red is bi. Oh, and $Blue *claims* to like boys, but she also says she hates her stallion, and that doesn't seem possible."
She shrugs. "Anyway... sorry about that. Oh yeah, the score!" Turning to the vidscreen, she picks back up her controller.
"Let's see how we did!"
[[$Cinni's bluntness is hard to ignore at times.->FinalFarm]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
With the unraveling of the Mayor's message, Sunshine Country zooms out, revealing your farm in its entirety.
(if: $Farm is 0)[Several weeks of work with $Cinni have produced a stately little farm, generally well maintained, and just about breaking even financially. Tidy little rows of crops end near the barn, where several small pens keep a variety of domesticated animals. You weren't able to afford a stable and horses, something $Cinni had been keen to do, but overall the Mayor's report mimics the satisfactory results you can see with your own eyes.
At your side, $Cinni looks a bit disappointed nevertheless. "I thought we were doing better than that," she admits. "But I guess we were pretty close to doing worse. Maybe we should just be pulling the plows on a farm, instead of running it!"](else-if: $Farm > 3)[Several weeks of work with $Cinni have produced a sprawling fertile farm, pristinely kept and hauling in record profits. Thick rows of bountiful crops end near the large barn, where big herds of domesticated animals are kept. You were even able to afford a full stable and the horses to stock it, a particularly... enthusing diversion for $Cinni, who had even painted the stalls (color:red)[red], (color:blue)[blue], (color:yellow)[yellow], (color:grey)[silver], and (color: purple)[violet]. Overall the Mayor's report mimics the grandiose success you can see with your own eyes.
At your side, $Cinni bounces in her seat, clapping her hands together excitedly. "We did better than I've ever managed! And it turned out amazing, $Name! Like-- if we didn't do perfectly, it was *really* close. I guess we could actually run a farm, instead of just working at the plows!"](else-if: $Farm > 0)[Several weeks of work with Cinni have produced a pretty big farm, well kept and financially stable. Long rows of crops end near the barn, where a variety of different domesticated animals make their home. You even managed to afford a small stable, and five horses to stock it, a particularly... enthusing diversion for $Cinni, who had even painted the stalls (color:red)[red], (color:blue)[blue], (color:yellow)[yellow], (color:grey)[silver], and (color: purple)[violet]. Overall the Mayor's report mimics the general success you can see with your own eyes.
At your side, $Cinni claps her hands together excitedly. "We did pretty great, $Name! Not perfect, I don't think, but pretty close all the same! I guess we actually could run a farm, instead of just working at the plows!"](else-if: $Farm < -3)[Several weeks of work with $Cinni have produced... well, a mess, really. To call the overgrown fields a farm would have been a stretch, and the barn you had been building together had burned down-- and never been fixed. In fact, some of it is *still* burning, somehow. $Cinni's goal of affording a stable and some horses had never come even close to fruition either, as your farm is effectively bankrupt. The Mayor's report is only more of the same, and includes a foreclosure notice. *Game Over.*
At your side, $Cinni nevertheless laughs. "We did terribly, $Name! Wow. I guess we're not really fit for running a farm, huh? Luckily $Mistress would only ever let us pull the plows on her farm."](else:)[Several weeks of work with $Cinni have produced... well, a bit of a mess, really. Your fields are half weeds from neglect, and barn you had been building had never been rebuilt after it burned. At least you had remember to put out the fires. $Cinni's goal of affording a stable and some horses had been close to fruition at times, but in the end you had simply been unable to crawl out of the financial debt your farm had built up. The Mayor's report is only more of the same, and includes a foreclosure notice. *Game Over.*
At your side, $Cinni nevertheless laughs. "We did... pretty bad, $Name! Wow. I guess we're not really fit for running a farm, huh? Luckily $Mistress would only ever let us pull the plows on her farm."]
Her little joke brings $Cinni a fresh wave of laughter, even as she tries to calm back down. "Alright, alright. That's basically the game, until the release the next expansion. I'm not... I'm not sure I remember what the theme of it is? Anyway, I think you should get *one* more secret for all the help you gave me. So... tell me who you wanna talk about!"
[["Wait, Cinni, I have to ask: how are these secrets if you're telling me them?"->CinniHowSecret]]
(if: $SavaSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Sava."->SavaSecret5]]](else-if: $SavaSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Sava."->SavaSecret5]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Sava.]
(if: $ShunneSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret5]]](else-if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret5]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Shunne.]
(if: $JinoSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Jino."->JinoSecret5]]](else-if: $JinoSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Jino."->JinoSecret5]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Jino.]
(if: $CynSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Cyn."->CynSecret5]]](else-if: $CynSecret is 1 or 2)[[["Tell me another secret about Cyn."->CynSecret5]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Cyn.]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret5]]](else-if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret5]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Onyx.]]"Huh?" Your question catches the other quarian offguard, enough so that she lifts a hand to her mask's chin, as if to consider such a simple question further. "Oh! Well, they're my secrets, you know? Stuff I think, or things I have learned. So they're mine to share. And maybe they're not exactly *secrets* then, and while I like knowing things that others don't, I like sharing those things even more!"
*That... made a certain amount of sense, you suppose. At least by $Cinni's standards.*
(if: $SavaSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Sava."->SavaSecret5]]](else-if: $SavaSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Sava."->SavaSecret5]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Sava.]
(if: $ShunneSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret5]]](else-if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Shunne."->ShunneSecret5]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Shunne.]
(if: $JinoSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Jino."->JinoSecret5]]](else-if: $JinoSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Jino."->JinoSecret5]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Jino.]
(if: $CynSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Cyn."->CynSecret5]]](else-if: $CynSecret is 1 or 2)[[["Tell me another secret about Cyn."->CynSecret5]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Cyn.]
(if: $Slice > 3)[(if: $OnyxSecret is 0)[[["Tell me a secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret5]]](else-if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[[["Tell me another secret about Onyx."->OnyxSecret5]]](else:)[Cinni doesn't have any other secrets about Onyx.]](set: $SavaSecret to it + 1)(if: $SavaSecret is 1)[<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
"$Sava doesn't really want to be a doctor. That's what she's going for school for, and its what her parents are, and its what she *says* she wants-- but you can read her body language, its not hard. Talking about it... she's distant. Like its a thing she just feels like she has to do, you know? But if you talk to her about being $Blue... well, she like flushes and tells you to shut up probably, but she *means* it. It excites her. I just think that's neat."](if: $SavaSecret is 2)[<img alt="bluehead" src="images/blue/bluehead.png"/>
"$Shunne always worries about her. $Sava, well, $Blue I mean. $Shunne worries about everything, 'course, but I think she's actually onto something there. $Mistress always says I'm good with people, and better with ponies. Understanding them, you know? And I think of all of us, only $Silver is more likely to end up as a full-time slave. $Blue *says* she doesn't like that sort of thing, but she really, really, really, likes the attention."
$Cinni pauses, then tips her head to the side. "Its a responsibility thing too. $Sava has so many of them... but $Blue has only a few, and $Mistress will just whip her if she forgets any of them. Being that free feels really good. Except for, you know, actually being whipped. That hurts."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni5]](set: $ShunneSecret to it + 1)
(if: $ShunneSecret is 1)[<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
"She wants to have a baby! Like she's already *really* maternal, but I think she feels her biological clock ticking, you know? And she's not sure what to do. Her job and $Cyn keep her here, but there aren't other people like her here. We're too young, and so is $Cyn, even if they have dinner sometimes. So she's thinking about adopting, or..."
$Cinni's eyes light up even brighter beneath her mask. "$Red is in the breeding program. Which is, I guess, all training and not *real*... but what if it was?"](if: $ShunneSecret is 2)[<img alt="redhead" src="images/red/redhead.png"/>
"$Red will never be a lifestyle pony, not unless something dramatic happens. $Shunne is just too, um, smart? Like she likes being a Professor, as much as she likes being $Red sometimes. But to be $Red all the time she would need to love it more than anything, and she's not... selfish enough for that, I guess? Being a slave is hard, you gotta give up so much for it."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni5]](set: $JinoSecret to it + 1)
(if: $JinoSecret is 1)[<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
"$Jino is really rich." The (color: yellow)[yellow] quarian is quite blunt about that. "She doesn't make it obvious, and she doesn't really *care* I think, but its her work. $Jino is a deep sea welder, and they get paid really well, and she doesn't have... hobbies? Or a house, or fancy aircars or anything. When she's not at sea, she's here, and she's often $Silver... and $Mistress doesn't charge us anything for that."
She pauses, then laughs. "It would be weird if we had to pay to be slaves, right?"](if: $JinoSecret is 2)[<img alt="silverhead" src="images/silver/silverhead.png"/>
$Cinni hesitates, then leans in a bit. "Everyone thinks her, um, *issue* with $Cyn is that $Mistress isn't sure $Silver is ready or committed enough, or whatever to become a lifestyle, full-time pony. But that's not true. Its the other way around. If $Mistress owns $Silver like that, she will have to admit that she really *wants* to be a full-time slaveholder and everything. Plus her relationship with $Jino... they're not sure *what* they want, either of them, but its mostly on $Cyn, not $Jino."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni5]](set: $CynSecret to it + 1)
(if: $CynSecret is 1)[<img alt="cynsultry" src="images/cyn/cynsultry.jpg"/>
"Oh, $Mistress?" $Cinni perks up at your choice. "Well... she cheats, on her own diet. Like all the time. She's not a pony, usually, so she doesn't necessarily have to follow one, 'course, but that's why she works out extra hard to make up the difference. $Mistress has a sweet tooth, and $Shunne is trying to get her to eat better, but human chocolate tastes really good, or so I've heard. Some of it at least, depends on the region."](if: $CynSecret is 2)[<img alt="cynsultry2" src="images/cyn/cynsultry2.png"/>
"Hmm, well I know her password. For the Stable Server, I mean. You know, that thing you can log into, from your room? It has a whole other side just for $Mistress to do... whatever she does in there. The password is MYTOYS, all capitals. I've seen her type it in a few times, and I have a good memory for... patterns, I guess? Anyway, never tried it myself. I like the mystery of it all, but you could."](if: $CynSecret is 3)[<img alt="jadehead" src="images/cyn/jadehead.png"/>
"A third secret about $Cyn? Huh. Well... she was a lifestyle pony herself, for a few years."
She says is quite nonchalantly, and it takes her awhile to realize your staring was an invitation for more. "Oh! Did you not know that? Her name was $Jade, its how she first started building the suits we use. Vorane, her hold $Mistress, taught her all about beining a ponygirl and *eventually* a domme. Something about her being a natural Switch, but too good of a $Mistress to make a slave forever? Maybe if $Mistress Vorane ever comes to visit you will get to meet $Jade, sometimes $Cyn puts her old suit back on for her..."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni5]](set: $OnyxSecret to it + 1)
(if: $OnyxSecret is 1)[<img alt="onyxbod" src="images/onyx/onyxbod.png"/>
"$Onyx? Aww, come on $Name, that's a hard one." Your fellow quarian taps her mouthpiece in thought. "Okay, how about *why* that's a hard one? Its because we don't know anything about her, really. Where she is from, or how she met her $Mistress, or even her real name. She's just $Onyx. I just know she's spent about seven years as a fulltime lifestyle pony, I suppose. And her body language is all weird."
$Cinni pauses, thinking again. Its a testament to how difficult of a topic you had selected. "She's very expressive, but not in the way a person is. Like when I read your body language, or any other quarian's, I get... an idea of what you're thinking. But it doesn't even seem like $Onyx is *thinking* sometimes, she's just... I dunno, *experiencing* I guess. Its hard to explain."](if: $OnyxSecret is 2)[<img alt="onyxbod2" src="images/onyx/onyxbod2.jpg"/>
"Another $Onyx secret? Right, umm... well, $Cyn knows her best. They lived together, for awhile, or something? But I know that $Onyx really does live as a pony full time. She has a stable cell here, and one at her $Mistress' mansion. Oh! I really hope we get to go there again, I've only been once, but its... well, $Onyx's $Mistress is *really* into the sorts of things we like too, and has built all sorts of things for $Onyx. Its kind of hard to imagine living as, you know, $Yellow or $Violet full time here, but its *really* easy to think about it there. Maybe you'll see one day? Just know you're not allowed on that property in anything but your slave suit, and you won't get to remove it while there. $Onyx's $Mistress is very strict."]
[["Interesting."->EndCinni5]]"There! Done. For now, I guess. I'll let you get back to... whatever is was you were doing," $Cinni concludes, standing up suddenly. Its more like she leaps to her feet, actually-- her flexibility and energy always something to behold. Yet as she stands there, above you, something overtakes her body language. *Curiosity*, you conclude, just before she rounds on you.
"You have nice boobs."
[["I-- Cinni!? What!?->ConfusedCinniEnd]]
[["Uh... thanks? I think?"->ThanksCinniEnd]]
[["So do you."->YouTooCinniEnd]]"I touched them before," $Cinni explains, as if it were quite obvious. "When I fell. (if: $BodyProg > 0)[And yours have been improved, with $Cyn's diet.](else:)[And yours are really nice.] (if: $Piercing > 0)[Especially with the standard piercings!](else:)[Even if you're not pierced, yet.] So I was just thinking what I could do for you, since you've done so much for me, being my friend and everything. And I got an idea!"
She gropes herself *quite* lewdly, without even thinking about it much. "Another secret! A special one. When I'm in my slave suit, when I'm $Yellow, $Mistress has done this thing to my... up, breast cups? The part of the suit that holds our boobs, you know? They have these little spiky things, really small, all across them. And they make your chest really, really, **really** sensitive! Being touched there becomes, like, *insane.* $Mistress calls it *Breast Sensitivity Enforcement*, but I just think... its fun, you know? $Silver and I have it, but I'm gonna talk to $Mistress and suggest you get it too, while you're $Violet. You don't *have* to do the training for it if you don't want, but I'll make sure $Blue adds it to your, uh, that Planner thing you do with her, for next time!"
(border-color: white)+(border: "dashed")[**Breast Sensitivity Enforcement:** a permanent change to your slave suit, the addition of small tack-like pins to the breast cups of your suit will make your chest incredibly sensitive, and will be available the next time you access your weekly planner.]
(set: $InnyBreast to 1)
"Anyway!" $Cinni throws a thumb over her shoulder. "I dunno if we'll get the chance to play more, but I really had fun, $Name. And I'm looking forward to whatever happens next!"
(set: $YellowTimer to it + 1)
(border-color: yellow)+(border: "dashed")[**Cinni's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "For now, your time with Cinni ends...", "HangBetween")"You're welcome!" $Cinni replies, completely missing your confusion. "I touched them when I fell, you know? (if: $BodyProg > 0)[And yours have been improved, with $Cyn's diet.](else:)[And yours are really nice.] (if: $Piercing > 0)[Especially with the standard piercings!](else:)[Even if you're not pierced, yet.] So I was just thinking what I could do for you, since you've done so much for me, being my friend and everything. And I got an idea!"
She gropes herself *quite* lewdly, without even thinking about it much. "Another secret! A special one. When I'm in my slave suit, when I'm $Yellow, $Mistress has done this thing to my... up, breast cups? The part of the suit that holds our boobs, you know? They have these little spiky things, really small, all across them. And they make your chest really, really, **really** sensitive! Being touched there becomes, like, *insane.* $Mistress calls it *Breast Sensitivity Enforcement*, but I just think... its fun, you know? $Silver and I have it, but I'm gonna talk to $Mistress and suggest you get it too, while you're $Violet. You don't *have* to do the training for it if you don't want, but I'll make sure $Blue adds it to your, uh, that Planner thing you do with her, for next time!"
(border-color: white)+(border: "dashed")[**Breast Sensitivity Enforcement:** a permanent change to your slave suit, the addition of small tack-like pins to the breast cups of your suit will make your chest incredibly sensitive, and will be available the next time you access your weekly planner.]
(set: $InnyBreast to 1)
"Anyway!" $Cinni throws a thumb over her shoulder. "I dunno if we'll get the chance to play more, but I really had fun, $Name. And I'm looking forward to whatever happens next!"
(set: $YellowTimer to it + 1)
(border-color: yellow)+(border: "dashed")[**Cinni's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "For now, your time with Cinni ends...", "HangBetween")"Aww, thank you!" $Cinni replies, looking down at her own chest. "I touched yours when I fell, you know? (if: $BodyProg > 0)[And yours have been improved, with $Cyn's diet.](else:)[And yours are really nice.] (if: $Piercing > 0)[Especially with the standard piercings!](else:)[Even if you're not pierced, yet.] So I was just thinking what I could do for you, since you've done so much for me, being my friend and everything. And I got an idea!"
She gropes herself *quite* lewdly, without even thinking about it much. "Another secret! A special one. When I'm in my slave suit, when I'm $Yellow, $Mistress has done this thing to my... up, breast cups? The part of the suit that holds our boobs, you know? They have these little spiky things, really small, all across them. And they make your chest really, really, **really** sensitive! Being touched there becomes, like, *insane.* $Mistress calls it *Breast Sensitivity Enforcement*, but I just think... its fun, you know? $Silver and I have it, but I'm gonna talk to $Mistress and suggest you get it too, while you're $Violet. You don't *have* to do the training for it if you don't want, but I'll make sure $Blue adds it to your, uh, that Planner thing you do with her, for next time!"
(border-color: white)+(border: "dashed")[**Breast Sensitivity Enforcement:** a permanent change to your slave suit, the addition of small tack-like pins to the breast cups of your suit will make your chest incredibly sensitive, and will be available the next time you access your weekly planner.]
(set: $InnyBreast to 1)
"Anyway!" $Cinni throws a thumb over her shoulder. "I dunno if we'll get the chance to play more, but I really had fun, $Name. And I'm looking forward to whatever happens next!"
(set: $YellowTimer to it + 1)
(border-color: yellow)+(border: "dashed")[**Cinni's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "For now, your time with Cinni ends...", "HangBetween")<img alt="flippers" src="images/reg/flippers.png"/>
Skillfully grabbing the thrown objects, you find yourself actually holding a pair, connected at their heels. It takes a bit of turning before you realize just what you had been given: swimming flippers, in a (color: purple)[violet] shade that just so happened to match your suit color. Looking back to $Jino, you see a similar pair in (color: grey)[silver] hanging from the side of her bag.
"Come on," she demands, somewhat coolly. "You've been trying to hang out with me, right? Well here is your chance."
She turns immediately, neither waiting for you nor giving you time to question her intentions. By the time you internalize what she had said, $Jino is already halfway out the apartment door.
[[Chase after her!->JinoHangChase]]
[["Hey, wait up!"->JinoHangChase]]<img alt="flippers" src="images/reg/flippers.png"/>
The thrown objects smack against your fumbling hands, falling in your lap. Thankfully they're not heavy, and when you lift them you find yourself holding a pair, connected at their heels. It takes a bit of turning before you realize just what you had been given: swimming flippers, in a (color: purple)[violet] shade that just so happened to match your suit color. Looking back to $Jino, you see a similar pair in (color: grey)[silver] hanging from the side of her bag.
"Come on," she demands, somewhat coolly. "You've been trying to hang out with me, right? Well here is your chance."
She turns immediately, neither waiting for you nor giving you time to question her intentions. By the time you internalize what she had said, $Jino is already halfway out the apartment door.
[[Chase after her!->JinoHangChase]]
[["Hey, wait up!"->JinoHangChase]]<img alt="speeder" src="images/reg/speeder.png"/>
With her head start, and her long strides, you don't manage to catch up with $Jino until the ground floor, just as she's pushing out the front door of $Cyn's store. Sidestepping a customer who was coming in just as you moved to follow, you emerge onto the street outside. There $Jino waits, one leg already slung over an aggressive looking floatspeeder. Given the size of that front engine housing, and the angry purr as $Jino kickstarts the main engines, you have to imagine the mass effect core powering it was large indeed-- making the craft as fast as it was expensive.
$Jino merely looks to you, however, indicating the passenger seat directly behind the one on which she sits. "Get on. We're going diving, or whatever."
As you gingerly climb aboard, thankful at least that your everyday helmet was crash-resistant, $Jino pulls you closer-- until your chest is up against her back. "Arms around my waist, feet on the pegs. (if: $Risers is true)[You got risers like I do, so angle your toes down, its more comfortable.](else:)[You ain't wearing risers like me, so just make sure your boots have a firm grip.]"
(set: $Strike to 0)
[[Follow her lead.->JinotoBeach]]<img alt="blacksand" src="images/land/blacksand.png"/>
She drives *fast*. Peeling out from the downtown area, $Jino makes for the coast at a speed you have to imagine verged on the illegal, her weaving through traffic as confident as it seemed foolhardy. Out of the city you head along the coastal roads, following their curves and bends for sometime. You make it in one piece, and in quite good time, to a parking area overlooking a secluded looking beach. Like all those on Hyetiana, it is lined with fine black sand, the result of eroded volcanic activity in the planet's ancient past. It is also lined with snow, the seawater probably near freezing-- already you're turning up your suit's temperature controls.
Planting her bag down upon the abandoned beach, $Jino pulls out a pair of small rectangular devices, attached to straps you at first mistake for a pony harness-- they're actually just intended to be worn on the back, however, as your fellow quarian is soon demonstrating. "Its a rebreather," she explains simply. "Your suit is already vacuum rated, so a little water will be fine. All you need to do is not go too deep."
As she helps you slide your own rebreather on, hooking it to your mask and then proceeding to attach the flippers to your feet, you finally have the chance to ask a question or two.
(set: $Strike to it + 1)
[["Did you rent this stuff from Cyn?"->RentFromCyn]]
[["What exactly are we doing?"->WhatAreWeDoing]]
[["Uh, thanks for spending some time with me."->ThanksJinoLOL]]
[["Was that floatspeeder yours?"->FloatSpeed]]
[["Why didn't you want to hang out with me, before?"->WhyNoHang]](set: $Strike to it + 1)
(if: $Strike > 3)["Enough questions," $Jino intercedes, standing back up to her full and impressive height. (if: $Risers is true)[Like you, heel-like risers are permanently installed on her suit, but she was naturally taller than you-- and seems to tower in that moment.](else:)[Not only was she naturally taller than you, she was still wearing the heel-like risers that must have been all but permanently attached to her suit-- she towers over you.] "Let me tell you how this is going to go. I don't do small talk, and I prefer my time alone. But you're joining the Stable, so I'm going to teach you something. Pay attention."
She steps into the water, beckoning for you to follow. Reaching water about knee deep, she turns to you again. "This is a lesson in being alone."
And with that, she dives into the water, a silver form darting beneath the dark waves.
[[Follow her!->JinoSwim]]](else:)["No." She seems liable to leave her answer at that, gruff as it was, but continues after a moment. "I bought it for you. Don't ask. Credits aren't really a problem, and this isn't the Fleet. There is nothing wrong with owning things yourself."
She was referencing the communal nature of your people, and the tendency to share your limited resources as best as possible. Apparently $Jino held very different views.
[["What exactly are we doing?"->WhatAreWeDoing]]
[["Uh, thanks for spending some time with me."->ThanksJinoLOL]]
[["Was that floatspeeder yours?"->FloatSpeed]]
[["Why didn't you want to hang out with me, before?"->WhyNoHang]]](set: $Strike to it + 1)
(if: $Strike > 3)["Enough questions," $Jino intercedes, standing back up to her full and impressive height. (if: $Risers is true)[Like you, heel-like risers are permanently installed on her suit, but she was naturally taller than you-- and seems to tower in that moment.](else:)[Not only was she naturally taller than you, she was still wearing the heel-like risers that must have been all but permanently attached to her suit-- she towers over you.] "Let me tell you how this is going to go. I don't do small talk, and I prefer my time alone. But you're joining the Stable, so I'm going to teach you something. Pay attention."
She steps into the water, beckoning for you to follow. Reaching water about knee deep, she turns to you again. "This is a lesson in being alone."
And with that, she dives into the water, a silver form darting beneath the dark waves.
[[Follow her!->JinoSwim]]](else:)["I am preparing you to go diving with me." That wasn't an answer to what you had really asked, but $Jino seems quite keen on ignoring that fact. "If you want hugs and handholding, try hanging out with the others. I'm going to teach you something useful, maybe. Either way, it makes $Cyn happy."
[["Did you rent this stuff from Cyn?"->RentFromCyn]]
[["Uh, thanks for spending some time with me."->ThanksJinoLOL]]
[["Was that floatspeeder yours?"->FloatSpeed]]
[["Why didn't you want to hang out with me, before?"->WhyNoHang]]](set: $Strike to it + 1)
(if: $Strike > 3)["Enough questions," $Jino intercedes, standing back up to her full and impressive height. (if: $Risers is true)[Like you, heel-like risers are permanently installed on her suit, but she was naturally taller than you-- and seems to tower in that moment.](else:)[Not only was she naturally taller than you, she was still wearing the heel-like risers that must have been all but permanently attached to her suit-- she towers over you.] "Let me tell you how this is going to go. I don't do small talk, and I prefer my time alone. But you're joining the Stable, so I'm going to teach you something. Pay attention."
She steps into the water, beckoning for you to follow. Reaching water about knee deep, she turns to you again. "This is a lesson in being alone."
And with that, she dives into the water, a silver form darting beneath the dark waves.
[[Follow her!->JinoSwim]]](else:)["Don't. I don't deserve that. Were it up to me, I'd be here by myself-- no, if it were *really* up to me I'd be in the stable. But I'm not, and $Cyn asked me to be more open with you, so that's what I'm trying to do. I'm not good at that sort of thing, and everyone knows it, but here we are-- dealing with it."
[["Did you rent this stuff from Cyn?"->RentFromCyn]]
[["What exactly are we doing?"->WhatAreWeDoing]]
[["Was that floatspeeder yours?"->FloatSpeed]]
[["Why didn't you want to hang out with me, before?"->WhyNoHang]]](set: $Strike to it + 1)
(if: $Strike > 3)["Enough questions," $Jino intercedes, standing back up to her full and impressive height. (if: $Risers is true)[Like you, heel-like risers are permanently installed on her suit, but she was naturally taller than you-- and seems to tower in that moment.](else:)[Not only was she naturally taller than you, she was still wearing the heel-like risers that must have been all but permanently attached to her suit-- she towers over you.] "Let me tell you how this is going to go. I don't do small talk, and I prefer my time alone. But you're joining the Stable, so I'm going to teach you something. Pay attention."
She steps into the water, beckoning for you to follow. Reaching water about knee deep, she turns to you again. "This is a lesson in being alone."
And with that, she dives into the water, a silver form darting beneath the dark waves.
[[Follow her!->JinoSwim]]](else:)["Yeah. Sometimes I can't sleep, when I'm ashore. So I go driving along the coasts around here."
From what you've heard, $Jino didn't have many other hobbies. Reading, perhaps. You've seen her doing just that around $Cyn's house a few times. And she was always willing to go into the harness as $Silver, but that was obvious. Perhaps there was a connection there? That floatspeeder wasn't the only thing capable of heavy vibrations she liked between her legs, clearly.
[["Did you rent this stuff from Cyn?"->RentFromCyn]]
[["What exactly are we doing?"->WhatAreWeDoing]]
[["Uh, thanks for spending some time with me."->ThanksJinoLOL]]
[["Why didn't you want to hang out with me, before?"->WhyNoHang]]](set: $Strike to it + 1)
(if: $Strike > 3)["Enough questions," $Jino intercedes, standing back up to her full and impressive height. (if: $Risers is true)[Like you, heel-like risers are permanently installed on her suit, but she was naturally taller than you-- and seems to tower in that moment.](else:)[Not only was she naturally taller than you, she was still wearing the heel-like risers that must have been all but permanently attached to her suit-- she towers over you.] "Let me tell you how this is going to go. I don't do small talk, and I prefer my time alone. But you're joining the Stable, so I'm going to teach you something. Pay attention."
She steps into the water, beckoning for you to follow. Reaching water about knee deep, she turns to you again. "This is a lesson in being alone."
And with that, she dives into the water, a silver form darting beneath the dark waves.
[[Follow her!->JinoSwim]]](else:)["Don't take it personally. I don't really like to hang out with anyone. That probably makes me a bad quarian, but I wasn't born in the Fleet, so by most accounts I'm *bad* to start with. That's fine. And I don't hold you trying to spend time with me against you, I get other people are different."
She pauses, looking up at you. "There isn't anything wrong with being different."
[["Did you rent this stuff from Cyn?"->RentFromCyn]]
[["What exactly are we doing?"->WhatAreWeDoing]]
[["Uh, thanks for spending some time with me."->ThanksJinoLOL]]
[["Was that floatspeeder yours?"->FloatSpeed]]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
$Shunne nods her helmet. "Yes she is. That she manages to be that with all five of us, well... none can fault her dedication. Even if she *does* push herself too hard for us, at times. Not that it can be helped. Believe me, I have tried. Your getting trained up would help her, though, so would you be willing to accept *my* help, $Name?"
She doesn't wait for an answer. "I've been looking at your class schedule, and I think I can condense it for you. At least somewhat. By moving your class blocks around, I think I can save you... about an hour a day, overall? I know it is not much, but that should give you extra time to focus on everything else, and every little bit helps, right?"
(border-color: white)+(border: "dashed")[**Shunne's Class Scheduling Unlocked:** the class hours you're required to schedule will be reduced by 1 the next time you access your weekly planner.]
[[A sudden ding draws both your attention across the kitchen.->EndShunne1]](set: $Arou to 95)(set: $Stam to 95)
(set: $Org to 3)(set: $Break to 3)(set: $Strike to 0)
(link-goto: "CONFIRM VARIABLES AND PROCEED", "CellIntro")You move to follow her, (if: $Slice > 3)[but even with your now lengthy training as a ponygirl](else:)[but even your initial training as a ponygirl] cannot compare to the strength and skill she displays in her legs, with just a handful of kicks. By the time you pass from the shallows out over where the sea fell away, $Jino is gone, her last words lingering in your mind. *A lesson in being alone.* Had it been her intention to bring you out here just to ditch you? No, you realize, as your comm-line crackles to life.
*"Don't feel bad,* **no one** *can keep up with me in the water. I'm nearby, if you get in trouble, but this works best if no one else is around. Descend a bit further, turn on your depth gauge. Aim for... 15 meters, about. Then I want you to turn over on your back, and get comfortable floating there."*
She cuts the line just as readily as she had forged the connection, leaving you with little choice but comply.
[[15 meters, on your back, looking up towards the surface...->JinoSwim2]](font: "courier new")[**Current User: (colour: purple)[VIOLET]**
[[Messages from Mistress]]
[[Check Program Status]]
[[Check Slave Status]]
[[Check Stable Profiles]]
[[Access Ring Server]]
[[EXIT->StableServer]]]<img alt="ocean" src="images/land/ocean.png"/>
You stare up, through your mask, at the surface far above. Hyetiana's star shoots rays of light through the barrier that was the sea's surface, but they scatter quickly once amongst the water, fading towards darkness as they reach your floating form. It was... calming, you suppose, and more than a little beautiful.
*"Its better at night,"* $Jino's voice suddenly intercedes. *"The moonlight makes everything better... but night-diving is a whole 'nother thing. This will have to do."*
She pauses for a moment, and you fear another lapse in communication, but she comes back sharply. *"You're a submissive, we both are. Its something I recognized the moment I first saw you standing beside $Cyn, in that old grey suit you first arrived in. Breaking you is her job, not mine. But what I'm about to show you should make that process... easier. Do you know what subspace is?"*
[["Umm... no."->NoSubJino]]
[["Umm, I'm not sure?"->NoSubJino]]
[["Yeah, I think so."->YesSubJino]]*"Some people who are into the sort of kink we're into have all these guidelines for it, or really tight definitions, but that's bullshit. There aren't any rules to it. Subspace, to me, is that that feeling of... serenity. Of being alone with yourself, even when in the middle of a long march, or some predicament that $Cyn built. You're a submissive, just as I am, and subspace is about being totally at peace with that. Its that point where you stop making choices, just live in the moment, instinctually. Like an animal, a pony."*
The sparkle of the water above darkens somewhat, a cloud perhaps passing overhead. You notice some ice has formed around the edges of your visor.
*"I come here to practice it, like meditation of a sort."* You know its just the audio receptor placed beside your ear, but it truly felt as if $Jino was whispering her explanation directly into your ear. *"Give a good kick, close your eyes, and just... drift. Focus on yourself, on your breathing, on the water passing over your suit."*
[[Kick, close your eyes, and drift...->JinoSwim3]]*"Then you know some people who are into the sort of kink we're into have all these guidelines for it, or really tight definitions, but that's bullshit. Rules just ruin it. Subspace, to me, is that that feeling of... serenity. Of being alone with yourself, even when in the middle of a long march, or some predicament that $Cyn built. You're a submissive, just as I am, and subspace is about being totally at peace with that. Its that point where you stop making choices, just live in the moment, instinctually. Like an animal, a pony."*
The sparkle of the water above darkens somewhat, a cloud perhaps passing overhead. You notice some ice has formed around the edges of your visor.
*"I come here to practice it, like meditation of a sort."* You know its just the audio receptor placed beside your ear, but it truly felt as if $Jino was whispering her explanation directly into your ear. *"Give a good kick, close your eyes, and just... drift. Focus on yourself, on your breathing, on the water passing over your suit."*
[[Kick, close your eyes, and drift...->JinoSwim3]]<video src="images/land/seafloor.webm" type="video/webm" autoplay loop muted controls></video>
Kicking out a bit further beyond the undersea shelf, you close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Like any proper quarian you are fully trained and certified for vacuum conditions, the Fleet you had grown up on was prone to mechanical issues after all, but water felt *different* than the cold empty of space. It was thicker for one, almost more encapsulating. Your everyday suit did not have the sensitivity of your slave suit, but it almost felt like it did as you drift.
$Jino goes silent, perhaps watching you, perhaps judging you. She had to be in visual range *somewhere*, probably down among the rocks below you. If you opened your eyes, if you actually searched for her, you're confident you could find her.
[[Open your eyes, look for her.->DriftFail1]]
[[Keep drifting...->Drift2]]
You open your eyes suddenly, turning over in the water, keenly searching the rocks down below. The effort is rewarded immediately as you catch the glint of (color: grey)[silver] as $Jino kicks off from below, sending up a plumb of dust as she rapidly ascends. Underwater as you are, speaking normally even as she approaches was impossible, but an opened comm line once more rectifies that-- and reveals a frustrated $Jino.
"You barely made it more than a few minutes," she sighs. "That's like... what I would expect of $Cinni. Maybe you're not cut out for this sort of thing. Come on, back towards shore."
(set: $Drift to 10)(set: $Enth to it + 1)
[[Together you swim towards the black sands.->ShoreAgain]]<video src="images/land/seafloor.webm" type="video/webm" autoplay loop muted controls></video>
You ignore the early temptation, and keep drifting. Minutes pass, although with your eyes closed you can only guess at how many. That would be self-defeating, you reckon, so instead try to focus inward. $Jino had described subspace as being alone with yourself, something that seemed a little bit selfish. Especially as you feel the water passing over you, the occasional bubble *glurping* away towards the surface. What if you were drifting out too far? Hyetiana's seas were devoid of real dangers, the cold limited the size of seaborne life, but the thought of $Jino watching you go further and further out does cross your mind-- could she worrying about you?
You could always open your eyes just a bit, and reorientate yourself with another few kicks of your flippered feet.
[[Make sure you're not too far out.->DriftFail2]]
[[Keep drifting...->Drift3]]<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
The crunch of black sand beneath your feet marks your return to shore, $Jino just a few steps ahead. Her tall, (color: grey)[silver] figure gleams as rivulets of water run down her lean forward, an almost equine flick of her hips marking the way she reaches up, running both hands over her helmet. Only then does she turn to you, already kicking off her flippers.
(if: $Drift is < 50)["I don't think you really entered subspace,"](else:)["It seemed like you were tapping into subspace at the end, there,"] she notes, regarding you with a discerning eye. "This whole thing isn't something I can really teach. You're a natural submissive, but this requires practice and experience. If you want, you can come out with me in the future, and do this again."
It seems to be a major shift from the taller quarian, even as she crosses her arms. "Every once in awhile, $Cyn comes with me, and lets me swim in my *other* suit. Maybe you could try that sometime." She shrugs. "Until then, $Cyn has you training your arousal endurance, yeah?"
Only $Cinni spoke so readily about things so personal. It hardly phases $Jino. "If you use what I showed you here today, while using those training programs, it should allow you to get a bit more out of them."
(border-color: white)+(border: "dashed")[**$Jino's Subspace Practice Unlocked**: occasionally practicing drifting into subspace with $Jino has rewarded you with a free hour of Edge Practice per every scheduling period. This unlock will apply during your next scheduling period, and will be added automatically.]
"Anyway," $Jino continues, circling you. "Let me get your oxygen tank off, and we will ride back together. You can keep all the gear I gave you, just make sure you don't lose it."
(set: $SilverTimer to it + 1)
(border-color: grey)+(border: "dashed")[**Jino's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "And time drifts by...", "HangBetween")You open your eyes suddenly, turning in the water, seeking to orientate yourself. It takes only moments to realize you *had* drifted a bit out, but not as far as you had worried. Before you can turn yourself and kick off again, however, you catch a glint of (color: grey)[silver] speeding up from below towards you. $Jino, rapidly ascending. Underwater as you are, speaking normally even as she approaches was impossible, but an opened comm line once more rectifies that-- and reveals a disappointed $Jino.
"You only made it for about fifteen minutes," she sighs. "You should have just been drifting, not worrying about where you were going, or what I was doing-- $Shunne has that same problem. Come on, back towards shore."
(set: $Drift to 20)(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
[[Together you swim towards the black sands.->ShoreAgain]]<video src="images/land/seafloor.webm" type="video/webm" autoplay loop muted controls></video>
You let your worries go, and continue to drift. Somewhere, vaguely, you hear the sounds of the surface growing closer. Somewhere along the way you were meandering towards the surface, the natural buoyancy of your body overcoming the added weight of your suit. $Jino's instructions had been for you to float down below, not rise to the surface. If you opened your eyes, aimed back towards the depth, and gave another kick you could return to the depths...
[[Adjust and go deep again.->DriftFail3]]
[[Keeping drifting...->Drift4]]You open your eyes suddenly, turning in the water, seeking to orientate yourself. Your deductions had been correct, and your concerns well placed-- the surface was near indeed. Before you can turn yourself and kick off again, however, you catch a glint of (color: grey)[silver] speeding up from below towards you. $Jino, rapidly ascending. Underwater as you are, speaking normally even as she approaches was impossible, but an opened comm line once more rectifies that-- and reveals a mildly mildly impressed $Jino.
"You made it longer than I expected," she admits, "but you did break from the drift. Floating back up towards the surface is natural, though, you didn't need to worry. Probably overthought it, $Sava does that. Come on, back towards shore."
(set: $Drift to 30)(set: $Thou to it + 1)
[[Together you swim towards the black sands.->ShoreAgain]]<video src="images/land/seafloor.webm" type="video/webm" autoplay loop muted controls></video>
You ignore all distractions, all concerns, all choices... and commit fully to the drift. It does take you back to the surface, (if: $BodyProg > 0)[your chest breaking the water first, $Cyn's improving of your dimensions only adding to the effect.](else:)[your chest breaking the water first.] Yet you keep your eyes closed, your arms spread out to your sides, breathing rhythmically. Everything beyond your own body felt... distant. Insignificant. You had been told to drift, and you've done so, the sense of letting go finally breaking through.
*You are calm. Docile. Submissive.*
Hands upon your shoulders break your reverie, your eyes snapping open to find $Jino bobbing in the water beside you. The glow of her mask hides most everything, as ever, but the glow of her eyes are staring at you-- with something like approval.
"Its been nearly an hour," she tells you. "I never thought you would go that long, or do that well, your first time. You're a natural at this."
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)(set: $Drift to 50)
She gestures towards the shore with a turn of her head. "Come on, we can talk more on the beach."
[[Together you swim towards the black sands.->ShoreAgain]]$Jino's eyes narrow, and she steps up closer to you, the rock in her hand clenched.
"I said: *what is your deal?*"
She makes no further effort to elaborate.
[["I'm just trying to hang out with you."->JustHangJino]]
[["I want to learn to be like you."->LearnJino]]
[["I like you, Jino."->LikeJino]]"Yeah, that is obvious," $Jino replies, turning back towards the sea. Leaning back, a singular smooth motion sends the rock she had selected skipping out across the dark water. Three, four, five hops before it sinks below the waves.
"You're from the Fleet, personal space and boundaries and all that might as well be an alien language to you." She could have sounded put out by that, but you sense only a certain resignation. "I was born on the Fleet, you know. Went on my pilgrimage, and I'm never going back."
The pilgrimage was a right of passage among your people, time spent away from the Migrant Fleet used to experience the galaxy, and eventually bring something of value back to demonstrate value to the collective quarian population. A handful of pilgrims failed to return each year, but those who *chose* to leave behind everything and everyone they knew were few indeed.
"I ended up on Kahje, among the Hanar. Its an ocean planet, and the Encompassing... it is *alive*, $Name. In a way most worlds, especially Hyetiana cannot match. But I didn't stay for the water. I stayed because of the hanar."
She picks another rock up from the ground. "Do you know why?"
[["They helped you?"->HelpedHanar]]
[["They were fun?"->FunHanar]]
[["They were teaching you?"->TeachHanar]]
[["They respected you?"->RespectHanar]]"An honest answer," $Jino muses, turning back towards the sea. Leaning back, a singular smooth motion sends the rock she had selected skipping out across the dark water. Three, four, five hops before it sinks below the waves.
"You're from the Fleet, personal space and boundaries and all that might as well be an alien language to you." She could have sounded put out by that, but you sense only a certain resignation. "I was born on the Fleet, you know. Went on my pilgrimage, and I'm never going back."
The pilgrimage was a right of passage among your people, time spent away from the Migrant Fleet used to experience the galaxy, and eventually bring something of value back to demonstrate value to the collective quarian population. A handful of pilgrims failed to return each year, but those who *chose* to leave behind everything and everyone they knew were few indeed.
"I ended up on Kahje, among the Hanar. Its an ocean planet, and the Encompassing... it is *alive*, $Name. In a way most worlds, especially Hyetiana cannot match. But I didn't stay for the water. I stayed because of the hanar."
She picks another rock up from the ground. "Do you know why?"
[["They helped you?"->HelpedHanar]]
[["They were fun?"->FunHanar]]
[["They were teaching you?"->TeachHanar]]
[["They respected you?"->RespectHanar]]"You barely know me," $Jino replies, turning back towards the sea. Leaning back, a singular smooth motion sends the rock she had selected skipping out across the dark water. Three, four, five hops before it sinks below the waves.
"You're from the Fleet, personal space and boundaries and all that might as well be an alien language to you." She could have sounded put out by that, but you sense only a certain resignation. "I was born on the Fleet, you know. Went on my pilgrimage, and I'm never going back."
The pilgrimage was a right of passage among your people, time spent away from the Migrant Fleet used to experience the galaxy, and eventually bring something of value back to demonstrate value to the collective quarian population. A handful of pilgrims failed to return each year, but those who *chose* to leave behind everything and everyone they knew were few indeed.
"I ended up on Kahje, among the Hanar. Its an ocean planet, and the Encompassing... it is *alive*, $Name. In a way most worlds, especially Hyetiana cannot match. But I didn't stay for the water. I stayed because of the hanar."
She picks another rock up from the ground. "Do you know why?"
[["They helped you?"->HelpedHanar]]
[["They were fun?"->FunHanar]]
[["They were teaching you?"->TeachHanar]]
[["They respected you?"->RespectHanar]]<img alt="blacksand" src="images/land/blacksand.png"/>
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
$Jino snorts openly through her mask. "I didn't need their help. The hanar are different from our people, $Name. They don't demand you make nice, they don't pry, they don't *assume* there is something wrong with you just because you sometimes like the quiet of a spacewalk over wasting time on the commons deck. They're warm, the hanar, but they don't demand anything you're not ready to give. And they have reverence for the person *beneath.*"
She throws the second rock. (if: $Nurt > $Ambi)["I don't expect you to understand.](if: $Nurt < $Ambi)[Maybe you can understand that.](if: $Nurt is $Ambi)[I'm not sure if you can understand that.]"
Silence builds between you and her, as $Jino watches the ripples spread from where the rock had impacted water. Something is building there, not beneath the waves, but within the sleek (color: grey)[silver] suit of the woman you're standing beside. It emerges all at once.
"Do you think you're ever going to go back to the Fleet?"
[["I'm... not sure."->NotSureFleet]]
[["Of course I am."->OfCourseFleet]]
[["No."->NoCourseFleet]]<img alt="blacksand" src="images/land/blacksand.png"/>
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
$Jino almost laughs. "I think you're the first person to ever accuse the Hanar of being fun. They are different from our people, $Name. They don't demand you make nice, they don't pry, they don't *assume* there is something wrong with you just because you sometimes like the quiet of a spacewalk over wasting time on the commons deck. They're warm, the hanar, but they don't demand anything you're not ready to give. And they have reverence for the person *beneath.*"
She throws the second rock. (if: $Nurt > $Ambi)["I don't expect you to understand.](if: $Nurt < $Ambi)[Maybe you can understand that.](if: $Nurt is $Ambi)[I'm not sure if you can understand that.]"
Silence builds between you and her, as $Jino watches the ripples spread from where the rock had impacted water. Something is building there, not beneath the waves, but within the sleek (color: grey)[silver] suit of the woman you're standing beside. It emerges all at once.
"Do you think you're ever going to go back to the Fleet?"
[["I'm... not sure."->NotSureFleet]]
[["Of course I am."->OfCourseFleet]]
[["No."->NoCourseFleet]]<img alt="blacksand" src="images/land/blacksand.png"/>
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
$Jino shakes her head, her simple veil nearly falling to her shoulders. "$Shunne and $Sava are scholars, its in their blood. I'm different, and the hanar are different from our people, $Name. They don't demand you make nice, they don't pry, they don't *assume* there is something wrong with you just because you sometimes like the quiet of a spacewalk over wasting time on the commons deck. They're warm, the hanar, but they don't demand anything you're not ready to give. And they have reverence for the person *beneath.*"
She throws the second rock. (if: $Nurt > $Ambi)["I don't expect you to understand.](if: $Nurt < $Ambi)[Maybe you can understand that.](if: $Nurt is $Ambi)[I'm not sure if you can understand that.]"
Silence builds between you and her, as $Jino watches the ripples spread from where the rock had impacted water. Something is building there, not beneath the waves, but within the sleek (color: grey)[silver] suit of the woman you're standing beside. It emerges all at once.
"Do you think you're ever going to go back to the Fleet?"
[["I'm... not sure."->NotSureFleet]]
[["Of course I am."->OfCourseFleet]]
[["No."->NoCourseFleet]]<img alt="blacksand" src="images/land/blacksand.png"/>
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
$Jino turns a single eye your way. "Yeah. They don't demand you make nice, they don't pry, they don't *assume* there is something wrong with you just because you sometimes like the quiet of a spacewalk over wasting time on the commons deck. They're warm, the hanar, but they don't demand anything you're not ready to give. And they have reverence for the person *beneath.*"
She throws the second rock. (if: $Nurt > $Ambi)["I don't expect you to understand.](if: $Nurt < $Ambi)["Maybe you can understand that.](if: $Nurt is $Ambi)["I'm not sure if you can understand that.]"
Silence builds between you and her, as $Jino watches the ripples spread from where the rock had impacted water. Something is building there, not beneath the waves, but within the sleek (color: grey)[silver] suit of the woman you're standing beside. It emerges all at once.
"Do you think you're ever going to go back to the Fleet?"
[["I'm... not sure."->NotSureFleet]]
[["Of course I am."->OfCourseFleet]]
[["No."->NoCourseFleet]]"That's not surprising. Until you finish your studies, you have a reason to stay. That's enough for now. But you *will* have to make a choice, eventually. And you will never get what you can do here, with $Cyn, back on the Fleet. You know that, I'm sure. So the time will come, eventually, when you will need to make a choice."
Bending over, she scoops up a handful of rocks all at once, and starts whipping them out into the sea in quick succession. "You can go back to the Fleet, and try to forget everything that happened here. You will be $Name $LName, a proper quarian, and no one ever needs to know how you've felt a bit between your teeth. Or... you could stay. Pick up a job somewhere on Hyetiana, perhaps even work for $Cyn, as $Cinni does. Remain a part of our family, perhaps even get into a serious relationship with someone. Opportunities will probably present themselves. And you get to play a ponygirl, at times."
$Jino turns back towards you suddenly. "Or you try to go all the way. Abandon the Fleet, abandon $Name $LName, abandon your *personhood.* Become $Violet totally, a ponygirl fulltime. Lifestyle slavery. Kept in the stables, treated like an animal, worked hard, fucked hard, forever a slave."
There was a vehemence in her voice as she came back to her original demand.
"So what is your deal?"
[["I will go back to the Fleet."->BacktoFleet]]
[["I'd like to stay, as a member of the family and stable."->StayFamily]]
[["I want to go all the way, Jino."->GoAlltheWay]]"Are you? Until you finish your studies, you have a reason to stay. That's enough for now. But you *will* have to make a choice, for real, eventually. And you will never get what you can do here, with $Cyn, back on the Fleet. You know that, I'm sure. So the time will come, eventually, when you will need to make a choice."
Bending over, she scoops up a handful of rocks all at once, and starts whipping them out into the sea in quick succession. "You can go back to the Fleet, and try to forget everything that happened here. You will be $Name $LName, a proper quarian, and no one ever needs to know how you've felt a bit between your teeth. Or... you could stay. Pick up a job somewhere on Hyetiana, perhaps even work for $Cyn, as $Cinni does. Remain a part of our family, perhaps even get into a serious relationship with someone. Opportunities will probably present themselves. And you get to play a ponygirl, at times."
$Jino turns back towards you suddenly. "Or you try to go all the way. Abandon the Fleet, abandon $Name $LName, abandon your *personhood.* Become $Violet totally, a ponygirl fulltime. Lifestyle slavery. Kept in the stables, treated like an animal, worked hard, fucked hard, forever a slave."
There was a vehemence in her voice as she came back to her original demand.
"So what is your deal?"
[["I will go back to the Fleet."->BacktoFleet]]
[["I'd like to stay, as a member of the family and stable."->StayFamily]]
[["I want to go all the way, Jino."->GoAlltheWay]]"So you say. Until you finish your studies, you have a reason to stay, of course. That's enough for now. But you *will* have to make a choice, for real, eventually. And you will never get what you can do here, with $Cyn, back on the Fleet. You know that, I'm sure. So the time will come, eventually, when you will need to make a choice."
Bending over, she scoops up a handful of rocks all at once, and starts whipping them out into the sea in quick succession. "You can go back to the Fleet, and try to forget everything that happened here. You will be $Name $LName, a proper quarian, and no one ever needs to know how you've felt a bit between your teeth. Or... you could stay. Pick up a job somewhere on Hyetiana, perhaps even work for $Cyn, as $Cinni does. Remain a part of our family, perhaps even get into a serious relationship with someone. Opportunities will probably present themselves. And you get to play a ponygirl, at times."
$Jino turns back towards you suddenly. "Or you try to go all the way. Abandon the Fleet, abandon $Name $LName, abandon your *personhood.* Become $Violet totally, a ponygirl fulltime. Lifestyle slavery. Kept in the stables, treated like an animal, worked hard, fucked hard, forever a slave."
There was a vehemence in her voice as she came back to her original demand.
"So what is your deal?"
[["I will go back to the Fleet."->BacktoFleet]]
[["I'd like to stay, as a member of the family and stable."->StayFamily]]
[["I want to go all the way, Jino."->GoAlltheWay]]<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
$Jino studies you intently. "(if: $Ambi > $Nurt)[Liar. You're too much like me for your own good to turn away, and you know it. That's the whole problem, we're too damn submissive, and too damn ambitious. We belong in the stables, $Violet.](else-if: $Ambi < $Nurt)[Maybe. You're not like me, that's true, but turning your back on *everything* you've experienced so far? You came to $Cyn for a reason, $Name.](else:)[You're confusing, you know that, right? Its hard to tell if you're like me, or not. But you came to $Cyn for a reason, $Name.] If this is the path you eventually choose, though... that's the whole thing, right? Consent *is* everything in this. Sometimes that means wanting to go into your slave suit, and sometimes that means wanting to go *home.* I guess."
She steps back just a bit, no longer towering over you. Naturally taller, the heel-like risers she wore only made the difference all the more dramatic(if: $Risers is true)[, despite the fact you too were wearing a set]. "I know you were expecting to learn more about subspace today, but I thought you deserved to know what my intentions are, and I wanted to know yours."
$Jino tips her chin up, speaking with such determination is sounded of prophecy. "$Cyn will enslave me, eventually. Permanently."
She exhales slowly. "I'm that selfish."
[["You're not selfish, Jino."->NotSelfish]]
[["You really want to be Silver... forever?"->AskForever]]<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
$Jino studies you intently. "(if: $Ambi > $Nurt)[Yeah, I can see that. You're like me, but maybe not as... I don't know. Needy? Ugh, there isn't really a good way to explain it, but you're too submissive to ever want to give up being $Violet, at least part-time.](else-if: $Ambi < $Nurt)[Yeah, I can see that. You're not like me, you're not... as demanding. Better with people too. But turning away from being $Violet, at least part time? I don't think you have it in you.](else:)[Yeah, I can see that. Even if you're... damn confusing, $Name. Its hard to tell if you're like me or not, but I didn't think you would want to turn away from being $Violet, at least part time.] That's the healthy choice, and that's what this is all about, isn't it? Consenting to the experience, making choices."
She steps back just a bit, no longer towering over you. Naturally taller, the heel-like risers she wore only made the difference all the more dramatic(if: $Risers is true)[, despite the fact you too were wearing a set]. "I know you were expecting to learn more about subspace today, but I thought you deserved to know what my intentions are, and I wanted to know yours."
$Jino tips her chin up, speaking with such determination is sounded of prophecy. "$Cyn will enslave me, eventually. Permanently."
She exhales slowly. "I'm that selfish."
[["You're not selfish, Jino."->NotSelfish]]
[["You really want to be Silver... forever?"->AskForever]]<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
$Jino studies you intently. "(if: $Ambi > $Nurt)[Of course you do, you bitch. You're too damn submissive, too damn ambitious to have it any other way. *Just like me.*](else-if: $Ambi < $Nurt)[Liar. You're too... connected to others, too good with people to give that all up for the full lifestyle. At least that has been how you've acted thus far. I'm not sure you're ambitious enough.](else:)[It is so hard to tell with you. Sometimes I think you're ambitious enough, like me, to do it. And sometimes I see too much of a regular quarian in you. Maybe that means you're on the edge.] Either way, if you *do* try to go all the way... its not normal, you know that right? It would make you a freak."
She steps back just a bit, no longer towering over you. Naturally taller, the heel-like risers she wore only made the difference all the more dramatic(if: $Risers is true)[, despite the fact you too were wearing a set]. "I know you were expecting to learn more about subspace today, but I thought you deserved to know what my intentions are, and I wanted to know yours."
$Jino tips her chin up, speaking with such determination is sounded of prophecy. "If you do follow through, if you go full lifestyle... I will already be there, in the stables. Permanently."
She exhales slowly. "I'm that selfish," then glances your way again. "We're both that selfish, I suppose."
[["We're not selfish, Jino."->NotSelfish]]
[["We both deserve a permanent spot in the stable, Jino."->ExtraSubbyJino2]]"Yes (if: $Ambi > $Nurt)[*we* are, $Name. I did say you're like me.](else:)[I am.] Going all the way, submitting to full lifestyle slavery is entirely selfish. Think about it. Its not just submitting to everything, being okay with getting treated as an animal-- that's all on the slave. Its about asking another person to be your owner, permanently. $Cyn would need to come to terms with being a real, actual slaveholder. And have you ever thought about how much effort and time and work it takes, to take care of us when we're in the harness? It is asking *so much of her.*"
$Jino returns to the sea, her gaze lingering upon the waves distantly forming. "(if: $Ambi > $Nurt)[We are that selfish.](else:)[I am that selfish.] She doesn't want a real relationship, not really. The way to give her what she really wants is through the stables."
For the first time perhaps *ever*, you hear a warble of emotionality in $Jino's voice. She had tapped into a topic of incredible importance to her, and she so frequently did, the defensive walls come up shortly afterward. Hurling one last stone into the ocean, she finally turns her back on it, crossing her arms below her chest.
"Now I'm talking about stupid shit. Ugh. I'll make this up to you, next time, alright? Just let me know when you want to hang out again, I'll convince $Cyn to play lifeguard. Just come prepared to get wet, okay?"
[["Sure, Jino."->End2Okay]]
[["Are you... okay, Jino?"->End2AreYou]]"Yeah. I want to live as a pony, if that's what it takes, even if its... *entirely* selfish. Think about it. Its not just submitting to everything, being okay with getting treated as an animal-- that's all on the slave. Its about asking another person to be your owner, permanently. $Cyn would need to come to terms with being a real, actual slaveholder. And have you ever thought about how much effort and time and work it takes, to take care of us when we're in the harness? It is asking *so much of her.*"
$Jino returns to the sea, her gaze lingering upon the waves distantly forming. "I am that selfish. She doesn't want a real relationship, not really. The way to give her what she really wants is through the stables."
For the first time perhaps *ever*, you hear a warble of emotionality in $Jino's voice. She had tapped into a topic of incredible importance to her, and she so frequently did, the defensive walls come up shortly afterward. Hurling one last stone into the ocean, she finally turns her back on it, crossing her arms below her chest.
"Now I'm talking about stupid shit. Ugh. I'll make this up to you, next time, alright? Just let me know when you want to hang out again, I'll convince $Cyn to play lifeguard. Just come prepared to get wet, okay?"
[["Sure, Jino."->End2Okay]]
[["Are you... okay, Jino?"->End2AreYou]]"I meant what I said," she tips her head your way. "You really are a freak. Just like me, I suppose. Normal people don't ever say things like that. And saying something like that, its kind of absurd, you know? If we both go that way, we'll never talk to each other again, not as people. The rule would be that our bits are in, except occasionally when alone with $Cyn. It would be... nice to have someone in the cell beside me, though. Besides $Onyx."
She shakes her head. "Its *entirely* selfish, though. Think about it. Its not just submitting to everything, being okay with getting treated as an animal-- that's all on us. Its about asking another person to be your owner, permanently. $Cyn would need to come to terms with being a real, actual slaveholder. And have you ever thought about how much effort and time and work it takes, to take care of us when we're in the harness? It is asking *so much of her.*"
$Jino returns to the sea, her gaze lingering upon the waves distantly forming. "We are that selfish, I suppose. And she doesn't want a real relationship, not really. The way to give her what she really wants is through the stables."
For the first time perhaps *ever*, you hear a warble of emotionality in $Jino's voice. She had tapped into a topic of incredible importance to her, and she so frequently did, the defensive walls come up shortly afterward. Hurling one last stone into the ocean, she finally turns her back on it, crossing her arms below her chest.
"Now I'm talking about stupid shit. Ugh. I'll make this up to you, next time, alright? Just let me know when you want to hang out again, I'll convince $Cyn to play lifeguard. Just come prepared to get wet, okay?"
[["Sure, Jino."->End2Okay]]
[["Are you... okay, Jino?"->End2AreYou]]<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
"Cool." She activates her omnitool. "I just called you a cab, if that's alright. I'm going to stay here a bit longer, and can ride my hoverspeeder back."
[[Hug her before you go.->HugJinoOMG]]
[["Thanks for hanging out!"->EnthJinoThank]]
[[Play it cool. "No problem."->ThouJinoCool]]
[["See you later, Silver."->AmbiCallHerNAME]]<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
"Yeah." There is no hesitation there, whatever that meant. She activates her omnitool. "I just called you a cab, if that's alright. I'm going to stay here a bit longer, and can ride my hoverspeeder back."
[[Hug her before you go.->HugJinoOMG]]
[["Thanks for hanging out!"->EnthJinoThank]]
[[Play it cool. "No problem."->ThouJinoCool]]
[["See you later, Silver."->AmbiCallHerNAME]]Your embrace from behind catches $Jino unprepared, the way she tenses up allowing you a few moments before her hands land upon yours around her waist. If you thought something more forward was about to occur, you're deeply mistaken-- she merely pries your grip open, if gently.
"Uh, thank you. I guess. And don't do that again, $Name."
(set: $SilverTimer to it + 1)(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
(border-color: grey)+(border: "dashed")[**Jino's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "Your cab arrives up on the road above.", "HangBetween")$Jino nods, far more coolly then your enthusiastic declaration. You almost think she's readying for something more, perhaps a high three or fist bump, but you're left disappointed-- she merely turns to the sea.
"Catch you later."
(set: $SilverTimer to it + 1)(set: $Enth to it + 1)
(border-color: grey)+(border: "dashed")[**Jino's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "Your cab arrives up on the road above.", "HangBetween")$Jino matches your cool immediately, a slight tip of her helmet all you get in response. Quietly, she turns to the sea, folding her arms behind her back as she once more looks out to the waves.
(set: $SilverTimer to it + 1)(set: $Thou to it + 1)
(border-color: grey)+(border: "dashed")[**Jino's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "Your cab arrives up on the road above.", "HangBetween")Using her slave name sparks something in $Jino, her posture momentarily shifting-- into what you recognize as the standard presentation pose demanded by $Cyn. It breaks just as quickly, however, as the taller quarian covers (somewhat poorly) by acting out the stretching of her arms. Nevertheless, she looks back to you once more.
"See you, $Violet."
(set: $SilverTimer to it + 1)(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
(border-color: grey)+(border: "dashed")[**Jino's Contact List entry updated.**]
(link-goto: "Your cab arrives up on the road above.", "HangBetween")<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
(dialog: "(colour: purple)[Proximity to Cinni/Name Door/Front detected.
Current Status: (colour: red)[Locked.]
Cycle Airlock?]", "Confirm")
Once prompted, the airlock makes short work of the command, briefly sealing the door behind you before pumping out the air-- scrubbing it for contaminants while fresh oxygen replaced it, drawn from storage. It was a necessary precaution for the rare opportunities you or $Cinni *did* want to go without your suits in the apartment, but it was a complexity few would have made the effort to address. As you've come to learn, however, $Cyn was always willing to go the extra mile.
It is not the human who is waiting for you in the hall, however. $Shunne is there, her long red jacket indicating she had probably arrived only recently, a bit of melting snow still visible on her shoulders. She had been clearly trying to look nonchalant, but perks up with an immediacy that made it clear she had been waiting for you.
"Miss $LName!" She was even a bit formal. Strange. "Were you heading in? I was too, but now that you're here... can I steal a moment of your time?
[["Not now, Shunne."->AvoidShunne]]
[["Sure, what's up, Shunne?"->GreetShunne]]Your dismissal earns a look of disappointment from the Professor, but she persists, one of her hands landing upon your shoulder. "It will only take a moment, I assure you, $Name. Its about your grades."
(if: $School < 1)[*That didn't sound good-- your grades aren't particularly good.*](else:)[*That wouldn't be too bad, your grades are quite good.*]
[["Maybe later? Cyn is waiting for me, I think."->NoShunneGradeTalk]]
[["I'm busy, Shunne."->NoShunneGradeTalk]]
[["Okay, sure, what's up?"->GreetShunne]]"Thank you," the Professor enthuses, whatever concern she had harbored that you might blow her off quickly overcome. Instead she continues. "I just wanted to talk briefly about your schooling this far. I know our... shared extracurriculars are the genesis for your being here, but I believe-- and $Cyn would agree-- that maintaining a balance is important. School is important, and you're currently getting a (if: $School is -2)[(colour: red)[F]?"
She shakes her head, looking quite worried. "Miss $Name, you simply cannot be doing so poorly already. In fact you must be actively *trying* to avoid the responsibilities of a student, which I simply cannot agree with.](if: $School is -1)[(colour: red)[D]?"
She pauses, and you sense her pursing her lips. "Miss $Name, you are in danger of failing, and so soon. Avoiding the responsibilities of a student will only jeopardize your future, not to mention worry me.](if: $School is 0)[(colour: orange)[C]?"
She shakes her head, looking quite worried. "I would hope you would aim higher than that, Miss $Name. $Cyn probably finds your grades acceptable, if just barely, but I at least would like you to succeed. You can do better.](if: $School is 1)[(colour: yellow)[B]?"
She brightens at that. "A strong grade, Miss $Name! I'm very proud of you, I can assure you! Pushing for an A should be your goal, but I don't think there will be any complaints from me or $Cyn if you maintain this grade.](if: $School is 2)[(colour: green)[A]?"
She brightens at that. "A perfect grade, Miss $Name! I'm extremely proud of you, I can assure you! Maintaining that grade should be your goal, but I feel as if you hardly need to be reminded of that.] (if: $School > 0)[I doubt it would happen to a sterling student such as yourself, but if your grades ever were to fall below a **C** grade... I would advocate for some manner of intervention. Ultimately we could never *do* the work for you, but maintaining that balance between life and... our time in the harness would be of utmost importance.](if: $School < 1)[Persistent time with a grade below that of **C** would require... some sort of intervention, I think you should know that. Ultimately we could never *do* the work for you, but maintaining that balance between life and... our time in the harness is of the utmost importance. Please consider that, going forward.]"
(if: $School > 0)[[["I'll keep doing well, don't worry Shunne."->DoingSWell]]](else:)[[["Ponies don't need school."->PNeedSchool]]]
[["I understand, Shunne."->MidSOkay]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
The Professor looks browbeaten, but she relents, removing her gloved hand from your shoulder. "Of course, I'm sure you're just eager to get things started? We can always talk about it later, I suppose."
*It doesn't sound like it was actually going to come up again.*
[[Enter Cyn's apartment.->EnterCynRoom]]<img alt="cynapart" src="images/land/cynapart.jpg"/>
With $Shunne just a step behind, you enter into $Cyn's home-- more preciously the cluttered space she called a living room. The building her combined store and home occupied was apparently an old one, you've picked up during your first few weeks staying here, explaining the somewhat rustic look to the walls and ceiling. That almost lended the space a more cozy atmosphere, however, an effect amplified by the dark colors of the faux-wood furniture, sumptuous furniture, and plush throw rug that covered the hardwood floor. An attached kitchen near the back was separated only by a bar-like set of stools and the counter that marked the dividing line between the two rooms, and it is there that everyone else awaits.
<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
$Cinni is seated upon one of the stools, her knees spread to allow her hands to rest upon the steel of the seat between her legs. The awkward position makes you briefly think of the spread knees demanded of you while kneeling as $Violet... but your fellow quarian is merely holding the pose so her legs can swing back and forth to either side, her excitement obvious. She's enthused, in fact, that she doesn't seem to notice her hood had fallen down-- a quarian cultural faux pas that $Shunne notices immediately, approaching with a quiet *tsk* to right the situation.
<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
At $Cinni's side sits $Sava, in a much more reserved manner, her hands folded neatly on the counter before her. Leaning against her stool, placed upon the floor, is her backpack-- presumably she had just returned from another afternoon spent tutoring after classes. Her dedication to school continued to be... impressive. She notes your arrival with a look over the shoulder, nodding your way.
<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
$Jino meanwhile stands, leaning against the wall just a bit apart from the other two-- now joined by a fussing $Shunne to make three. The tallest member of the stable looks all the more so with the others seated, her long legs and lithe form marred only by the way she's crossing her arms beneath her chest. Unlike the others she had noticed your entry immediately, her mask shifting slightly to track you on approach. (if: $SilverTimer > 0)[Having spent some time with her, however, she gives you a nod of her own.](else:)[She remains rather standoffish, still.]
[[(Thoughtful) Nod back to them.->ThouGreeter]]
[[(Enthusiastic) "Heya everyone!"->EnthGreeter]]
[[(Nurturing) "How is everyone?"->NurtGreeter]]
[[(Ambitious) Lean against the wall beside Jino.->AmbiGreeter]]The glow of $Shunne's eyes curve slightly, marking a deep smile pushing up her cheeks just a bit. "I'm sure you will."
Her anxious wringing of her hands breaks away suddenly, replaced by some manner of embarrassment. "But I have delayed you enough, on a night that is supposed to be a good bit of fun. $Cyn tries to put together one of these each night, you know. But I suppose she will probably be eager to explain everything to you? And then of course afterward we will be discussing... stable things, for the weekend, as I understand it. So--"
$Shunne steps aside. "Let's go in, $Name."
[[And so you do.->EnterCynRoom]]The glow of $Shunne's eyes widen slightly, shocked at your choice of words. "Please don't... that is simply misplaced enthusiasm for what we do here, I imagine? Yes, yes-- that must be it. You are a young woman with a bright future, Miss $Name $LName. Please remember that."
Her anxious wringing of her hands breaks away suddenly, replaced by some manner of embarrassment. "But I have delayed you enough, on a night that is supposed to be a good bit of fun. $Cyn tries to put together one of these each night, you know. But I suppose she will probably be eager to explain everything to you? And then of course afterward we will be discussing... stable things, for the weekend, as I understand it. So--"
$Shunne steps aside. "Let's go in, $Name."
[[And so you do.->EnterCynRoom]]The glow of $Shunne's eyes curve slightly, the concerns she had harbored melting away. "Thank you, that means much to me."
Her anxious wringing of her hands breaks away suddenly, replaced by some manner of embarrassment. "But I have delayed you enough, on a night that is supposed to be a good bit of fun. $Cyn tries to put together one of these each night, you know. But I suppose she will probably be eager to explain everything to you? And then of course afterward we will be discussing... stable things, for the weekend, as I understand it. So--"
$Shunne steps aside. "Let's go in, $Name."
[[And so you do.->EnterCynRoom]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
You nod back, reserved and thoughtful-- allowing you to hear the sound of loud popping to be heard behind the others. Approaching them, $Sava and $Cinni part to reveal the last member of your adoptive little family standing with her back to you, shaking a device held over the open flame of the oven. $Cyn.
Your benefactor, and Mistress, turns at your arrival with a smile upon her painted lips. As always her hair is pulled into a playful halfcut, the shaved side of her scalp decorated while the long portion runs down her shoulder and back. She dressed aggressively while holding your reins, but otherwise you've noticed she preferred a very casual aesthetic, today exemplified by a comfortable looking sweater with a wide neck-- and printed with an irreverent phrase in the human language.
"Hey, $Name." She turns a palm up, adding a gesture to the greeting, and revealing the presence of haptic gloves upon her hands. While your suit featured the necessary haptic arrays built into it to manipulate hardlight projections at will, $Cyn was apparently implanted with them on her fingertips, but wore gloves when doing extensive coding-- something about them being more comfortable. Presumably she had been pulled from her work rather abruptly to still be wearing them.
"How are you doing?"
[["I'm eager to hear about what your ponies will be doing, this weekend."->AmbiHYD]]
[["Looking good, Mistress!"->EnthHYD]]
[["I'm good, thanks for asking."->NurtHYD]]
[["What are you cooking?"->ThouHYD]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
Your greeting is met with an excited wave from a surprised $Cinni, while $Sava only looks a bit startled a bit with how loud you were. Approaching them, they part to reveal the last member of your adoptive little family standing with her back to you, shaking a device held over the open flame of the oven. $Cyn.
Your benefactor, and Mistress, turns at your arrival with a smile upon her painted lips. As always her hair is pulled into a playful halfcut, the shaved side of her scalp decorated while the long portion runs down her shoulder and back. She dressed aggressively while holding your reins, but otherwise you've noticed she preferred a very casual aesthetic, today exemplified by a comfortable looking sweater with a wide neck-- and printed with an irreverent phrase in the human language.
"Hey, $Name." She turns a palm up, adding a gesture to the greeting, and revealing the presence of haptic gloves upon her hands. While your suit featured the necessary haptic arrays built into it to manipulate hardlight projections at will, $Cyn was apparently implanted with them on her fingertips, but wore gloves when doing extensive coding-- something about them being more comfortable. Presumably she had been pulled from her work rather abruptly to still be wearing them.
"How are you doing?"
[["I'm eager to hear about what your ponies will be doing, this weekend."->AmbiHYD]]
[["Looking good, Mistress!"->EnthHYD]]
[["I'm good, thanks for asking."->NurtHYD]]
[["What are you cooking?"->ThouHYD]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
"I'm doing great!" $Cinni replies, while $Sava makes a gesture with her hand, wiggling it back and forth to indicate things were fine. Approaching them, they part to reveal the last member of your adoptive little family standing with her back to you, shaking a device held over the open flame of the oven. $Cyn.
Your benefactor, and Mistress, turns at your arrival with a smile upon her painted lips. As always her hair is pulled into a playful halfcut, the shaved side of her scalp decorated while the long portion runs down her shoulder and back. She dressed aggressively while holding your reins, but otherwise you've noticed she preferred a very casual aesthetic, today exemplified by a comfortable looking sweater with a wide neck-- and printed with an irreverent phrase in the human language.
"Hey, $Name." She turns a palm up, adding a gesture to the greeting, and revealing the presence of haptic gloves upon her hands. While your suit featured the necessary haptic arrays built into it to manipulate hardlight projections at will, $Cyn was apparently implanted with them on her fingertips, but wore gloves when doing extensive coding-- something about them being more comfortable. Presumably she had been pulled from her work rather abruptly to still be wearing them.
"How are you doing?"
[["I'm eager to hear about what your ponies will be doing, this weekend."->AmbiHYD]]
[["Looking good, Mistress!"->EnthHYD]]
[["I'm good, thanks for asking."->NurtHYD]]
[["What are you cooking?"->ThouHYD]]
<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
Ignoring the prospect of a seat at the counter-bar, you instead move to stand beside $Jino, who tightens her posture just a bit at your approach. As she does, you turn your head to find the last member of your adoptive little family standing with her back to you, shaking a device held over the open flame of the oven. $Cyn.
Your benefactor, and Mistress, turns at your arrival with a smile upon her painted lips. As always her hair is pulled into a playful halfcut, the shaved side of her scalp decorated while the long portion runs down her shoulder and back. She dressed aggressively while holding your reins, but otherwise you've noticed she preferred a very casual aesthetic, today exemplified by a comfortable looking sweater with a wide neck-- and printed with an irreverent phrase in the human language.
"Hey, $Name." She turns a palm up, adding a gesture to the greeting, and revealing the presence of haptic gloves upon her hands. While your suit featured the necessary haptic arrays built into it to manipulate hardlight projections at will, $Cyn was apparently implanted with them on her fingertips, but wore gloves when doing extensive coding-- something about them being more comfortable. Presumably she had been pulled from her work rather abruptly to still be wearing them.
"How are you doing?"
[["I'm eager to hear about what your ponies will be doing, this weekend."->AmbiHYD]]
[["Looking good, Mistress!"->EnthHYD]]
[["I'm good, thanks for asking."->NurtHYD]]
[["What are you cooking?"->ThouHYD]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
$Jino stirs at your side, ready to throw in her approval and agreement, but $Cyn overtakes you both with a defensive gesture made with both hands. The easy smile never leaves her face, though. "Easy, now. Easy. We'll get there. One of you earlier than you might think, even-- but now *I'm* getting ahead of myself!"
She laughs, self-deprecatingly, as she steps back to tend to her cooking again. **POPCORN** is marked upon the label, alongside a chibi drawing of a turian gnawing on a puffy golden piece of food. Placed upon the burner of the stove, it pops loudly, even as $Cyn points towards the counter where the others sat.
"So-- the plan is movie marathon night, *then* we talk about my plans for you all this weekend. We try to do one every month, $Name, schedules permitting. Everyone chooses a film, and then at the end we vote for the best of them! But because you're still new, I figured you could get accustomed to it by being our special judge tonight. You will get to choose your favorite of the films, *and* the nature of the reward to be given out at the end! How does that sound?"
[["Sounds fun!"->MovieNight]]
[["So what films did you all choose?"->MovieNight]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
(set: $Enth to it + 1)
"$Name," $Cyn replies, retaining her easy smile even as she leans on your name as a person-- and pointedly not that as a pony. "I'm just $Cyn here. We *will* be discussing how long you will be calling me Mistress this weekend, but now I'm getting ahead of myself."
She laughs, self-deprecatingly, as she steps back to tend to her cooking again. **POPCORN** is marked upon the label, alongside a chibi drawing of a turian gnawing on a puffy golden piece of food. Placed upon the burner of the stove, it pops loudly, even as $Cyn points towards the counter where the others sat.
"So-- the plan is movie marathon night, *then* we talk about my plans for you all this weekend. We try to do one every month, $Name, schedules permitting. Everyone chooses a film, and then at the end we vote for the best of them! But because you're still new, I figured you could get accustomed to it by being our special judge tonight. You will get to choose your favorite of the films, *and* the nature of the reward to be given out at the end! How does that sound?"
[["Sounds fun!"->MovieNight]]
[["So what films did you all choose?"->MovieNight]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
"That's good to hear, I hope you've been getting acquainted with... well everything we do here." The easy smile remains. "Leaving your home is never an easy thing, especially when going from the Fleet to terrestrial life. *Especially*, especially when I've occasionally got a bit between your teeth-- but now I'm getting ahead of myself."
She laughs, self-deprecatingly, as she steps back to tend to her cooking again. **POPCORN** is marked upon the label, alongside a chibi drawing of a turian gnawing on a puffy golden piece of food. Placed upon the burner of the stove, it pops loudly, even as $Cyn points towards the counter where the others sat.
"So-- the plan is movie marathon night, *then* we talk about my plans for you all this weekend. We try to do one every month, $Name, schedules permitting. Everyone chooses a film, and then at the end we vote for the best of them! But because you're still new, I figured you could get accustomed to it by being our special judge tonight. You will get to choose your favorite of the films, *and* the nature of the reward to be given out at the end! How does that sound?"
[["Sounds fun!"->MovieNight]]
[["So what films did you all choose?"->MovieNight]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
(set: $Thou to it + 1)
"Popcorn!" That easy smile remains. "A human delicacy, I can assure you. Unfortunately there isn't an exact dextro-compliant match, for everyone else, but $Shunne has put together our snacks. I suggest you eat up, it will be slave feed for you the rest of the weeekend-- ah, but I'm getting ahead of myself!"
She laughs, self-deprecatingly, as she steps back to tend to her cooking again. **POPCORN** is marked upon the label, alongside a chibi drawing of a turian gnawing on a puffy golden piece of food. Placed upon the burner of the stove, it pops loudly, even as $Cyn points towards the counter where the others sat.
"So-- the plan is movie marathon night, *then* we talk about my plans for you all this weekend. We try to do one every month, $Name, schedules permitting. Everyone chooses a film, and then at the end we vote for the best of them! But because you're still new, I figured you could get accustomed to it by being our special judge tonight. You will get to choose your favorite of the films, *and* the nature of the reward to be given out at the end! How does that sound?"
[["Sounds fun!"->MovieNight]]
[["So what films did you all choose?"->MovieNight]]"Well," flicking off the oven and carrying her popcorn along for the ride, $Cyn moves towards the counter where most of the others were huddled. $Jino joins them, and so do you, looking down at four different film boxes laid out upon the table.
"I generally let everyone else pick out movies," $Cyn explains, "and we're already looking at eight hours straight of quality entertainment-- no need to make it ten, right? Anyway, as our judge for the night, $Name, you will get to pick the order-- and obviously the winner as *best film* at the end. Sound good? Cool. Now, as to the films, the question is... where to begin?"
All eyes turn to you, as you look down upon their choices:
(set: $Strike to 0)(set: $Strike2 to 0)(set: $Strike3 to 0)(set: $Strike4 to 0)
[[Start with Sava's Choice: Blasto The JellyFish Stings->SavaMovie]]
[[Start with Shunne's Choice: 2001 A Space Odyssey->ShunneMovie]]
[[Start with Jino's Choice: Fleet and Flotilla->JinoMovie]]
[[Start with Cinni's Choice: The Last Starfighter->CinniMovie]]"Going first makes it least likely you'll even remember my film at the end," $Sava complains, somewhat logically. The others are already moving towards the living room proper, however, and she's forced to join in or be left behind.
(set: $Strike to 1)
$Cyn takes the central seat upon the large and plush couch that dominated her living room, all but sinking into the cushions as she pats the space to her right, while eying you. Accepting the invitation, you find the couch immensely comfortable-- and quickly crowded, as the others pile in. It holds all five of you, barely, although you're hip to hip. That felt perfectly natural to most of the others, quarians were used to close quarters after all, but $Jino looks a bit put out-- until $Cyn reaches over, wrapping her arm around the taller woman.
"I made up some sweet meat tubes, for snacks," $Shunne notes, as $Sava fiddles with the TV's settings. $Cinni is already digging in, snapping one of the feeding modules to her helmet, and slurping loudly until quietly admonished by the Professor. $Cyn had apparently been whispering something to $Jino, but you turn your head too late to catch what they had been saying-- and soon the large vidscreen flickers to life with the first film...
(if: $Strike is 1)[[[It begins.->SavaMovie2]]](if: $Strike2 is 1)[[[It begins...->ShunneMovie2]]](if: $Strike3 is 1)[[[It begins...->JinoMovie2]]](if: $Strike4 is 1)[[[It begins...->CinniMovie2]]]"Thank you for choosing mine to begin with," $Shunne smiles, before indicating you should follow the others as they made their way towards the living room proper.
(set: $Strike2 to 1)
$Cyn takes the central seat upon the large and plush couch that dominated her living room, all but sinking into the cushions as she pats the space to her right, while eying you. Accepting the invitation, you find the couch immensely comfortable-- and quickly crowded, as the others pile in. It holds all five of you, barely, although you're hip to hip. That felt perfectly natural to most of the others, quarians were used to close quarters after all, but $Jino looks a bit put out-- until $Cyn reaches over, wrapping her arm around the taller woman.
"I made up some sweet meat tubes, for snacks," $Shunne notes, as $Sava fiddles with the TV's settings. $Cinni is already digging in, snapping one of the feeding modules to her helmet, and slurping loudly until quietly admonished by the Professor. $Cyn had apparently been whispering something to $Jino, but you turn your head too late to catch what they had been saying-- and soon the large vidscreen flickers to life with the first film...
(if: $Strike is 1)[[[It begins.->SavaMovie2]]](if: $Strike2 is 1)[[[It begins...->ShunneMovie2]]](if: $Strike3 is 1)[[[It begins...->JinoMovie2]]](if: $Strike4 is 1)[[[It begins...->CinniMovie2]]]$Jino only shrugs as you choose her movie to begin with, but does lead the way from the counter into the living room proper.
(set: $Strike3 to 1)
$Cyn takes the central seat upon the large and plush couch that dominated her living room, all but sinking into the cushions as she pats the space to her right, while eying you. Accepting the invitation, you find the couch immensely comfortable-- and quickly crowded, as the others pile in. It holds all five of you, barely, although you're hip to hip. That felt perfectly natural to most of the others, quarians were used to close quarters after all, but $Jino looks a bit put out-- until $Cyn reaches over, wrapping her arm around the taller woman.
"I made up some sweet meat tubes, for snacks," $Shunne notes, as $Sava fiddles with the TV's settings. $Cinni is already digging in, snapping one of the feeding modules to her helmet, and slurping loudly until quietly admonished by the Professor. $Cyn had apparently been whispering something to $Jino, but you turn your head too late to catch what they had been saying-- and soon the large vidscreen flickers to life with the first film...
(if: $Strike is 1)[[[It begins.->SavaMovie2]]](if: $Strike2 is 1)[[[It begins...->ShunneMovie2]]](if: $Strike3 is 1)[[[It begins...->JinoMovie2]]](if: $Strike4 is 1)[[[It begins...->CinniMovie2]]]$Cinni claps her hands together excitedly, grinning from ear to ear beneath her mask. She doesn't even notice the others are making their way into the living room proper until $Shunne gently guides her by the shoulders.
(set: $Strike4 to 1)
$Cyn takes the central seat upon the large and plush couch that dominated her living room, all but sinking into the cushions as she pats the space to her right, while eying you. Accepting the invitation, you find the couch immensely comfortable-- and quickly crowded, as the others pile in. It holds all five of you, barely, although you're hip to hip. That felt perfectly natural to most of the others, quarians were used to close quarters after all, but $Jino looks a bit put out-- until $Cyn reaches over, wrapping her arm around the taller woman.
"I made up some sweet meat tubes, for snacks," $Shunne notes, as $Sava fiddles with the TV's settings. $Cinni is already digging in, snapping one of the feeding modules to her helmet, and slurping loudly until quietly admonished by the Professor. $Cyn had apparently been whispering something to $Jino, but you turn your head too late to catch what they had been saying-- and soon the large vidscreen flickers to life with the first film...
(if: $Strike is 1)[[[It begins.->SavaMovie2]]](if: $Strike2 is 1)[[[It begins...->ShunneMovie2]]](if: $Strike3 is 1)[[[It begins...->JinoMovie2]]](if: $Strike4 is 1)[[[It begins...->CinniMovie2]]]<img alt="blastoposter" src="images/reg/blastoposter.png"/>
$Sava's chosen film, **Blasto: the Jellyfish Stings**, earns a round of somewhat feigned disgust from the others-- prompting $Sava to stand up before the couch, her hands on her hips.
"Shut up, the rules are we can choose any movie!"
Apparently the film is one in a series, detailing the particularly violent and often lewd adventures of the first Hanar Spectre, the Blasto named in the title. The six, or possibly seventh film in the series (the movie itself seems to contradict itself on that point, along with several important plot points), you learn during your screening that $Sava had apparently subjected the others to every other film in the series-- thus their reaction.
The movie certainly isn't... good, by any definition. The plotting is poor, the action scenes blunt, the romance between Blasto and an asari dancer who tragically dies towards the end of the film entirely pedestrian. Yet $Sava seems entranced in a way you would never have expected of an otherwise bright and intelligent young woman, providing concrete proof that good grades did not always equal good taste when it came to cinema.
"That was... vulgar," $Shunne suggests, as the credits roll.
$Cinni sticks out her tongue, but you only get that from her body language. "Too violent."
"Not a bad *turn off your brain* movie," $Cyn suggests, with a shrug.
$Jino only sighs.
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude1]]<img alt="spaceposter" src="images/reg/spaceposter.jpg"/>
$Shunne's film is a human produced piece, **2001: a Space Odyssey**, set in the future yet already over a century old, predating their first contact with the galactic community. That archaic glimpse into human futurism seems to be the appeal for the Professor, who explains her choice as an interesting exploration of what humanity once strived to achieve.
The actual film is quite the slow-going affair, beginning with the dawn of humanity, and documenting what appears to be first contact with an obsidian obelisk of apparently alien origination. To your surprise as a quarian, the movie includes the apparent revolt-- or at least malfunction-- of a computerized system that blurs the line between assistive program and true artificial intelligence, a chilling plot point when your own people had been forced to wander the stars after losing Homeworld to the Geth, your people's own AI creations. Nevertheless, the finale of the film sees the protagonist make a transformative, and honestly psychedelic journey across space and time.
By the end, $Cinni is utterly confused, having lost the plot about halfway through and never recovered it.
$Jino actually seems to have enjoyed it, her attention having been quite focused throughout-- although as always, she doesn't really comment on it afterward.
$Cinni spends some time discussing with $Shunne the xenobiological implications of it all, from pre-first contact human society, to the strangeness of the ending, and the themes of progress and rebirth.
"Beautiful miniatures, and effects," $Cyn notes aloud, "but pretty dry for my tastes."
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude1]]<img alt="fleetposter" src="images/reg/fleetposter.png"/>
$Jino has, perhaps to your surprise, chosen a movie about inter-species romance: **Fleet and Flotilla**. Specifically, the star-crossed relationship between a young quarian and her turian beau. The quarian is on her pilgrimage, while the turian is serving in the Hierarchy military, a chance meeting building into a budding romance that struggles with the demands of the turian military and the eventual intention of the quarian to return home. The film is a bit... sappy in the way romances always were, playing heavily on the viewer's heartstrings, until it climaxes in a dramatic confrontation where the young lovers swear to stay together always-- even in the face of court-martial and exile, respectively.
The film had won numerous awards, and you can see why, even if it clearly was the sort designed to attract award attention. That $Jino was particularly enthused by it, however, is more surprising-- (if: $SilverTimer > 1)[although you've hung out with her, and can see in Fleet and Flotilla something like her own interest in a particular human...](else:)[you do not think she was the sort to fall for melodrama.]
$Shunne actually cries as the credits roll, earning a supportive hug from $Cinni-- who had also been emotionally invested in it all, if the absence of her usual fidgeting throughout was any indication.
Even $Sava had been somewhat impressed, but she feigns disinterest, her arms crossed and her mouthpiece silent.
$Cyn meanwhile seems to have actively disliked it, although she largely keeps her distaste to herself.
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude1]]<img alt="starfighterposter" src="images/reg/starfighterposter.png"/>
$Cinni's chosen film, **The Last Starfighter**, is a human production from the 1980s-- and to call it dated would be the understatement of the century. Focused on the story of a small town kid who excels at videogames, and little else, he achieves the high score on an old style arcade cabinet (a thing so obsolete $Shunne has to explain it to $Sava)-- only to find out it was a recruiting tool by a galactic federation, looking for skilled pilots! Taken up into space, the protagonist engages in daring space combat, eventually defeating the villain and his armada of dangerous fighters.
Altogether, its a very schlocky affair. The effects are laughably dated and poorly implemented, at one point suggesting there is gravity in space, and the aliens are little more than poorly made rubber suits. Nevertheless, $Cinni certainly seems to enjoy the absurdity of it all, and she's actively cheering for the protagonist as he unleashes his final ultimate attack in the climax-- a rather strange spinning maneuver that sends lasers shooting out in all directions.
Its not exactly a crowd pleaser. $Shunne and $Sava seem a bit bored overall, beside the Professor's occasional enthusiasm for a glimpse into pre-contact human depictions of aliens. $Jino too is unimpressed, and is rigid enough in her seat to suggest she had fallen asleep, although looking over you see the glow of her eyes beneath her mask.
Only $Cyn seems to enjoy it as much as $Cinni, describing the experience as *strangely cozy*, and *super nostalgic.*
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude1]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
(set: $Stam to it + 5)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+5 Exhaustion!]]
With the first movie behind you, and most of her popcorn already gone, $Cyn kicks up her feet and wriggles down further into the depths of the couch. Sandwiched between you and $Jino, she gives two thumbs up when $Sava asks if everyone is ready for another. The question of what would come next, though, can only be answered by you:
(if: $Strike is 0)[[[Continue with Sava's Choice: Blasto The JellyFish Stings->SavaMovie3]]](else:)[You've already watched Sava's choice.]
(if: $Strike2 is 0)[[[Continue with Shunne's Choice: 2001 A Space Odyssey->ShunneMovie3]]](else:)[You've already watched Shunne's choice.]
(if: $Strike3 is 0)[[[Continue with Jino's Choice: Fleet and Flotilla->JinoMovie3]]](else:)[You've already watched Jino's choice.]
(if: $Strike4 is 0)[[[Continue with Cinni's Choice: The Last Starfighter->CinniMovie3]]](else:)[You've already watched Cinni's choice.]<img alt="blastoposter" src="images/reg/blastoposter.png"/>
$Sava's chosen film, **Blasto: the Jellyfish Stings**, earns a round of somewhat feigned disgust from the others-- prompting $Sava to stand up before the couch, her hands on her hips.
"Shut up, the rules are we can choose any movie!"
Apparently the film is one in a series, detailing the particularly violent and often lewd adventures of the first Hanar Spectre, the Blasto named in the title. The six, or possibly seventh film in the series (the movie itself seems to contradict itself on that point, along with several important plot points), you learn during your screening that $Sava had apparently subjected the others to every other film in the series-- thus their reaction.
The movie certainly isn't... good, by any definition. The plotting is poor, the action scenes blunt, the romance between Blasto and an asari dancer who tragically dies towards the end of the film entirely pedestrian. Yet $Sava seems entranced in a way you would never have expected of an otherwise bright and intelligent young woman, providing concrete proof that good grades did not always equal good taste when it came to cinema.
"That was... vulgar," $Shunne suggests, as the credits roll.
$Cinni sticks out her tongue, but you only get that from her body language. "Too violent."
"Not a bad *turn off your brain* movie," $Cyn suggests, with a shrug.
$Jino only sighs.
(set: $Strike to 1)
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude2]]<img alt="spaceposter" src="images/reg/spaceposter.jpg"/>
$Shunne's film is a human produced piece, **2001: a Space Odyssey**, set in the future yet already over a century old, predating their first contact with the galactic community. That archaic glimpse into human futurism seems to be the appeal for the Professor, who explains her choice as an interesting exploration of what humanity once strived to achieve.
The actual film is quite the slow-going affair, beginning with the dawn of humanity, and documenting what appears to be first contact with an obsidian obelisk of apparently alien origination. To your surprise as a quarian, the movie includes the apparent revolt-- or at least malfunction-- of a computerized system that blurs the line between assistive program and true artificial intelligence, a chilling plot point when your own people had been forced to wander the stars after losing Homeworld to the Geth, your people's own AI creations. Nevertheless, the finale of the film sees the protagonist make a transformative, and honestly psychedelic journey across space and time.
By the end, $Cinni is utterly confused, having lost the plot about halfway through and never recovered it.
$Jino actually seems to have enjoyed it, her attention having been quite focused throughout-- although as always, she doesn't really comment on it afterward.
$Cinni spends some time discussing with $Shunne the xenobiological implications of it all, from pre-first contact human society, to the strangeness of the ending, and the themes of progress and rebirth.
"Beautiful miniatures, and effects," $Cyn notes aloud, "but pretty dry for my tastes."
(set: $Strike2 to 1)
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude2]]<img alt="fleetposter" src="images/reg/fleetposter.png"/>
$Jino has, perhaps to your surprise, chosen a movie about inter-species romance: **Fleet and Flotilla**. Specifically, the star-crossed relationship between a young quarian and her turian beau. The quarian is on her pilgrimage, while the turian is serving in the Hierarchy military, a chance meeting building into a budding romance that struggles with the demands of the turian military and the eventual intention of the quarian to return home. The film is a bit... sappy in the way romances always were, playing heavily on the viewer's heartstrings, until it climaxes in a dramatic confrontation where the young lovers swear to stay together always-- even in the face of court-martial and exile, respectively.
The film had won numerous awards, and you can see why, even if it clearly was the sort designed to attract award attention. That $Jino was particularly enthused by it, however, is more surprising-- (if: $SilverTimer > 1)[although you've hung out with her, and can see in Fleet and Flotilla something like her own interest in a particular human...](else:)[you do not think she was the sort to fall for melodrama.]
$Shunne actually cries as the credits roll, earning a supportive hug from $Cinni-- who had also been emotionally invested in it all, if the absence of her usual fidgeting throughout was any indication.
Even $Sava had been somewhat impressed, but she feigns disinterest, her arms crossed and her mouthpiece silent.
$Cyn meanwhile seems to have actively disliked it, although she largely keeps her distaste to herself.
(set: $Strike3 to 1)
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude2]]<img alt="starfighterposter" src="images/reg/starfighterposter.png"/>
$Cinni's chosen film, **The Last Starfighter**, is a human production from the 1980s-- and to call it dated would be the understatement of the century. Focused on the story of a small town kid who excels at videogames, and little else, he achieves the high score on an old style arcade cabinet (a thing so obsolete $Shunne has to explain it to $Sava)-- only to find out it was a recruiting tool by a galactic federation, looking for skilled pilots! Taken up into space, the protagonist engages in daring space combat, eventually defeating the villain and his armada of dangerous fighters.
Altogether, its a very schlocky affair. The effects are laughably dated and poorly implemented, at one point suggesting there is gravity in space, and the aliens are little more than poorly made rubber suits. Nevertheless, $Cinni certainly seems to enjoy the absurdity of it all, and she's actively cheering for the protagonist as he unleashes his final ultimate attack in the climax-- a rather strange spinning maneuver that sends lasers shooting out in all directions.
Its not exactly a crowd pleaser. $Shunne and $Sava seem a bit bored overall, beside the Professor's occasional enthusiasm for a glimpse into pre-contact human depictions of aliens. $Jino too is unimpressed, and is rigid enough in her seat to suggest she had fallen asleep, although looking over you see the glow of her eyes beneath her mask.
Only $Cyn seems to enjoy it as much as $Cinni, describing the experience as *strangely cozy*, and *super nostalgic.*
(set: $Strike4 to 1)
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude2]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
(set: $Stam to it + 5)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+5 Exhaustion!]]
Another movie down, and by now *everyone* has their feet up on the table ahead of the couch. $Cyn is wearing nothing but socks, while everyone else is suited-- although $Shunne and $Jino are wearing wedge heels, usually forcing them up onto their toes during their daily lives, but now only looking stylish in the glow of the vidscreen. (if: $Risers is true)[You are wearing the same, joining them in the daily training they represented, as well as the most likely to be glad to be off your feet after a day in heels.](else:)[You are adorned like $Cinni and $Sava, however, merely with the base bottom passing your suit provided.]
"Alright," the human at the center of the couch announces. "Double-header time! No breaks between these two, so pick some good ones, $Name! And remember, you're going to be picking a winner-- and the award-- at the end of this!"
(if: $Strike is 0)[[[Continue with Sava's Choice: Blasto The JellyFish Stings->SavaMovie4]]](else:)[You've already watched Sava's choice.]
(if: $Strike2 is 0)[[[Continue with Shunne's Choice: 2001 A Space Odyssey->ShunneMovie4]]](else:)[You've already watched Shunne's choice.]
(if: $Strike3 is 0)[[[Continue with Jino's Choice: Fleet and Flotilla->JinoMovie4]]](else:)[You've already watched Jino's choice.]
(if: $Strike4 is 0)[[[Continue with Cinni's Choice: The Last Starfighter->CinniMovie4]]](else:)[You've already watched Cinni's choice.]<img alt="blastoposter" src="images/reg/blastoposter.png"/>
$Sava's chosen film, **Blasto: the Jellyfish Stings**, earns a round of somewhat feigned disgust from the others-- prompting $Sava to stand up before the couch, her hands on her hips.
"Shut up, the rules are we can choose any movie!"
Apparently the film is one in a series, detailing the particularly violent and often lewd adventures of the first Hanar Spectre, the Blasto named in the title. The six, or possibly seventh film in the series (the movie itself seems to contradict itself on that point, along with several important plot points), you learn during your screening that $Sava had apparently subjected the others to every other film in the series-- thus their reaction.
The movie certainly isn't... good, by any definition. The plotting is poor, the action scenes blunt, the romance between Blasto and an asari dancer who tragically dies towards the end of the film entirely pedestrian. Yet $Sava seems entranced in a way you would never have expected of an otherwise bright and intelligent young woman, providing concrete proof that good grades did not always equal good taste when it came to cinema.
"That was... vulgar," $Shunne suggests, as the credits roll.
$Cinni sticks out her tongue, but you only get that from her body language. "Too violent."
"Not a bad *turn off your brain* movie," $Cyn suggests, with a shrug.
$Jino only sighs.
(set: $Strike to 1)
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude3]]<img alt="spaceposter" src="images/reg/spaceposter.jpg"/>
$Shunne's film is a human produced piece, **2001: a Space Odyssey**, set in the future yet already over a century old, predating their first contact with the galactic community. That archaic glimpse into human futurism seems to be the appeal for the Professor, who explains her choice as an interesting exploration of what humanity once strived to achieve.
The actual film is quite the slow-going affair, beginning with the dawn of humanity, and documenting what appears to be first contact with an obsidian obelisk of apparently alien origination. To your surprise as a quarian, the movie includes the apparent revolt-- or at least malfunction-- of a computerized system that blurs the line between assistive program and true artificial intelligence, a chilling plot point when your own people had been forced to wander the stars after losing Homeworld to the Geth, your people's own AI creations. Nevertheless, the finale of the film sees the protagonist make a transformative, and honestly psychedelic journey across space and time.
By the end, $Cinni is utterly confused, having lost the plot about halfway through and never recovered it.
$Jino actually seems to have enjoyed it, her attention having been quite focused throughout-- although as always, she doesn't really comment on it afterward.
$Cinni spends some time discussing with $Shunne the xenobiological implications of it all, from pre-first contact human society, to the strangeness of the ending, and the themes of progress and rebirth.
"Beautiful miniatures, and effects," $Cyn notes aloud, "but pretty dry for my tastes."
(set: $Strike2 to 1)
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude3]]<img alt="fleetposter" src="images/reg/fleetposter.png"/>
$Jino has, perhaps to your surprise, chosen a movie about inter-species romance: **Fleet and Flotilla**. Specifically, the star-crossed relationship between a young quarian and her turian beau. The quarian is on her pilgrimage, while the turian is serving in the Hierarchy military, a chance meeting building into a budding romance that struggles with the demands of the turian military and the eventual intention of the quarian to return home. The film is a bit... sappy in the way romances always were, playing heavily on the viewer's heartstrings, until it climaxes in a dramatic confrontation where the young lovers swear to stay together always-- even in the face of court-martial and exile, respectively.
The film had won numerous awards, and you can see why, even if it clearly was the sort designed to attract award attention. That $Jino was particularly enthused by it, however, is more surprising-- (if: $SilverTimer > 1)[although you've hung out with her, and can see in Fleet and Flotilla something like her own interest in a particular human...](else:)[you do not think she was the sort to fall for melodrama.]
$Shunne actually cries as the credits roll, earning a supportive hug from $Cinni-- who had also been emotionally invested in it all, if the absence of her usual fidgeting throughout was any indication.
Even $Sava had been somewhat impressed, but she feigns disinterest, her arms crossed and her mouthpiece silent.
$Cyn meanwhile seems to have actively disliked it, although she largely keeps her distaste to herself.
(set: $Strike3 to 1)
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude3]]<img alt="starfighterposter" src="images/reg/starfighterposter.png"/>
$Cinni's chosen film, **The Last Starfighter**, is a human production from the 1980s-- and to call it dated would be the understatement of the century. Focused on the story of a small town kid who excels at videogames, and little else, he achieves the high score on an old style arcade cabinet (a thing so obsolete $Shunne has to explain it to $Sava)-- only to find out it was a recruiting tool by a galactic federation, looking for skilled pilots! Taken up into space, the protagonist engages in daring space combat, eventually defeating the villain and his armada of dangerous fighters.
Altogether, its a very schlocky affair. The effects are laughably dated and poorly implemented, at one point suggesting there is gravity in space, and the aliens are little more than poorly made rubber suits. Nevertheless, $Cinni certainly seems to enjoy the absurdity of it all, and she's actively cheering for the protagonist as he unleashes his final ultimate attack in the climax-- a rather strange spinning maneuver that sends lasers shooting out in all directions.
Its not exactly a crowd pleaser. $Shunne and $Sava seem a bit bored overall, beside the Professor's occasional enthusiasm for a glimpse into pre-contact human depictions of aliens. $Jino too is unimpressed, and is rigid enough in her seat to suggest she had fallen asleep, although looking over you see the glow of her eyes beneath her mask.
Only $Cyn seems to enjoy it as much as $Cinni, describing the experience as *strangely cozy*, and *super nostalgic.*
(set: $Strike4 to 1)
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude3]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
(set: $Stam to it + 5)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+5 Exhaustion!]]
As promised, there is no break between the last movie and your next pick, $Sava already loading up your final choice. While she works her omnitool, however, $Cyn snuggles up against you just a bit. (if: $BodyProg > 0)[Your larger hips and fuller rear, the result of your training the past few weeks, only gives her more to press up against.](else:)[You're still not graced with the full proportions of most of the others, but she finds enough to press up against.] She looks a bit sleepy, it was 11PM now and you *have* done six hours of movies straight thus far, but you're unsure if that was the *only* reason.
Either way, you have one more film to go.
(if: $Strike is 0)[[[End with Sava's Choice: Blasto The JellyFish Stings->SavaMovie5]]](else:)[You've already watched Sava's choice.]
(if: $Strike2 is 0)[[[End with Shunne's Choice: 2001 A Space Odyssey->ShunneMovie5]]](else:)[You've already watched Shunne's choice.]
(if: $Strike3 is 0)[[[End with Jino's Choice: Fleet and Flotilla->JinoMovie5]]](else:)[You've already watched Jino's choice.]
(if: $Strike4 is 0)[[[End with Cinni's Choice: The Last Starfighter->CinniMovie5]]](else:)[You've already watched Cinni's choice.]<img alt="blastoposter" src="images/reg/blastoposter.png"/>
$Sava's chosen film, **Blasto: the Jellyfish Stings**, earns a round of somewhat feigned disgust from the others-- prompting $Sava to stand up before the couch, her hands on her hips.
"Shut up, the rules are we can choose any movie!"
Apparently the film is one in a series, detailing the particularly violent and often lewd adventures of the first Hanar Spectre, the Blasto named in the title. The six, or possibly seventh film in the series (the movie itself seems to contradict itself on that point, along with several important plot points), you learn during your screening that $Sava had apparently subjected the others to every other film in the series-- thus their reaction.
The movie certainly isn't... good, by any definition. The plotting is poor, the action scenes blunt, the romance between Blasto and an asari dancer who tragically dies towards the end of the film entirely pedestrian. Yet $Sava seems entranced in a way you would never have expected of an otherwise bright and intelligent young woman, providing concrete proof that good grades did not always equal good taste when it came to cinema.
"That was... vulgar," $Shunne suggests, as the credits roll.
$Cinni sticks out her tongue, but you only get that from her body language. "Too violent."
"Not a bad *turn off your brain* movie," $Cyn suggests, with a shrug.
$Jino only sighs.
(set: $Strike to 1)
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude4]]<img alt="spaceposter" src="images/reg/spaceposter.jpg"/>
$Shunne's film is a human produced piece, **2001: a Space Odyssey**, set in the future yet already over a century old, predating their first contact with the galactic community. That archaic glimpse into human futurism seems to be the appeal for the Professor, who explains her choice as an interesting exploration of what humanity once strived to achieve.
The actual film is quite the slow-going affair, beginning with the dawn of humanity, and documenting what appears to be first contact with an obsidian obelisk of apparently alien origination. To your surprise as a quarian, the movie includes the apparent revolt-- or at least malfunction-- of a computerized system that blurs the line between assistive program and true artificial intelligence, a chilling plot point when your own people had been forced to wander the stars after losing Homeworld to the Geth, your people's own AI creations. Nevertheless, the finale of the film sees the protagonist make a transformative, and honestly psychedelic journey across space and time.
By the end, $Cinni is utterly confused, having lost the plot about halfway through and never recovered it.
$Jino actually seems to have enjoyed it, her attention having been quite focused throughout-- although as always, she doesn't really comment on it afterward.
$Cinni spends some time discussing with $Shunne the xenobiological implications of it all, from pre-first contact human society, to the strangeness of the ending, and the themes of progress and rebirth.
"Beautiful miniatures, and effects," $Cyn notes aloud, "but pretty dry for my tastes."
(set: $Strike2 to 1)
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude4]]<img alt="fleetposter" src="images/reg/fleetposter.png"/>
$Jino has, perhaps to your surprise, chosen a movie about inter-species romance: **Fleet and Flotilla**. Specifically, the star-crossed relationship between a young quarian and her turian beau. The quarian is on her pilgrimage, while the turian is serving in the Hierarchy military, a chance meeting building into a budding romance that struggles with the demands of the turian military and the eventual intention of the quarian to return home. The film is a bit... sappy in the way romances always were, playing heavily on the viewer's heartstrings, until it climaxes in a dramatic confrontation where the young lovers swear to stay together always-- even in the face of court-martial and exile, respectively.
The film had won numerous awards, and you can see why, even if it clearly was the sort designed to attract award attention. That $Jino was particularly enthused by it, however, is more surprising-- (if: $SilverTimer > 1)[although you've hung out with her, and can see in Fleet and Flotilla something like her own interest in a particular human...](else:)[you do not think she was the sort to fall for melodrama.]
$Shunne actually cries as the credits roll, earning a supportive hug from $Cinni-- who had also been emotionally invested in it all, if the absence of her usual fidgeting throughout was any indication.
Even $Sava had been somewhat impressed, but she feigns disinterest, her arms crossed and her mouthpiece silent.
$Cyn meanwhile seems to have actively disliked it, although she largely keeps her distaste to herself.
(set: $Strike3 to 1)
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude4]]<img alt="starfighterposter" src="images/reg/starfighterposter.png"/>
$Cinni's chosen film, **The Last Starfighter**, is a human production from the 1980s-- and to call it dated would be the understatement of the century. Focused on the story of a small town kid who excels at videogames, and little else, he achieves the high score on an old style arcade cabinet (a thing so obsolete $Shunne has to explain it to $Sava)-- only to find out it was a recruiting tool by a galactic federation, looking for skilled pilots! Taken up into space, the protagonist engages in daring space combat, eventually defeating the villain and his armada of dangerous fighters.
Altogether, its a very schlocky affair. The effects are laughably dated and poorly implemented, at one point suggesting there is gravity in space, and the aliens are little more than poorly made rubber suits. Nevertheless, $Cinni certainly seems to enjoy the absurdity of it all, and she's actively cheering for the protagonist as he unleashes his final ultimate attack in the climax-- a rather strange spinning maneuver that sends lasers shooting out in all directions.
Its not exactly a crowd pleaser. $Shunne and $Sava seem a bit bored overall, beside the Professor's occasional enthusiasm for a glimpse into pre-contact human depictions of aliens. $Jino too is unimpressed, and is rigid enough in her seat to suggest she had fallen asleep, although looking over you see the glow of her eyes beneath her mask.
Only $Cyn seems to enjoy it as much as $Cinni, describing the experience as *strangely cozy*, and *super nostalgic.*
(set: $Strike4 to 1)
[[Did you like it?->MovieInterlude4]](set: $Stam to it + 5)(border-color: red)+(border: "solid")[(colour: red)[+5 Exhaustion!]]
Finally, after eight hours of near continuous viewing, your little movie marathon ends-- and $Cyn rouses from her comfortable spot ensconced in the center of the couch. Stretching languidly, her sweater pulls up to reveal the warm brown skin of her midriff, before she shakes loose from the comfortable rest of her earlier lounging... and something familiar enters her (color:green)[green] eyes. Something dangerous, and exciting-- the look not of $Cyn, but your Mistress.
"Well, $Name... there we have it. Four movies, eight hours, and now... you have one choice to make. A winner! Which movie do you think was the best? It can be conceptually, or because you personally enjoyed it. Maybe it was the themes, or maybe you're just going to play favorites?" She smiles at that. "Whatever your motivations, you need to pick a winner."
$Cyn holds up a finger, wiggling it. "Then we pick a reward for her. So-- who is it going to be?"
*And the winner is...*
[[Jino's Fleet and Flotilla!->JinoWinsMov]]
[[Sava's Blasto!->SavaWinsMov]]
[[Cinni's Last Starfighter!->CinniWinsMov]]
[[Shunne's 2001: a Space Odyssey!->ShunneWinsMov]]<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
(set: $MovWinner to "Silver")(set: $Ambi to it + 1)
Your decision sees the winner, $Jino, cross her arms-- this time in satisfaction. "I thought you might be a romantic, $Name." $Cyn shifts a bit uncomfortably, but covers with a smile.
"Well, there we go. Its tradition that I supply a little reward, $Name, to the winner. Since you're the sole judge today, I'm going to let you pick from three. Two of them are a bit dependent on what we're going to be doing for the *rest* of the weekend, however, so I suppose its time to discuss just what everyone is probably eager to know-- what my plans are, for my stable."
*Everyone* perks up at that, $Jino sitting up suddenly, $Sava actually standing herself, while $Shunne looks to the others-- then back to $Cyn. She had everyone's rapt attention, and doesn't waste it as the *Mistress* within her comes forth. The way she stands, the way she holds herself, she may still be dressed casually, but that just makes her domineering aura somehow casual in and of itself-- a strange sensation, as new as it was exciting.
[[Sit up eagerly yourself.->Session3Talk]]
[[Try to play it cool.->Session3Talk]]<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
(set: $MovWinner to "Blue")(set: $Thou to it + 1)
Your decision sees the winner, $Sava, stand abruptly, her hands defiantly on her hips. "Ha! I told you all she would like it! Its not a dumb series at all!" No one seems to agree with that, but $Cyn keeps it from getting awkward.
"Well, there we go. Its tradition that I supply a little reward, $Name, to the winner. Since you're the sole judge today, I'm going to let you pick from three. Two of them are a bit dependent on what we're going to be doing for the *rest* of the weekend, however, so I suppose its time to discuss just what everyone is probably eager to know-- what my plans are, for my stable."
*Everyone* perks up at that, $Jino sitting up suddenly, $Sava actually standing herself, while $Shunne looks to the others-- then back to $Cyn. She had everyone's rapt attention, and doesn't waste it as the *Mistress* within her comes forth. The way she stands, the way she holds herself, she may still be dressed casually, but that just makes her domineering aura somehow casual in and of itself-- a strange sensation, as new as it was exciting.
[[Sit up eagerly yourself.->Session3Talk]]
[[Try to play it cool.->Session3Talk]]<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
(set: $MovWinner to "Yellow")(set: $Enth to it + 1)
Your decision sees the winner, $Cinni, leap to her feet, fist-pumping with a cheer. "Everyone likes a good story with a happy ending!" She declares afterward, her hands on her hips. $Cyn laughs, then turns to the others.
"Well, there we go. Its tradition that I supply a little reward, $Name, to the winner. Since you're the sole judge today, I'm going to let you pick from three. Two of them are a bit dependent on what we're going to be doing for the *rest* of the weekend, however, so I suppose its time to discuss just what everyone is probably eager to know-- what my plans are, for my stable."
*Everyone* perks up at that, $Jino sitting up suddenly, $Sava actually standing herself, while $Shunne looks to the others-- then back to $Cyn. She had everyone's rapt attention, and doesn't waste it as the *Mistress* within her comes forth. The way she stands, the way she holds herself, she may still be dressed casually, but that just makes her domineering aura somehow casual in and of itself-- a strange sensation, as new as it was exciting.
[[Sit up eagerly yourself.->Session3Talk]]
[[Try to play it cool.->Session3Talk]]<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
(set: $MovWinner to "Red")(set: $Nurt to it + 1)
Your decision sees the winner, $Shunne, nod sagely. She may not have been often disposed to pride, but she radiates it in that moment. "Space Odyssey is fascinating, $Name. I'm glad you thought so too." $Cyn only shrugs, clearly not agreeing, but allowing you the choice nevertheless-- before she moves to push things along.
"Well, there we go. Its tradition that I supply a little reward, $Name, to the winner. Since you're the sole judge today, I'm going to let you pick from three. Two of them are a bit dependent on what we're going to be doing for the *rest* of the weekend, however, so I suppose its time to discuss just what everyone is probably eager to know-- what my plans are, for my stable."
*Everyone* perks up at that, $Jino sitting up suddenly, $Sava actually standing herself, while $Shunne looks to the others-- then back to $Cyn. She had everyone's rapt attention, and doesn't waste it as the *Mistress* within her comes forth. The way she stands, the way she holds herself, she may still be dressed casually, but that just makes her domineering aura somehow casual in and of itself-- a strange sensation, as new as it was exciting.
[[Sit up eagerly yourself.->Session3Talk]]
[[Try to play it cool.->Session3Talk]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
$Cyn bathes in the attention, her eyes flicking across each of her girls in turn, reveling in growing anticipation. Yet like any skill conductor, she does not let her band go *too* long without direction. Just enough to make you squirm.
"$Yellow, $Silver, $Red, $Blue-- it is time you formally met $Violet. Sunrise is in... 6.5 hours, and at that time you will all report to my workshop, for suiting up and enslavement. You will be undergoing training as a full *team* all day, and will be spending tomorrow night in the stables, where you belong. On Sunday your training will continue, setting a new record for $Violet's time in the harness. And I will, of course, keep you for as long as I desire."
After the surprise night you had spent in the stables during your first session, and your training sequences since, the threat of going longer than the two full days she had already promised is enough to send a chill down your spine-- even if you knew it unlikely she would actually cut into your usual schedule, you did have classes come Monday.
Turning to you, $Cyn continues. "Now, the nature of the prize we're giving out for this little movie night? There are three choices, and the first may be the most profound-- a private date, between me and the winner. At a place I think they will like, sometime this coming week. My treat."
*It is an interesting option, although some of $Cyn's girls were more likely to enjoy such quality time with $Cyn as a* **person** *more than others might. Thankfully its not the only choice.*
"The other two options are for... my girls, in the stable. $Name, you can choose for the winner tonight to be given a respite, while the rest of you are doing a team march that is planned for tomorrow. I will give her a few hours rest, while the rest of you march."
*A remarkable reward. Training marches were part of being a pony, it built your stamina and broke your will, but they weren't really intended to be strictly enjoyable. A rare chance to avoid one would be welcomed by just about anyone, undoubtedly.*
"Or..." $Cyn smiles. "$Name, you could choose for the winner tonight... to enter the stables **now.** No final rest in a comfortable bed, just her cell... and no rest at all, in fact. If you choose *this* choice, she will be subjected to posture training tonight."
"That just sounds like a punishment," $Shunne notes, sounding concerned.
$Cyn only continues to smile. "It does, doesn't it?"
[[Three choices...->Session3Talk2]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
As $Cyn lapses into silence, the others all turn towards you-- and the choice you're about to make. (if: $MovWinner is "Red")[$Shunne](if: $MovWinner is "Yellow")[$Cinni](if: $MovWinner is "Blue")[$Sava](if: $MovWinner is "Silver")[$Jino] had been declared the winner by your hand, and now it was up to you to determine their reward, such as it was.
Would it be a personal date with $Cyn, a chance for them to connect further, all at a nice eatery somewhere in Port Lehrma?
Or would it be a gift of rest, given not to a person but to a *pony*, allowing them to avoid a portion of the march you would endure tomorrow?
Or... would you make the reward into a punishment all its own, involving what $Cyn had only described as an early entering into the harness and *posture training*-- whatever that was.
**The choice was yours.**
[["The winner will get the date!"->WinnerDate]]
[["The winner will get the break tomorrow, during the march!->WinnerMarch]]
[["The winner... will get posture training, tonight!->WinnerTrain]](if: $MovWinner is "Red")[<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
$Shunne clasps her hands together, the worry you had not noticed in her posture sliding away, having never been necessary in the first place. "Thank you, $Name! And you as well, of course, $Cyn! I was very much hoping for this reward, to be honest. Perhaps... we could attend that dextro bistro we went to last year?"
"I would like that," $Cyn replies. "But we can discuss that after this weekend. I think it would be best if we all got a bit of rest? This will be your last chance for the weekend, if I have anything to say about it."](if: $MovWinner is "Yellow")[<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
$Cinni jumps up and down further, nodding her head wildly. "The pony rewards would have been fine, ya know, but this is good too! Oh! Oh! $Cyn, can we go to that club where they have the live singers? I forget the name..."
"Caudilo's," $Cyn supplies. "And yes, I would like that. But we can discuss that after this weekend. I think it would be best if we all got a bit of rest? This will be your last chance for the weekend, if I have anything to say about it."](if: $MovWinner is "Blue")[<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
$Sava nods, but you get the sense she might have preferred another of the rewards. She *had* been mentioned as never particularly enjoying the conditioning marches. But she takes it in stride, looking to $Cyn. "How about the campus coffee shop, after classes one day?"
"We could go anywhere, and you choose the one closest to campus? Very fitting, of course, $Sava." $Cyn smiles. "But we can discuss that after this weekend. I think it would be best if we all got a bit of rest? This will be your last chance for the weekend, if I have anything to say about it."](if: $MovWinner is "Silver")[<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
$Jino's usually stoic demeanor betrays a bit of surprise, but she's quick to turn to $Cyn. "Our place?"
Your shared Mistress only smirks. "I'll make the reservation, as always."
You get the sense there was a *lot* more to that, but neither party volunteers it, as $Cyn instead turns to everyone else-- including you. "For now, I think it would be best if we all got a bit of rest. This will be your last chance for the weekend, if I have anything to say about it."]
Her grin is playful, and full of earnest promise.
(set: $MovReward to 1)
[[Best get some sleep.->Session3Sleep]](if: $MovWinner is "Red")[<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
$Shunne nods, your choice having clearly been the one she had expected. "I accept, of course, but could I perhaps pass this reward onto another, perhaps--"
She's cut off by $Cyn, who shakes her head. "No. That maternal streak might be running hot now, $Shunne, but tomorrow my $Red will be grateful for the break she won-- I'm sure of it. But for now? I think it would be best if we all got a bit of rest. This will be your last chance for the weekend, if I have anything to say about it."](if: $MovWinner is "Yellow")[<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
$Cinni deflates a bit. "Aww, long marches feel *good.* Thanks, $Name, but..."
"You need practice accepting gifts, as $Cinni *and* $Yellow," $Cyn intervenes. "And you might be happy for the chance for a rest after a few hours in the harness anyway. For now? I think it would be best if we all got a bit of rest. This will be your last chance for the weekend, if I have anything to say about it."](if: $MovWinner is "Blue")[<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
$Sava nods, breathing a sigh of relief. "I... actually really appreciate that. I've always said that we don't need to be marched so hard every day..."
$Cyn is quick to reply to that. "$Blue doesn't get a choice, and besides, she's not even literate-- how could she ever know what was best for herself?" That shuts down $Sava quick enough, as your shared Mistress continues. "Anyway, I think it would be best if we all got a bit of rest? This will be your last chance for the weekend, if I have anything to say about it."](if: $MovWinner is "Silver")[<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
$Jino's usually stoic demeanor betrays a bit of surprise, but she's quick to give an approving nod. "Only a foolish pony turns away the chance to take a break. Mistress works us hard."
$Cyn openly smirks at that. "I take pride in that. For now, I think it would be best if we all got a bit of rest. This will be your last chance for the weekend, if I have anything to say about it."]
Her grin is playful, and full of earnest promise.
(set: $MovReward to 2)
[[Best get some sleep.->Session3Sleep]](if: $MovWinner is "Red")[<img alt="redbody" src="images/red/redbody.png"/>
$Shunne gasps at your choice, her eyes wide beneath her mask. "That is... particularly cruel, $Name! Posture training with a full stallion in a breeding mount is--"
"--torture," $Cyn smirks, nodding. "Yes it is, $Red. But I don't think you should spend the night alone in the stables, hmm?"](if: $MovWinner is "Yellow")[<img alt="yellowbody" src="images/yellow/yellowbody.png"/>
$Cinni's usual ebullient movements freeze. "Umm, I don't think you've ever done it before, $Name, but posture training is... uh..."
"It is torture," $Cyn smirks, nodding. "Yes it is, $Yellow. But I don't think you should spend the night alone in the stables, hmm?"](if: $MovWinner is "Blue")[<img alt="bluebody" src="images/blue/bluebody.jpg"/>
$Sava startles into sudden attention, staring at you as if you had just slapped her. "You have no idea what posture training is, do you? Or that Mistress *always* punishes you too if you volunteer someone!
"My $Blue is right," $Cyn smirks. "It is torturous, and I don't think she should spend the night in the stables alone..."](if: $MovWinner is "Silver")[<img alt="silverbody" src="images/silver/silverbody.png"/>
$Jino's usually stoic nature holds, but she does respond immediately-- not to you, but to $Cyn. "I am always in need of further training, Mistress-- but so too is $Violet. Would you allow her to join me tonight?"
The prospect earns an immediate smirk from the human, her eyes gleaming. "What a *delightful* idea."]
Your Mistress turns to you, two outstretched fingers tapping her chin. "You won't have your stallion yet, $Name, but it would be good practice for you to practice in a breeding mount, wouldn't it? And its only fair, if you volunteered (if: $MovWinner is "Red")[$Red](if: $MovWinner is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $MovWinner is "Blue")[$Blue](if: $MovWinner is "Silver")[$Silver], that you undergo the same training yourself."
(set: $MovReward to 3)
[["Uh... what!?"->WhatBreedMount]]
[["I take it back! Nevermind!"->NevermindBreedMount]]
[["Posture training would do me good, Mistress."->AcceptBreedMount]]You file out with the others, $Sava stretching tiredly, $Shunne speaking quietly with $Cinni. $Cyn walks you all to the door, leaning against the frame as the last of her girls, you, pass out into the hall. From that vantage, she smiles widely, even winking as you notice *everyone* was looking at her. How one woman commanded such power over five others still left you feeling a bit dizzy.
"Rest up," she suggests, crossing her arms. "By this time tomorrow you will all be enslaved, after all. Won't that be fun? Tomorrow morning I will come and get you, as I prepare everything. So keep your comm lines open."
And with that, she waves goodbye, leaving you in the silence of the hallway-- among four other women, each of them hinting at expectant desire. $Cinni is up on her toes, trying (and failing) to contain her enthusiasm. $Shunne is trying to act stately, but you notice her hips twitching. $Sava looks exasperated, as if this was all beneath her-- just as readily as you sense she was flushed beneath her mask, eager to get started. $Jino, always the enigma, is the first to speak up.
"Come on, we really should take her advice. I'll catch you all tomorrow."
[[You each go your separate ways...->NightBefore2]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
"Oh, you heard me," $Cyn replies. "And I'm quite tired, best we get you both locked away quickly, so that I can get some sleep. So!"
She clasps her hands together, the haptic gloves she still wore both muffling the sound a bit, and adding a sequence of little *clicks* that marked where the embedded contacts came together.
"Its up to you, of course, but I *would* recommend getting some sleep, everyone. $Violet, and (if: $MovWinner is "Red")[$Red](if: $MovWinner is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $MovWinner is "Blue")[$Blue](if: $MovWinner is "Silver")[$Silver]? You of course will be doing no such thing. Let's get you suited up."
She doesn't leave you with the opportunity to contest the punishment you effectively volunteered yourself for, nor even suggest she would give you the chance. $Cyn had fully returned to her Mistress persona, and only pauses to snap her fingers twice before turning towards the kitchen-- and her workshop beyond it.
"Come on, sluts!"
[[To your own shame, you follow.->Early2ndSuit]]
[[To your own pride, you follow.->Early2ndSuit]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
"Too late for that," $Cyn replies. "And I'm quite tired, best we get you both locked away quickly, so that I can get some sleep. So!"
She clasps her hands together, the haptic gloves she still wore both muffling the sound a bit, and adding a sequence of little *clicks* that marked where the embedded contacts came together.
"Its up to you, of course, but I *would* recommend getting some sleep, everyone. $Violet, and (if: $MovWinner is "Red")[$Red](if: $MovWinner is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $MovWinner is "Blue")[$Blue](if: $MovWinner is "Silver")[$Silver]? You of course will be doing no such thing. Let's get you suited up."
She doesn't leave you with the opportunity to contest the punishment you effectively volunteered yourself for, nor even suggest she would give you the chance. $Cyn had fully returned to her Mistress persona, and only pauses to snap her fingers twice before turning towards the kitchen-- and her workshop beyond it.
"Come on, sluts!"
[[To your own shame, you follow.->Early2ndSuit]]
[[To your own pride, you follow.->Early2ndSuit]]<img alt="cyncasual" src="images/cyn/cyncasual.png"/>
"Good girl." $Cyn replies. "But, best we get you both locked away quickly, so that I can get some sleep. So!"
She clasps her hands together, the haptic gloves she still wore both muffling the sound a bit, and adding a sequence of little *clicks* that marked where the embedded contacts came together.
"Its up to you, of course, but I *would* recommend getting some sleep, everyone. $Violet, and (if: $MovWinner is "Red")[$Red](if: $MovWinner is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $MovWinner is "Blue")[$Blue](if: $MovWinner is "Silver")[$Silver]? You of course will be doing no such thing. Let's get you suited up."
She doesn't leave you with the opportunity to contest the punishment you effectively volunteered yourself for, nor even suggest she would give you the chance. $Cyn had fully returned to her Mistress persona, and only pauses to snap her fingers twice before turning towards the kitchen-- and her workshop beyond it.
"Come on, sluts!"
[[To your own shame, you follow.->Early2ndSuit]]
[[To your own pride, you follow.->Early2ndSuit]]$Cyn retreats towards her workshop, and you of course follow-- with (if: $MovWinner is "Red")[$Red](if: $MovWinner is "Yellow")[$Yellow](if: $MovWinner is "Blue")[$Blue](if: $MovWinner is "Silver")[$Silver] walking beside you. The others begin to break up the meeting, undoubtedly heading for bed as your Mistress suggested, but the other quarian at your side leans in to whisper.
(if: $MovWinner is "Red")["It won't be as bad as I suggested," $Shunne tries to assure you, obviously a bit anxious she had startled you with her earlier response. Her tone warms, and you get the sense she was blushing as she continues. "Being put into a breeding mount always gets to me... I'm sorry I won't be of much comfort to you, once we... begin, as they say."](if: $MovWinner is "Yellow")["Oh, you're in for it now, $Violet!" $Cinni was using your pony name, and sounding quite excited besides. "I kinda want to be angry at you, for volunteering... but I also kinda want to hug you for getting me into my slave suit a few hours earlier."
She *does* hug you then, an awkward thing as you're both still walking. "Just remember to keep your cunt up, okay? That's the most important part in this. Presenting yourself, like a good breeder!"](if: $MovWinner is "Blue")["Great idea, $Name," $Sava huffs, her arms crossed beneath her chest. "It was a trap, this *reward*, if that wasn't clear. And you're lucky-- you don't even have a stallion yet. I do."
Strangely, as you look at her, you get the sense $Sava was... flustered? *Excited?* Eventually she notices your look, and huffs anew.](if: $MovWinner is "Silver")["I prefer being the first into the harness," $Jino somewhat confides in you, although the way she keeps her mask forward, its almost as if she were talking solely for her own benefit. "You experienced it, a bit, during your first march-- seeing the others in their regular suits, while you've been made into a pony. It... is... something you can enjoy, if you have the mind for it."]
[[Silence overtakes you both as you approach the dressing machine.->Early2ndSuit2]]You stand in full *Inspection Pose*, as defined by your Mistress. That meant your legs spread, your back straight, your chest thrust out, and your chin up-- presenting yourself for a process that was as much visual as it was physical. $Cyn always made every effort to ensure your gear was both safe and inescapable, and as always she begins with your harness, checking the various buckles and straps with a demanding eye. Where she finds any bit of liberty, the barest hint of looseness, she tightens the offending strap immediately, until you're embraced in the full body sensation of tight bondage.
Yet she's hardly done there. Next came the individual component section of your inspection, a testament to just how often she seemed to be improving components of your suit-- just as she worked to improve your very body, molding it to your role as slave and animal like so much wet clay.
Where would she focus today?
(if: $InnyPiercing is 7)[[[Your piercings...->PostStage2Pierce]]](else-if: $InnyPiercing is 6)[[[Your piercings...->Stage2InnyTalk]]](else-if: $InnyPiercing is 5 or 4)[[[Your piercings...->PostStage1Pierce]]](else-if: $InnyPiercing is 3)[[[Your piercings...->Stage1InnyTalk]]](else:)[[[Your body...->NoPiercings]]]In quick succession she passes her thumbs across your breasts, then sticks two fingers between your legs. The sensation of such utilitarian fondling is as electric as it is fleeting, especially as $Cyn seems more focused on the notes she's making in her omnitool then your body.
"$Violet is fully pierced to pony standards, and is well-accustomed to living day-to-day with the full array. No allergic reactions, and all points of piercing are fully healed. Slave suit integration for full shock and pleasure capabilities are green, she is ready for punishment or reward as necessary..."
Tapping a finger against her lips, $Cyn finally looks to you. "It takes a properly broken slave to seek out the full set. I hope you're enjoying them, $Violet."
[[Next?->InspectStage2]]You're molested almost immediately, $Cyn using three fingers to press and then rub between your legs, against the base of your insert there. As always the nearly frictionless material of your suit makes the experience as teasing as it was exciting, but for the first time her fingers run over the subtle bump of your most intimate of piercings-- the ring installed in your clit.
You nearly swoon right there, your legs quivering. $Cyn and the other girls had promised that such a piercing had to be experienced to be believed, but actually *feeling* the subtle tug on your most sensitive of nubs is almost mind-numbing. Worse, the shifting of your hips in turn moves your plug, its base jostling the clit ring once again. Every step you took would be like this!
"Focus, $Violet," $Cyn d